July 2024 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast for the 12 Animal Signs

GENERAL OUTLOOK                                                                                  

In July 2024, individuals should prepare for a time of continued growth and the potential for significant learning experiences. Professional life may present hurdles, but these challenges are opportunities in disguise, offering the chance for skill enhancement and career progression. Adaptability and focus will be key as changes in the workplace demand flexibility and a proactive mindset. Financially, the month calls for cautious management. It is not a time for risky investments or expecting windfalls; instead, steady financial planning and stability should be the goal. 

Relationships in July are set to flourish, providing many with the opportunity to strengthen their bonds and enjoy harmonious connections. It’s a favorable period for love and friendships, with the potential for reconciling past differences and starting anew. Open communication and empathy will play a significant role in nurturing these relationships, ensuring that any minor disputes are resolved with understanding and patience. 

Health-wise, July emphasizes the importance of moderation and balance. Overindulgence, particularly in dining, should be avoided to maintain well-being. It’s a month to be mindful of lifestyle choices and to prioritize health, avoiding excesses that could lead to complications. By focusing on a balanced approach to life, individuals can navigate through July with vitality and good health, making the most of the opportunities for personal and professional growth that the month offers. In July 2024, individuals should prepare for a season of introspection and personal development. As the summer unfolds, the longer days and warmer weather provide the perfect backdrop for self-reflection and goal-setting. Take this time to consider where you are on your life’s journey and where you wish to go. Setting clear, achievable goals will help you harness the energy of the month to make tangible progress in your personal aspirations. 

In the realm of creativity, July 2024 is ripe with inspiration. Whether you’re an artist, writer, or simply looking to infuse more creativity into your daily life, the vibrant energy of the month will support your endeavors. Engage with new hobbies, explore different forms of expression, and don’t be afraid to share your creations with the world. Community involvement and social activities will also be highlighted during this month. Consider participating in local events, volunteering, or simply spending more time with your community. These interactions not only enrich your social life but also contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose. 

As the month draws to a close, take time to reflect on your achievements and the lessons learned. Gratitude for the experiences of July will set a positive tone for the months to come. Embrace the journey, stay true to your path, and remember that each step forward, no matter how small, is a step toward a brighter future. Set sail on a journey toward joy and prosperity! Dive into your Feng Shui animal sign predictions and embrace our guidance for a month brimming with wealth and wellness. Don’t miss out—your roadmap to a thriving and vibrant month awaits below!


The forecast for Rats in July 2024 indicates a challenging period that requires caution, adaptability, and a focus on maintaining harmony in relationships. Rats should be vigilant this month, as success may require stepping out of their comfort zone and embracing new opportunities. Change and minor upheavals are possible, but they can lead to discovering untapped potential. 

Money & WealthJ

July 2024 may present financial challenges for Rat individuals, with the potential for unexpected expenses and fluctuations in income. While basic needs will likely be met, it’s not a month to anticipate bonuses or extra earnings. Caution is advised against speculative investments, as they may lead to financial instability. It’s a time to be prudent and focus on maintaining a steady financial foundation. To enhance financial stability and protect against losses, consider wearing the Pyrite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and meditate with it each evening while reciting your favorite wealth mantra. 

Love & Relationships

For those unmarried Rat natives, minor disputes with partners over trivial matters may occur. It’s important to practice empathy and tolerance, looking at situations from your partner’s perspective. This approach can help smooth over any disagreements and strengthen the relationship. For all Rats, nurturing understanding and patience in relationships is key this month. Enhance love luck and happiness by wearing the Sitting Ganesha with Om Background Silver Pendant

Business & Career

Rats may face professional hurdles, including workplace disputes and the potential for serious mistakes. It’s crucial to remain neutral and avoid complex situations at work. Say goodbye to office politics and rumor-mongering colleagues with a Red Carnelian Bracelet. Business owners should be meticulous when reviewing contracts to prevent deception. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Kindness on your main entrance to invite positivity while shielding your business from energy vampires. Despite challenges, there are opportunities for professional growth if Rats are willing to embrace change and adapt. To support career success and protect against professional setbacks, consider placing an Aventurine Money Tree on your work desk. 


Despite challenges, there are opportunities for professional growth if Rats are willing to embrace change and adapt. Travel comes along these opportunities, but never leave your office and home without the bestselling Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet to support you during your voyage. To support career success and protect against professional setbacks, consider burning several pieces of Fortune Builder Incense Sticks each morning before leaving your house. 


The forecast for Ox individuals in July 2024 suggests a period of stability with opportunities for growth and harmony in personal relationships. July 2024 is a time for Ox individuals to maintain a positive mindset and value moments of peace. It’s advisable to be friendly and avoid unnecessary conflicts, especially in competitive business environments. 

Money & Wealth

July 2024 brings a moderate financial outlook for Ox individuals, with no significant work promotions to boost income. However, there may be unexpected gains through investments like stocks or lotteries, though these should not be relied upon as a primary source of income. It’s essential to invest cautiously and avoid being swayed by others’ advice to prevent potential losses. Maintaining financial prudence will help keep overall luck from declining. Boost your wealth luck during this crucial period with the Aventurine Bodhi Bespangled 108 Mala and use it as a tool during meditation. Keep the lucky vibes running by wearing it as a necklace every day. 

Love & Relationships

The love life of Oxen is expected to be harmonious in July 2024, with no significant conflicts anticipated for those in relationships or married. It’s a favorable time to enjoy the company of your partner and strengthen your bond. For those who have experienced past disagreements, this is an opportune moment for reconciliation and mending relationships. Bring peace and harmony into the relationship by placing a Howlite Plate/Slab inside the living room. The serene vibrations of this stone will dispel aggressive energies, replacing them with peace and tranquility. Single individuals should carefully assess potential partners before entering into relationships. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Optimism near your bedroom window and remember to manifest your dream relationship before you sleep. Carrying the Om and Lotus Silver Pendant each day will also help boost your love luck. 


Ox individuals should pay attention to their health by not overindulging, even if dining out becomes more frequent. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is key to preserving good health throughout the month. It’s a time to focus on well-being and avoid excesses that could lead to health issues. Boost your health and your well-being by wearing a Malachite Bracelet

Business & Career

Ox professionals may experience a shift in their work position, which could lead to faster promotion and growth opportunities. Business owners might see growth but should be prepared to resolve any personnel disputes promptly. Wage-earners should embrace potential changes in personnel as they may open doors for advancement. Staying competitive and motivated is crucial for future achievements. A Citrine Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your work desk will help boost your finances and will bring positive vibes to the workplace. 


The travel prospects for Ox individuals in July 2024 are not highlighted, suggesting a relatively calm period with fewer journeys. It’s a good time to enjoy local surroundings and plan for future travels. For those who do travel, ensuring safety and enjoyment is important. Remember to always carry a Red Jasper Tumbled Stone to protect you during travels.


The overall fate for Tigers in July 2024 remains capricious, with progress proving difficult and troubles causing despair. However, renewed determination and prudence can help overcome these challenges. Unexpected support and allies will provide guidance and inspiration during tough times. Maintaining a calm and courageous attitude will be key to navigating through the month successfully. Meditate and always do a proper reset when things get tough. Use the Amethyst Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace daily before bedtime and carry it with you to envelop yourself in calming energies. 

Money & Wealth

July 2024 may present financial challenges for Tigers, making it difficult to earn additional income. It is crucial to have a well-thought-out consumption plan to avoid falling into debt. While finances are generally stable, unnecessary expenses should be avoided to maintain a healthy financial status. To enhance your wealth luck, wear a Citrine Bracelet to boost your opportunities and help you navigate through challenging times. Unexpected support may come your way, helping you navigate through financial difficulties. For an additional boost in luck, hang the Ojo De Dios of Wish Fulfillment near your main door. Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for financial growth if approached with caution and prudence.

Love & Relationships

Tigers can look forward to a promising romantic life in July 2024. Single Tigers will have numerous opportunities to meet potential partners, making it a favorable time to find true love. Married Tigers will experience harmonious relationships with their spouses, strengthening their emotional bonds. Bad relationships may come to an end, paving the way for new and healthier connections. Follow your heart and carefully discern who is your true love. Display a Rose Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand near your bed to enhance romance and love luck.  


Health luck for Tigers in July 2024 is generally positive, but attention should be given to the health of elder family members. Avoiding highly polluted environments is essential to maintain good health. To enhance the health luck of each member of the family, display a Clear Quartz Orb in the living room. Staying away from dangerous places will also help in preventing accidents and injuries. Regular health check-ups and a balanced diet will contribute to overall well-being. Despite the good health forecast, it is important to remain vigilant and proactive about health matters.

Business & Career

The career aspect for Tigers in July 2024 may be bumpy, with potential mistakes and obstacles at work. These challenges could lead to dissatisfaction from leaders and impact future promotions. However, facing these challenges with determination and prudence can turn the tide in your favor. Unexpected support from allies and inspirations will help you navigate through difficult times. Your calm and courageous attitude may be appreciated by management, leading to potential rewards. To keep negative energies at bay, always carry a Black Tourmaline Tumbled Stone.


Travel plans for Tigers in July 2024 should be approached with caution. While travel may offer opportunities for relaxation and exploration, it is important to avoid dangerous places and highly polluted environments. Planning trips carefully and ensuring safety measures are in place will contribute to a pleasant travel experience. Unexpected support and guidance may come your way during travels, making the journey smoother. To ensure a safe journey, it is recommended that you carry the Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet.


 The forecast for Rabbits in July 2024 is largely positive, with career advancements, financial stability, and romantic fulfillment. Overall, Rabbits will experience a comfortable and burden-free life in July 2024, with the support of auspicious stars. It’s a time to enjoy social positivity and the realization of dreams. 

Money & Wealth

For Rabbits, July 2024 is a time of financial stability, provided they manage their expenses wisely. There’s no need for concern regarding finances as long as spending is kept in check. It’s a period to avoid chasing quick financial wins and instead focus on securing a steady income. This approach will lay the foundation for sustained financial growth. Seal your luck and make sure it stays with you at all times by wearing the All-Garnet Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. For you to able to do more, you need mental clarity and a further boost on your luck, carry or wear the Fancy Jasper Double Terminated Pendant at all times. 

Love & Relationships

The romantic landscape for Rabbits in July 2024 is promising, with potential for new love interests, especially for those recovering from past heartaches. Stable relationships may reach new milestones, such as successful marriage proposals. It’s a favorable time for Rabbits to deepen their commitments. Promote love and passion by displaying the Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz inside the living room or bedroom. 


The health forecast for Rabbits in July 2024 is not specifically mentioned, but maintaining a balanced lifestyle is always beneficial. Ensure that you take care of your physical and emotional well-being during this stable period. Let Ganesha guide you to a more balanced and joyful life. Carry his symbol with the Ganesh Square Silver Pendant to break through obstacles and open doors to wealth, good health, and abundance. Pay attention to the needs and immune systems of the elderly members of the family, and place the Ojo de Dios of Good Health near their bedroom doors. 

Business & Career

Rabbits can expect a fruitful month in their careers, with new plans and projects likely to succeed. Job seekers should remain optimistic as opportunities are on the horizon. Those considering a job change should proceed with caution, ensuring a new contract is secured before leaving their current position. Open the doors of opportunities with the Aquamarine Bracelet. Each morning, allow good energy to come inside your homes and offices by burning several sticks of Yin Yang Incense Sticks near your main entrances. 


Travel is not specifically mentioned in the Rabbits’ forecast for July 2024, but it’s always wise to seek harmony and protection on any journey.


The overall fate for Dragons in July 2024 remains somewhat downcast, with continuous obstacles arising in various aspects of life. However, maintaining a calm and courageous attitude will help navigate through these challenges. Family life is expected to be peaceful and undisturbed, providing a stable foundation. Learning from dilemmas and accumulating experiences will contribute to personal growth and future success. 

Money & Wealth

In July 2024, Dragons can expect their financial situation to be stable but not particularly prosperous. It is crucial to limit expenses to avoid any financial strain. This is not the ideal time to venture into new financial investments without thorough risk analysis. Business people may face obstacles, but honesty and integrity will eventually be rewarded. Despite the average financial results, there will be no major financial problems to worry about. Maintain financial independence and boost your wealth luck by wearing the Red Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and pair it with a Dark Green Jade Bracelet.

Love & Relationships

Dragons may experience fluctuations in their emotions and relationships in July 2024. For those in relationships, your partner’s behavior might cause anxiety and uncertainty. It is essential to calmly assess the situation and strengthen communication to avoid distress. Promote peace and harmony in the relationship by displaying a Howlite Plate/Slab inside the living room and burning several sticks of Frankincense Incense Sticks near your main doors each morning. For those secretly in love, this month presents a high success rate for love confessions, so choose an appropriate time and place to express your feelings. Patience and tolerance will be needed to maintain harmonious relationships. 


Health may not be very optimistic for Dragons in July 2024. Changing weather conditions could increase the risk of catching a cold, so it is important to prioritize rest and rejuvenation. Adjusting your clothing according to the weather can help prevent illness. Regular health check-ups and a balanced diet will contribute to overall well-being. Despite the challenges, taking proactive measures can help maintain good health. Remove stale, unhealthy, and unwanted energies inside the room with a Hand-hammered Seven Metals Singing Bowl

Business & Career

Dragons may face some challenges in their career and business in July 2024. Professionals might encounter problems at the workplace, but they will be able to resolve them successfully. Business people should be prepared for obstacles, and conflicts among employees may arise, especially in the mining sector. A Clear Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand placed inside the dining room’s table will help subdue aggressive energies. Effective mediation is essential to prevent conflicts from affecting business operations and customer trust. Learning from these challenges will help in career development in the future. 


Travel plans for Dragons in July 2024 should be approached with caution. Changing weather conditions could pose health risks, so it is important to plan trips carefully and ensure safety measures are in place. Prioritizing rest and rejuvenation during travels will help maintain good health. Unexpected support and guidance may come your way during travels, making the journey smoother. Wear the Hamsa Silver Pendant to ensure a safe and smooth sailing journey. 


The forecast for Snakes in July 2024 suggests a period of stability and growth in both personal and professional aspects. The overall fortune for Snakes in July 2024 is positive, with a focus on enjoying life’s simple pleasures and the company of friends. Minor issues may arise, but Snakes have the resources to resolve them effectively. It’s a time to recharge and find comfort in routine and social interactions. 

Money & Wealth

July 2024 brings financial stability for Snake individuals, as long as they practice restraint in their spending. While the temptation for quick financial gains may arise, it’s advised to steer clear of speculative ventures that promise immediate returns. Maintain clarity and avoid schemes and scams by wearing the Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. To navigate through this unpredictable time smoothly, position multiple Black Tourmaline Tumbled Stones in the four corners of your residence. A focus on long-term financial planning and prudent investment strategies will be key to maintaining and growing wealth. Snakes should pay attention to their spending habits, aiming for a balance between saving and sensible expenditures to ensure a secure financial future. 

Love & Relationships

The love life of Snake individuals remains steady, with the potential for deepening existing bonds. It’s important to manage expectations and approach relationships with a realistic mindset. Communication and shared activities can strengthen the connection with a partner. To amplify love fortune, it’s advised to wear an Amethyst Bracelet daily. When disagreements occur, it’s crucial to engage in calm and patient dialogue to resolve conflicts without causing distress. Maintaining positive energy flow in homes can be accomplished by burning Frankincense Incense Sticks each morning to cleanse the space. 


For Snakes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential in July 2024. A balanced diet and regular exercise are important, especially for seniors with medical conditions. It’s a good time to focus on self-care and ensure that health remains a priority. Healthy eating habits and adequate rest are recommended to prevent illness and maintain vitality throughout the month. Display a Clear Quartz Orb in the dining area or living room to boost good chi and dispel all negative energies circulating through your home. 

Business & Career

Professionals born in the year of the Snake can expect career advancements and recognition in July 2024. It’s a period to remain composed and confident in decision-making, which will open doors to new opportunities. Patience is advised, as progress may seem slow, but steady efforts will lead to success. To help you win over the competition, wear the Flower of Life Silver Pendant. Snakes should remain focused on their career goals and utilize their talents to overcome any temporary difficulties. Ensuring good energy flow in offices can be achieved by installing an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction near your work area. 


The horoscope does not specifically mention travel for Snakes in July 2024, but it’s always beneficial to seek protection and harmony on any journey. Whether traveling for business or pleasure, Snakes should take measures to ensure their trips are safe and enjoyable.


The overall fate for Horses in July 2024 is a rich tapestry of experiences, oscillating between moments of pure joy and temporary disappointment. Family life will be peaceful, and disagreements with loved ones will be rare. Optimism will prevail, making it a great time to explore new hobbies and interests. Financial prudence and diligence will be key to navigating through the month successfully. Learning from dilemmas and accumulating experiences will contribute to personal growth and future success. To enhance overall luck and well-being, consider using a Hematite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and pair it with a Black Obsidian Piyao Bracelet for additional Feng Shui luck. 

Money & Wealth

In July 2024, Horses can expect a generally positive financial outlook. However, it is crucial to handle money matters cautiously to avoid conflicts. Business people should actively promote their products to maximize profits. Financial prudence is more important than ever, so avoid unnecessary expenses and risky investments. Contacts will play a significant role in boosting career and financial prospects. To enhance financial stability and attract wealth, consider using a Citrine Money Tree and place it near your work desk or living room facing your main entrance. 

Love and Relationships

The love horoscope for Horses in July 2024 is quite promising. Single Horses will find abundant opportunities for romance and should boldly pursue anyone they are fond of. Married Horses will enjoy a harmonious relationship with their spouse, with rare disagreements. This emotional stability will ensure a blissful and fulfilling marriage. However, if a relationship is not working out, it is better to break up peacefully to avoid worse outcomes. To boost love and relationships, consider using a Rose Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand inside our bedroom to enhance romance luck. 


Horses can look forward to a wonderful month in terms of health, with no serious issues expected. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle and regular check-ups will contribute to overall well-being. Engaging in new hobbies like ceramics can offer a creative escape and mental relaxation. Adjusting your clothing according to the weather will help prevent illnesses. Prioritize rest and rejuvenation to maintain good health. To enhance health and well-being, place a Selenite Tower in your living room or bedroom to remove negative energies and allow good chi to flow all throughout the house. 

Business and Career

The career horoscope for Horses in July 2024 is on an uptrend. Professionals will make good progress in their careers, but they should remain clear-minded and work hard to achieve their goals. Business people will benefit from pleasant relationships with partners and colleagues. Effective advertising and promotion of products will lead to increased profits. Learning from challenges and accumulating experiences will aid in future career development. To boost career prospects, consider using Lapis Lazuli Tumbled Stones around your workplace and wear the Mystic Knot Silver Pendant to improve wealth and abundance luck. 


Horses might consider major changes such as moving or taking a long-term trip in July 2024. Travel plans should be approached with optimism, as unexpected support and guidance may come your way. Prioritizing rest and rejuvenation during travels will help maintain good health. Ensure safety measures are in place to avoid any health risks. Exploring new hobbies during travels can offer a creative escape.


Overall, July is a month of potential and caution for Sheep individuals. Taking initiative, asserting authority, and demonstrating influence will be key in both personal and professional realms. Practicing self-control and confidence will help navigate the various challenges and threats. Focusing on activities that bring joy and fulfillment can enhance overall life satisfaction. 

Money & Wealth

Sheep individuals can expect a relatively stable financial situation in July 2024. While their income remains steady, careful planning is essential to manage potential financial setbacks. Avoiding unnecessary expenses and focusing on long-term financial security will help mitigate minor financial issues. Consider embarking on new interests or activities that might offer additional revenue streams. Investing energy into enjoyable pursuits can enhance both financial and personal fulfillment. To attract and maintain financial stability, consider using the Prehnite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace for positive vibrations and pair it with the wealth-boosting Citrine Bracelet.  

Love & Relationships

July 2024 is a promising month for love and relationships for Sheep individuals, especially in the first half of the year. Singles should approach new friendships with caution to avoid emotional pitfalls. For those in relationships, spending quality time and nurturing connections is key to maintaining harmony. Despite minor relationship challenges, confidence and clear communication will help navigate through them. It’s an ideal time to express love and strengthen bonds with partners. To enhance romantic harmony and understanding, place an Amethyst Money Tree inside the bedroom or living room. 


Health fortunes for Sheep individuals show a decline this month, with potential issues such as bleeding gums, sore throat, or endocrine disorders. Prioritizing a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits like mung beans, watermelons, cucumbers, and balsam pears is recommended to reduce internal heat and detoxify the body. Engaging in regular physical exercise and relaxation techniques will also support overall well-being. Remaining vigilant about health and addressing any minor issues promptly is crucial. Carry the 9 Eye DZI Bead Silver Pendant to boost not only health but also wealth and abundance. 

Business & Career

July presents favorable opportunities for career advancement for Sheep individuals. Embracing challenges and demonstrating authority and influence at work will lead to significant rewards. Self-control and confidence are vital in navigating professional scenarios. Exercising discernment in business negotiations and scrutinizing contracts meticulously will prevent unforeseen losses. For those involved in commerce, avoiding impulsive actions for short-term gains is crucial. To support career growth and decision-making, a Carnelian Palm Stone placed on your work desk is recommended.  A Fluorite Generator placed near your business’ main entrance will help those who enter the workplace clear their minds so they can focus on tasks that need more attention. 


Travel in July may present both opportunities and challenges for Sheep individuals. Prudence and careful planning are advised to navigate any potential threats. Exploring new interests and contemplating studying abroad can enhance skills and broaden horizons. Travel related to work or expanding personal growth can be particularly rewarding. Ensuring all travel plans are well-considered will help in avoiding unnecessary complications. Before leaving, light several Palo Santo Incense Sticks for a safe journey.


An overall sense of dynamism characterizes July for Monkeys, inviting them to stay resilient and focused. It’s a time to strengthen personal boundaries and protect against jealousy. Embracing mindfulness and meditation practices can help maintain inner peace and clarity amidst external challenges. Being conscious of one’s energy and surroundings will be beneficial.

Money & Wealth

 In July 2024, Monkey individuals can anticipate financial prosperity. However, unforeseen expenses may arise, necessitating careful budgeting to avoid unnecessary expenditures. While the potential for wealth growth exists, it’s crucial to steer clear of untested investment methods. This period calls for prudent management of resources to ensure stability and peace of mind. Consider focusing on long-term financial planning to mitigate any unexpected costs. Mediate with an All Black Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and pair it with the Money Loss Protection Bracelet to help you sail through this difficult period. 

Love & Relationships

The forecast suggests potential challenges in love and romantic relationships for Monkey people this month. By spending quality time with their partners, harmony and understanding can be fostered. The end of July may bring volatility, so open communication and patience are essential to navigate any turbulence. Strengthening personal connections will be key to overcoming these difficulties. Investing time in shared activities can reinforce bonds and create lasting memories. Place a Rhodonite Palm Stone inside the bedroom to promote romance and understanding. 


Monkey individuals should prioritize physical exercise and outdoor activities to maintain their health in July 2024. Small health concerns might affect family members, calling for attentiveness and preventive measures. Engaging in regular fitness routines and relaxation techniques will contribute significantly to overall well-being. Ensuring a balanced diet and adequate rest is equally important during this period. It is also recommended that you place a Clear Quartz Money Tree in your dining areas to promote good chi and to dispel all negative energies. 

Business & Career

Professionally, July 2024 presents a dynamic phase for Monkey individuals, with hard work leading to significant progress. Despite potential issues in professional matters, perseverance will yield positive outcomes. It’s a month to remain focused, take calculated risks, and collaborate with unexpected allies who may emerge. Protecting one’s personal information from prying eyes is crucial to maintaining professional integrity. Hang the Ojo de Dios of Passion and Life Force so you can remain focused and protected as you move forward with your tasks and responsibilities.  Wear the Mother and Child Elephants Silver Pendant for added protection and to support you emotionally when things get tough. Remember to bang and ring your Tibetan Singing Bowl with Mantra every once in a while to remove stale energies that hamper your business operations. 


Travel opportunities may present themselves unexpectedly this month for Monkeys, often linked to new alliances and festive events. These journeys can offer both relaxation and the chance to expand personal and professional networks. Although travel may be frequent, it is essential to remain vigilant about security and privacy. Enjoying these trips while staying cautious will ensure a rewarding experience.


