In April 2023, there will be good luck in making money and friends. The energies will be favorable for networking, socializing, and building relationships that can lead to financial gain.
However, the matriarch and patriarch sectors are severely afflicted this month. This means that there could be tension and conflict within family or authority figures. Aside from wearing and displaying crystals, it is important to practice patience, understanding, and respect towards family members and those in positions of authority.
Overall, April 2023 brings new opportunities and completion luck for everyone. It is a favorable time to pursue new ventures, complete unfinished projects, and set new goals. To further enhance your luck, you can declutter your space and organize your belongings. Make sure to do a cleansing ritual once done.
Be sure to make time for yourself, and explore the new possibilities that come your way. This could be a great time for settling into a new routine that allows you to make more meaningful connections in life. Remember to trust your intuition as well; this could be very advantageous in making decisions that bring luck and success your way. With a little bit of effort, this month can be filled with positive results, so don’t forget to give importance to your luck by reading the forecast below.
Have an awesome April, everyone!

Luck Rating: 3 out of 5
RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)
A month of poor energy is ahead of you. You have a low level of energy and are susceptible to illness. Keep a balance between work and life. Watch your diet and maintain a comfortable pace. Pay attention to your body to reap the rewards of your labor. To aid with your recovery, meditate using the HOWLITE AND CLEAR QUARTZ GURU BESPANGLED 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. Because you are prone to accidents, be more careful. A TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET on your left hand will keep negative energies at bay. Take time to enjoy the small things in life and take more breaks. Older Rats should exercise greater caution because they may have some chronic conditions. Pay a visit to a medical professional as soon as symptoms appear.
You must let certain opportunities pass if you believe that you cannot handle additional work given your low energy levels. Throughout the upcoming months, you will be given several chances. Never be embarrassed to ask for assistance if you need it. Boost your communication skills with an ANGELITE BRACELET.
While it is not an excellent time to introduce new products, and services or grow your company, some partnerships can be advantageous. Save your resources and effort for more promising opportunities. If you must, delegate; your team is more than capable. Seal the luck that is coming your way with the 9-EYE DZI BEAD SILVER PENDANT.
Even with poor energy levels, your love luck improves. The companionship of friends will be satisfying, single Rats have to concentrate on work-related activities. To prevent disagreements, couples need to communicate more. An AMAZONITE SLAB / PLATE placed near your nightstand will provide you loving energies and will assist you in communicating your feelings with your partner. Cleanse your spaces with OM INCENSE STICKS to drive negative chi away.

