Healing Crystals and Gemstones For Your Life Path

Numerology is a system of belief that assigns mystical and spiritual meanings to numbers. Each number is thought to correspond with certain characteristics and traits. According to numerology, your life path number is the most important number in your chart, as it represents the path you are meant to follow in this life.

The gemstones and crystals associated with your life path number can help you to better understand and manifest the qualities associated with that number.

It is recommended that we use crystals to help guide us down the path of life most fulfilling for us.

Not only is it helpful to be aware of our Life Path Number and the qualities that come with it, but utilizing crystal healing will allow us to live a satisfying life path. Crystals and gemstones are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also possess energies that have the ability to heal us mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Crystal healing and numerology are both based on the idea of energy, so they are naturally related to each other. If you want to boost your strengths and address weaknesses, consider using crystals that correspond to your Life Path Number.

Although crystals are beneficial for life in general, there is a combination of gemstones that will cater to each Life Path Number.

The Mala Tree’s research efforts have focused on finding the right crystals and gemstones to help people unlock their true potential and live a life that is most fulfilling for them. After studying numerology and the qualities associated with each Life Path Number, we have determined specific crystal combinations that can help you enhance your strengths and address any weaknesses you may have.

The Mala Tree’s LIFE PATH GUIDANCE Bracelet Collection

Together with Lava Stone which is the ultimate stone for positive change, the crystals in your Life Path Bracelets will guide and lead you to the best possible version of yourself as you continue your journey to achieve life’s wonderful blessings and abundance.

Numerology: The Meaning of Your Life Path Number

Your Life Path number is the most important number in your numerology chart. It uncovers your most gratifying path and the essential lessons you are here to discover during this lifetime. This number is significant as it can offer guidance on your life’s purpose and the ideal path to take in order to achieve your highest potential.

The Life Path number is not something that you can change, it is set for life. However, it is important to note that it is only one part of your numerology chart and should be considered alongside the other numbers in your chart to get a complete picture of who you are.

The Life Path number is derived from your date of birth and represents who you are at your core. It is the sum of all the digits in your birth date. Find out how you can calculate your Life Path number below.


To calculate your Life Path number, you will need your birth date.

Start by adding up all of the digits in your birth date. For example, if you were born on September 12, 1985, you would add 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 to get 35.

Next, reduce this number by adding up the digits. In this example, you would add 3 + 5 to get 8.

Your Life Path number is 8.


Now that you know how to calculate your Life Path number, it’s time to find out what it means.

The Mala Tree’s LIFE PATH GUIDANCE Bracelet Collection

Together with Lava Stone which is the ultimate stone for positive change, the crystals in your Life Path Bracelets will guide and lead you to the best possible version of yourself as you continue your journey to achieve life’s wonderful blessings and abundance.

Life Path 1: The Leader

If your Life Path number is 1, you are a natural leader. You are confident and driven, and you possess the courage to pursue your dreams. You are independent and like to be in control. You are a go-getter who is always moving forward.

You have high standards and expect the same from others. You are a good problem solver and have a knack for coming up with creative solutions. You are quick-minded and always ready for anything.

Your biggest challenge is learning to delegate and trust others. You need to learn to take breaks, as you tend to burn out easily. You also need to watch out for being too controlling or bossy.

Life Path 2: The peacemaker

If your Life Path number is 2, you are a peacemaker. You are gentle, sensitive, and compassionate. You highly value harmony and cooperation. You are a good listener and often put the needs of others before your own.

You are patient and have a lot of tact. You are diplomatic and always try to see both sides of every issue. You are a good team player and work well with others.

Your biggest challenge is learning to assert yourself. You sometimes have trouble standing up for what you believe in or voicing your opinions. You also need to watch out for getting taken advantage of or being too passive.

Life Path 3: The creative

If your Life Path number is 3, you are a creative person. You are expressive and charming. You have a lot of talent and potential. You are artistic and have a good eye for detail. You enjoy beauty and loveliness.

You are also very social and outgoing. You enjoy being around people and often have many friends. You are always the life of the party.

Your biggest challenge is learning to focus and finish what you start. You have a tendency to get sidetracked or bored easily. You also need to watch out for being too scattered or indecisive.

Life Path 4: The worker

If your Life Path number is 4, you are a hard worker. You are practical and down-to-earth. You like to get things done and take pride in a job well done. You are organized and methodical. You have high standards and always try to do your best.

You are also loyal and dependable. You can be counted on to follow through and get things done. You are patient and consistent. You persevere even when things are tough.