The forecast for Roosters in July 2024 suggests a period of career success, financial gain, and harmonious relationships, with a reminder to communicate effectively and manage wealth wisely. Roosters are advised to avoid arrogance and to be mindful of the envy of others. This is a time to enjoy the fruits of previous efforts and to create a harmonious environment. Taking initiative and asserting authority will be beneficial, but self-control and confidence are essential to navigate this period successfully. 

Money & Wealth

July 2024 brings a promising financial outlook for Roosters, with the potential for unexpected gains. Stable wages and successful investments, particularly in surprising stock choices, may lead to significant profits. Seal this luck and do not let it slip your hands by ensuring you have the bestselling and highly effective Beryl and Aquamarine Lucky Arowana Bespangled 108 Mala.  Entrepreneurs and business owners can expect a flourishing trade. However, it’s crucial to avoid rash decisions and greed, as these could disrupt the financial balance. Prudent financial management and moderation are key to maintaining and growing wealth this month. Guard your finances by protecting yourself from people who plan to outwit and outsmart you with the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet. Additionally, seizing opportunities and overcoming challenges can be facilitated by wearing the Hanuman Silver Pendant, allowing them to maximize cosmic advantages. 

Love & Relationships

Roosters will experience a harmonious love life in July, with partners showing understanding and support despite busy careers. Singles have many opportunities to form romantic connections, though finding a suitable partner for marriage may pose a challenge. For married Roosters, occasional disagreements may arise, but open and gentle communication can prevent any lasting harm to the relationship. Place a Garnet Crystal Point/Generator/Wand inside your bedroom to promote peace and harmony. 


The horoscope does not specifically mention health for Roosters in July 2024, but it’s always wise to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Engaging in regular exercise, eating a nutritious diet, and ensuring adequate rest are general recommendations for good health. An Amethyst Orb will help promote rest and relaxation, it is recommended that you place one inside your bedroom. 

Business & Career

Roosters will enjoy a fruitful career period in July, with opportunities for advancement and recognition. The support of influential people will facilitate smooth progress at work. This is an excellent time for Roosters to showcase their talents and secure promotions. Entrepreneurs should seize development opportunities and push forward with confidence. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Courage near the window where you sit most of the time so you can champion all hurdles that will come your way with flying colors. An Aventurine Money Tree placed near the main entrance will guarantee profits and good sales. 


The forecast does not highlight travel for Roosters in July 2024, but taking a well-deserved vacation is suggested. This could be a time for rest and rejuvenation, allowing Roosters to strengthen bonds with others and enjoy a period of calm.


The forecast for Dogs in July 2024 is a mix of positive financial and relationship prospects, with caution advised in career. Dogs may face some professional and personal challenges in July, including tensions with superiors and disappointments from friends. It’s crucial to remain patient, avoid confrontations, and protect oneself from negative influences. Dogs living in warmer climates should be mindful of air conditioning use to prevent related illnesses.  

Money & Wealth

July 2024 heralds a period of financial prosperity for Dogs, particularly for those in real estate, commerce, and hospitality. Incomes are expected to rise due to lucrative commissions and profits. Financial luck is described as average, and Dogs are cautioned against desiring wealth that comes from dubious sources, as this could lead to financial setbacks. It’s a time to be financially astute and avoid unnecessary risks. Red Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and remember to pair it with the Gray Jasper Bracelet. In addition, an Ojo De Dios of Grounding and Stability hung near your main entrance will protect you in times of distress.  

Love & Relationships

Dogs will find their relationships strengthened in July, with minor disagreements not affecting overall happiness. Single Dogs have increased chances of finding a partner and should focus on nurturing these new connections. It’s important to be considerate of the other person’s feelings and to foster open communication to ensure the relationship flourishes. To boost your romance luck, place a Plum Blossom Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your bedroom or carry it in your purse. A Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz will also help boost our chances of finding the right mate for you. Place it on your bedside table.  


The health forecast for Dogs in July is generally positive, with no major issues anticipated. However, attention should be paid to safety, especially when engaging in activities that involve climbing or heights, to prevent accidents. It’s a time to be cautious and to prioritize well-being. The Ganesh Intricate Silver Pendant will be beneficial to those who seek protection and to break obstacles that may hamper your growth and well-being. 

Business & Career

Dogs can expect an improvement in their career fortunes in July, with recognition from leaders and opportunities to showcase their abilities. It’s a time to stand out in competition and to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. However, Dogs are advised to avoid complacency and to be aware of office politics that could hinder progress. Remove bad chi by burning California White Sage every morning.   


The forecast does not specifically mention travel for Dogs in July 2024. However, considering the overall positive outlook, it may be a good time for Dogs to plan or embark on journeys that can provide relaxation and a chance to recharge.


The forecast for Boars in July 2024 suggests a time of average financial stability, potential romantic commitments, stable health with a need for caution, and career challenges that require strategic planning. July 2024 presents a mix of downtime and reflection for Boars, with an opportunity to develop new skills and plan for the future. Family concerns, such as children’s education and elder care, may arise, requiring thoughtful resolution. It’s a time for Boars to demonstrate resilience and perseverance, knowing that their efforts will lead to long-term rewards. An Ojo de Dios of Passion and Life Force hung near your main entrance will greatly help you move towards meeting your goals with ease while providing you strength and energy.

 Money & Wealth

July 2024 brings a period of financial stability for Boar individuals, with the potential for unexpected small gains. However, it’s crucial for Boars to focus on regular financial management rather than becoming preoccupied with these minor windfalls. Financial circumstances are described as average, and Boars are advised against chasing after quick, risky profits to avoid future regrets. Clear your mind and be guided by the positive yet protective energies of the Crown Chakra Hamsa Mala Necklace. It’s a time for prudent financial planning and investment in long-term growth. Guard your finances and boost your wealth luck at the same time by wearing an Amazonite Bracelet.

Love & Relationships

Boars may face some challenges in their love relationships during July, with the importance of making timely decisions in new relationships to avoid emotional distress. For those considering taking the next step in their relationship, such as a proposal, the likelihood of success is high. It’s essential to maintain healthy communication and cherish shared moments with your partner. An Apatite Plate/Slab positioned in the living room will increase harmonious communication and will help bring happiness to the household.  


Boars are expected to enjoy stable health in July, but caution is advised during outdoor activities. Staying away from dangerous areas and avoiding unnecessary risks is wise, especially in storm-prone regions. It’s a time to be vigilant about personal safety and well-being. 

Business & Career

Boars may experience a challenging work environment in July, with interpersonal disputes and a sense of being overwhelmed. It’s recommended to approach problems with a structured plan, prioritizing and tackling issues step by step. Business owners should keep their employees motivated with promotions and financial incentives to enhance profit generation. Boost your luck while keeping negative energies at bay with a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab. In addition, the Auspicious Evil Eye Silver Pendant will help you sail through this challenging period with its protective energies. Wear it daily. Cleanse your homes and protect the people who dwell in them with the powerful Palo Santo Sticks from Peru.  


The forecast does not specifically mention travel for Boars in July 2024. However, given the advice to stay safe during outdoor activities, Boars should be cautious if they decide to travel, especially in areas with inclement weather.

June 2024 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast for the 12 Animal Signs

GENERAL OUTLOOK                                                                                   

In June 2024, expect a month of growth and learning. While some signs will face professional challenges, these can lead to future opportunities. June brings a mixed bag of fortunes across the Chinese zodiac signs. Career challenges and changes are common, requiring focus and adaptability. Financial caution is advised across the board. Financial stability is key, with careful management and planning recommended.  

Relationships blossom for many, offering chances for deeper connections. Love and relationships generally see positive trends, with opportunities for new beginnings and resolutions of conflicts.  

Health requires attention, particularly avoiding stress and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Prioritizing health and well-being will help navigate this dynamic month successfully.  

Embark on a path to happiness and abundance! Read your Feng Shui animal sign forecast and apply our advice for a prosperous, healthy month.


Overall, June 2024 presents a balanced outlook for Rats. Financial stability, promising romantic opportunities, and positive developments in career matters are expected. Prioritizing health and seeking medical attention when necessary will contribute to a successful month.  

In June 2024, individuals born in the Year of the Rat can expect financial stability. While those seeking employment may finally secure a job, the salary may not meet expectations but will be sufficient to cover daily expenses. Others will complete work tasks on time with assistance from colleagues. It’s essential to manage finances prudently and avoid overspending. Carrying or wearing crystals that enhance financial stability, such as the Moss Agate Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace can offer added protection against negative influences. For additional wealth luck, it is recommended to wear a Prehnite with Epidote Bracelet.  

Career prospects for Rats in June 2024 are favorable. Those seeking employment may finally find success, while others will receive timely assistance to overcome work challenges. It’s important to remain diligent and proactive in professional endeavors to capitalize on opportunities for growth and advancement. Placing a Bloodstone Crystal Point/Generator/Wand and a Gold Tiger’s Eye Plate / Slab on your desk can help remove negative energies and will help you focus on your tasks whilst providing protective energies.  

For Rats in June 2024, there are promising opportunities in love and relationships. Singles may encounter someone appealing, and pursuing a relationship could lead to a fulfilling connection. It’s advised to be courageous and open to new romantic prospects. Existing relationships may also see positive developments. Carrying or wearing a Mystic Knot Silver Pendant can attract the right partner and enhance your relationships.   Rats should pay attention to their health in June 2024. While the overall physical condition may not be optimal, prompt medical attention when feeling unwell is essential. Prioritize self-care practices such as rest, hydration, and healthy eating to maintain well-being. Place an Amethyst Orb/Sphere in your bedroom to enhance rest and well-being.

OX IN JUNE 2024 

Overall, June 2024 presents some challenges for Oxen in various aspects of life. While financial and career difficulties may arise, effective communication and proactive problem-solving can help navigate these challenges. Prioritizing health and well-being will contribute to resilience and overall success during this period. Engaging in practices like meditation, using crystals such as the Carnelian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and wearing amulets for wealth protection like the Money Loss Protection Bracelet, along with silver accessories like the Sitting Ganesh with Om Background Silver Pendant, can help alleviate the challenging energies the month will bring  

In June 2024, Ox individuals may encounter financial difficulties, requiring them to remain calm and proactive in finding solutions to minimize losses. It’s advised to exercise caution when dealing with financial matters and to avoid trusting strangers, especially in matters related to personal wealth management. To mitigate these influences, it is advisable to place an Amethyst Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your space and carry several pieces of Zebra Jasper Tumbled Stones. Enhance wealth luck by placing a Citrine Orb/Sphere in your living rooms or dining rooms.  

Career prospects for Ox in June 2024 may present challenges, with difficulties in finding better job opportunities for employees. It’s advised to remain patient and stay in current positions until a suitable offer arises. Maintaining a proactive approach and seeking solutions to work-related issues will be crucial for professional success.  

There may be challenges in romantic relationships, particularly concerning family pressure for those dating someone. Effective communication is key to resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony in love relationships. It’s essential to address concerns calmly and constructively rather than resorting to arguments. Burn several sticks of California White Sage Incense Sticks every evening to clear stale energies, promoting romance luck.  

The health forecast for the Oxen in June sees a need for general vigilance. Prioritizing self-care practices such as rest, hydration, and healthy eating will contribute to overall well-being during this period. Respiratory issues must be monitored closely.


Overall, June 2024 presents a mixed outlook for the Tigers. While love fortunes are exceptionally favorable, career and wealth luck remain relatively low. Prioritizing health and maintaining dedication to work will help Tigers navigate challenges and make the most of opportunities for growth and success.  

In June 2024, Tigers may experience a slight improvement in career and wealth luck compared to previous months, although it remains relatively low. It’s essential for office workers to take their jobs seriously and for businessmen to conduct thorough research before making significant investments. Practicing financial prudence and avoiding impulsive decisions will contribute to stability in money matters. To mitigate the effects of these unfavorable stars, consider placing a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere on your office desk to help you clear your thoughts and assist you with decision-making. Meditate with an Aquamarine Classic108 Japa Mala Necklace each morning before conducting business. Pair it with a Golden Blue Tiger’s Eye Bracelet for additional luck and protection.  

While career luck for Tigers improves slightly in June 2024, it remains at a low point. It’s crucial for individuals to continue taking their jobs seriously and remain dedicated to their work. Progress may be slow, but perseverance and diligence will eventually lead to positive outcomes. Opportunities for advancement may arise, so staying prepared and focused is key. To enhance focus and improve multitasking abilities, consider placing a Fluorite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your work area. Boost prosperity and attract wealth luck by incorporating an Aventurine Plate/Slab inside your office. Clear blockages and welcome more opportunities by regularly cleansing your spaces with Fortune Builder Incense Sticks.  

In June 2024, the Tigers will encounter several attractive potential partners. It’s important to follow their heart and carefully determine which one is true love to avoid confusion and ensure a meaningful connection. Wear the Victorian Om Silver Pendant to boost romance luck. Those in romantic partnerships may take their commitment to the next level and potentially tie the knot. It’s a time of deepening bonds and enjoying companionship with a life partner.  

The health forecast for Tigers in June 2024 is positive, with a focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Following a routine of exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest will help prevent physical ailments and ensure overall well-being. By prioritizing self-care, Tigers can avoid health issues and remain energetic and vibrant.


Overall, June 2024 presents a positive outlook for Rabbits. With improvements in career and wealth, they should focus on effective communication in relationships and maintain healthy habits to ensure a balanced and successful month.  

Rabbits can expect an improvement in their financial situation. With wealth luck on the rise, they may receive some unexpected income. However, it is important to avoid greed and focus on professional wealth management to maintain financial stability and make the most of their gains. To enhance continuously growing wealth, consider displaying a Citrine Orb/Sphere in your living and dining areas and placing the Aventurine Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your living areas. For further success and added protection, incorporate daily meditations using the Red Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. This practice can be highly beneficial in aligning your energies and achieving your goals.  

Career prospects for Rabbits improved in June 2024 compared to the previous month. Despite facing many emergencies, their talents and the support of others will enable them to resolve issues quickly. Through hard work, they may achieve their short-term goals, leading to a sense of accomplishment and progress in their professional life. Wearing the Flower of Life Silver Pendant will help you with business luck.  

The commanding presence of the Large Mixed Gemstones Money Tree inside any businessperson’s office or establishment will promote client support loyalty and wealth luck.   For Rabbits in June 2024, maintaining harmony in relationships is crucial. When differing opinions arise with their partner, it is essential to communicate actively and calmly. Addressing issues openly and constructively will help strengthen the relationship and prevent misunderstandings from escalating. Wearing a Heartbreak Protection Bracelet will help couples get through any disagreements and will promote love energies in the relationship.  

The health forecast for Rabbits in June 2024 is neither good nor bad, implying the need for general vigilance and maintaining healthy habits. Prioritizing a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient rest will contribute to overall well-being and prevent potential health issues. Burn several pieces of Palo Santo Incense Sticks each morning to help promote health luck.  


Overall, June 2024 is a challenging month for Dragons, especially in career and financial matters. Exercising caution in investments, maintaining emotional control in relationships, and waiting for more opportune times to start new ventures will be crucial. By being patient and prudent, Dragons can better navigate the difficulties this month presents. Dragons are advised to enhance their protection through regular meditation, utilizing tools such as the All Black Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and the Money Loss Protection Bracelet. Additionally, seizing opportunities and overcoming challenges can be facilitated by wearing the Hanuman Silver Pendant, allowing them to maximize cosmic advantages.  

In June 2024, Dragons should exercise caution with their finances. This month is not favorable for large investments or putting all their money into a single venture. Financial prudence and diversification are key to avoiding potential losses. Waiting for better months, such as lunar August, October, or November, may yield more favorable results. To navigate through this challenging time smoothly, position multiple Black Tourmaline Tumbled Stones at the four corners of your residence.  

Career luck for Dragons in June 2024 is not favorable. They should be wary of tricks from competitors and avoid starting new business ventures this month, as these may face significant obstacles. It’s advisable to wait until the tail end of the third quarter of the year until November for more promising opportunities. Staying vigilant and focusing on current tasks will help navigate this challenging period. Ensuring good energy flow in offices can be achieved by installing an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction near your work area.  

Dragons may face challenges in their personal relationships in June 2024. A tendency to lose temper, especially when in a bad mood, could strain relationships with partners or family members. Recognizing this inclination and practicing self-discipline can foster a peaceful family environment and deter avoidable disagreements. To amplify love fortune, it’s advised to position an Amethyst Plate/Slab in the bedroom.  

The health forecast for Dragons in June 2024 is average, maintaining emotional balance and reducing stress will likely be beneficial. Engaging in relaxation techniques and ensuring a healthy lifestyle can help mitigate the impact of career and financial stressors on their overall well-being. Maintaining positive energy flow in homes can be accomplished by burning Frankincense Incense Sticks each morning to cleanse the space.


Overall, June 2024 is a favorable month for Snakes, particularly in career and financial aspects. Their proactive approach in social settings will enhance their love life, while prudent financial management will ensure stability. By leveraging support from mentors and focusing on their goals, Snakes can make significant strides this month.  

In June 2024, Snakes can expect positive developments in their financial situation. Due to their hard work and the assistance of influential and experienced colleagues, they are likely to receive significant bonuses. However, it’s important for them to manage their finances wisely, avoid unnecessary spending, and save for potential emergencies. To navigate through this period of financial instability, Snakes are advised to incorporate luck-enhancing crystals into their routine. The All-Garnet Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace paired with the Money Loss Protection Bracelet can significantly boost wealth luck. Additionally, wearing the Hamsa Silver Pendant can offer protection from negativity and uncertainty.  

The month brings favorable career prospects for Snakes. Their hard work and the support from experienced mentors will help them secure a strong position in the workplace. Their excellent performance is likely to be recognized, leading to opportunities for advancement and bonuses. To invite opportunities, place an Aventurine Orb/Sphere on your work desk.   For single Snakes, June 2024 is a promising month for romance. They have a high chance of meeting their ideal partner. Attending social events and being proactive in pursuing relationships will be key to finding true love. Those who are brave and active in their search are likely to succeed. For good Feng Shui in the love department, place a Rose Quartz Money Tree on your nightstand.  

While the health aspect is average, maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle will support their overall well-being. Managing stress from work and social activities effectively will be beneficial. Burning California White Sage Each morning can effectively dispel negative and stagnant energies, fostering an environment of positive vibrations and healing within your home. This daily practice helps maintain a space filled with uplifting and revitalizing energy.


Overall, June 2024 requires Horses to be vigilant in their financial dealings and personal relationships. Maintaining focus at work and following a healthy lifestyle will be beneficial. By being cautious and staying true to their commitments, Horses can navigate through this challenging period effectively. To manage some setbacks, consider utilizing tools like the Red Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and the Ultimate ProtectionBracelet. The Ganesh Intricate Silver Pendant will be beneficial to those who seek protection and break obstacles that may hamper your growth.  

In June 2024, Horses should exercise caution in financial matters. Business owners need to be particularly vigilant to avoid losses and should avoid risky expansions or collaborations. Employees are advised to stay focused on their tasks and avoid office gossip, which could lead to trouble. It’s also important to guard against phone fraud and think carefully before lending money. Lay low and stay protected during this month. Boost your luck while keeping negative energies at bay with a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab.

For Horses, focusing on their own tasks at work is essential in June 2024. Avoiding office gossip and potential distractions will help them stay out of trouble and maintain a good standing in their job. Business owners should be extra cautious with their ventures, avoiding unnecessary risks. The Labradorite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand can enhance teamwork and create a harmonious work environment. It also provides a significant boost in confidence and stamina, helping you excel in the workplace.  

Married Horses, especially men, should remain faithful to their partners and avoid temptations outside their marriage. Maintaining loyalty and strengthening their relationship will be crucial during this period. Don’t be discouraged and remember to safeguard your heart. To boost your romance luck, place a Plum Blossom Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your bedroom or carry it in your purse. Additionally, install an Amethyst Orb/Sphere at the foot of your bed to foster loyalty in your relationship.  

The health forecast for Horses in June 2024 remains stable. Following a healthy lifestyle routine will help maintain their well-being. Ensuring a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest will support their overall health. Remember to cleanse your living areas and your dining spaces with Yin Yang Incense Sticks to bring balance into your life.


Overall, June 2024 presents some challenges for Sheep individuals, particularly in their professional and personal lives. Emotional well-being and effective communication will be key to navigating this period. Meditate while wearing an All-Moonstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to help you navigate these challenges. By focusing on maintaining health and stability, Sheep can better manage the ups and downs of this month.  

Sheep individuals should be cautious with their finances, maintaining a steady and prudent approach to spending and saving will be beneficial. Avoid impulsive purchases and manage your resources wisely to ensure stability. During this period, physical and emotional support will be crucial. To better manage your cash outflow and overcome obstacles that impede growth, it’s essential to wear a Multicolor Pietersite Bracelet. This bracelet helps dissolve emotional and physical blockages and counter stagnation, allowing you to fully maximize your potential.  

The career outlook for Sheep in June 2024 appears bleak. Emotional instability, such as mood swings, impatience, and restlessness, may negatively impact work efficiency. To counter this, it’s crucial to remain calm and enhance communication with colleagues. Finding ways to manage stress and maintain a balanced approach to work can help improve productivity. You may face increased workplace pressures, requiring resilience and courage to earn recognition from your superiors. A Stress Protection Bracelet is an excellent career enhancer. Keep it with you at all times to benefit from its empowering energies. Additionally, seek the divine assistance of Ganesh by wearing the Ganesh Silver Pendant during this challenging period to aid you in navigating through difficulties.  

The love fortune for Sheep in June 2024 is not favorable. Those in relationships might experience less time with their partners, potentially leading to arguments, silent treatments, or other conflicts. It’s important to communicate calmly and openly with your partner. Apologizing when necessary and making an effort to spend quality time together can help mitigate these issues. Place an Amethyst Plate/Slab in your bedroom to enhance love and harmony in your relationship. This also encourages better communication between partners.  

Health is a relatively positive aspect for Sheep in June 2024. Despite other challenges, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be a priority. Focus on eating well, exercising regularly, and ensuring adequate rest to keep your physical well-being intact. Light several Frankincense Incense Sticks each evening to purify your spaces and eliminate negative vibrations.


Overall, June 2024 is a mixed month for Monkeys. While their love and career fortunes are promising, they must pay attention to their declining health and wealth fortunes. By managing their finances wisely, maintaining a positive attitude in relationships, and taking care of their health, Monkeys can navigate the challenges and make the most of the opportunities in June. Immerse yourself in the uplifting energy of an All-high-quality Citrine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. This powerful crystal brings joy and positivity while also attracting prosperity and abundance. Enhance your fortune and align with celestial energies by wearing the Destiny Bracelet, ensuring smooth progress toward your goals.  

In June 2024, Monkeys are likely to experience a decline in wealth fortune. While there will be opportunities to attend business dinner parties, it’s important to selectively participate in necessary activities and decline unnecessary ones to manage expenses wisely.   The career outlook for Monkeys in June 2024 is generally positive. They will find good opportunities for professional growth and success. However, staying focused and working hard is essential to capitalize on these opportunities and achieve their career goals. Welcome new opportunities and open doors to new possibilities by placing an Aventurine Money Tree on your work desk. Don’t forget to adorn yourself with a Protective Tribal Evil Eye Silver Pendant to ensure that positive energies surround you wherever you go.  

June 2024 is a favorable month for Monkeys in terms of love and relationships. Singles will have many opportunities to meet potential partners at parties and social gatherings, increasing their chances of finding a soulmate. Attract positive energies of love and romance by placing a Rose Quartz Slab/Plate on your nightstand. This beautiful crystal not only enhances the romantic atmosphere but also fosters emotional healing and harmony in your relationship. However, maintaining a positive attitude and managing their temper is crucial to avoid negative impacts on their relationships.  

Health prospects for Monkeys in June 2024 show a significant decline. It’s important for them to monitor their health closely and take preventive measures to maintain well-being. Staying positive and avoiding stress can help mitigate health issues. Remember to eliminate energy blockages by burning Seven Chakras Incense Sticks every morning.