Luck Rating: 3 out of 5
OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Your life will benefit from a rising repute and improved wealth luck thanks to the prosperous winds your sign will have this April. Don’t let this fortunate time pass you by because its energy amplifies all of your other auspicious stars’ energies, which might lead to some fantastic things happening for you. For focus and wealth luck, meditate using GOLD TIGER’S EYE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. Cleanse your dwellings with LEMONGRASS INCENSE STICKS, the scent will not only refresh your areas, it will also reset the energy in your atmosphere.
You’ll have plenty to do at work, but you’ll also have to deal with envious coworkers. If you can, try to be more patient with your critics, but if you must respond, remember to be kind and polite about it. Charm your colleagues and your superiors with a MOONSTONE BRACELET. Its loving energies will permeate your environment and it will foster love and cooperation. You will receive the assistance and direction you require from a senior employee who will serve as your mentor in the office.
Entrepreneurs must constantly look for fresh approaches to promoting their goods and services. You’ll have a consistent income coming in, and you’ll get to work with other creatives. Break all obstacles and secure your wins by carrying or wearing the GANESHA SQUARE SILVER PENDANT.
Because of your professional obligations, you will have to sacrifice some of your valuable time with your partner, so make an extra effort at home and don’t forget to tell those you love that you love them. If you decide the leave your home for a quick vacation with your loved ones, remember to wear the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5
TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)
You should use this month to create the groundwork for your future. Do not sit on your luck because you will have several possibilities that could result in good profits. Be careful not to take on more than you can handle, however, the more work you put into your projects or chores. Wearing the ZEN-STYLE AMAZONITE WITH AVENTURINE BUDDHA HEAD GURU JAPA MALA NECKLACE around your neck will assist with your wealth manifestation. There can also be unforeseen costs, so make an effort to budget your money effectively to avoid having to withdraw cash.
Do what you do best and concentrate on your job while keeping up excellent relationships at work because your strong work ethic and capacity to complete projects with little to no supervision will help you get a promotion. Chant and wear the tone of the most powerful mantras on Earth, and carry the VICTORIAN OM SILVER PENDANT to help you during trying times. As there will be some jealous coworkers lurking around, wear the BETRAYAL & BACKSTABING PROTECTION BRACELET, this will aid you in balancing out some antagonistic energy in the workplace. You’ll have a smooth month if you maintain a polite attitude. On your daily commute, remember to wear the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET to help you ward off negative energies.
To be able to enjoy your loved ones’ company, try to establish a healthy work-life balance. To prevent misunderstandings, couples should communicate more openly. Singles are encouraged to go on dates, but they must take things slowly and enjoy themselves. Keep your heart in tip-top shape and guard your emotions by keeping a BLOODSTONE CRYSTAL POINT/ TOWER / GENERATOR / WAND near you at all times. Cleanse your homes with SAGE INCENSE STICKS to drive away unwanted chi.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5
RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
Because you will have the favorable energies of love, unity, and cooperation, romance will permeate the air. Disputes will be resolved, and unforgettable moments are waiting ahead for lovers. The GOLDEN BLUE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE will assist you as you communicate your thoughts and feelings. At work, you will have the support of your coworkers, and your superiors will notice your efforts and your commitment to the company. Create strategic alliances with coworkers to help you perform better and get better results by the end of the month. The powerful CITRINE BRACELET is a popular wealth attraction stone, make sure you have it to lock your luck.
Businessmen must establish a rapport with important clients and suppliers and use their network to their advantage if they need more assistance. Don’t discount your team’s suggestions; they will be valuable. The ARTSY OM SILVER PENDANT when worn attracts positive chi, this will bring your favors and will clear obstacles along your way.
If you are single, take use of your auspicious love vibrations. A trip to the beach is advised but make sure you carry the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET when you travel with your partner. But individuals who are in relationships need to exercise caution because there is also a chance of third-party involvement. Protect yourself from heartbreak, wear the THIRD-PARTY PROTECTION BRACELET and place a ROSE QUARTZ PLATE / SLAB on your nightstands to promote love and romance. Cleanse your bedrooms and homes with the KAMA SUTRA INCENSE STICKS every other night to help bring romance back into the partnership.

Luck Rating: 1 out of 5
DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
This month, your sign will be subject to some unfavorable energies, therefore you are encouraged to keep quiet and use greater caution in your regular activities. Keep and carry the HOWLITE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE for it brings peace and harmony. Do not engage in hazardous activities or go out late at night. Money luck will also be weak, so keep an eye on where your money is going and avoid unsafe easy-money schemes. Wear white, gold, and crystals that correspond with these colors to offset negative chi. YELLOW SELENITE BRACELET cleanses its owner’s aura while it also brings wealth luck.
There will be some challenges at work. It is best to give opportunities some thought if they are offered to you because now is not the time to take on more than you can handle. Your relationship luck is poor as well, so try to work alone and steer clear of office politics and gossip. Those in business should be more conservative and are advised to hold product launches and expansion plans. It is simply not the time to be adventurous. Break obstacles with the GANESHA SQUARE SILVER PENDANT and for good Feng Shui, place a YOOPERLITE GENERATOR and clear your spaces with OM INCENSE STICKS.
It is not recommended for singles to go on dates or meet new people. Instead, they should concentrate on their work because there is a lot to do there. There will be some difficult periods in relationships, and the Dragon should control his or her fury. To avoid hurting your significant other, be kinder in your words and deeds. During this time, the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET is also helpful to ensure sojourns to the beach or the highlands will be safe.