Your biggest challenge is learning to relax and take some time for yourself. You tend to work too hard and can burn out easily. You also need to watch out for being too rigid or inflexible.

Life Path 5: The freedom seeker

If your Life Path number is 5, you are a freedom seeker. You crave adventure and excitement. You like to travel and explore new places. You are always on the go and hate feeling tied down.

You are also very adaptable and can quickly adjust to new situations. You are open-minded and willing to try new things. You are flexible and go with the flow.

Your biggest challenge is learning to focus and stay on task. You have a tendency to start many things but never finish them. You also need to watch out for being too scattered or undisciplined.

Life Path 6: The caregiver

If your Life Path number is 6, you are a caregiver. You are nurturing and compassionate. You like to help others and make them feel comfortable. You are always the first to lend a hand or offer a shoulder to cry on.

You are also very family oriented and take your responsibilities to them seriously. You are loyal and supportive. You always try to make things work out for the best.

Your biggest challenge is learning to balance your own needs with the needs of others. You have a tendency to put everyone else first and neglect yourself. You also need to watch out for getting taken advantage of or being too much of a doormat.

Life Path 7: The thinker

If your Life Path number is 7, you are a thinker. You are introspective and analytical. You like to spend time alone thinking about life and the universe. You enjoy deep conversations and exploring different ideas.

You are also very wise and insightful. You often have a deep understanding of things that others do not. You are a good listener and people often come to you for advice.

Your biggest challenge is learning to trust your intuition. You sometimes second-guess yourself or overthink things. You also need to watch out for getting too caught up in your own head.

Life Path 8: The achiever

If your Life Path number is 8, you are an achiever. You are ambitious and goal-oriented. You are always striving to be the best and reach the top. You are confident and know how to get things done.

You are also very independent and resourceful. You like to be in control and call the shots. You are a natural leader.

Your biggest challenge is learning to delegate and let others help you. You have a tendency to try to do everything yourself. You also need to watch out for being too controlling or bossy.

Life Path 9: The humanitarian

If your Life Path number is 9, you are a humanitarian. You are compassionate and caring. You are always looking out for the welfare of others. You have a strong sense of justice and fair play.

You are also very giving and generous. You like to help those in need. You are always willing to lend a hand or give someone a helping hand up.

Your biggest challenge is learning to strike a balance between giving and receiving. You have a tendency to give too much of yourself and end up feeling used or taken advantage of. You also need to watch out for being too idealistic or unrealistic.

All of the life path numbers are important and have their own unique strengths and challenges. No one is perfect, and we all have to learn how to deal with our weaknesses as well as our strengths. It is up to you to decide what you want to do with your life and how you want to make a difference in the world. With determination and hard work, anything is possible. We wish you the best on your journey!

Numerology and Your Life Path

Numerology can be used to make decisions about many things in life, such as where to live, what kind of job to pursue, or what kind of person to date. It can also help individuals understand themselves better and point them in the right direction.


Numerology is the practice that believes there is a connection between numbers and life events and occurrences that directly impact one’s life. It establishes a link between numbers and their unique vibrations and a person’s characteristics and destiny. It can be used to define direction and meaning, forecast or predict trends or tendencies, and the influences that affect one’s life. These numbers have an impact on our personality and potential, making them a good guide for a person to attain a sense of fulfillment.


The most important number in numerology is your Life Path number. This number is derived from your birth date and represents who you are at your core. It reveals your talents, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges.

Knowing your Life Path number can give you a greater understanding of your purpose in life and the gifts and challenges you will face.

In astrology, the zodiac signs and the planets are tied with certain elements and distinctions to the study of numerology. Numbers are associated with some characteristics and traits—patterns. These data provided by the planets, the stars, and numbers are used to offer a greater understanding of personality, the future, and one’s destiny. Even the great philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras acknowledged and believed in this philosophy.

The most important number in numerology is the Life Path Number. The LIFE PATH NUMBER reflects who you are, your personality, the opportunities, and challenges you may face, and the lessons you need to learn. Each number from 1 to 9 has a different special meaning. These numbers are engraved on your birthday which is made up of numbers.

Read a detailed article about how to compute your life path number and the meaning of each life path number HERE.

Numerology is an interesting and unique way to look at life. It can provide insights into our personalities and help us understand ourselves better. The most important number in numerology is the Life Path number, which reveals our talents, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. Knowing your Life Path number can give you a greater understanding of your purpose in life and the gifts and challenges you will face.