Overall, June 2024 presents a mixed outlook for Roosters. While their financial situation remains stable, their career prospects are less favorable, requiring them to stay positive and resilient. Health needs attention, with a focus on avoiding certain foods and maintaining mental well-being. By managing these aspects carefully, Roosters can navigate the month more effectively.  

In June 2024, Roosters are not expected to see significant changes in their financial situation. Managing expenses carefully and avoiding unnecessary spending will be crucial to maintaining financial stability during this period. Protect your finances from the adverse effects of unlucky stars by carrying or meditating with a Carnelian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and pairing it with a Money Loss Protection Bracelet.  

June 2024 is forecasted to be a challenging month for Roosters in terms of career. It is likely to be the poorest period for their professional fortune this year. Roosters may face difficulties due to being framed by others, preventing them from showcasing their abilities and potentially causing them to miss out on opportunities such as business trips or advanced training. Staying positive and resilient is crucial to navigating these challenges. It is advisable to carry the Octagram Sacred Geometry Silver Pendant for protection. Additionally, ensure you wear protective charms and amulets like the Betrayal and Backstabbing Protection Bracelet to shield yourself from negative influences. You will encounter many challenging individuals, so prioritize your protection at all costs.  

The stars under the Rooster’s sign bring a relatively stable period without significant highs or lows where love and romance are concerned. Maintaining good communication and a positive attitude will help sustain harmony in relationships. Keep the positive vibes going in your homes by placing an Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz in your living rooms.   Roosters need to be cautious about their health in June 2024. They are prone to inflammation, so it’s advisable to avoid consuming too many cold or stomach-irritating foods like frozen fruits, drinks, and ice cream. Safeguard yourself during this challenging time by keeping a Bloodstone Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your desk.


Overall, June 2024 presents a mixed outlook for Dogs. While their love life sees significant improvement, other aspects such as career and finances may face some challenges. By managing finances carefully, embracing new career opportunities with a positive mindset, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Dogs can effectively navigate the month. For enhanced protection and inner harmony, it is recommended to meditate with and wear a Lapis Lazuli Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace.  

In June 2024, Dogs might experience a slight downturn in their financial fortune. It’s important to manage expenses carefully and avoid taking financial risks to maintain stability during this period. To boost prosperity luck, place a Citrine and Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz near your main entrance, and always make sure you have a potent wealth luck amulet such as the Tibetan 9-Eye DZI Bead Silver Pendant (with Bail) for added protection. Don’t forget to wear your Ultimate Protection Bracelet, especially during this challenging month.  

Career prospects for Dogs in June 2024 are expected to be quite challenging. They may face job transfers or be sent to new workplaces. To navigate these changes successfully, Dogs should actively try to integrate into the new environment and approach new challenges with a positive and optimistic attitude. Place a Citrine Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your office to cultivate a more joyful work atmosphere and enhance your wealth luck.   June 2024 brings a significant improvement in love fortunes for Dogs. Single individuals have a good chance of developing a new romantic relationship, while those already in relationships can resolve misunderstandings with their partners, leading to a sweeter and more harmonious life together. To enhance love luck and to avoid stagnation, wear crystals known for their harmonizing properties. Place several pieces of Amethyst Tumbled Stones on your nightstand to foster love and romance. Clear negative energies from your space by ringing a Hand-Hammered Seven Metals Singing Bowl each morning.  

The health forecast for Dogs in June 2024 seems neutral, but this also implies a need for general vigilance. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing stress effectively will be important to ensure overall well-being. Promote good chi by lighting Yin Yang Incense Sticks each morning while reciting your favorite mantra.


Overall, June 2024 is a positive month for Boars, with improvements across various aspects of life. By maintaining a calm and strategic approach, they can navigate any challenges effectively. Financial stability, a happy marital life, and professional growth are on the horizon, provided they plan carefully and communicate patiently. To solidify your luck, wear an Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and keep stress at bay with the Stress Protection Bracelet to navigate through challenging times. Additionally, wearing the Square Ganesh Silver Pendant can attract more opportunities in the workplace.  

In June 2024, Boars can expect a generally smooth financial outlook. While it’s not an ideal time for business expansion or entering new markets, making well-thought-out plans for future endeavors is advisable. By managing their finances prudently and avoiding impulsive decisions, they can maintain stability. Now is the perfect time to delve into fresh ideas and broaden your commercial horizons. Position a Citrine Orb/Sphere from The Mala Tree on your desk to enhance your career and business fortunes. Additionally, suspending an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction near the door or window closest to your workspace could aid in sustaining concentration and repelling negative energies. June 2024 promises improvement in career prospects for Boars. Any difficulties encountered at work can be resolved quickly by seeking advice from experienced colleagues. Approaching work challenges with calmness and clarity will lead to smoother professional progress. Placing Clear Quartz Tumbled Stones on your work desk, purse, and drawers can aid in maintaining clarity.  

For married Boars, June 2024 will bring happiness and contentment to their marital life. Unmarried Boars might face some challenges in their relationships, but through patient communication and understanding, they can overcome these obstacles and strengthen their bond with their partner. The health forecast for Boars in June 2024 appears stable. Maintaining a calm and balanced approach to life, as they did in the previous month, will contribute to their overall well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management will help ensure they stay in good health. Keep the good vibrations rolling and the good chi flowing by cleansing your dwellings with Seven Chakras Incense Sticks.

February 2024 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast for the 12 Animal Signs

Big changes ahead! Get ready for the Year of the Wood Dragon and Period 9!

Hold onto your hats, folks! 2024 is bringing some major shifts with the Year of the Wood Dragon and the beginning of Period 9 in Feng Shui.

Starting February 4th, we’ll be entering a whole new phase that’ll last for the next 20 years – imagine the possibilities!

This new period is ruled by the fire element and the Nine Purple Star, symbolizing transformation, innovation, and exciting opportunities. So, buckle up for a ride full of changes and chances to grow!

Think back to the last 20 years – the Earth element of Period 8 saw a boom in young entrepreneurs and a real estate surge. Now, with the Fire element taking the stage, we can expect things to heat up!

Get ready for a wave of creativity, passion, and bold moves. We’ll also see increased focus on technology, communication, and the global community.

Period 9 Trends: Get ready for a fiery ride in the Year of the Wood Dragon!

Prepare to embrace fame, innovation, and the rise of strong women as we enter Period 9 in Feng Shui. Buckle up for exciting changes and a focus on technology, new media, and evolving businesses.

Think passion, energy, and a touch of the unpredictable. With the Fire element taking center stage, it’s time to unleash your creativity, ambition, and assertiveness.

Technology and automation are changing the game in the workplace, so be ready to adapt and build diverse income streams. Industries like technology, robotics, health, beauty, and education look promising.

The Wood Dragon’s energy brings growth and expansion, making 2024 a great year to advance your career and finances. Harness this energy wisely and watch your professional and financial stability flourish. This year, the powerful Wood Dragon brings its energy of achievement and forward momentum, especially for those in business. Think strong leadership, fresh starts, and success in new ventures.

In relationships, the Wood Dragon’s spark can reignite the flame and bring fresh excitement. Singles, your chances of finding love are high!

But with all this technology, don’t forget about your well-being. The Li trigram reminds us to prioritize mental and physical health. Find balance and nurture your inner peace in this fast-paced world.

Get ready for a transformative journey in the Year of the Wood Dragon and embrace the exciting changes Period 9 brings!


Finally, we are ushering in the Year of the Wood Dragon on February 10, 2024! February marks a time of significant changes and transformations. Traditionally, Dragon years in Chinese culture are perceived as periods of power and opportunities. This month is so dynamic and unpredictable, that it is advisable not to make impulsive decisions, as each move should be calculated, strategic, and purposeful. This advice applies to all animal signs. We are entering an unpredictable and dynamic period, so it is wise for everyone to exercise caution. Misunderstandings may be prevalent, and there might be stagnation in growth energy. Therefore, make efforts to enhance any luck that comes your way.


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)


In the initial lunar month of 2024, individuals born under the Rat sign may face challenges and potential conflicts with others. Therefore, it is advised for them to be cautious in their communication and actions. Despite these challenges, this month holds favorable prospects for Rats in their professional endeavors. For assistance in making decisions that lead to favorable financial outcomes, ensure you always have a Citrine Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/citrine-high-quality-bracelet/ )with you. Diligence and excellence in the workplace can lead to appreciation from colleagues and leaders, offering opportunities to showcase their abilities. This positive momentum brings them closer to achieving their career goals, with increased chances for recognition and advancement. Wearing the Mother and Child Elephants Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/mother-and-child-elephants-silver-pendant/), featuring a mother and child elephant, can enhance your sense of protection, prosperity, and love. Incorporate it into your daily wear to promote a greater balance in your life. For added equilibrium and protection, especially in challenging months, consider meditating with the Red Jasper Classic Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/red-jasper-classic-108-japa-mala/ ). This particular necklace, crafted from Red Jasper, encourages courage and aids in avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Financially, a surge in income and bonuses is expected, ensuring a stress-free living situation. Business-oriented Rats can anticipate satisfying profits through innovative sales strategies.

For individuals born under the Rat sign, the month’s horoscope indicates a moderate and stable romantic journey. While there aren’t significant ups and downs, it’s advised to maintain a balanced approach in matters of the heart. Placing a Rose Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/rose-quartz-crystal-point-generator-wand/ ) in your bedroom or living space can promote open communication and understanding with your partner.

A cautionary note pertains to potential physical discomforts resulting from overdrinking and unhealthy dietary habits. Rats are advised to prioritize their well-being and adopt healthier lifestyle choices to avoid such issues. Overall, a strategic and mindful approach to health will contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling month. Position an Amethyst Orb/Sphere (https://www.themalatree.com/amethyst-orb-sphere/ )in your bedrooms to enhance good health, manage stress, attain mental clarity, and maintain emotional balance. Each morning, light Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) to eliminate negative chi and foster balance in both your lives and your homes.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


In the first lunar month of 2024, individuals born under the Ox sign will encounter a mix of opportunities and challenges. It is crucial for Oxen to exercise caution and careful consideration before taking any actions to avoid potential setbacks that could turn a situation from comedy to tragedy. Wear an Apatite Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/apatite-bracelet/ ) to bring about success and acknowledgment in your professional pursuits. Office workers may see prospects of promotion, but they should remain vigilant against competitors’ tactics. For businessmen, the forecast suggests a challenging year, advising against hasty business expansions that could lead to insufficient capital flow. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction ( https://www.themalatree.com/ojo-de-dios-of-money-attraction/ )to help you with your financial concerns to help attract business opportunities.

The health luck for Oxen is projected to be at a low level during this period. It is recommended to make timely adjustments to lifestyle and to avoid staying up late frequently. Prioritizing self-care and adopting healthy lifestyle habits will contribute to overall well-being during this time. Resolve this issue by donning a Labradorite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/labradorite-classic-108-japa-mala/). Labradorite fosters stability in different facets of life, which is essential, particularly during this phase of diminished vitality. Revitalize and change your negative luck this month by wearing the Om and Lotus Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/om-and-lotus-silver-pendant/). Enhance the positive energies that are set to come your way.

Married individuals born under the Ox sign may experience some disagreements with their partners in the first lunar month. However, the positive aspect is that these conflicts are likely to be resolved amicably, leading to mutual understanding and harmony. Enhance your relationship fortune and overall well-being by strategically placing multiple Rose Quartz Tumbled Stones (https://www.themalatree.com/rose-quartz-tumbled-stone/ ) throughout your living spaces.

 In navigating love, career, and health, those born under the Ox sign can make the most of this fortuitous month by fostering positive relationships, advancing their professional endeavors, and prioritizing their physical well-being. Burn Sage (https://www.themalatree.com/california-white-sage/ ) for the first few days of the Chinese New Year to ensure a smooth-sailing 2024.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


As the Chinese New Year begins, individuals born under the Tiger sign are bestowed with good fortune across various aspects of their lives. In terms of career, Tigers will find tasks easy to complete efficiently, leading to well-deserved bonuses. The wealth fortune is favorable, encompassing regular income from work as well as potential gains from lotteries or previous investments. Seal you luck by keeping a Tibetan Amazonite with Gold & Money Hood DZI Guru Mala (https://www.themalatree.com/tibetan-amazonite-with-gold-money-hook-dzi-guru-mala/ ) with you at all times. Begin the year on a positive note by wearing an Aventurine Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/aventurine-bracelet/). The energies of Aventurine are highly sought after by those aiming for increased luck, particularly in the realms of career and finances. The Round Om Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/the-round-om-silver-pendant/) is a widely embraced talisman; wear it to attract positive vibrations and enhance your luck. If you are in business, achieve equilibrium in your life by lighting Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) near the primary entrance of your business to stimulate sales and promote teamwork among your staff.

The positive and fortunate events contribute to overall happiness, positively impacting physical well-being. This month, Tigers can expect to be in good health. Position a Citrine Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/citrine-crystal-point-generator-wand/ ) in your living or dining areas to foster love, happiness, and harmony among family members.

For singles born under the Tiger sign, the romantic luck is average. If you want to meet new people, be out there, but you need to invite the right suitors, so wear a Ruby Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/round-ruby-bracelet/ ) to secure love luck. This requires some patience and remember to enjoy the process. For married individuals, the forecast suggests a peaceful and stable period without significant surprises or disruptions. Life in relationships is expected to be harmonious and free from excessive turmoil.

The overall well-being of Tigers is supported by positive events and good fortune in various aspects of life. The combination of successful career endeavors, financial gains, and stable relationships contributes to a state of contentment and good physical health during this month.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


The career outlook for individuals born under the Rabbit sign may not be tranquil this month. Challenges are likely to arise, and it’s essential to approach them calmly, avoiding hasty solutions that could exacerbate the situation. Carry the All Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/all-black-obsidian-classic-108-japa-mala-necklace/) to ward off ill fortune and bad luck. Rushing may lead to further complications, and there could be a sense of frustration, especially when submitting routine work reports. Despite this, it’s crucial not to give up easily; instead, focus on acquiring new knowledge and skills to enhance personal development. Opportunities for improvement will eventually present themselves. To realign energies in your favor, have the Flower of Life Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/flower-of-life-silver-pendant/ ) with you. Remove negative vibrations and clear your spaces with a Clear Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/clear-quartz-generator/ ). Furnish your office with an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction (https://www.themalatree.com/ojo-de-dios-of-money-attraction/ ) to enhance your financial fortune, find balance, and refrain from making drastic changes. Utilize any surplus time to strategize for the forthcoming year and address challenges in a systematic manner.

The wealth luck for Rabbits in February is not particularly favorable. It is advisable to avoid extravagant spending and manage finances prudently during this period. For additional safeguarding, the Money Loss Protection Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/money-loss-protection-bracelet/ ) is especially essential.

In terms of love and relationships, individuals born under the Rabbit sign may experience excess attention from parents, potentially leading to irritation. Effective communication with parents about personal needs is recommended to maintain harmony. Additionally, when going out, Rabbits should be cautious with their steps to avoid serious health issues.

While facing challenges in work and potential irritations in relationships, Rabbits can navigate these situations successfully by adopting a measured and patient approach. Eliminate negative energies and ensure a continuous flow of positive vibes by burning Palo Santo Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/palo-santo-incense-sticks-20s/) every evening and positioning them near your main entryways. Attention to personal well-being, careful financial management, and open communication in relationships will contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling month.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


As the Chinese New Year commences, individuals born under the Dragon sign may encounter unfavorable fortune. Work-related challenges and conflicts with colleagues could arise, necessitating personal efforts to resolve issues. Seeking support from leaders is advised to enhance the likelihood of overcoming difficulties. It’s crucial to address problems proactively and cultivate positive relationships in the workplace. It is important that you wear the Gold Rutilated Quartz Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/gold-rutilated-quartz-bracelet/) to attract promising opportunities, and ensure you carry the Dream Catcher Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/dream-catcher-silver-pendant/) to filter negative thoughts and only invite positivity in your life during a trying period.

The financial outlook for Dragons in February may not involve unexpected windfalls. Relying on hard work is identified as the most dependable approach to increase earnings during this period. It is recommended to refrain from expecting financial gains to fall effortlessly from the sky. Engage in meditation with the Amethyst Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (lhttps://www.themalatree.com/amethyst-classic-108-japa-mala/) to receive support and guidance during challenging times.

Singles born under the Dragon sign might encounter competition in their pursuit of love. Perseverance and creative displays of individual strengths are encouraged to stand out among competitors and increase the chances of romantic success. Positioning a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks (https://www.themalatree.com/blessed-mandarin-ducks/) in your bedroom contributes to igniting passion in your relationship. Kickstart each day by burning Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/) and reciting your preferred love mantra to infuse tranquility and harmony into the relationship.

When engaging in outdoor activities, Dragons are urged to exercise caution to prevent injuries. Make sure you have the Bloodstone Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/bloodstone-crystal-point-generator-wand/ ) in your living rooms for protection. Despite facing challenges, adopting a proactive and determined approach in work and relationships will contribute to a more fulfilling and balanced month for individuals born under the Dragon sign.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


The horoscope for individuals born under the Snake sign in the first lunar month of 2024 is less than ideal. In the workplace, it is advised not to readily trust others; instead, individuals should diligently focus on their own tasks and handle challenges with care. Wear the Golden Blue Tiger’s Eye Classic Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/golden-blue-tigers-eye-classic-108-japa-mala-necklace/) for protection against people who are envious of your position in the workplace and wear it also to help enhance your focus. For those in business, careful partner selection is crucial, and engaging in exploitative practices or risky investments should be avoided. Adorn a Black Obsidian Piyao Money Ball Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/black-obsidian-piyao-money-ball-bracelet-real-gold-plated-silver/) to draw heavenly blessings and to attract the right connections for your business.

Remember to invite financial luck by placing a Citrine Money Tree (https://www.themalatree.com/citrine-money-tree/ ) on your office desk. Having the counsel of an experienced and influential individual guarantees your success, even in the face of adversity.

Married individuals born under the Snake sign may experience conflicts with their partners over trivial matters in the first lunar month. To navigate these situations, it’s recommended to foster tolerance and engage in regular communication to prevent misunderstandings. For singles, finding true love might be challenging during this period. Feel free to go out on dates and have fun but first, draw in suitable individuals in this time period by adorning yourself with the Victorian Om Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/the-victorian-om-silver-pendant/ ).

To maintain good health, those born in the year of the Snake should adhere to healthy living habits and steer clear of places with poor air quality. Prioritizing well-being through mindful lifestyle choices will contribute to a healthier and more balanced overall state during this month. To ensure you invite good chi, place a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere (https://www.themalatree.com/clear-quartz-orb-sphere/ ) inside your dining areas.

Cleanse your homes by burning Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) every morning to invite abundance and clear negative vibrations.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Individuals born in the Chinese zodiac year of the Horse may encounter inconsistencies in the first lunar month of 2024. Initially, their work might progress smoothly, but a lack of attention to detail could lead to problems and subsequent troubles. To mitigate the potential misfortune, it is crucial for Horses to exercise caution, adhere to laws, and avoid careless mistakes. Investing is not recommended this month, as any initial gains could be overshadowed by significant losses later on. Adorn the Bloodstone Jade Wulou Guru 108 Mala (https://www.themalatree.com/bloodstone-jade-wulou-guru-108-mala/) for shielding against misfortunes and for increased focus and vitality.. Keep the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/people-with-bad-intentions-protection-bracelet/ )to safeguard yourself from those who wish you ill.

In terms of love and relationships, the horoscope for Horse individuals is positive. A Garnet Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/garnet-crystal-point-generator-wand/) placed inside your living rooms will promote positive family relationships.

Partners are expected to be supportive and understanding during challenging times, providing a source of comfort and encouragement. Enhance this auspicious luck by placing a Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz (https://www.themalatree.com/rose-quartz-gem-tree-on-quartz/) on your bedside table for romance and harmony.

The overall health horoscope for Horses in February is less favorable compared to other aspects. It is advised to prioritize sufficient sleep and adopt healthy sleep habits to counterbalance potential health challenges during this month. Despite the ups and downs, the supportive presence of a partner adds a positive element to the overall well-being of those born under the Horse sign. Enhance well-being and energy by positioning a Seven Chakra Symbols Round Selenite Plate (https://www.themalatree.com/seven-chakra-symbols-round-selenite-plate/) to balance and align your chakras and remember to burn two to three Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) each morning.

Do not allow these setbacks and your low energy to impede your success! Embrace the guidance of Feng Shui horoscope and capitalize on the opportunities that present themselves.


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


During the first lunar month of 2024, individuals born in the Chinese zodiac year of the Sheep may face challenges in both their career and love aspects, leading to less optimistic prospects for career development. For those contemplating starting a business, it is advisable to postpone implementation due to potential setbacks. The overall fortune in the career domain is not as favorable during this period. Enhance your fortune in friendships and networking by wearing the Labradorite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/labradorite-classic-108-japa-mala/) , and grace your wrist with a Sakura Agate Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/sakura-agate-bracelet/ ) to draw supportive individuals into your life.

The love fortune for individuals born under the Sheep sign is relatively poor in the first lunar month, making it challenging to attract the opposite sex and break free from a state of singleness. For good romance and luck, wear the Flower of Life Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/flower-of-life-silver-pendant/). Despite these difficulties, the forecast suggests an improvement in the love aspect later on, offering hope for better romantic opportunities. Increase the likelihood of encountering the right individuals by placing a Pyrite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/pyrite-crystal-point-generator-wand/) inside your living room.

On a positive note, those born in the year of the Sheep would enjoy good physical health at the beginning of the year, adding a favorable aspect to their overall well-being during this period. Maintain this balance by placing an Amethyst Money Tree (https://www.themalatree.com/amethyst-money-tree/ ) inside your bedrooms to promote rest and relaxation. Light Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) every morning to infuse your life with healing and positive energy.


Luck Rating:  5 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


The initial month of the Chinese calendar is poised to be auspicious for individuals born under the Monkey sign, with favorable outcomes expected in various aspects, particularly in terms of career. Wearing an Apatite Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/apatite-bracelet/)  can aid in manifesting success and is a crucial companion for those aspiring to achieve promotions and salary increases. Monkeys are likely to excel in their work, successfully addressing any emergent issues that may arise. Positive interactions with colleagues are anticipated, leading to a harmonious and productive work environment. Enhance your connections and networking possibilities with a Pyrite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/pyrite-classic-108-japa-mala/), and be sure to meditate with it before going to bed each night. Business owners are encouraged to position an Aventurine Orb/Sphere (https://www.themalatree.com/aventurine-orb-sphere/) near the entrance of their establishment to attract increased opportunities and enhance fortune.

Wearing a Black Onyx Double Terminated Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/black-onyx-double-terminated-pendant/ ) can provide support for individuals prone to feeling overwhelmed by tasks. This grounding stone is crucial, especially if you aim to take on more responsibilities this month.

In matters of love, Monkey individuals are set to experience positive developments throughout February. Relationships with both their significant other and family members are expected to become increasingly harmonious. Rare quarrels and improved understanding contribute to a relaxing and happy love life during this period.

If you’re seeking a potential marriage partner, position the Ojo de Dios of Love (https://www.themalatree.com/ojo-de-dios-of-love/ ) in your bedroom, living room, or vehicle to attract serendipitous encounters. Purify your living spaces daily using Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ).

The overall fortune for those born in the year of the Monkey is favorable, creating a relaxed and joyful atmosphere in their lives throughout February. The positive dynamics in career and love aspects contribute to a general sense of well-being and contentment. Embrace the energies associated with the Monkey to unlock your potential for happiness and fulfillment.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


In the initial lunar month of 2024, the overall fortune for individuals born under the Chinese zodiac Rooster is characterized as neither notably favorable nor unfavorable. Some minor annoyances may manifest in various aspects, including the potential for mistakes at work. Such errors could impact the confidence of those born in the year of the Rooster, leading to possible reprimands from superiors. It is advisable for Roosters to concentrate on their job responsibilities rather than engaging in distractions. Discover your inner balance while seeking support from the universe by carrying and meditating with a Beryl Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/beryl-classic-108-mala/ ). Ensure your safety and constant protection by always wearing the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/people-with-bad-intentions-protection-bracelet/). Enhance your focus by placing a Clear Quartz Generator (https://www.themalatree.com/clear-quartz-generator/ ) on your desk or living room. Those who are in business should place an Amazonite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand (https://www.themalatree.com/amazonite-crystal-point-generator-wand/) by their main entrances or reception areas.