Luck Rating: 1 out of 5
SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
This month will bring you some mishaps, so keep things low-key and avoid taking any unnecessary risks. Be more cautious, avoid going out after dark, and keep your valuables locked up at all times. Focus on your long-term goals and plan forward now so that when things start to improve, you will have a clearer road map. Be more watchful and suspicious of swindlers at work. Make sure your chakras are aligned to ensure your body and mind can keep up with the challenges of the month. Carry the GOLDEN PRIDE GEMSTONE BRACELET. There will be some rivalry at work, but try not to allow it to make you angry. Instead, concentrate more on the things you need to complete. Meditating with the LABRADORITE CLASSIC 108 MALA NECKLACE will help you perform your utmost best in the workplace as it promotes focus and it fosters positive cooperation among peers. Never take any chances and double-check both your belongings and your reports. If you are traveling, make sure you have the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET.
Things won’t go as smoothly in business as they once did. Avoid beginning new endeavors, ventures, and partnerships since they will just add to your expenses, time commitments, and stress. To welcome good fortune, burn GREEN TEA INCENSE STICKS around the house to bring peaceful yet invigorating vibrations. Place a CITRINE PLATE/SLAB or PYRITE CRYSTAL POINT/GENERATOR/SLAB on your work desk to invite wealth luck.
It is not a good time to meet new people, thus singles are encouraged not to go on dates. There will be more conflict at home, so partners are recommended to pay closer attention to each other’s wants and feelings. Be more understanding and patient.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5
HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
This month will be filled with favorable vibes for you. You’ll achieve significant milestones and have a successful work life. Don’t pass up prospects or new initiatives at work. The extremely lucky CITRINE BRACELET will help you land better deals and will help you manifest good fortunes. Do not be scared to share your thoughts since the more effort you put in, the better the rewards will be. A LAPIS LAZULI CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE hanging on your neck will help boost confidence during pitches and client proposals.
Entrepreneurs should take more risks. This is a fantastic moment to create and roll out new initiatives, marketing, and partnerships. To bring positive vibrations at all times, wear the STAR OF DAVID SILVER PENDANT. On your desk or drawer, place an AVENTURINE SLAB/PLATE to help you double your luck.
For singles, it is a fantastic time to venture out and make new friends. Your work will eat up most of your time, so just enjoy socializing for now and do not rush getting into a relationship. A ROSE QUARTZ GEM TREE placed near your bed will help you attract the right partner. To rekindle passions, couples should go on more holidays together. During your journey, make sure you have the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET to drive away negativity and mishaps. In your homes, make sure you burn OM INCENSE STICKS to drive away bad chi.

Luck Rating: 1 out of 5
SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
Your tempers will be out of control this month, and even the smallest things will set you off. Get better at leaving tense situations and being more diplomatic. Failure to exercise control could harm relationships permanently and result in legal action. Put on red to ward against this bad energy. Also, the calming energy of the OCEAN JASPER CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE will help dissipate anger and irritability. The STRESS PROTECTION BRACELET will help you manage your daily dealings with colleagues and superiors in the workplace. On your daily commute to work, make sure you carry the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET to drive bad luck away.
Relations will be competitive and tight at work. It will be better for you to work independently and to avoid office politics and gossip. It is advisable to refrain from taking offense if you will be the focus of office rumors. Maintain composure and concentrate on your responsibilities instead.
Businessmen will encounter several stressful situations at work. Do all in your power to exercise patience and tact to prevent disagreement because hostility will be felt on all fronts, from clients to employees to suppliers. The TREE OF LIFE SILVER PENDANT will help you manifest your company’s growth and potential to expand.
Conflicts and challenges will arise for those who are in partnerships. To prevent your relationship from failing, learn to leave as soon as the tension starts to build. The loving vibrations of the PLUM BLOSSOM JASPER GENERATOR / TOWER / WAND will bring in love vibrations and will help pacify tense situations. It is suggested that singles spend more time alone and utilize this period to think about what they actually desire. Cleansing your abodes with FENG SHUI FIRE INCENSE will help bring passion and romance.

Luck Rating: 2 out of 5
MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
You sign will be visited by hostile winds and argumentative energies. Be more considerate and patient this month. If you don’t, you risk losing your relationships and your job or face legal issues. Avoid confrontations and do not make big plans yet. Try to work alone as much as you can. There is a major risk of violence and malicious rumors may spread which can damage your reputation. The BAD REPUTATION & GOSSIP PROTECTION BRACELET will help you during this trying period. Stay calm and grounded through mediation using the PREHNITE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE.
Avoid being overly critical and hold back your opinions in the workplace until you have given them some thought. If you can, keep your opinions to yourself; otherwise, you run the danger of alienating friends and losing the respect and confidence of coworkers. You should always err on the side of caution and exercise care with your words and acts since everything you say or could be taken the wrong way. Tame your temper and attract wealth and opportunities, wear the PERIDOT BRACELET.
Businessmen are encouraged to maintain their composure, keep quiet, and postpone any expansion plans. Partnerships and collaborations with new people are discouraged because they will only result in further setbacks and unwelcome difficulties. Do more and stay focused on what needs to be done, place the FLUORITE PLATE / SLAB, SMOKY QUARTZ GENERATOR / TOWER on your work desk.
It is best if you remain alone for now and try not to meet new people and friends. Couples must be more patient with each other and are encouraged to do less stressful activities and must remember to keep things light until the end of the month. If you must travel, be it for work or leisure, carry the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET.