For singles born under the Rooster sign, the forecast suggests the likelihood of remaining single during this month. As a result, individuals are encouraged to prioritize their professional endeavors rather than indulging in dissipative activities. A Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz (https://www.themalatree.com/rose-quartz-gem-tree-on-quartz/ ) placed on your nightstand will help bring love into your life.

While facing some annoyances and potential challenges in work and love aspects, those born under the Rooster sign can navigate through this period by maintaining a focused and diligent approach. Prioritizing job responsibilities and remaining mindful of personal goals will contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling month. Seek the support of the universe to help you with your requirements, particularly during moments of task overload and personal challenges. Adorn the Button Om Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/button-om-silver-pendant/) and remember to chant “om” periodically.

Light Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) every morning to dispel stagnant energies within your home. Love and positive chi await you.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


The horoscope for individuals born in the years of the Dog appears notably favorable in February 2024, with a particular emphasis on wealth and love fortunes. Through persistent efforts in their professional endeavors, they are likely to achieve commendable results, leading to corresponding rewards and a significant increase in income for the month. Despite potential expenditures, they can anticipate receiving valuable gifts. This positive financial outlook is indicative of a rewarding period in their career. Secure your fortune this month by using the Fancy Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace (https://www.themalatree.com/fancy-jasper-classic-108-japa-mala/) and adorning yourself with a Blue Aventurine Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/blue-aventurine-bracelet/ ) will further bring your opportunities. Do not sit on your luck for this type of windfall doesn’t come often.

Given your good fortune, some coworkers might cast envious glances your way. To safeguard your luck and well-being, wear the Auspicious Evil Eye Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/auspicious-evil-eye-silver-pendant/). This not only ensures your rightful position within the company but also serves as a deterrent to those harboring envy. For additional auspicious luck, position a Gold Tiger’s Eye Plate / Slab (https://www.themalatree.com/gold-tigers-eye-plate-slab-freeform/) on your desk or main entrances.

The love fortune for individuals born under the Dog sign in February 2024 is promising. Single Dog individuals are fortunate to garner the attention and favor of friends of the opposite sex during social gatherings, banquets, and business dinners. As they build connections with these friends, there is a substantial probability of forming romantic relationships, potentially leading to them being unavailable if they desire. Ensure that you attract only the appropriate individuals by positioning an Amethyst Gem Tree on Rose Quartz (https://www.themalatree.com/amethyst-gem-tree-on-rose-quartz-6-inches/ ) on your nightstand or in your living room to elevate romance and love luck.

For good chi, burn Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks (https://www.themalatree.com/feng-shui-water-incense-sticks-20s/ ) near your main entrances and backdoors.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


Individuals with the Chinese zodiac Boar can anticipate a smoothly progressing February in 2024. While advancements may occur gradually, success is within close reach. For those who are self-employed, there might be an initial dip in business at the start of the month. However, there is assurance that this situation can improve during the latter half of February. There is also a fortunate aspect related to unexpected small financial gains, although caution is advised against succumbing to greed, which could result in losses.

Maximize your fortune by incorporating wealth enhancers in your homes and offices. Meditate using an Apatite with Blue Aventurine Guru Bespangled 108 Mala (https://www.themalatree.com/apatite-with-blue-aventurine-guru-bespangled-108-mala/), and consistently wear a Dark Green Jade (Jadeite) Bracelet (https://www.themalatree.com/dark-green-jade-jadeite-bracelet/) amulet to increase your income. Safeguard against unforeseen obstacles by positioning a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab (https://www.themalatree.com/black-obsidian-plate-slab-freeform/ ) on your desk. Improve focus and mental clarity by placing an Aventurine Money Tree (https://www.themalatree.com/aventurine-money-tree/ ) in your living space or the reception area of your workplace if you aim to enhance your business luck. For protection, wear a Sitting Ganesha with OM Background Silver Pendant (https://www.themalatree.com/sitting-ganesha-with-om-background-silver-pendant/).

For single men born under the Boar sign, there is a favorable indication that they may encounter their soulmate during various social activities throughout the month. Women must boost their charisma and set their intentions out into the universe if they want to attract the right mate for them. Attract the right suitor and partner by placing a Rose Quartz Gem Tree (https://www.themalatree.com/rose-quartz-gem-tree-on-quartz/ ) in your bedroom, living room, or dining area.

Overall, February is expected to unfold smoothly for individuals born under the Boar sign. While success may come at a gradual pace, it is essential to remain cautious about financial decisions to avoid potential losses. Additionally, individuals with a history of heart disease are advised to undergo a comprehensive physical examination for their well-being. Position multiple Clear Quartz Tumbled Stones (https://www.themalatree.com/clear-quartz-tumbled-stone/) in a transparent glass bowl near your main entrance for health,  to purify your surroundings and welcome opportunities and abundance into your life.

2024 Annual Feng Shui Forecast & Must-Haves for the 12 Animal Signs – Year of the Yang Wood Dragon

Hello there! The long-awaited 2024 Feng Shui Forecast is finally here! It’s time to unlock the year’s hidden potential and navigate its dynamic currents with grace. It’s become a cherished yearly habit, like savoring that first sip of a steaming cup of tea on a cold morning. This year, the spotlight shines on the mighty Wood Dragon, its powerful energy promising a whirlwind of change, transformative opportunities, and a healthy dose of challenges to keep things interesting.

To harness its potent energy, we’ve compiled Must-Have cures and enhancers for each animal sign, guiding you toward abundance, harmony, and success.

So, dive deep into the intricate dance of the Flying Stars and unleash the magic of Feng Shui in your own space. We are proud of this edition of the annual forecast.

Let the Dragon roar, and let 2024 be your year to shine!


The Year of the Wood Dragon marks a significant period of transformation and change, offering fresh opportunities and new beginnings for individuals across various animal signs. Traditionally associated with power and opportunities, the Dragon’s influence remains potent in 2024. Encouraging everyone to excel, this year introduces impactful events that extend beyond personal Feng Shui, influencing a broader scale.

Navigating 2024 requires a blend of courage and caution. The year promises a fast-paced and dynamic journey, marked by abrupt changes, emphasizing the importance of adaptability to achieve one’s goals. Stepping back to reassess situations becomes crucial, benefiting all involved.

Entering the Fire Period 9, characterized by the dynamic and unpredictable nature of fire, calls for heightened caution. Lack of preparedness may lead to the loss of investments and acquired assets from previous periods. As a precaution, individuals are urged to surround themselves with protective charms and strive to balance the elements in their charts, pacifying the potential impact of the roaring fire.

The prevailing energy is characterized by the presence of the Quarrelsome Star. Minor disagreements have the potential to escalate rapidly during this period, necessitating everyone to uphold composure and remain calm. It is recommended to disengage from conversations as soon as tensions begin to rise. Collaborative efforts are discouraged. In the workplace, maintain a prudent distance from colleagues and strive for independence, concentrating on core tasks. In severe instances, legal disputes and even international conflicts could emerge, emphasizing the importance of diplomatic and cordial behavior at all times.

Know the lucky and unlucky activities so you can schedule your contract signing, business opening, medical or dental procedures, travel, transfer of residence, buying a car, etc. Which day will conflict with your animal sign? What luck booster should you use? What are the auspicious hours to use? The Abundance Planner 2024 will be your ally in 2024. Check it out!

Always play safe and make sure that you plan important activities using your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024, which also serves as a reference guide for the day’s auspicious and inauspicious details.

May 2024 be a year where every wish finds its echo and every dream finds its wings! Let abundance reign in 2024 for all. Happy New Year of the Wood Dragon, 2024!

To learn more about the 2024 Forecast and more sustainable and environmentally conscious Must-Have Cures and Enhancers for the 12 animal signs, please read the articles below.

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)

Get ready for a year of wealth and leadership opportunities with the Rat! You’ll have the chance to make good money, gain loyal followers, and reach your lofty goals. However, watch out for illness and problems brought by the 3 Killings.

As we embark on a new year, the elemental landscape changes, potentially causing an imbalance in your sign’s core energy. This imbalance can affect your wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. To restore harmony and attract abundance in all these aspects, wearing the FIRE “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the WOOD “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 is highly recommended. You may re-use this bracelet (forever) again in subsequent years that demand a boost in the elements.

Get ready for a fantastic year ahead with the Rat! To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024.  Plan significant events like starting a business, introducing a product, traveling, medical procedures, etc., and strategize your path to prosperity by seeking guidance from and utilizing this planner. Cultivate a positive relationship with your Feng Shui days, and you’ll appreciate the results.

Since your element luck is weak, capturing good fortune may be a challenge. Keep yourself protected by wearing the Apatite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and meditate with it. An effective mantra for you this year is the White Dzambhala Mantra, Om Padma Krodha Arya Jambhala Hridaya Hum Phat. Displaying the Lapis Lazuli Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in the South will bring protection. For wealth and abundance, wear a Pyrite Bracelet.

Boost your inner “lung ta” (life force) with a Malachite Tumbled Stones or Malachite Cube. Additionally, a Jade Bracelet will help safeguard everything you already have and bring in new triumphs and successes as we enter Period 9! To protect your health, it is advised that you wear the Health Protection Bracelet. To secure your finances, always carry the Money Loss Protection Bracelet.

For wealth luck, place the Aventurine Money Tree in the North. If you’re in a leadership position, the Red Jasper Bracelet in your office will bring you benefits. Protect your home from negative energies and troubles this year by placing an Ojo de Dios near the main entrance and inside your car.

Students looking for excellent grades and professionals striving for success in their careers can energize their space and auras with a Gold Tiger’s Eye Double Terminated Pendant. Simply wear it daily and remember to touch it whenever you feel pressure or whenever you need its assistance. A Selenite Flower of Life Square Plate will help remove negative energies.

This year, there’s an elemental imbalance, specifically with the Water element. But fear not, we have a solution! Kickstart the year on January 1, 2024, by lighting the powerful Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 5/5

  • Positive income growth: Income is expected to rise, but unexpected expenses are possible.
  • Caution is key: Avoid risky investments and stick to ethical practices to avoid financial troubles.
  • Increase earning potential: Expand professional skills and knowledge to boost wealth accumulation.
  • Place a Garnet Crystal Point/Generator/Wand near your entrances to bring wealth luck.

Career: 4/5

  • Dynamic opportunities: The Year of the Dragon offers exciting career opportunities for Rats.
  • Showcase your talents: Display your skills, embrace the energy, and work to your full potential.
  • Shining in specific fields: Media, Arts, and Communication professionals will particularly thrive.
  • Collaboration is key: Build strong relationships with colleagues and leverage your abilities to secure big opportunities for the company.
  • To help strengthen cooperation in the workplace, place a Carnelian Palm Stone on your desk.

Health: 4/5

  • Focus on well-being: Health requires particular attention in 2024.
  • Potential for injuries and infections: Take precautions to avoid injuries and infections.
  • Strengthen immunity: Boost your immune system through natural foods and regular exercise.
  • Mind-body balance: Incorporate practices like Yoga and CrossFit for balanced mental and physical health.
  • Manage stress: Avoid undue stress to maintain overall well-being.
  • The powerful Sapphire Bracelet will assist you with all your health issues while at the same time providing you and those around you protection.

Relationships: 4/5

  • Love is in the air: Married and committed couples will experience deeper bonds.
  • Singles need caution: Single Rats might encounter challenges in finding love.
  • Strengthen social connections: Actively participate in social activities.
  • Trust your intuition: rely on your gut feeling when building new relationships.
  • Communication is vital: Open and honest communication is essential for lasting connections.
  • For romantic bliss, a Sakura Agate Bracelet will do wonders.

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Get ready for a year of big opportunities and blessings, Ox! With the Big Auspicious Star on your side, you have a strong life force and heavenly luck. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Your wealth luck is also improving, and you have a strong mentor by your side.

With each new year, the dance of the five elements (earth, metal, water, wood, and fire) shifts, potentially impacting your sign’s foundational energy. This can affect your wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. The METAL “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the WOOD “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 can be a powerful tool to restore balance and attract prosperity in these areas. You may re-use this bracelet (forever) in future years when there is a need for an elemental boost.

Embrace the year ahead, Ox, and make the most of all the amazing opportunities coming your way!  To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Organize important events, such as business openings, product launches, travel, medical procedures, and more, aligning your path to wealth by consulting and implementing this planner. Cultivate friendships with your Feng Shui days, and gratitude will follow.

To overcome any obstacles, you can use the Malachite 108 Mala Necklace with Gold Plated Silver Piyao Center Bead Mala to boost reducing energy and display the Mixed Gemstones Money Tree in the South. This will help bring balance and positive energy into your life. Chant the Vasudhara Money Mantra to invite more wealth into your life: Om Vasudhara Svaha. This mantra invokes Vasudhara, the Earth Goddess. Chanting it is believed to bring abundance and prosperity in the form of wealth, food, and resources.

Make sure to also appease the Tai Sui by wearing a Black Obsidian Piyao Money Ball Bracelet and displaying a Black Tourmaline Orb/Sphere in the Northeast. This will ensure harmony and protection in your home. As protection against the negative stars of 2024, you are encouraged to wear the Violence and Burglary Protection Bracelet and boost it with the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet. You may re-use this bracelet (forever) in the coming years that necessitate a reinforcement of the elements. Protect your home from negativity and misfortune by displaying an Ojo de Dios near your main door and in your car.

For students and those pursuing a career, the Howlite Double Terminated Pendant is a powerful energizer. Display a Clear Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your study desk or work desk and watch your grades and success soar. Inside your purse or desk drawers, make sure you have a Carnelian Bracelet to help you overcome stress and for protection against envious coworkers.

This year, there’s an elemental imbalance, specifically with the Water element. Experience the perfect balance in 2024 by harmonizing the elemental forces. Start the year right on January 1st by igniting the enchanting Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy. to enhance the presence of water element and restore equilibrium.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 2/5

  • Financial vigilance: Prioritize safety and prudence in investments.
  • Cautious lending: Avoid lending money without caution to prevent losses.
  • Wise budgeting: Budget effectively and avoid high-risk investments.
  • To block off negative people and thoughts, A Peridot Bracelet should be worn It is also a great wealth stone.

Career: 3/5

  • Potential hurdles: Expect challenges at work, possibly health-related.
  • Supportive figure: A capable female colleague will offer guidance and support.
  • Overcoming challenges: Navigate difficulties with patience and perseverance.
  • To assist you in the workplace and to ward off people with ill intentions who can potentially sabotage your advancement, wear a Botswana Agate Bracelet.

Health: 2/5

  • Prioritize self-care: Manage emotional stress and minor ailments with regular self-care practices.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: These practices can effectively reduce emotional stress.
  • Overwork awareness: Pay attention to fatigue and avoid overworking.
  • For emotional support, place a Citrine Orb/Sphere inside your living or dining room.

Relationship: 3/5

  • Challenges in communication: Open communication will be crucial to maintain harmony.
  • Introspective tendencies: Potential for misunderstandings due to introversion.
  • New relationships are possible: Strong foundations can lead to lasting connections.
  • A pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks inside your bedroom will help bring out love and romance.

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Unleash the Tiger within and pursue your wildest dreams! This year, your luck is unstoppable with lucky stars guiding you towards new opportunities. Push past any obstacles from the past and get ready for your big breakthrough!

Every new year brings a new energetic landscape, potentially destabilizing your sign’s element. As the year changes, so too do the elemental forces that influence your sign’s core energy. This can lead to instability in areas like wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. Wearing the WATER “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the METAL “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 provides a potent way to align with the five elements and cultivate harmony and abundance. You may re-use this bracelet (forever) in future years that call for an enhancement of the elements.

Get ready for a year filled with magic and possibilities, Tiger!  To make the most out of the year and to harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Strategically plan major activities like business launches, product introductions, travel, medical procedures, and others to enhance your journey toward prosperity. Utilize this planner for guidance, befriend your Feng Shui days, and experience gratitude.

There’s only one thing to watch out for the Yin House Star. Ward off its negative effects with the Beryl and Aquamarine Lucky Arowana Bespangled 108 Mala. Chant your recommended mantra this year, the Ganesh Mantra of Success: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.

Tap into the support of the heavens with the Angelite Bracelet. As we enter a new period, wear a Kyanite Bracelet and the Betrayal & Backstabbing Protection Bracelet and display the Citrine Money Tree in the East to protect what you have and invite in incredible triumphs and successes!

For a stroke of wealth and good fortune, place an Apatite Plate/Slab inside your living rooms and a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab near your main entrances. Combat negativity with an Ojo de Dios. Place it by your main door, in your car, and outside your house.

Students, boost your grades with a Sodalite Double Terminated Pendant and place several pieces of Botswana Agate Tumbled Stones inside your bags and on your study desks.  And if you’re aiming for success in your career, display an Aventurine Orb/Sphere on your study or work desk for a boost in achieving greatness.

Enhance the energy of 2024 by addressing its imbalance of elements. Start the year strong by lighting Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water element. on January 1st. 2024 lacks the Water element.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 2/5

  • Potential financial setbacks: Unexpected bills and home repairs might occur.
  • Secure income: Stabilize monthly income to manage expenses.
  • Avoid extravagance: Prioritize financial needs and avoid unnecessary spending.
  • Explore secondary income: Consider additional sources of income to improve financial stability.
  • Cautious investments: Avoid high-risk financial ventures.
  • A Labradorite Palm Stone placed in your living room or main entrance will bring an abundance of luck and opportunities.

Career: 2/5

  • Workplace changes: Expect significant shifts within teams or organizations.
  • Job insecurity possible: Be prepared for potential career challenges.
  • Dedication and teamwork: Demonstrate commitment and maintain positive relationships at work.
  • Creative opportunities: Creative individuals might find opportunities to shine.
  • To gain support from helpful people in the workplace, including your bosses, place several Larimar Tumbled Stones inside your work bag and drawers.

Health: 2/5

  • Mental health focus: Incorporate daily practices like Yoga and meditation for well-being.
  • Healthy habits: Avoid harmful habits like smoking and prioritize a healthy lifestyle.
  • Seek medical attention: Be proactive in addressing any health concerns.
  • For financial support and well-being, place a Yooperlite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand inside your dining room.

Relationship: 2/5

  • Emotional volatility: Be aware of potential mood swings and their impact on relationships.
  • Singles: focus on self-esteem: Prioritize self-love and confidence to attract healthy connections.
  • Committed couples: clear communication: Open and honest communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Married couples: quality time: Invest in shared experiences and vacations to strengthen bonds.
  • Hang a Mini Ojo de Dios of Love on your bedroom window, near your bed for love luck.

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Unlock a year of abundant luck for the Rabbit! The Victory Star shines upon you, providing an unbeatable advantage against competitors and paving the way for success. Don’t forget to wear the Rainbow Fluorite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and chant the Lakshmi Prosperity Flow Mantra to cultivate wealth, abundance, and obstacle-free living: Om Gum Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha.

Each year brings a fresh set of elemental influences, potentially disrupting the five pillars of your life: wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. To achieve harmony and attract abundance in these areas, aligning with the five elements (earth, metal, water, wood, and fire) is key. The WATER “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the EARTH “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 offer a powerful solution to facilitate this alignment. This bracelet is suitable for re-use (forever) in years ahead that require a boost in the elements.

To make the most out of the year and to harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024

Schedule crucial events such as business beginnings, product launches, travel, medical procedures, and more, shaping your path to financial success through consultation and application of this planner. Form a positive relationship with your Feng Shui days, and appreciation will abound.

Don’t let any energy challenges hold you back! Harness the powers of the Red Tiger’s Eye Bracelet and the Ruby Bracelet to overcome any obstacles. With two Big Auspicious stars by your side, this year promises immense progress in all areas of your life, enhance this luck by placing a Red Jasper Plate/Slab in your living room. Carry an Amethyst Tumbled Stone to amplify your good fortune.

Boost your wealth by placing a Citrine Gem Tree on Rose Quartz in the North. Wear the Flower of Life Silver Pendant, and let this charming symbol enhance your financial abundance! The Money Loss Protection Bracelet and the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet will help you negate negative situations.

Calling all students and career enthusiasts! Place a Citrine Orb/Sphere in the East. It is the ultimate energizer for academic excellence, abundance, and professional success. Display it on your study or work desk and watch your achievements soar! To ward off negative energy this year, position an Ojo de Dios by your house entrance, main door, and car interior.

Enhance the energy of 2024 by addressing its imbalance of elements (the annual chart lacks water). Start the year strong by lighting Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy. on January 1st.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 2/5

  • Financial challenges: Potential for unexpected expenses and a tendency towards splurging.
  • Prioritize prudence: Emphasize financial responsibility, especially with investments.
  • Cautious approach: Exercise caution before entering new financial ventures.
  • A Pyrite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand placed on your work desk or cash registers will invite wealth luck.

Career: 3/5

  • Growth and advancement: Opportunities for career progress are present.
  • Obstacles to overcome: Be prepared for potential challenges and seek guidance when needed.
  • Invest in continuous learning: Focus on professional development to enhance career prospects.
  • A Citrine Bracelet on your wrist is always a good thing, especially if you want career advancement while gaining the support of your colleagues.

Health: 2/5

  • Focus on well-being: Prioritize a balanced lifestyle to maintain good health.
  • Physical exercise: Regular exercise benefits immunity and physical health.
  • Meditation and diet: These practices promote emotional well-being and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Stress management: Develop effective stress management strategies to ensure well-being.
  • Sufficient rest: Prioritize adequate sleep for optimal health.
  • An Amethyst Gem Tree on Rose Quartz inside the bedroom will help with relaxation, something you will need to help manage stress.

Relationships: 2/5

  • Potential for conflict: Misunderstandings due to suspicion and mistrust might arise.
  • Clear communication: Open and honest communication is key to maintaining harmony.
  • Understanding and patience: These qualities are crucial for navigating relationship challenges.
  • Singles: take things slow: Approach new relationships with caution and gradual development.
  • Place a Sakura Agate Crystal Point/Generator/Wand inside your bedroom for relationship luck.

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Step into the year of the Dragon, where fortunes align and possibilities abound. The mighty Dragon basks in the support of the Tai Sui, paving the way for success. Discover new horizons and improved wealth, thanks to the auspicious stars shining upon you.

However, challenges lurk in the form of the Illness Star and Yin House. Stay steadfast and don’t let these setbacks deter you from your path.

The arrival of a new year marks a shift in the elemental forces impacting your sign’s core energy. This can potentially lead to imbalances in wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. The METAL “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and EARTH “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 presents a valuable resource to restore balance and promote abundance in all these aspects. You can revisit this bracelet (forever) in the years to come, especially when there is a need for an element boost.

Embrace the mystique of the Dragon and let 2024 be a year of triumph and fulfillment. The path is yours to conquer. To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Arrange essential activities like business launches, product debuts, travel plans, medical procedures, etc., and chart your course towards wealth by seeking advice from and implementing this planner. Forge connections with your Feng Shui days, and you’ll find reasons to be thankful.

Unleash the power of the Bloodstone Jade Wulou Guru 108 Mala to boost your health and well-being and wear the Howlite Bracelet to help you deal with people with aggressive behavior. These mystical symbols will bring harmony and strength to your surroundings, ensuring a smooth journey through 2024. When using the mantra for meditation, your recommended mantra of the year to unleash your wealth and wisdom and come up with the best life decisions–the Manjushri Mantra: “Om a ra pa ca na dhih.”

To keep the negative energies at bay,  make sure you wear the combination of the Money Loss Protection Bracelet and the Third-Party Protection Bracelet at all times. These crystal combinations will protect you from any potential anger and bring you good fortune throughout the year. In addition, always ensure good chi flows around your house, and burn Incense Sticks every morning to drive away negative energy. Install an Ojo de Dios to counter negative energies. Place it near your home’s main entrance and in your car.

Boost your financial luck by placing a Citrine Crystal Point/Generator/Slab in the South. Allow prosperity to flow into your life and embrace the abundance that awaits. Seal this luck with the Mystic Knot Silver Pendant.

For students seeking academic excellence and ambitious professionals aiming for great success, the Fluorite Bracelet is a powerful tool. Display a Red Jasper Plate/Slab on your study or work desk and watch as it empowers you to achieve greatness in your chosen field.

In 2024, the element of Water is imbalanced. Start the year off right on January 1 by enhancing the Water element with the powerful Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water element..

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 2/5

  • Unpredictable financial outlook: Large investments may not perform as expected.
  • Beware of losses: Exercise caution with finances and avoid high-risk ventures.
  • Financial prudence: Prioritize budgeting and curb impulsive spending.
  • Guard against scams: Remain vigilant to protect your financial assets.
  • A Gold Rutilated Quartz Bracelet is a good wealth luck booster, make sure you have it in your arsenal.

Career: 2/5

  • Potential career challenges: Anticipate obstacles in your professional journey.
  • Launch new ventures with caution: Carefully assess risks before starting a business.
  • Consider career changes carefully: Seek guidance before making decisions about job switches.
  • Stability in current position: Maintaining your current position might be advantageous.
  • Seek guidance from mentors: Leverage the experience and wisdom of trusted mentors.
  • To boost charm and win favors from people of authority, always carry some Sakura Agate Tumbled Stones in your purse and place some inside your vehicles.

Relationship: 2/5

  • Emotional ups and downs: Prepare for both positive and negative experiences in relationships.
  • Clear communication is key: Married couples should actively communicate to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Singles may face short-lived connections: Approach new relationships with caution.
  • Seek relationship advice: Consider professional guidance for navigating emotional challenges.
  • Make well-considered decisions: Don’t rush into significant emotional commitments.
  • For a good emotional support stone, make sure you have an Amethyst Orb/Sphere inside your bedroom. This is also a popular loyalty stone.

Health: 2/5

  • Prioritize accident prevention: Be particularly vigilant to avoid injuries involving sharp objects.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
  • Positive mindset: Embrace a positive attitude to overcome challenges.
  • Travel for relaxation: Consider travel as a means to de-stress and unwind.
  • A Red Jasper Double Terminated Pendant may be worn (or placed inside your bags) during travel for extra protection.

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Discover the secrets to thrive this year, Snake! Focus on preserving your precious relationships, wealth, and health. With a combination of afflictive stars and neutral element luck, it’s crucial to take powerful measures. take time to meditate with your Tibetan-Style Spessartine Garnet Mala with Piyao Guru and Gold-filled Markers.

each night to boost wealth and relationship luck. The sacred mantra of Amitabha (Amitayus) Buddha is Om Ami Dewa Hrih. This powerful mantra safeguards you from any obstacles and dangers, while also empowering you to overcome all hindrances on your path to success.

The changing year brings a new set of elemental influences, potentially impacting your sign’s fundamental energy and affecting your wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. The FIRE “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet, WATER “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet, and WOOD “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 in 2024 offers a valuable solution, supporting you in achieving balance and abundance by aligning with the five elements. Re-use (forever) this bracelet again in future years that necessitate a strengthening of the elements.

Unveil the path to prosperity and fulfillment, Snake. Your future awaits! To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Strategize major events like business openings, product launches, travel arrangements, medical procedures, etc., using this planner as your guide to financial success. Embrace your Feng Shui days as allies, and gratitude will be a natural outcome.

Boost your health luck by welcoming the Carnelian Money Tree into your Southeast corner. Defend yourself against the Robbery Star and the 3 Killings with the Violence and Burglary Protection Bracelet and the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet. A Black Tourmaline Orb/Sphere placed near your home’s entrances will help drive away negative energies.

To safeguard what’s rightfully yours and make wise decisions, call upon the mighty Ganesha and wear his obstacle-breaking Sitting Ganesha with Om Background Silver Pendant. Remember, diplomacy is key to your success this year. Place a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab in the heart of your home to nurture harmonious relationships and dispel negativity. Banish negativity with an Ojo de Dios. Place it at your doorstep, by the main entrance, and in your car to ward off bad energies for the year.

If you’re a student aiming for outstanding grades or a professional seeking career triumph, wear the Hematite Bracelet. Additionally, a Citrine  Bracelet is your ultimate abundance energizer.

Enhance the harmony of 2024 by addressing its elemental imbalance, specifically the deficiency of Water. Ignite the Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy. on January 1st to heighten the presence of this vital element.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 3/5

  • Steady financial growth: Expect income primarily from your main source of income, such as your job.
  • Strong base income: Look forward to substantial salary, commissions, and bonuses.
  • Avoid risky ventures: Steer clear of side hustles and risky investments for now.
  • Garnet is a love stone, but it is also a stone that helps bring fortune. As a wealth luck booster, make sure you have a Garnet Crystal Point/Generator/Wand.

Career: 4/5

  • Promising outlook: Expect positive career shifts and exciting opportunities.
  • Embrace change and learning: Be open to new projects and continuous learning for career advancement.
  • Travel and overtime could lead to promotions: Be open to business trips and overtime as they may bring opportunities for promotion, seal this luck with an Orange Aventurine Bracelet.
  • Transformations will lead to long-term growth: Embrace changes, even if they seem unsettling initially, as they will contribute to your long-term career success.

Health: 3/5

  • Anticipate some health challenges, but the overall results will be positive.
  • Essential to adopt a personalized exercise routine and maintain a balanced diet that suits individual health requirements.
  • Participation in activities such as sports is crucial to promote both physical and mental well-being throughout the year.

Relationship: 4/5

  • Love is in the air: Expect unexpected and positive developments in your love life. Release unnecessary blockages and allow yourself to meet new people with a Snowflake Obsidian Double Terminated Pendant.
  • Singles: confessions are possible: Prepare to be surprised by confessions from someone you admire, leading to potential new relationships.
  • Stronger bonds for committed couples: Committed couples will experience increased closeness and deepen their bonds.
  • Open communication is key: Maintain open and honest communication to ensure lasting relationships.

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Experience a surge in success potential, but tread carefully as the year presents challenges. Protect yourself from the Loss Star, Natural Disaster Star, and Three Killings in your sector. Shield yourself and your loved ones from potential harm by wearing the Sudden Death Protection Bracelet and pair it with the Karmic Debt Protection Bracelet.

With each year, the interplay of elements changes, potentially affecting your sign’s core energy and impacting your wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. In 2024, the EARTH “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the WOOD “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 offer a powerful resource, supporting you in achieving balance and abundance by aligning with the five elements. Feel free to re-use (forever) this bracelet in subsequent years when there is a requirement for an elemental boost.

Prepare yourself for a year of mystery, wonder, and long-lasting fortune. Act now to invite positivity into your life. To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Plan crucial activities such as business launches, product introductions, travel plans, medical procedures, and more, while sculpting your path to prosperity through consultation and utilization of this planner. Develop positive connections with your Feng Shui days, and gratitude will ensue.

Take the time to consider investment decisions wisely. Bring opportunities and protection at the same time by meditating using the Kyanite with Gold Guru 108 Mala every evening. Embrace the Green Tara’s grace by empowering your life with the soothing strength of the Green Tara Mantra for protection, healing, and success Om Tare Tuttare Soha.

Embrace powerful protection with the Red Jasper Crystal Point/Generator/Wand alongside a Lapis Lazuli Bracelet. Carry the Om and Lotus Silver Pendant for heavenly protection.

Unleash untold prosperity with Aquamarine Tumbled Stones and a Carnelian Money Tree, harnessing the incredible power of the stones’ energies. Protect your home and car from negative energies with an Ojo de Dios.

For students seeking excellent grades and professionals striving for success, the Apatite Bracelet is the perfect energizer.

In 2024, there is an elemental imbalance, specifically a lack of Water. To restore harmony, enhance the Water element on January 1 by igniting the potent Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy..

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 4/5

  • Promising financial outlook: Expect financial success and increased income.
  • Develop a savings habit: Overcome the tendency to spend lavishly and prioritize saving.
  • Focus on wealth preservation: Secure your finances and be cautious of potential scams.
  • A Jade Bracelet will not only allow you to secure financial luck but also protect you from people who can potentially cause you harm.

Career: 4/5

  • Potential for job instability: Prepare for possible workplace changes and job transitions.
  • Diversification is key: Embrace opportunities across different roles and companies for career growth.
  • Sales professionals will thrive: Expect favorable outcomes and rewards for those in sales.
  • Business owners need vigilance: Proactive approaches and careful management are crucial for business success.
  • Do not allow external forces to derail you from meeting your goals, display the highly protective and mind-sharpening Dumortierite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand.

Health: 2/5

  • Prioritize well-being: Focus on your health and avoid risky activities.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Incorporate regular exercise, a balanced diet, and relaxation techniques.
  • Mental health matters: Stay connected with loved ones and practice mindfulness for mental well-being.
  • A good wealth stone, Aventurine also helps one not only where finances are concerned but also in healing. Display an Aventurine Orb/Sphere inside your living room or family room.

Relationship: 4/5

  • Up and down relationships: Singles may encounter complex romantic situations.
  • Couples may face financial disagreements: Open communication and compromise are key to resolving issues. Use a Lapis Lazuli Pendulum to answer your questions and to allow a positive flow of good energy.
  • Natural compromising nature will help: Leverage your inherent ability to compromise to maintain harmony.

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Experience the incredible luck of the #9 Star and a powerful Big Auspicious energy, opening doors to long-term wealth and success. With a strong lung ta, you possess the ability to conquer any challenge and should never let doubt hinder your confidence. Seal this incredible luck with the auspicious Moonstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Meditate with it using the Kubera Money Mantra “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namaha.” For additional wealth luck, pair the mala with a Citrine Bracelet.

As the year changes, the balance of the five elements (earth, metal, water, wood, and fire) is crucial for good Feng Shui in your wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. Wearing the FIRE “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the WATER “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 can help restore balance and attract abundance in all these areas. Re-use this bracelet (forever) in the future, particularly in years that demand a boost in the elements.

Unlock the secrets of luck and prosperity with these extraordinary charms and enhancers. Open the door to boundless possibilities and embrace a future filled with achievement and happiness.  To make the most out of the year and to harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Maximize your success with our planner by strategically planning important events like business launches, product releases, travel plans, and medical procedures. Our consultation and utilization of Feng Shui will help you create a path to prosperity. Experience the power of positive connections and gratitude on your journey to success.

Amplify your good fortune by strategically keeping a Ruby Bracelet with you at all times and by a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere and a Citrine Gem Tree on Rose Quartz in the Southwest. These items will supercharge your luck and attract abundance into your life.

To overcome any obstacles and negative energies, wear the very potent Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet and Third-Party Protection Bracelet. Display the Selenite Square Plate/Slab in the Southwest to ward off any potential harm.

Considering the clash with the Tai Sui in 2024, it’s essential to have the Bloodstone Crystal Point/Generator/Wand with you. This will ensure you have the support and backing of the Tai Sui. Drive away negativity and bring peace to your home and car with an Ojo de Dios.

For students seeking excellent grades or individuals striving for career success, the Divine Om Silver Pendant is a powerful energizer. Place it on your study desk or work desk to enhance your academic or professional pursuits.

Enhance the harmony of 2024 by addressing the imbalance of the Water element. Start the year right on January 1 by infusing your space with the powerful energy of Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 4/5

  • Positive financial outlook: Expect significant gains and opportunities to increase wealth.
  • Cutting-edge information: Utilize business insights to maximize income potential.
  • Prudence in spending: Avoid unnecessary expenses to maintain financial stability.
  • Protect yourself from people with ill intentions while inviting luck at the same time, wear a Sunstone Bracelet.

Career: 4/5

  • Potential workplace challenges: Be prepared for public opinion disputes and maintain a low profile.
  • Hard work and diligence will lead to success: Your dedication will be rewarded with achievements, opportunities, and potential promotions.
  • Positive attitude brings rewards: Embrace opportunities with a positive mindset to enhance your career prospects.
  • Maintain your high spirits and keep good people around you, promote respect and loyalty in the workplace. Wear a Dalmatian Stone Bracelet.

Health: 3/5

  • Focus on well-being: Increased risk of illness and accidents requires proactive health measures.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Implement a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental well-being practices.
  • Prioritize safety: Be cautious and take steps to prevent accidents and illnesses. Place a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere inside your living and dining rooms to promote good health and to clear your spaces from negative vibrations.

Relationship: 3/5

  • A rollercoaster year for love: Expect both positive and challenging experiences in relationships. Enhance your love luck with a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks and place them inside your bedroom.
  • Dragon’s energy brings connections: Opportunities for meaningful relationships are present.
  • Balance self-care with partner needs: Avoid getting lost in your own world and prioritize your partner.
  • Spark rekindling for committed couples: Focus on reconnecting and strengthening your bond.
  • Open communication for singles: Maintain clear communication to navigate relationship complexities.

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Step into a year of unparalleled success! The Monkey is blessed with an amazing element of luck and the powerful #9 Star. Enhance your luck even more with the Earth Seal and the prosperous Big Auspicious Star. Embrace fresh challenges and go all out, the All Black Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will keep you company during trying times and will help bring luck into your life. Using this mala, chant the Yellow Dzambhala “God of Wealth” Mantra Om Dzambhala Jalendraye Svaha to attract Prosperity, Faith, Longevity, and Wisdom.

To achieve good Feng Shui in wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection, the balance of the five elements (earth, metal, water, wood, and fire) is essential. The METAL “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the EARTH “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 are highly recommended, as they can help you achieve this alignment and unlock abundance. This bracelet is designed for reuse (forever) in years ahead that require an enhancement of the elements. In the years to come, you can reapply this bracelet, especially when there is a need for an element boost.

Unlock amazing possibilities and embrace your luck this year. Let the Monkey guide you to unprecedented success and happiness! To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Schedule significant events like business openings, product launches, travel plans, medical procedures, etc., and shape your journey to wealth by consulting and applying this planner. Build a friendly rapport with your Feng Shui days, and gratitude will follow.

Harness the lucky vibrations of the number 9 by wearing your Life Path Bracelet and in the Southwest sector of your home, place a Black Tourmaline Orb/Sphere. Wearing the Tibetan 9-Eye DZI Silver Pendant will help you seal the positive and abundant energy of the Number 9.

Activate the Big Auspicious by wearing an Apatite Bracelet and in your office or place of business, place several pieces of Gold Tiger’s Eye Tumbled Stones in the Southwest. While your luck is strong, there may be challenging months. Dissolve any obstacles with the Ojo de Dios of Protection. In addition, wear the Third-Party Protection Bracelet to help secure our relationship.

Invite abundant good health and good fortune by displaying a Citrine Money Tree in any part of your home. To ward off negative energy this year, display an Ojo de Dios at your home’s entrance, by your main door, and in your car.

For students aiming for outstanding grades and career-driven individuals seeking great success, a Sapphire Bracelet will help you double your luck. Display a Fluorite Slab/Plate on your study desk or work desk to help you with your tasks and for clarity of mind.

In the 2024 chart, the element of Water is lacking. Restore harmony by enhancing the Water element on January 1 with the powerful Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 4/5

  • Dual financial trends: Expect growth in primary income due to career success.
  • Cautious international investments: Invest abroad with careful consideration and potentially lower expectations.
  • Focus on work-related finances: Prioritize work opportunities and manage finances prudently.
  • Minimize unnecessary risks: Avoid risky investments and financial ventures. Ground yourself and make sure you are protected. Wear an Onyx Double Terminated Pendant.

Career: 3/5

  • Significant career growth: Expect advancements and recognition for your unique talents.
  • Leverage innovation and talent: Stand out by showcasing your creativity and skills.
  • Network and build relationships: Foster positive connections with colleagues and supervisors.
  • Practice humility and teamwork: Be humble and collaborative to enhance your career prospects. Break obstacles and secure that promotion with the Lord Ganesha Intricate Silver Pendant.

Health: 3/5

  • Caution required: Be aware of the potential for minor accidents, especially during travel. Increase your vitality and promote wellness, always carry a Sodalite Palm Stone, especially during long travel.
  • Prioritize safety: Follow traffic rules and avoid unnecessary risks, particularly in bad weather.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Maintain overall well-being with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep.

Relationship: 4/5

  • Stable relationships with minor fluctuations: Maintain open communication and nurture your relationship.
  • Surprise your partner: Keep the spark alive with small gestures and expressions of affection.
  • Singles: be patient and discerning: Choose potential partners carefully and avoid rushing into commitments. To help you choose the right one and to keep your eyes focused on the things that need your utmost attention, place a Lapis Lazuli Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your work table.

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Unlock your potential and thrive amidst setbacks with the power of the Rooster’s life force and spirit essence. Overcome the Five Yellow’s influence by placing an Amazonite Plate/Slab and a Gold Tiger’s Eye Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in the West. Open the year on a clean slate, and wear the Karmic Debt Cleansing Bracelet so you rid yourself of all past misfortunes.

Each new year brings new opportunities and challenges, and it’s important to ensure your core energy is aligned for success. The EARTH “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the WATER “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 can help you achieve balance and attract abundance in wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection.

Embrace the power within and attract prosperity with these mystical remedies. To make the most out of the year and to harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Plan significant events like starting a business, introducing a product, traveling, medical procedures, etc., and strategize your path to prosperity by seeking guidance from and utilizing this planner. Cultivate a positive relationship with your Feng Shui days, and you’ll appreciate the results.

Because it’s a Dragon year, you have the favor of a secret friend ruling the year. Embrace good fortune by placing a Carnelian Money Tree in the West. and wear the Hanuman Silver Pendant for additional protection. Neutralize the negativity with an Ojo de Dios. Enhance protection by placing it strategically in your home and car.

Uncover hidden wealth with the Wood Jasper Bracelet and protect your assets with the Money Loss Protection Bracelet. To help you boost your wealth luck, meditate and wear the Zen-Style Amazonite with Aventurine Buddha of Happiness Guru Mala. To fulfill aspirations, ward off misfortunes, and protect wealth, receive the Black Dzambhala’s blessings by meditating and chanting Om Dzambhala Jalendraye Bashu Dharini Svaha.

For students seeking top-notch grades and ambitious professionals aiming for success, the Onyx Double Terminated Pendant, Smoky Quartz Bracelet, and Unakite Bracelet are good energizers. Display it on your study or work desk.

In the year 2024, there is an imbalance of elements, specifically lacking in the Water element. Restore harmony by lighting Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy. on January 1st.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 4/5

  • Promising financial future: Expect wealth growth, but exercise patience and make informed decisions.
  • Strategic and well-planned investments: Avoid impulsive financial choices and focus on long-term strategies.
  • For a sound mind, body, soul – and good wealth luck, place a Bloodstone Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your work desk or living room.

Career: 5/5

  • Harmonious workplace: Develop positive relationships with colleagues and cultivate a supportive environment.
  • Excellent opportunities for career advancement: New professionals may find ideal job offers, but be prepared for a demanding workload.
  • Maintain work-life balance: Prioritize rest and personal time to avoid burnout.
  • To harness your full potential and to attract wealth and countless opportunities in the workplace and beyond, wear the powerful Ruby Bracelet.

Health: 4/5

  • Overall good health: Expect strong immunity and general well-being.
  • Maintain a balanced lifestyle: Prioritize healthy habits like diet, exercise, and sleep.
  • Stay vigilant and cautious: Take precautions to prevent potential health issues.
  • A good stone for rest, insomnia, and cell rejuvenation is Leopard Skin Jasper. Place it in your bedroom to promote healing.

Relationships: 4/5

  • Dynamic changes in relationships: Expect significant developments in your love life, both positive and challenging.
  • True love is possible: Singles may find their soulmate, and existing relationships can deepen.
  • Open communication is crucial: Communicate effectively to address challenges and maintain harmony.
  • For self-confidence, assurance, and love, place several pieces of Kiwi Jasper Tumbled Stones inside your living and dining rooms and on your work desk.

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Unleash the power of the Dog’s luck! Exciting times lie ahead with the support of the Peach Blossom Star. Collaborations will flourish, and love is in the air. Unlock the door of opportunities with your Aventurine Bodhi Bespangled 108 Mala, meditate with it, carry it wherever you go, and bond with the auspicious energies of the stones and the sacred seed. Chant and meditate using the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” which cultivates compassion and wisdom, leading to positive karma and blessings that can manifest as abundance in various forms.

Embrace the New Year with Confidence: As we enter a new year, the FIRE “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the METAL “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet emerge as a valuable talisman. This powerful tool can help you achieve balance and attract abundance in wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection, allowing you to embrace the year with confidence and joy.

To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Strategically schedule major activities like business launches, product introductions, travel arrangements, medical procedures, and more, using this planner as your roadmap to financial success. Cultivate friendships with your Feng Shui days, and gratitude will be your companion.

To enhance friendship and networking luck, wear the Labradorite Bracelet and the Dog / Dachshund with Moving Head Silver Pendant. For wealth, place the Citrine and Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz in the North and make sure to keep a Lapis Lazuli Pendulum in the Southwest. Get rid of bad energies and bring peace to your life. Put an Ojo de Dios in front of your house, by the main door, and in your car.

However, be cautious as you confront the Tai Sui this year. Pacify him with the Black Obsidian Piyao Bracelet and place several pieces of  Aventurine Tumbled Stones in the Southeast. And don’t forget to carry or display the Sodalite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand to keep the Five Yellow energy at bay. Make sure you have the Sudden Death Protection Bracelet.

For students seeking top-notch grades and ambitious professionals aiming for success, the Kyanite Bracelet are must-have energizer.

In 2024, the year is unbalanced with a lack of Water element. Restore harmony by igniting the Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy. on January 1.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 2/5

  • Financial challenges: Expect unexpected expenses and potential losses.
  • Budgeting is key: Prioritize responsible financial planning and avoid unnecessary spending.
  • No quick fixes: Avoid risky investments and focus on stable, well-researched ventures.
  • Cautious lending: Do not lend money without clear agreements and terms.
  • Secure your wealth and double it whenever you can. Keep a Citrine Orb/Sphere and place it on your work desk or inside the filing cabinet where you keep your financial records.

Career: 2/5

  • Work dynamics shifts: Be prepared for potential career changes and adapt to new circumstances.
  • Growth opportunities: Embrace new challenges and opportunities for learning and development.
  • Travel for business: Business travel might arise, emphasizing focus, networking, and avoiding complacency.
  • Stay adaptable: Embrace change and maintain a positive attitude. Foster good relationships in the workplace, place a Labradorite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your desk.

Health: 2/5

  • Prioritize well-being: Focus on both physical and mental health despite feeling energetic.
  • Preventative care is essential: Implement a routine of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and relaxation techniques.
  • Adequate sleep is important: Ensure sufficient sleep to enhance well-being and avoid fatigue. A Tree Agate Bracelet i a good health enhancer.
  • Minimize travel risks: Be cautious when traveling long distances to reduce potential health concerns.

Relationships: 3/5

  • Ups and downs in love life: Singles may encounter potential partners, but approach them with caution.
  • Communication is crucial: Couples may face challenges requiring open communication, patience, and understanding.
  • Expand your network: Strengthen existing relationships and connect with new friends and allies.
  • A Garnet Bracelet is a good amulet for love and relationship, make sure you have one, especially this year.

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Get ready for a lucky change in fortunes, Boar! But, remember, you need to believe in yourself. The heavens are on your side and you have great networking potential. Keep your focus and prepare for stunning results. To start the year right, you have to wear and meditate with the Mala of the Sacred Seeds for additional luck, guidance, and protection. Chant the Shiva Mantra of Prosperity and Success: Om Vaamadevaaya Namaha–a good mantra to attract wealth, success, and creativity, remove obstacles, foster inner peace, and cultivate both material prosperity and spiritual growth.

As the year turns, the ever-shifting dance of the five elements (earth, metal, water, wood, and fire) can potentially affect your sign’s foundational energy, impacting your wealth, career, health, relationships, and protection. To cultivate harmony and attract abundance in these areas, the FIRE “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet and the METAL “Om Mani Padme Hum” Corrective Element Bracelet in 2024 offer a powerful tool to align you with the rhythm of the elements and navigate the new year with prosperity and grace. You may re-use this bracelet (forever) again in subsequent years that demand a boost in the elements.

Embrace the mysterious energy of the celestial beings and make the most of your incredible potential! To make the most out of the year and harness the good energies the Year of the Dragon brings, always consult your copy of The Mala Tree’s ABUNDANCE PLANNER 2024. Plan important events such as business beginnings, product launches, travel plans, medical procedures, and more, while navigating your path to prosperity with guidance from this planner. Embrace your Feng Shui days, and you’ll find reasons to be thankful.