Luck Rating: 5 out of 5
ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
This month will be very lucky for you. Your job will be well-received, and your cash flow will be favorable. Despite the ease with which money may come to you, it is advisable to exercise caution and save money for unexpected expenses. Attract wealth and loyal clients and suppliers with the AQUAMARINE 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. Make intelligent decisions and prudent investments to build a larger safety net. For sharp decision-making and clear thoughts, a CLEAR QUARTZ ADJUSTABLE SILVER RING on your finger will definitely help.
You will have the respect and confidence of your superiors at work, and your peers will value the work you do. The company will recognize your value. Even though everything will go well, it is not a good idea to rest on your laurels. Increase your efforts to reap larger benefits.
People who are in business should learn to broaden their connections and use these strategically to close agreements and collaborate with other businesses and organizations. This is a wonderful time to make changes if you want to do so without interrupting your operations. If you are traveling, make sure you have the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET.
Singles and those who are in relationships must place an ANYOLITE (RUBY IN ZOISITE) CRYSTAL POINT / GENERATOR / WAND near their bedrooms to help attract love and romance. For space clearing, the energizing aroma of COFFEE INCENSE STICKS will bring and help move positive chi.

Luck Rating: 1 out of 5
DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
This month, betrayals, robberies, and financial losses will have a negative impact on your sign, so you should be careful in all of your dealings. You are also vulnerable to swindlers and traitors. For added protection, chant a mantra using the RED CARNELIAN OM BESPANGLED JAPA MALA NECKLACE. Don’t share too much information with both old and new acquaintances, and avoid posting anything online that could be used against you. There is a significant risk of violence. To protect your personal safety, use caution, avoid going out late at night, and stay away from suspicious-looking places. Wear a ROUND RUBY BRACELET and make sure you have the MONEY LOSS PROTECTION BRACELET to save you from losing your fortunes. And night and during long journeys, wear the TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET.
There will be hostile coworkers and numerous naysayers, including your supervisors. Be diplomatic and become adept at workplace politics; avoid gossip, remain quiet, and take no sides. Be impartial and try not to incur the ire of those with jealous eyes. The DOUBLE DORJE SILVER PENDANT will help you combat bad energies.
This month, businesspeople run the risk of meeting the wrong kind of individuals. Avoid doing business with someone you hardly know, and be extra careful with anyone you’ve done business with in the past. Really, now is not the time to embark on adventures or make expansion plans. Additionally, there can be traitors hiding out within your group; if you need to approach them, exercise caution and diplomacy. Hold your facts and exercise diplomacy.
Love affairs also don’t seem to be promising. If you feel the need to propose, wait until the next month when your sign’s prospects would be more favorable. There will always be disagreements and doubts about trust between spouses. Be more patient, and never forget to honor your commitments to your relationship. It is important to stick by your partner and not be swayed by doubters when things do not work out. Clear your spaces with OM INCENSE STICKS every other night.

Luck Rating: 1 out of 5
BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
This month, your sign presents a large threat of peril, loss, and violence. Do everything you can to protect your homes and make security your first priority because if you don’t, your personal safety will be put in jeopardy. Carry protection stones whenever you can and add the VIOLENCE & BURGLARY PROTECTION BRACELET to your arsenal of crystals, and stay inside your house unless absolutely essential. Chant protection mantras using the BLACK TOURMALINE 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. Avoid parties that go late at night, and limit your travel. Be prudent with your money and refrain from investing for the time being. Keep quiet and avoid interacting with anyone outside your inner circle. Avoid conflicts by remaining courteous and diplomatic. Additionally, your reputation is on the line, so be discreet and refrain from posting personal things online.
You need to be more resolute at work because you’ll run into obstacles, mudslinging, and betrayals. Opening up about your personal life and affairs now is not a good idea. Even the individuals you think you can rely on can betray you, whether on purpose or accidentally. Keep an eye out for anyone trying to harm you. For good Feng Shui, place a BLACK TOURMALINE CRYSTAL POINT GENERATOR/TOWER/WAND near your home’s entrances. A BLACK OBSIDIAN PLATE / SLAB on your work desk will dissipate negative chi and drive people with bad intentions away from you.
Avoid taking risks and manage your wealth conservatively in business. Stay out of your staff’s internal disputes and dangerous investments. Be impartial.
It is advisable for singles not to entertain suitors because doing so will just attract the wrong stock. There will be difficult times in a couple’s relationship, and a breakup is a possibility. A daily space clearing with CALIFORNIA WHITE SAGE INCENSE STICKS will help you through this difficult time. Brace yourself, this month is not good for your sign. The TRAVEL & ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET is also helpful to ensure journeys will be safe.