To capture the good fortune heading your way, carry the Round Om Silver Pendant and wear a Pietersite Bracelet. For a boost in wealth, display the Gold Tiger’s Eye Plate/Slab in the Southwest. Banish negativity with an Ojo de Dios – a powerful talisman. Position it at your house entrance, by the main door, and inside your car.

Watch out for the Three Killings and Yearly Conflict Star in your sector, as they can bring some problems. Remedy this by placing a Smokey Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in the South and the Aventurine MoneyTree in the Northwest. To keep negative energies and the effects of the Tai Sui, make sure you have the Sudden Death Protection Bracelet and pair it with the Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet.

For students aiming for excellent grades and professionals striving for success, the Black Obsidian Piyao Money Ball Bracelet is the perfect energizer. Display several pieces of Lapis Lazuli Tumbled Stones on your study or work desk for wisdom and focus.

In the 2024 chart, the element of Water is lacking. Restore harmony by enhancing the Water element on January 1 with the powerful Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks to enhance the water energy.

Below is a bulleted forecast for specific aspects (Wealth, Career, Relationships, and Health) of your Feng Shui sign in 2024:

Wealth: 4/5

  • Positive financial outlook: Expect opportunities for unexpected income and benefits.
  • Financial prudence: Manage finances wisely, avoid risks, and prioritize smart spending.
  • Plan for unexpected expenses: Be ready to adapt to occasional financial bumps.
  • Sound financial knowledge: Invest in learning financial strategies for stability and growth.
  • Success is on your side: Embrace favorable financial luck. A Sapphire Bracelet is a good amulet for those who want to improve their financial luck. It is also a protective stone.

Career: 5/5

  • Promising career path: Hard work, networking, and skill development will lead to success.
  • Growth opportunities: Explore opportunities for advancement and recognition.
  • Deepen expertise for stability: Existing professionals should focus on improving their skills.
  • Business expansion potential: Consider opportunities to expand your influence and collaborate.
  • Inside your office, near your work desk, hang an Ojo de Dios of Wish Fulfillment for additional luck.

Health: 4/5

  • Prioritize well-being: Maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and stress management.
  • Focus on preventative care: Take steps to prevent potential health issues.
  • Overall good health is expected: Enjoy a healthy and happy year by prioritizing well-being.
  • Guard your health – especially your heart and circulatory system with a Dumortierite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand. Place it near your bed.

Relationship: 5/5

  • Love is in the air for singles: Look for potential partners at social events or through friends.
  • Strengthen existing bonds: Couples should prioritize communication and empathy.
  • Balance work and personal life: Prioritize your relationship while managing other responsibilities.
  • Beware of jealousy: Be aware of potential negative influences in your relationship.
  • Wear the Auspicious Evil Eye Silver Pendant to ward off people who wish you ill and may cause damage to your relationships.

November 2023 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast


The general Feng Shui forecast for November 2023 is positive and harmonious. The element of water is strong this month, which represents emotions, intuition, and compassion. This is a good month to focus on relationships, creativity, self-expression, healing, and spiritual growth.

Here are some specific things to expect in November 2023:

  • Relationships

This is a good month to focus on strengthening your relationships with your loved ones. You may find that you are more emotionally connected to the people you care about. This is also a good time to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings in your relationships.

  • Creativity

This is a good month to tap into your creative side. You may find that you are more inspired and productive than usual. If you have a creative project that you have been working on, now is the time to finish it up.

  • Self-Expression

This is a good month to express yourself freely. You may feel more confident and comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with others. This is also a good time to try new things and step outside of your comfort zone.

  • Healing

This is a good month to focus on your own well-being. If you have been experiencing any health problems, now is the time to focus on healing. You may also find that you are more emotionally balanced and centered during this time.

  • Spiritual Growth

This is a good month to connect with your spiritual side. You may find that you are more interested in meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices. You may also feel more connected to a higher power during this time.

Overall, November 2023 is a positive month for Feng Shui believers. By focusing on the center of the home, relationships, creativity, self-expression, healing, and spiritual growth, you can enhance the positive energies of this month and create a more harmonious and fulfilling life for yourself.

Here are some additional tips for making the most of the positive energies of November 2023:

  • Spend time in nature. The water element is associated with nature, so spending time outdoors can help you connect with the positive energies of this month. Go for a walk in the park, sit by a river or lake, or simply spend some time in your backyard.
  • Wear blue, green or black clothing. These colors are associated with the water element, so wearing them can help you tap into the positive energies of this month.
  • Display water elements in your home. A fountain, aquarium, or even a simple bowl of water can help to enhance the positive water energies in your home.
  • Eat foods that are associated with the water element. Fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cucumber, and cantaloupe, are all good choices. You can also eat seafood, such as fish and shrimp.
  • Meditate or practice yoga. Meditation and yoga are both great ways to connect with your inner self and enhance your overall well-being.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the positive energies of November 2023 and create a more harmonious and fulfilling life for yourself.

Unveil the secrets of your animal sign’s destiny with an authentic and in-depth zodiac forecast. Discover powerful remedies and enhancers that will guide you through a mystifying and extraordinary November.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


This month, your connections will experience a phase of warmth and understanding, and others will joyfully welcome you with open arms. If you are recovering from setbacks in the previous month, you’ll discover numerous supportive friends rallying around to assist you. Whenever you feel stuck, leverage your network of contacts.

Some individuals may hold the key to resolving your most challenging issues. You can think more clearly and devise better solutions, so don’t give up just yet.

The energies this month also favor acquiring new skills. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to improve, this is an opportune time to enhance your abilities. It’s another outstanding month for literary creatives seeking fresh inspiration. Ideas are flowing freely, so regardless of size, jot them down.

Work and Career- Commanding

The Rat can make significant strides this month. Your lucky star enhances your charisma, elevates your stage presence, and increases your popularity. Activate it by wearing the Beryl Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. When you speak, others pay close attention, so if you have a different point of view, express it. Your mind is brimming with good ideas; be bold because this is an excellent opportunity to make positive impressions. Promotion is possible, although there is a chance you will encounter some envious colleagues. Keep your head up and ignore them, as there is nothing they can do to impede your momentum. Always ensure you have the Betrayal and Backstabbing Protection Bracelet at all times.

Business – Thriving

The Rat benefits from prosperous energies brought about by the lucky stars of business and finance this month. This directs commercial success your way, turbocharging your efforts and amplifying your returns. Your ventures flourish spectacularly, so you can afford to take some risks! Utilize your entire team. If you act decisively, you will be able to close the gap for the year in magnificent fashion! It’s an excellent time to brainstorm new plans and strategies for the coming year. Activate this luck and keep it going by wearing the Mystic Knot Silver Pendant.

Love and Relationship – Captivating

The star of romance brings extraordinary luck to the love department. You have admirers hanging onto your every word. If you are looking for romance, the month sees you enjoying lots of it! Those in search of a more serious relationship should display the Mixed Gemstones Gem Tree on Rose Quartz. Cleanse your areas and your places of work by displaying the Metatron Sacred Geometry Symbols Selenite Plate to keep stale energy away and invite more positive vibes into your life. Third-party interferences are a possibility, so keep these temptations at bay by lighting Yin Yang Incense Sticks every morning.

Education – Navigating with ease

Discovering new information brings immense joy, as absorbing it comes effortlessly to you. If you find yourself with additional free time, consider sharing your good fortune by assisting classmates who may be struggling. Enhance your concentration and improve your performance by wearing a Lapis Lazuli Double Terminated Pendant.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


It’s a favorable month to explore new investment opportunities. Attract significant wealth inflows by carrying the All High-quality Citrine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace, known for enhancing wealth and abundance. Your achievements and financial gains may evoke a celebratory spirit, but it’s crucial to remain mindful of your health. Be aware that your well-being could experience a decline, so ensure a balanced diet and consider wearing the Seven Chakra Bracelet. Enhance your living spaces with the Seven Chakra Symbols Selenite Plate in your living or dining rooms. Neglecting your health could lead to diminished vitality and a clouded mind, increasing the risk of accidents. Strive for moderation, steering clear of excessive drinking and partying.

Work and Career  – Prioritize Rest and Relaxation

Your diligent efforts yield rewarding incentives, including the potential for a promotion and a salary boost. When these accomplishments materialize, express gratitude to your colleagues who have been instrumental in supporting your progress. However, it’s advisable to maintain a modest demeanor, as excessive attention may attract negative energies, including the potential for envy. In your workplace, consider placing a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab to attract positive energies and ward off individuals with ill intentions. Taking breaks to rejuvenate is essential to recharge your energy reserves. The upcoming months present promising opportunities, and to capitalize on them for career advancement, prioritize maintaining good health, ensuring adequate rest, and fostering a positive mental state.

Business – Seize opportunities

Money luck is spectacular! Many opportunities abound, but don’t be tempted to take everything on, as your hands will be too full before you know it. You will have greater success focusing on one project at a time, so know what you want to achieve or you could easily get sidetracked doing things that don’t matter. Consider delegating more, bringing in help, and outsourcing repetitive tasks. This will leave you more time to plan and manage the bigger picture. Keep your workload manageable, and you’ll continue to churn impressive revenues. To maintain your focus, place a Gold Tiger’s Eye Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your work desk.

Love and Relationship  – Repair Relationships

If you’re fortunate to have a supportive partner, consider seizing the chance to step away from work and indulge in a couple’s retreat or plan an activity that brings joy to both of you. Given that your energy levels are depleting more rapidly than usual, be mindful of occasional mood swings. Pay attention to your behavior to avoid dampening the mood with trivial arguments. Take the opportunity to rekindle passion and romance, and symbolize your connection by placing a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks on your bedside table.

Health – Monitor your health

For senior Ox individuals, attending doctor’s appointments is crucial, whereas younger individuals should focus on adopting a healthy, balanced lifestyle. If you sense any health issues, don’t procrastinate seeking medical advice. Detecting potential problems early allows for prompt resolution.

Education – Efficient time management

There is a noticeable dip in your energy levels this month. Kickstart your tasks early and minimize distractions. Avoid falling into the habit of procrastination, as it might become challenging to overcome.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


Health challenges may pose setbacks this month. Regardless of your schedule, prioritize your physical and mental well-being, avoiding excessive self-imposed pressure. If the previous month unfolded positively, you likely witnessed successful outcomes. Utilize this period to ease the pace, reflect on your objectives, and strategize for the future. Elderly Tigers should exercise caution, attend scheduled doctor’s appointments, and take measures to prevent falls. Financially, stability is anticipated, with wealth flowing from work, business ventures, investments, or potential windfalls. Enhance your financial and relationship prospects by carrying the Sakura Agate Handmade Brass Piyao 108 Mala.

Tigers face health challenges that hinder the realization of their full potential. Ensure a month of well-being and safety by donning a Dark Jade Bracelet.

WORK & CAREER – Reaping rewards

Harmony prevails as tensions subside, and your outstanding performance elevates your standing with the higher-ups. Diligent efforts may be rewarded with additional recognition or benefits. Seize the opportunity this month to secure significant accounts and achieve all your targets. To enhance client acquisition and foster customer loyalty, carry an Aquamarine Wrist Mala, ensuring you meet this quarter’s goals. While celebrating your success, exercise discretion, as success often attracts jealousy. Be mindful of your conduct to navigate the dynamics of achievement cautiously.

BUSINESS – Demand spikes

Expect a surge in sales. Success hinges on your adept management of the increased demand. Consider expanding your team or exploring outsourcing to avoid overloading your current staff, which could lead to negative consequences. Focus on your strengths, be realistic when talking to clients, and do not over-promise. By adhering to these principles, you increase your chances of achieving impressive results without exhausting your resources. Enhance your fortune and overcome obstacles by wearing the potent Sitting Ganesha with Om Background Silver Pendant.


Love-related challenges are on the horizon. Singles may find themselves lacking the energy to actively pursue romantic interests. To maintain morale, consider placing an Ojo De Dios of Love near your bed. For those in committed relationships, a sense of distance and withdrawal may be apparent. Open communication is crucial—don’t keep your partner in the dark about your feelings. The more you share, the greater understanding and support you are likely to receive. If you’re fortunate to have a loving partner, express your appreciation. Place a Rhodonite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your bedroom to enhance your relationship luck.

HEALTH – Stop and smell the roses

This month calls for prioritizing rest and rejuvenation. Ensure you get adequate sleep, boost your vitamin intake, and treat yourself to a change in surroundings. A period of rest is essential for your well-being. The upcoming months hold favorable prospects for you, and to capitalize on the forthcoming good fortune, it is imperative to be in good physical health and mentally prepared. The Health Protection Bracelet will help you during this period.

EDUCATION – Making sacrifices
As exhaustion becomes noticeable and your recovery time lengthens after daily activities, it’s crucial to use your free time efficiently to avoid falling behind. Plan your tasks in advance. While there may be temptations vying for your attention, consider them as rewards to be indulged in only after you’ve successfully achieved your set goals.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


This month offers abundant support to ensure your triumph in all endeavors, featuring influential mentors and wish-fulfilling vibrations accelerating your success. In this auspicious period, unseen forces clear obstacles from your path, ensuring you face no shortage. If there are outstanding goals, seize this opportune time to work on them before the year concludes. Relationship tensions ease with the waning of betrayal energies. When uncertain, seek advice for guidance. The prospect of windfalls is high; you may hit the jackpot or secure a scholarship for further studies. Dare to dream big, as possibilities are limitless! For optimal Feng Shui, augment your wealth luck by meditating with the Moss Agate Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace.

Work and Career – Exceptional

You effortlessly accomplish all assigned tasks with minimal effort and complications. Sustaining the support of key individuals will lead to numerous positive outcomes. Do not hesitate to seek assistance or opportunities for personal growth. Your favorable luck draws influential individuals who can significantly impact outcomes in your favor. Cultivate alliances by wearing a Peach Moonstone Bracelet to attract positive and influential people to your side.

Business – Moving forward with zest

Expect assistance to be extended when faced with challenges. The key is to be ready to reciprocate favors in the future; no request should be considered too insignificant. Embrace this mindset in all your endeavors, and you’ll likely build enduring and robust alliances. Your workforce is cohesive, benefiting from unseen forces providing a boost to your efforts, and you have the essential support to drive progress. This month presents an opportune time to initiate expansion and diversification plans, finalize agreements, and advance new partnerships. To ensure favorable deals, strategically place an Amazonite Crystal Point/generator/Wand on your work desk or near your cash register.

Love and Relationships – Restoring relationships

Individuals actively pursuing a romantic interest can anticipate significant headway in capturing their affection. Your days are destined to be enriched with love and romance. Established couples will experience a phase of bliss, and for those feeling a sense of predictability, this month offers an excellent opportunity to inject excitement back into the relationship. Strengthen the bonds of your relationship by wearing an Om and Lotus Silver Pendant. Elevate the well-being of your relationship and family by purifying your home with Raj Incense Sticks.

Education – Benefiting from wise mentors

Harness the positive influences of Feng Shui in your life. If concerns weigh on your mind, consider engaging in discussions with your parents or a teacher for valuable insights. Individuals fervently pursuing their passions and experiencing a sense of stagnation should actively seek out new mentors at this opportune time. For guidance and mental clarity, strategically place a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere on your study table.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Betrayal and deceit may cast a shadow over your month, exposing you to potential harm orchestrated by envious individuals seeking to manipulate and deceive you. Maintain a vigilant stance, refraining from placing undue trust in others too readily. Fortunately, you have a protective ally in the All-Black Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Approach “well-meaning” advice with caution and exercise due diligence when making decisions. It’s advisable to prioritize saving for unforeseen emergencies, including home or auto repairs and medical procedures. Be prudent and practical in managing your finances during this period.

WORK & CAREER – Exceptional

This month, expect highly productive outcomes from your endeavors, drawing attention to your exceptional performance in the workplace. Embrace the opportunity to tackle larger challenges, even if you don’t possess complete knowledge, for there will always be people around you who will assist you. Obstacles will be manageable, with continuous on-the-job learning. Your recent achievements may trigger envy from a couple of competitive colleagues, potentially subjecting you to the evil eye. Stay prepared by wearing the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet consistently. Refrain from reacting impulsively as your actions are being observed. Maintaining resilience against any attacks will ensure your continued success. Mitigate negative energies by placing a Selenite Flower of Life Square Plate on your desk.

BUSINESS – Consolidation

Your business acumen is exceptionally sharp this month, and your ventures are likely to yield substantial returns. Wealth-building concerns are minimal, making it an opportune time to streamline business operations and collect on outstanding invoices. However, exercise caution as two-faced individuals may be lurking, posing a threat to your interests. Betrayal can emerge from within your ranks or from frequent associates. Counteract their nefarious intentions by consistently wearing the Protective Tribal Evil Eye Silver Pendant. Utilize this period to conduct spot checks, promptly addressing any discrepancies and eliminating perpetrators. Maintain composure and strategic control in every situation by placing a Red Jasper Plate/Slab on your desk to pacify argumentative energies.


In matters of love, you may currently face challenges and find it difficult to open up to new individuals. Trust your instincts during this period, as your intuition might guide you correctly. Utilize this time to focus on building your net worth and embracing some much-needed personal time during the busyness of the month. For those in relationships, be cautious of encountering toxic influences external to your relationship; dismiss ill advice and prioritize communication with your partner. When addressing issues, express your thoughts with diplomacy and a composed demeanor to prevent unnecessary arguments. Enhance the harmony and unity of your relationship by displaying an Amethyst Gem Tree on Rose Quartz in your bedroom.

HOME & SAFETY – Enhance security

This month poses a potential threat of robbery and risks to your personal safety, necessitating precautionary measures. Ensure the placement of multiple Black Obsidian Tumbled Stones and a Black Tourmaline Orb/Sphere near the entrances of your home. Minimize the risk by avoiding late-night outings, as this could attract the attention of unscrupulous individuals.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


According to the charts, the Snake will experience a mix of fortunes this month. Some negative winds will bring energies of betrayal and loss, but they also carry with them some beneficial energies for your sign which can help you overcome obstacles, achieve success, and accumulate wealth. However, be cautious and don’t be easily fooled. There are individuals around you searching for unsuspecting victims. Despite having resources, this is not the time to take risks and try to increase your wealth.

Take precautions against potential robberies by increasing security measures and staying alert. Avoid desolate places and keep your lucky charms close to seize all the good luck coming your way.

WORK & CAREER – Ignore the Haters

The office atmosphere has changed, becoming more competitive and bringing gossip and sabotage to your life. You may become a target of office politics and encounter false stories being circulated. The best course of action is to remain calm and not react. Let your work speak for itself, as your productivity surpasses the rest. Keep these individuals away from your path by wearing the Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet.

Avoid flaunting your good fortune to rivals, as it may make them more determined to bring you down. These rumor-mongers are real threats to your possible promotion and even mental health, so for your peace of mind, make sure you meditate using the Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace daily and recite the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra each morning.

BUSINESS – Focus Internally

Businessmen, you will have smooth sailing operations and many of your endeavors will be successful. However, due to the increased risk of being cheated, focus on preserving your fortune. Take a break from networking, making deals, and exploring new suppliers. Instead, turn your attention inward. Streamline processes, collect outstanding invoices, and keep a close eye on your accounts. There may be traitors within your company, so promptly address any discrepancies and remove any perpetrators involved. It is pertinent that you have a sharp mind and a strong will to crush those who bring threats against your business, so make sure you have two powerful amulets with you at all times- The Ganesh Silver Pendant to break all obstacles and a Dumortierite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand prominently displayed on your desk.

LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS – Beware of Interference

It becomes challenging to distinguish between genuine and opportunistic individuals in your social circle. Be cautious before giving your heart away too easily. Those in long-term relationships may face interference from third parties. Avoid succumbing to flattery, as it may lead to regretful breakups. Show more affection to your partner, as they are likely to be your strongest support system in times of need. Place an Amethyst Orb/Sphere inside your bedrooms to promote loyalty and harmony in the relationship. In addition, light Lily Incense Sticks each night before you go to bed and place it by your main entrance to invite love vibrations. An Ojo de Dios of Love hung near the window of your bedroom will also improve your relationship luck.

EDUCATION – Embrace Solitude

Friendships may prove challenging this month, so limit your time with friends. However, academically, you excel. Whether it’s exams, homework, assignments, or extracurricular responsibilities, you breeze through them without difficulty. Embrace your solitude, as this is the perfect month to explore personal interests and indulge in your hobbies.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Prepare for a rollercoaster ride, as this month brings a mix of great leadership luck and troublesome disputes. The arrival of the Quarrelsome Star disrupts your relationships, leaving you on edge and short on patience. Socializing may not be the best option at the moment, but fear not, as your chart reveals a boost in leadership luck. Break away from norms and inspire others to follow your lead. Stay focused on the bigger picture and avoid making hasty decisions. Otherwise, physical altercations, broken relationships, and legal troubles may follow.

WORK & CAREER – Navigate conflict

Your work continues to yield impressive results, especially for those managing teams. However, be cautious of letting your emotions interfere. Differences in opinion may cause friction, so avoid arguments. Stay composed, as you already have the support of your stakeholders. Patience and professionalism will be your allies. To prevent conflicts, focus on your work and minimize non-work related interactions. To help you pacify heated situations, always carry the Amethyst Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. This will help you keep stress at bay while at the same time, providing your surroundings peaceful vibrations. Burn Feng Shui Earth Incense Sticks every evening to purify your spaces.

BUSINESS – Humility breeds success

Beware of your ego, potentially hindering long-term success. While your lucky star combinations deliver excellent results, demanding and unreasonable behavior could harm potential collaborations. Be open to suggestions and tactful when asserting your position. If there are no urgent matters, minimize human interactions for now. To help you communicate better, always wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet. The calming blue hues and the gold specks of the stones enhance one’s ability to convey thoughts and ideas effectively and with clarity. In addition, you should also wear the Om and Lotus Silver Pendant to invoke the assistance of the universe, especially during this trying time. The lotus flower is also a symbol of purity and an offering to the goddess Kwan Yin.

LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS – Weather the storm

Short-tempered horses in relationships may face a bumpy ride this month. Minor issues could escalate quickly into quarrels. Don’t let negative energies spoil a good thing. Remember, everything doesn’t have to go your way. Be patient, understanding, and humble. If you are with the right person, they will reciprocate. Single Horses may face challenges in the dating scene. Focus on other areas of your life for now. To boost love and romance, place a Rose Quartz Money Tree near your bedside table.

EDUCATION – Stay cool

Your moods and sensitivity may get the best of you, leading to strained friendships. Don’t take everything too seriously. The grating energies may create a false sense of conflict. Use this time to catch up on studies, assignments, and solo pursuits. Once the negative vibrations subside, your friends will be ready to welcome you back. To help you cope with pressure and distractions, wear a Gold Tiger’s Eye Double Terminated Pendant.


Luck Rating:  1 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


Beware, dear Sheep, for some of the negative winds that have visited you in the past months have returned to your sector, bringing with it a wave of obstacles and misfortune. This dangerous star can wreak havoc on your life if you let it manifest. Slow down, stay vigilant, and be cautious of your surroundings. Your mind may be clouded, making you prone to accidents and injuries. Rest, recharge, and avoid risky activities. Save socializing and adventures for another time. Focus on spending a peaceful month with loved ones. Remember to avoid playing loud music, digging, hacking, and drilling in the Southwest sector to maintain harmony.

WORK & CAREER: Maintain Stability

Be prepared for uncontrollable obstacles and potential mistakes with severe consequences. Office politics might add to your workload. Avoid taking on new responsibilities and hold off on making radical job decisions for now. To help you brave through a tumultuous period, remember to meditate using a Blue Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. The string of unfortunate events happening in our lives these past few months can also be the result of karma. Cleanse this and protect yourself by wearing the Karmic Debt Protection Bracelet.

BUSINESS: Steer Clear of Risks

Be cautious with your finances as big money outflows and potential losses are indicated. Avoid making important decisions and forming new partnerships. Delay tactics can be used if needed. Don’t despair if a deal falls through; there will be other opportunities. During this month, it is important that you bring all the possible luck you can into your life, place the Citrine Orb/Sphere in your place of business, near the area where you keep your books, and placement of several Aquamarine Tumbled Stones all throughout your office will help bring loyal customers which can help you keep afloat this November.

HEALTH: Manage Stress Levels

Not only are you at risk for accidents, but the negative effects of negative stars on your sign may also lead to doubts and second-guessing. Take care of your well-being and manage stress levels during this challenging time. An Amethyst Plate/Slab placed inside your bedroom will help with stress management.

LOVE: Maintain Independence

With a lot on your plate, you may not be able to give as much to your partner as usual. Avoid being overly dependent and clingy. Embrace separate interests to enrich your relationship. New relationships should also focus on individual experiences to add depth to the connection. A Garnet Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your bedside table will help you nurture loving vibrations. Cleansing your homes regularly with California White Sage will help dissipate negativity.

EDUCATION: Beware of Sports Risks

Young Sheep involved in sports should be cautious not to overexert themselves. Accidents and injuries are more likely, which can impact studies and goals. Prioritize self-care and reassess your schedule to stay balanced.

Prepare for a month of challenges and navigate them wisely, dear Sheep. Trust that as you stay cautious and true to yourself, you will emerge stronger.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


Prepare for obstacles as the month begins, Monkey. Just when everything seems to be going smoothly, challenges arise. But don’t fret, for these are mere inconveniences or opportunities for growth. Stay positive and they won’t hinder your progress.

In this month, it’s best to take it easy. Minimize your activities and prioritize safety. Don’t push yourself too hard at work and be cautious of unnecessary expenses and losses. Preserve your wealth and delay any major plans until your luck improves. For good Feng Shui, meditate using the Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to keep negativity at bay, and always carry the Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet.

To maintain your good fortune, place a Meditation Chakra Lotus Round Selenite Plate to cleanse your personal and professional spaces. Don’t stand out or seek attention, as it may highlight your weaknesses. Lie low and wait for the energy to pass.

BUSINESS – Be cautious and stick to routine.

Avoid important decisions or events. Delegate tasks and focus on the bigger picture. Don’t take any risks and wait for a better time to start something new. Instead, boost your business luck by placing an Apatite Plate/Slab on your desk to invite auspicious energies to your place of commerce.

LOVE – Stay composed and avoid taking frustrations out on loved ones.

Be mindful of your actions and don’t cross any boundaries. This may not be the best time to enter new relationships, so enjoy being single a little longer. Wear the Star of David Outline Silver Pendant to help you align your personal and career goals.

EDUCATION – Balance your studies and extracurricular activities, but prioritize your studies.

Don’t let the scales tip in the wrong direction. Stay focused and maintain the quality of your education. Place a Clear Quartz Cube inside your school bag or study desk to help you from distractions and enhance your mental aptitude.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


In the mystic tenth month, the Rooster is blessed with the return of the stars that bring victory. Your chi becomes stronger, and competitive luck is on your side. Sharpen your mind, define your goals, and embrace the path to success.

Tap into the auspicious energies, unlocking your potential for education and learning. Expand your horizons beyond the classroom, for hidden mentors hold profound life lessons. Seek wisdom and maturity within, and clarity shall be bestowed upon you. To maximize the luck of the month, wearing a Golden Blue Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will be effective as it assists one in manifesting goals while at the same time providing a cloak of protection.

CAREER & AMBITION – Embrace the Path of Learning

Opportunities lie in wait for the open-minded Rooster. By embracing new knowledge and expanding your skill set, you’ll soar higher than ever before. Embrace advice with gratitude, for it may steer you towards greatness. Your mind overflows with innovative ideas. Nurture them, refine them, and they shall shine brightly. Let constructive feedback guide your journey to success, for improvement leads to approval. Unleash the unlimited luck you can harness during this period with an Aventurine Bracelet.

BUSINESS – A Time of Inspiration

The celestial forces smile upon your endeavors. New opportunities abound, even in uncharted territories. Exude confidence and embrace a fresh perspective. Unleash the powers of your creativity. Embrace change with open arms, and watch as the universe aligns in your favor. Seize the moment, for the stars are aligned. During this lucky period, some people may cast an envious eye upon you. You need to protect yourself while at the same time invite more luck. Wear the Dream Catcher Silver Pendant.

LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS – Embrace Love’s Mysteries

Love flourishes in the heart of the Rooster. New relationships bloom in a heavenly embrace, with warmth and love permeating the air. Buck convention, forge your own path, and let your unique approach guide your love life. Stay true to yourself, and love shall manifest in countless wondrous ways. For those in committed relationships, nourish the love you share, and witness the immeasurable power of a supportive union. Single Roosters who need to invite the right suitors may place a Mixed Gemstone Money Tree inside the bedroom.

EDUCATION – Unleash the Magic of the lucky stars

The young Rooster is destined for greatness. The lucky energies you enjoy this month help enhance your concentration, memory, and understanding. Embrace your studies with ease, effortlessly conquering assignments and exploring new passions. Time becomes your ally, as you unlock the secrets of knowledge and achievement. Unlock your full potential with a Dumortierite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand and place it on your study desk.

Enter the month of the Rooster with wisdom, confidence, and an unwavering spirit. Make sure your home is ready to receive these blessings, light Dragon’s Blood Incense Sticks every morning so you can welcome the auspicious stars into your sign. The stars align, and your destiny beckons. Embrace the mysteries of the cosmos and unlock your true potential.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


Prepare for a chaotic month as a destructive star pays your sign a visit once again. Negative Earth energy will dominate, leading to a series of unfortunate events. Take precautionary measures, keep a low profile, and avoid major endeavors. Though obstacles may arise, stay strong and focus on finding solutions. You will have the support of a guiding star that brings a promise of success and a growing reputation. Embrace the challenges with a positive mindset, and you will find support from those around you. Keep things light and do not foster negativity. Meditate with a Tibetan Amazonite with Gold Money Hook DZI Guru Mala every morning to allow good chi to come in.

WORK AND CAREER – Embrace Resilience

Distractions may impact your work life, jeopardizing your performance. Beware of sly competitors seeking to exploit your mistakes. Despite any personal struggles, maintain a strong and confident demeanor. Having the People with Bad Intentions Bracelet will keep ill-meaning colleagues at bay. Those vying for promotion must exhibit unwavering strength and must place a Yooperlite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on their work desk for mental clarity and emotional fortitude. There is a mysterious power in resilience, as it has the ability to manifest solutions to all your problems.

BUSINESS – Stick to Familiar Ground

In times of misfortune, stability is your best ally. Avoid making drastic changes and focus on maintaining a smooth operation. Do not add unnecessary stress by venturing into uncharted territory. You possess innovative ideas, but it is wise to wait for better luck before implementing them. Setbacks may occur, but count your blessings if they are minor. Avoid misfortune by hanging a Black Onyx Tree of Life Pendulum on your car. 

LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS – Beware of Storms

Misunderstandings may rock the boat of your love life. New relationships face challenges, while long-standing one’s encounter turbulence. Instead of rushing to resolve conflicts, sometimes it is wiser to take a step back and reflect. Avoid hurtful words spoken in anger. Cultivate patience and find humor amidst the chaos. By learning to laugh at yourself, the situation will not seem as dire. Display a Carnelian Money Tree in your living room to subdue argumentative vibrations and cleanse your homes with Om Incense Sticks.

EDUCATION – Battle the Lack of Motivation

A lack of motivation may hinder your academic pursuits. Despite other distractions, do not let them affect your studies. Guard against careless mistakes by double-checking your work. This simple precaution will save you from unnecessary trouble. Wear the Sitting Ganesha with Om Background Silver Pendant to break obstacles and for you to overcome academic challenges.

Embrace the predictions that lie ahead and navigate the mysterious path of destiny.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


With the arrival of auspicious stars, things will be moving at lightning speed. This star brings prosperity and exciting opportunities, but beware, for there will be some negative energies brought about by some unfavorable stars. To counteract this, carry the Moonstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace at all times. Stay cautious and don’t let anyone deceive you, but don’t hesitate to seize opportunities. Setbacks are easily overcome and conflicts will resolve themselves. Focus your energy on staying on track. Activate your potential with a Dark Green Jade Bracelet.

WORK & CAREER – Direct your efforts in work and career wisely.

In this fast-paced environment, finished is better than perfect. Prioritize what truly matters and work smart. Set aside ideas that don’t align with your goals and give your all to what deserves your attention. Rewards will come, but remember that they are stepping stones to even greater success. Don’t lose sight of your ultimate goals. Those who maintain their energy and dedication have a high chance of promotion. Boost your career with an Aventurine Money Tree placed on your work desk to attract opportunities in the workplace.

BUSINESS – Adaptability is crucial in business.

Competitive industries will present challenges and unfair competitors. Don’t compromise on quality during price wars. Be ready to change direction swiftly. Don’t restrict yourself to a rigid plan when circumstances shift. Align your team and avoid internal obstacles for smooth transitions. The great obstacle breaker Ganesha can assist you with this, make sure you have the Ganesh Square Silver Pendant.

LOVE –  Take your time in matters of love.

Enjoy the exciting and romantic phase of your relationship. There’s no rush to commit unless you’ve found your perfect match. Take your time in making important decisions. Beware of attracting secret admirers and be mindful not to lead them on. Remember, a hasty romance can end in disappointment for everyone involved. Make sure you only attract the right love interests and display the Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz inside your bedroom. Burn Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks each morning to clear your spaces and to invite more love luck.

EDUCATION/LEARNING – Aim high in education.

Great scholastic luck is on your side, Boar. Whatever you focus on, you’re bound to achieve. Let your accomplishments inspire you to reach even greater heights. Don’t settle for mediocre results, aim higher. Gain respect and admiration from teachers and peers alike. Embrace the goodwill you receive and graciously offer help to others. By helping weaker students excel, you’ll enhance your own skills.

October 2023 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast


In October 2023, according to Feng Shui principles, the cosmic energies are predominantly favorable, aligning with the concept of lucky stars. This month promises a harmonious blend of opportunities, prosperity, robust health, and heightened creativity. Individuals in various domains, such as the education sector, artists, writers, and students, are poised to benefit from these auspicious energies. Moreover, romantic relationships are anticipated to blossom during this period.

For those engaged in business ventures, the stars align favorably to bring forth profits and commercial success. However, it’s important to note that not everyone may fully tap into the positive energies of October. Challenges may still arise, but it’s reassuring to remember that there are remedies and enhancers available to help navigate through any rough patches.

Embrace this promising month with optimism and be mindful of the Feng Shui principles that can guide you towards harnessing positive energies and addressing any obstacles that may arise.


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


This month, individuals born under the Rat zodiac sign can anticipate a favorable performance in their workplace. Opportunities for promotions and salary increases are likely to arise. However, it’s essential for Rats not to hastily switch jobs without careful consideration. If they find themselves facing stagnation in their current company, they should avoid quitting impulsively. Instead, they should actively seek new employment options in advance to prevent prolonged periods of unemployment. To manage stress, consider incorporating meditation into your routine, using an Amethyst Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace, as significant changes are on the horizon.

Financial stability will prevail during this period. While you may not experience a significant increase in your wealth, you can also expect your financial situation not to worsen. It is advisable to steer clear of risky investment ventures and adhere to your budget. Adopt a prudent approach and formulate financial strategies. Wearing a Citrine Bracelet consistently can enhance your prospects for wealth and happiness.

In matters of love, there may be challenges on the horizon. For married Rats, the demands of work might lead to neglecting your relationship and family. Prolonged neglect can result in conflicts and, in some cases, even violent disputes within the partnership. To rekindle romance, consider placing a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks on your bedside table. Loyalty is vital in any relationship, so reinforce it by incorporating an Amethyst Crystal Point/Generator/Wand into your bedroom decor. Wearing a Hamsa Silver Pendant as a protective charm can safeguard you against external threats and negative influences.

Rat individuals must now adopt a perspective that considers their partner’s viewpoint and engage in constructive communication. Ignorant arguments can ultimately jeopardize the marriage. Placing a Meditation Chakra Lotus Round Selenite Plate in your living spaces or bedrooms can help harmonize the energies in your home and relationships. Regularly cleanse your living spaces with Lily Incense Sticks to maintain a positive atmosphere.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


Once again, individuals born under the Ox sign will experience a positive turn of luck this month, primarily in the realm of finances. A previously lent sum of money from a friend will be returned, representing an unexpected windfall. Additionally, your investments in various wealth management products are poised to yield favorable returns, and businesses opened in partnership with friends will exhibit strong performance. To safeguard this prosperity, consider donning the Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to dispel obstacles from your path.

While financial prospects are bright, it’s important to dedicate time to nurturing workplace relationships and lending a helping hand to colleagues in need. Acts of goodwill can pave the way for reciprocation when you require assistance in the future. Enhance your protective aura and shield against negative influences by wearing a Selenite Bracelet, which acts as a purifier, particularly beneficial in environments with adverse energies.

This month may see the Ox feeling restive and overly anxious about minor matters. To alleviate these negative emotions, consider traveling or socializing with friends. Create a tranquil atmosphere in your bedrooms by placing an Amethyst Plate/Slab, promoting relaxation and peaceful vibes, especially vital within your homes in October. In the workplace, the Ox should be more action-oriented than talkative. Safeguard yourself from harm and ill-wishers by wearing the Auspicious Evil Eye Silver Pendant. Installing a Mini Ojo de Dios of Protection in your vehicle can further shield you, particularly when stress and negative energies abound in your homes and workplaces.

At home, maintain a lighthearted atmosphere and allocate more quality time to your family and loved ones. Proactively listen to their needs and foster harmony. Cleanse your living spaces by placing a Clear Quartz Money Tree near the main entrance of your living rooms and lighting Lemongrass Incense Sticks each morning to dispel any lingering negativity.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


Your overall luck prospects especially in terms of career and wealth increase this month. Your outstanding performance in work will be been affirmed by your leaders and supported by your subordinates, and it will establish a good image for you in your company, which is particularly important for subsequent promotions and salary increases. Let your inner glow shine further by wearing the Tibetan Style Madagascar Rose Quartz with Gold Guru Mala. Allow the energy of Rose Quartz to envelop your surroundings so you can charm your way to the top. Seal your wealth luck by wearing the Tiger Victory Bracelet.

In terms of wealth, your outstanding work will naturally increase your bonus payouts, and your income will double compared to the previous months. However, you still must not be too public, and it is necessary to act modestly. There will be some envious coworkers who will be envious of your luck, so maintain a low profile and focus on your tasks. In addition, you will be prone to some disputes this month, especially in the workplace. So, they must take special care when signing contracts. Clear away bad vibrations and cleanse your office desk by placing the Selenite Flower of Life Square Plate.

At home, the Tigers will have a volatile mood swing. They will look a little distracted. For those who have a poor mental state, mental illness may happen to them. Keep the lines of communication open at all times and let your partner know your thoughts. Your family will be your source of comfort. Subdue quarrelsome energies at home by placing the Red Jasper Plate/Slab in your living room. This will greatly decrease aggression and will help bring peaceful situations. Wear the Protective Tribal Evil Eye Silver Pendant at all times to help keep negative people away from you and remember to cleanse your homes with Palo Santo Incense Sticks each morning.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Your career luck will begin to decline again this month. You will feel depressed owing to various challenges this month, leading to decreased work efficiency, and possibly mistakes in major projects. This will incur your boss’s displeasure. Failures in the project will suddenly increase colleagues’ workload, and so relationships with colleagues will become rigid and icy. Instead of sulking, be more humble and own up to your mistakes, and offer assistance. Maintain your focus while at the same time protecting yourself from people who have ill wishes and bullying tendencies against you by meditating with and wearing the Red Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace.

Money-wise, you will enjoy good financial luck. They will be highly likely to get a good return on real estate projects, but they should not be concerned about the gains and losses for the moment, otherwise, they may also lose some opportunities or benefits. Make sure you keep this luck rolling by wearing an Aventurine Bracelet to allow the floodgates of opportunities to open for you. Place a Metatron Sacred Geometry Symbols Selenite Plate on your work to maintain balance and to keep negativity at bay. For increased protection, wear the Star of David Outline Silver Pendant to balance out any imbalance in your work and personal life, especially during a trying time.

Keep your mental outlook light, knowing that some of this month’s setbacks will pass. Talk to your family and friends about your inner concerns, so that your hearts will be unburdened.

Your charisma is high, so there will be no shortage of meeting new faces and romantic dates. Married couples need to be more careful though for there is also a risk of third-party interference. The threat of extramarital affairs is quite high. Promote loyalty and love in the relationship by placing the Amethyst Gem Tree on Rose Quartz on your bedside table and always cleanse your dwellings with Seven Chakras Incense Sticks.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Your fortunes for this month will continue to fluctuate. You will readily be targeted by envious coworkers and business competitors, and your hard work may be usurped by others, stealing the fruits of your labor. Your intuition will also be particularly acute. Crush the completion and those who are out there to get you by wearing the highly protective Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. You will be able to make a considerable amount of money through investment and financial management. However, trouble may be brewing where your subordinates are concerned.  You will be prone to the betrayal of subordinates, which may even result in the hindering of the progress of your company’s major projects. Do not let opportunities lip and seal your victory by wearing the Dragon Victory Bracelet all the time.

To guard against future losses, you should pay more attention to avoiding such situations again, reasonably protecting your endeavors by encrypting computer files and preventing the fruits of your labor from falling into others’ hands. Keep envious people away from your path by wearing the Auspicious Evil Eye Silver Pendant.  And during this month, Dragons, you also need to be kind and diplomatic to others and manage your temper, otherwise you will be easily set upon by enemies. Tempers will be high, so remember to maintain your composure and calm demeanor. Be more patient and understanding with the people around you. Place a Howlite Slab/Plate on your desk or living room to promote peace and harmony.

This month, the Dragons will have a constant source of inspiration, and their family life will be stable and you will enjoy special moments with your loved ones. Promote a loving environment by placing the Mini Ojo de Dios of Love on your bedroom window or door. Dating is encouraged but try to assess your suitors before you enter a serious relationship. Keep the energy moving in your homes and remove bad vibrations by burning Sandalwood Incense Sticks every evening.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


This month, expect a period of more tumultuous relationships and luck. It’s crucial to keep a close watch on your temper and exercise greater caution in your choice of words, as others may use them against you in the coming weeks. It’s wise to manage your emotions and pick your battles carefully. Avoid expending unnecessary energy on trivial matters and practice patience with both your colleagues and loved ones. To assist in temper management, consider incorporating meditation into your routine using the Dumortierite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace, allowing its calming energy to guide you, particularly when you need to express your thoughts.

During this month, those born under the Snake zodiac sign should exercise caution to avoid becoming embroiled in verbal disputes. It’s advisable to practice patience and tolerance when conflicts arise. In the workplace, consider limiting your interactions with colleagues, as you may find yourself easily provoked by differing opinions. If you notice that your temper is running high, it’s best to spend some time in your office away from your teammates.

To promote improved relationships at work, consider wearing a Labradorite (Gray) Bracelet. The energies of these stones can bring about peace, harmony, and cooperation in your professional environment. Given that your work may be affected by your temper, we strongly recommend placing a Black Obsidian Plate/Slab in your work area. This can help you manage stress and address mood swings more effectively.

For single individuals born under the Snake sign, this month may bring a lack of luck in the realm of love, and you might find it challenging to attract someone due to diminished charisma. Additionally, you may encounter some instability on the home front. It’s advisable to maintain your composure and disengage from arguments before they escalate. To create a more tranquil atmosphere at home, consider placing an Amethyst Orb/Sphere in your bedrooms and a Howlite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your living rooms and dining areas. These stones emit peaceful and harmonious vibrations to help you manage stress effectively.

To maintain positive energies in your living spaces, cleanse your homes and offices with Palo Santo Incense Sticks every morning and evening, removing any lingering negative or aggressive energies. For added protection during this challenging month, consider wearing the Lord Ganesha Intricate Silver Pendant, which can serve as your ultimate protector. Make a connection with Ganesha, seeking his guidance and support as you navigate through various challenges.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Individuals born under the Horse zodiac sign will experience fluctuating fortunes this month. There may be financial setbacks on the horizon for you in September. When faced with such challenges, it’s essential to maintain your focus, remain composed, and avoid retreating in the face of adversity. Instead, consider devising a strategic plan to ensure the stability of your finances and overall well-being.

To assist in maintaining a positive outlook and addressing potential negative energies, consider wearing and meditating with a Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. This stone can help you clear away negativity, promote good chi, and support your overall health. Placing a Clear Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your living room and dining areas can further help counteract the adverse effects of any negative influences that may come your way. This proactive approach can assist you in navigating through this period of financial volatility.

Your health may face some challenges during this period, and you may experience physical issues, coupled with low energy levels. Stress and mental health concerns could also be a part of your experience. To mitigate these effects, it’s important to prioritize self-care and relaxation.

In your professional life, you’ll encounter new tasks that require attention. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your colleagues when needed, and be sure to acknowledge their contributions to the project when your superiors recognize your output. The Sunstone Bracelet can be a valuable ally as you navigate these challenges and adapt to new responsibilities. To bolster your financial well-being and add an extra layer of protection during this demanding phase for your finances and career, consider placing a Carnelian Money Tree on your work desk or in your living room. Additionally, carry the Small Om Silver Pendant to help manage stressful moments and incorporate a daily chanting routine of at least 27 repetitions each morning and evening. These practices will assist you in maintaining balance during this challenging time.

Your luck in relationships takes a positive turn this month. Both single individuals born under the Horse sign and those already in relationships can expect a fortunate period. For single Horses who tend to be reserved and introverted, this month brings opportunities for confessions of love or signs of interest from others. When such opportunities arise, it’s important to seize the moment. Allow yourself to be more open and reveal your authentic self. Your natural charm will guide you toward finding love and romance.

If you’re in a relationship, consider taking more trips together and dedicating extra time to each other to strengthen your bond. To enhance the romantic atmosphere in your home and promote love luck, make a habit of burning Lily Incense Sticks every morning. This daily practice will help the vibrations of love permeate your living spaces, fostering a more romantic and loving environment for you and your partner.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


In October, individuals born under the Sheep sign can anticipate relatively favorable wealth luck, and you will become accustomed to the changes accompanying a new position at work. Your cash flow will remain stable, but it’s advisable to exercise financial prudence and spend with caution. Although your wealth is not increasing significantly, it’s important to adopt a conservative approach to financial matters. Safeguard your limited resources and exercise caution when dealing with individuals who express intentions to borrow from you, as there may be someone seeking to take advantage of your generosity. Protect yourself from such situations by wearing an Ocean Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala with a Lucky Arowana Guru Bead to enhance your financial fortune and guard against potential financial losses.

In your workplace, there’s a potential for a promotion and a salary increase on the horizon. To ensure that this luck becomes a reality for you, consider wearing an Apatite Bracelet. However, along with these opportunities come more projects and tasks, which may require you to spend additional time away from your family. Be prepared for these demands on your schedule.

It’s important to note that some colleagues may harbor envy towards the attention you receive from your superiors. To protect yourself from individuals who may attempt to hinder your progress or undermine your aspirations, wear the Protective Tribal Evil Eye Silver Pendant consistently. Staying humble and maintaining a discreet presence in the workplace can help you avoid attracting envious eyes from your coworkers. To enhance your protective measures, consider placing a Lapis Lazuli Plate/Slab inside your home. This will contribute to your overall security and safeguard your personal space.

In matters of romance, single individuals born under the Sheep sign can look forward to the prospect of entering into a positive relationship. You may receive a proposition from a potential sweetheart, or you might choose to express your affection to someone you have feelings for. If the other person shares your sentiments, it could be a suitable time to initiate a relationship.

To ensure you make well-informed decisions in matters of the heart, consider placing a Yooperlite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand inside your bedroom. Additionally, make a habit of meditating while holding it each night before going to bed. These practices can help you gain clarity and make sound choices when it comes to matters of love and relationships.

It’s crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and protect your heart during this time. Individuals born under the Sheep sign may find themselves overthinking and succumbing to irrational thoughts, leading to feelings of sadness and depression. Therefore, it’s essential to promptly adjust your mindset and seek a more positive outlook.

Additionally, this month, it’s advisable to attend to necessary maintenance work in your home. Be prepared to allocate a budget for these repairs, as they may not come cheap. To clear any energy blockages from your living spaces, consider burning California White Sage every morning and evening. Ensure that the cleansing smoke reaches all corners of your home to promote a harmonious and balanced environment.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


During this month, individuals born under the Monkey sign may continue to encounter some challenges. Your prospects for wealth and career advancement may appear less favorable, and it’s crucial to exercise wisdom in managing your finances.

Be cautious of potential backstabbing or deceitful individuals in your social and professional circles. Stay vigilant when forming close relationships and alliances. Protect yourself from troublemakers by wearing a Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Consider incorporating a nightly practice of chanting “Om Mani Padme Hum” for protection and guidance. These measures can help shield you from negative influences and provide you with added security during this period of uncertainty.

In your professional life, you might encounter a situation where a project you’ve invested considerable time and effort into may be handed over to someone else. Despite your dedicated work on it for over half a month, the project might ultimately be credited to another individual. During such moments, it’s essential to maintain your composure. Avoid succumbing to anger and refrain from public displays of frustration.

Instead, practice patience and resilience. Redirect your energy towards other ongoing projects, having faith that your skills and contributions will eventually be recognized by your superiors. Stay positive and keep your path clear. Wearing a Selenite Bracelet during this challenging period can help you maintain a sense of balance and inner peace as you navigate through these trials and tribulations.

It’s advisable to remain vigilant against potentially unfavorable behavior from your colleagues in the workplace. Even if you have close working relationships with your colleagues, exercise caution in divulging the details of your projects, as this could provide them with opportunities to take advantage of you. In this context, it’s essential to maintain a level of discretion and not easily trust anyone, including close friends and family.

Securing your finances, your work, your relationships, and your reputation is paramount. To protect yourself on multiple fronts, consider wearing the Auspicious Evil Eye Silver Pendant. Additionally, for added security during your commutes to and from the office, ensure you have the Mini Ojo de Dios of Protection in your vehicle. These measures will help safeguard your interests and well-being in various aspects of your life.

Within your home, anticipate a potential increase in conflicts and heated arguments, which could lead to significant emotional distress. To foster a more harmonious environment, it’s essential to be emotionally present and attuned to the needs of your loved ones. When you sense early signs of disagreements, exercise restraint and step away from the situation before it escalates.

To help dissipate aggressive energies within your living spaces, consider placing a Red Jasper Crystal Point/Generator/Wand in your living rooms and dining areas. This can aid in maintaining a more peaceful atmosphere.

For singles, it’s advisable to take a break from dating and explore new hobbies instead. This might not be the most opportune time for socializing and meeting new people.

To cleanse and purify your homes and offices, consider using the potent Dragon’s Blood Incense Sticks every evening for one month. This practice can help remove any lingering negative energies and create a more positive and harmonious atmosphere in your living spaces.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


For those born under the Rooster sign, this month brings forth promising prospects. Overall, the outlook appears optimistic, and you can anticipate a period of happiness and contentment. Moreover, your health is on an upswing, with your vitality and positive attitude making a strong comeback. This newfound energy will empower you to confront future challenges with confidence.

However, it’s essential not to become complacent with your good fortune and take steps to secure it. To maximize the benefits of the opportunities that come your way, consider wearing the Aquamarine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. This can enhance your financial luck and foster client loyalty, particularly if you are involved in business endeavors. Embrace this positive phase and make the most of the windfall that awaits you.

Furthermore, for Rooster individuals who have previously faced challenges with physical fitness, this is an opportune moment to focus on recovery and provide your body with the rest it requires. This period offers a chance to restore your overall well-being, both physically and mentally. Engaging in meditation and breathwork exercises can help strengthen your mental fortitude throughout the month.

Consider wearing the Blue Sapphire Bracelet as a powerful amulet. This not only enhances your health luck but also increases your chances of achieving success and victory in various endeavors. Embrace this time to prioritize your physical and mental health, setting the stage for a more robust and resilient you.

However, it’s crucial to exercise caution when it comes to signing documents and finalizing deals. Being meticulous and conscientious is key to avoiding potential pitfalls, so take the time to carefully review all the fine print. To maintain your mental health at its peak, consider placing a Gold Tiger’s Eye Slab/Plate on your office desk. This too, can serve as a protective measure, keeping individuals with ill intentions at bay and helping you stay mentally sharp, especially during periods of significant stress.

When interacting with subordinates and employees, strive to be approachable and gentle. Avoid causing distress among those who work closely with you, as such actions may lead to significant consequences. Building positive working relationships and fostering a harmonious workplace environment should be a priority during this time.

In matters of love and home life, things appear stable, but it’s important to put in some effort to maintain peace and harmony within your household. To help create a tranquil atmosphere at home, consider placing a Flower of Life Selenite Plate near your main entrance in the living room. This can cleanse your living space and transform any negative energy into powerful positive vibrations. For those in relationships, it’s advised to spend quality time alone with your significant other to nurture your bond. Singles are encouraged to explore dating and meet new people but should exercise caution and take the time to get to know their potential partners before committing to a relationship. To assist in distinguishing between suitable suitors and those who may not be the best fit, consider wearing the Dream Catcher Silver Pendant.

To ensure a stress-free and obstacle-free month, consider burning Pine Incense Sticks each morning. This practice can help create a soothing and harmonious environment, allowing for a smooth sailing month ahead.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


During this month, individuals born under the Dog sign are advised to maintain a low profile in public. It’s essential not to impulsively intervene on behalf of others without careful consideration, as such actions may lead to involvement in troublesome situations. Instead, focus on hard work and practicality in the workplace, avoiding harboring grudges. When faced with challenges, strive to find constructive solutions.

To enhance your luck and make the most of every opportunity this month, consider wearing the Aventurine Bodhi Bespangled Japa Mala. This necklace can help you harness favorable energies. For added support in dealing with stress, financial matters, and work-related issues, while safeguarding against negativity, consider pairing it with a Jet Bracelet. These accessories can provide valuable assistance as you navigate through the month.

In the workplace, it’s crucial to fulfill your responsibilities diligently. Ensure that your work is not only completed but is also presented in a polished and well-supported manner. Maintain your focus and stay aligned with your original objectives, allowing your goals to serve as a source of inspiration to excel.

Wearing a Square Ganesh Silver Pendant can provide you with the determination and resilience needed to overcome any obstacles you encounter, enabling you to tackle challenges with confidence and achieve success.

Regarding matters of love, your relationship with your partner is expected to remain highly stable during this time. The family atmosphere will be harmonious, and conflicts are unlikely to arise. Make it a point to dedicate more time to your home life and create cherished memories with your loved ones.

For singles, this period promises happiness and the opportunity to meet new people. To enhance your charm and increase your attractiveness, consider wearing a Double Terminated Rose Quartz Pendant around your neck. Additionally, a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks can assist you in finding the right partner. Place the mandarin ducks on your bedside table and express your intentions before going to sleep. These practices can help align your romantic aspirations with your desired outcomes.

When it comes to your health, it remains essential to uphold positive lifestyle habits. Prioritize getting adequate rest by going to bed early and rising early in the morning. Ensure you maintain a regular eating schedule with three balanced meals a day.

To promote a harmonious and positive energy flow within your home and to enhance its atmosphere, light Raj Incense Sticks each morning near your main entrance. These practices can contribute to a healthier and more balanced living environment.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


Individuals born under the Boar sign may encounter some challenges in the coming month, as luck may not be in their favor. During this time, it’s essential to pay close attention to your immediate surroundings and address any matters that require your attention. During this month, it’s advisable to maintain a certain distance from relatives and friends, as many of them may approach you seeking financial assistance or loans. Exercise caution, as some of these requests may not be made in good faith, and the likelihood of repayment may be minimal.

Approach this month with courage and a renewed sense of determination, refusing to allow setbacks to hinder your progress. To safeguard your mental fortitude and physical well-being, consider wearing a Labradorite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. The energy of these stones can help you perform at your best, and they may also attract the right people to support you during times of distress. Embrace these tools as sources of strength and resilience as you navigate the challenges ahead.

In your professional sphere, you may encounter some challenges as you take on new assignments that prove to be demanding. The sudden increase in work pressure could dent your self-confidence, and for those in competitive industries, there may be a risk of job insecurity if improvements in your work performance are not made.

To protect yourself during this period, it’s advisable to wear and carry a Blue Kyanite Bracelet at all times. Maintaining a strong focus and consistently delivering well-researched and meticulously checked outputs is essential. Exercise caution with those around you, as not everyone may have your best interests at heart.

Consider placing a powerful Black Tourmaline Sphere/Orb on your desk to ward off any negative intentions from others. Additionally, never leave home without wearing the Octagram Sacred Geometry Silver Pendant, which can promote balance, peace, and harmony in your life. When seeking assistance, rely only on individuals you trust.

For added protection during your daily commutes, hang a Mini Ojo de Dios of Protection inside your vehicle. These charms and safeguards are important during this period, as it’s better to be safe than sorry in the face of potential challenges.

In the realm of romantic relationships, there’s a need for additional effort to sustain and strengthen your bond. Insufficient communication could lead to the risk of a long-term relationship coming to an end. As such, Pigs should work on adjusting their mindset to address this situation.

To promote loyalty, peace, and harmony in your relationship, consider placing an Amethyst Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your bedside table. Additionally, regularly cleanse your living space with Yin Yang Incense Sticks to ward off negative energies and maintain a positive environment in your home. These practices can contribute to healthier relationships and more harmonious living.

September 2023 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast


In the realm of Feng Shui, the flow of energy and the harmony of one’s surroundings play a crucial role in influencing various aspects of life, including health, relationships, and prosperity. As we navigate the current period, certain animal signs may find themselves vulnerable to stress and external disturbances, potentially leading to health issues. It’s imperative to acknowledge the connection between well-being and the environment, taking measures to create a serene and nurturing space.

The specter of potential treachery and underhanded motives looms for certain signs this September, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and strategic precautions. To shield your financial stability and career trajectory, strategic planning is paramount. Define your career goals with clarity, making them attainable and grounded in reality. By nurturing foresight and practicality, you erect a solid defense against the uncertainties that may arise.

Exercising fiscal prudence is integral during this period, as resources may experience depletion for many. It’s advised to make informed decisions before spending, ensuring that each expenditure aligns with your priorities and long-term goals. Such prudent choices will prove instrumental in maintaining stability during this time.

Tailoring your approach to the prevailing astrological conditions, prospects of prosperity and wealth are not only possible but achievable for those willing to invest their effort. The rewards await the determined and diligent, mirroring the tenets of Feng Shui that stress the interplay between intention, action, and outcome.

Above all, during this phase, a concerted emphasis on health is non-negotiable. A looming threat against overall well-being necessitates attention to mental health, fostering resilience, and cultivating strong family bonds. The search for meaningful relationships is also a journey that requires patience; meaningful connections, like the subtle currents of energy in Feng Shui, take time to materialize.

This September a meticulous approach is paramount. Each endeavor, decision, and interaction must be infused with care and thoughtfulness. Prudence, an essential virtue in both Feng Shui and life, should guide your actions, ensuring that the energy you project aligns with your desired outcomes.


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)

Health: In September 2023, Rat individuals are in for a turbulent month as the influence of Tai Sui creates a bumpy ride in various aspects of their lives. Those among the Rat sign with preexisting health concerns should remain vigilant. Immediate medical attention and regular check-ups are strongly advised to maintain well-being. Meditate using a Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace each morning to help you’re your health issues. Ladies born in the Year of the Rat should exercise caution when venturing out at night this month, as a heightened risk of traffic accidents is indicated. Wear The Ultimate Hungry Ghost Month Bracelet to keep afflictions at bay.

Love: As the eighth lunar month unfolds, the fortune for Rat people looks promising, especially for singles seeking romantic connections. Engaging actively in social gatherings and events increases the chances of initiating romantic relationships. While the potential for love is high, a proactive approach is recommended over passive waiting. For those in long-term relationships, marriage might be on the horizon. However, disagreements over wedding details may arise. Effective communication and timely conflict resolution are crucial to avoid future quarrels. To subdue tense situations, always keep a Howlite Tumbled Stone in your purse. For single Rats, the possibility of finding compatible partners is heightened. Participation in blind-date dinners and similar events could lead to meaningful connections. However, it’s advised not to overly invest emotions or time prematurely. This caution is essential to prevent prolonged sorrow in the event of a breakup.

Career: Rat individuals will enjoy a favorable period in their careers during the eighth lunar month. Gaining certification or a change in position could lead to extra income or a significant raise. Secure this promotion by breaking all obstacles with the assistance of Ganesha. Wear the Square Ganesh Silver Pendant.

Money: The month also presents auspicious opportunities for financial growth. Rats aiming to boost their income should devise well-structured plans, focusing on incremental achievements. Entrepreneurs and those in business might encounter opportunities, yet exercising prudence is crucial. High-risk investments should be approached with caution to ensure stability and avoid unnecessary setbacks. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction to boost your chances in wealth acquisition.

The notorious Hungry Ghost Month will be coming to an end on September 14, 2023. To ensure optimal protection and showering of abundance and blessings, it is imperative that you acquire The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet. This extraordinary bracelet is adorned with powerful stones and protection symbols specifically designed to safeguard you during this unpredictable period. Don’t take any chances, regardless of your luck rating this September. Arm yourself with this must-have accessory and shield yourself from the eerie antics of the hungry ghosts.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Career: September 2023 brings promising career prospects for those under the Ox sign. Colleagues will be cooperative, leading to enhanced work efficiency and improved communication. While camaraderie with coworkers is favorable, it’s advisable to maintain discretion about personal matters to prevent potential ridicule. Maintain positivity while doubling your wealth by wearing the Citrine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace, and meditate with it too to manifest happiness and abundance.

Love: For Ox individuals, this month’s horoscope indicates significant progress in love matters. Singles may bid farewell to solitude as new romantic possibilities arise. Even if not resulting in immediate commitments, connections made during this time could pave the way for meaningful relationships. Couples and spouses among the Ox sign can look forward to harmonious relationships, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and unity. Keep the love alive and always wear a Moonstone Bracelet.

Health: Amid numerous social engagements with business associates and friends, Ox individuals will experience a fulfilling and bustling month. However, irregular routines and late-night activities might lead to inadequate sleep and health challenges. Striking a balance between social commitments and self-care is vital to prevent the decline of well-being. Keep an Amethyst Crystal Point / Generator / Wand inside your bedroom.

Money: The eighth lunar month holds promising fortune for Ox-born individuals. Collaborations and partnerships are likely to yield substantial progress, contributing to increased income and financial stability. While opportunities are on the rise, it’s prudent to approach them with strategic planning and consideration. Make sure each decision is made with clarity, hang an Ojo de Dios of Wisdom near your work desk.

Travel Advisory: This month, individuals born under the Ox sign are advised to minimize or avoid travel, as a slightly elevated risk of injury or deception during journeys is indicated. In cases where travel is necessary, exercising utmost caution is imperative. Wear the Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet all the time.

Enter September 2023 with confidence and protection by wearing The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet. This powerful bracelet is specifically designed to shield you from the unpredictability of the hungry ghosts and ensure your safety until the end of the Hungry Ghost Month on September 14th. Complete with stones and protection symbols, this bracelet not only keeps you safe but also attracts abundance and blessings into your life. No matter what your luck rating is this September, make sure to have this essential accessory on your wrist for peace of mind and prosperity.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Money: Entering this month, Tiger individuals experience a continuous improvement in their financial outlook. The likelihood of successfully completing tasks before their deadlines is high, resulting in substantial bonuses as rewards. Surprisingly, additional income from unconventional sources could contribute to a stable and comfortable financial situation. However, it’s essential to exercise prudence by allocating a portion of these earnings towards emergency savings. As Tigers embrace their financial successes, they should remain cautious and plan for unexpected financial challenges that may arise. Meditate using the Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to manifest luck and promotion and to invite more opportunities in the workplace.

Career: As this month unfolds, Tiger individuals experience a continued upswing in their fortunes due to a possible promotion or new assignment in a different department which may bring substantial bonuses. You will also be rewarded with financial gains from alternative sources that may contribute to a comfortable financial situation. A Citrine Bracelet, a powerful tool in inviting happiness and wealth is a must for you, especially this month.

Love: September 2023 brings positive prospects for romance among Tiger individuals. Single Tigers can anticipate entering into fulfilling relationships characterized by compatibility and sweetness. The potential for embarking on the journey of marriage is notably high, reflecting the harmonious connection between partners. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that a tendency towards emotional detachment might hinder the expression of affection. To nurture healthy romantic relationships, Tigers must actively work on demonstrating warmth and care on a consistent basis. Place a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks inside your bedrooms to enhance romance. Overall, September holds promising luck for those born in the Year of the Tiger.

Health: Watch what you eat and always monitor your heart rate. There will be several challenges for you due to some conflicts. Tiger individuals might face interpersonal challenges this month, potentially leading to conflicts with close friends due to minor misunderstandings. Invoke the protection and guidance of Hanuman, by wearing the Hanuman Silver Pendant. Practicing prudence in communication and actions is crucial to avoid exacerbating these situations. Furthermore, engaging in speculative business ventures with partners should be avoided, as this could potentially lead to legal entanglements or even legal repercussions. Cleanse your homes and businesses by lighting Palo Santo Incense Sticks each morning.

Unlock the power of The Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet from The Mala Tree! With complete stones and powerful protection symbols, this bracelet is your ultimate shield during the Hungry Ghost Month. Not only will it safeguard you from the unpredictability of the hungry ghosts, but it will also attract abundance and blessings into your life. Don’t wait till September 14, 2023. Get your hands on this must-have accessory now!


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Money: Rabbit individuals will experience an upswing in their financial fortunes this month. While receiving regular income, unexpected gains from investments might pleasantly surprise them. Despite the increased earnings, it’s advised to practice financial prudence by setting aside savings for future needs. To safeguard your wealth and double it at the same time, make sure you wear and meditate using the Gold Rutilated Quartz with Gold and Hamsa Bespangled 108 Mala. The month indicates moderate luck in wealth, so be sure you enhance this department.

Career: In September 2023, Rabbits will encounter career opportunities. Favorable conditions for assessments, examinations, and job applications will prevail. While patrons and supporters play a role in their endeavors, the planning process might encounter several hurdles. Diligence in work is advised to ensure collective success, without affecting the team’s performance. Break these hindrances and obstacles by wearing the Ganesh Silver Pendant – a bestselling amulet that brings opportunities, wealth, and unlimited protection. Coping with pressure and overcoming obstacles will be crucial. It’s advisable to steer clear of conflicts, disputes, and legal confrontations to prevent potential harm or complications.

Love & Relationships: In the realm of romance, single Rabbits, particularly females, are poised to encounter captivating partners and initiate dating experiences. However, those who are in relationships must be careful for relationships may plateau. For married Rabbits, a peaceful yet less romantic atmosphere prevails. Infusing occasional surprises into the relationship can enhance closeness and harmony. Keep the passion alive and wear a Madagascar Rose Quartz Bracelet, a powerful stone that brings love, loyalty, and devotion.

Health: Rabbits will enjoy an improved state of health this month, marking a significant turnaround, especially for the elderly. Lingering discomforts will gradually fade, leading to a noticeable improvement. To keep the health issues dissipating immediately, place a Selenite Square Plate / Slab inside your bedroom, and to make sure health fortunes rise, a daily incense offering using Pine Incense Sticks or other incense sticks will keep the good chi flowing.

Prepare for the end of the Hungry Ghost Month on September 14, 2023 with The Mala Tree’s The Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet. This powerful accessory is filled with the perfect stones and protection symbols to safeguard you and bring a shower of abundance and blessings. No matter your luck rating this September, wearing this bracelet is absolutely essential to guard against the unpredictable actions of the hungry ghosts. Don’t miss out on this must-have item.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Money: In September 2023, Dragon individuals will experience significant fluctuations in their overall fortune, with a notable risk of encountering financial difficulties or even bankruptcy. Caution is advised in safeguarding money, especially when approached by unfamiliar individuals seeking to borrow funds. Prudent consideration is necessary before extending any financial assistance. Keep your wealth and investments safe, always keep an Orange Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace all the time, and whenever you can, chant a wealth mantra with it.

Career: Career luck for Dragons remains unfavorable in September. The year 2023 forewarns potential troubles and obstacles, possibly orchestrated by competitors. Engaging in business agreements or contracts demands careful attention, as hidden pitfalls may exist. A downturn in work performance directly correlates with reduced income, necessitating a frugal approach to spending. Work-related pressures might affect interpersonal interactions, including communication with loved ones, potentially impacting emotional well-being. To stay on top of your game and to maintain focus, wear a Gold Tiger’s Eye Bracelet and place a Gold Tiger’s Eye Plate / Slab on your work desk.

Love & Relationships: The month for Dragons entails conflicts and clashes, urging them to engage more actively in social settings where diverse opportunities to earn money emerge. Tactful communication is advised to prevent unintentional offense. In relationships, conflicts and disputes might arise, potentially leading to serious outcomes like separation or divorce. Striving for diplomacy and understanding is vital to sustaining harmony. Always make sure you have a Blue Lace Agate Bracelet with you all the time. This is a very powerful tool for those who need to improve their diplomacy skills and a potent communication enhancer.

Health: September might introduce minor health concerns for Dragon individuals. Prioritizing health and seeking advice from medical professionals is recommended to address these issues and maintain overall well-being. To enhance your overall well-being, place an Amethyst Money Tree inside your bedroom.

The Hungry Ghost Month is coming to a close on September 14, 2023. Don’t miss out on The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet, designed to keep you safe and bring abundance and blessings. With powerful stones and protection symbols, this bracelet is a must-have to ward off unpredictable actions from hungry ghosts.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Money: In September 2023, Snake individuals can expect a stable overall fortune. The month unfolds with a sense of equilibrium, devoid of unexpected disturbances, allowing for a smooth flow of events. Daily meditation with the Apatite with Blue Aventurine Guru Bespangled 108 Mala will help manifest wealth and abundance while providing emotional support during trying times.

Career: For those born in the Year of the Snake, September presents a fortunate period encompassing various aspects of life. Career prospects shine with opportunities for growth, as recognition from higher-ups and the delegation of significant responsibilities become prominent. This positive momentum extends to the financial domain as well. Seal the luck you have with a Kyanite Bracelet.

Love & Relationships: September’s fortune extends to the realm of relationships for Snake individuals. Snake individuals emanate a magnetic charm, attracting attention from the opposite sex and possibly leading to new and meaningful romantic connections. In matters of the heart, singles are likely to encounter compatible partners with ease, potentially paving the way for harmonious and fulfilling marital lives. A good heart chakra stone that enhancers love and relationships is Amazonite. Place an Amazonite Plate / Slab on your bedside table to boost romance or the chances of finding love.

Health: Engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a balanced diet remains key to sustaining well-being. The convergence of stability in various life aspects serves as a positive foundation for physical vitality. Boost your health and keep negative energies at bay with the Dumortierite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand and place it inside your bedroom or your dining area. While tranquility prevails, it’s important to maintain a watchful eye on health matters. Parents of Snake children (born in 2013) should exercise extra caution, focusing on the physical well-being of their children to prevent weather-induced health issues. Nurturing a proactive approach to health preservation can amplify the benefits of the overall positive trends for the Snake individuals in September. This is a good month for you, remember to keep the good energy flowing and cleanse your dwellings before night falls. Light Yin Yang Incense Sticks for protection and space clearing.

The Hungry Ghost Month will come to a close on September 14, 2023. To ensure your safety and prosperity during this time, I highly recommend acquiring The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet. This marvelous piece contains all the necessary stones and symbols to safeguard you and bestow upon you an abundance of blessings. No matter your luck rating this September, don’t take any chances. Protect yourself from the unpredictable actions of the hungry ghosts by wearing this must-have bracelet.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Money: September 2023 will be a month of challenges for Horse individuals. Caution is advised during this period, as potential challenges may arise. Money concerns are heightened due to the influence of Tai Sui, necessitating in-depth financial planning and wise spending will help you keep afloat. To help you curb spending and to help with stress, meditate using the Amethyst Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace each night before you go to bed. 

Career: Horse individuals can expect a smooth continuation of career development this month. Enhanced work efficiency is on the horizon, with positive interactions among colleagues in the workplace. For those engaged in business, seizing the opportunity to expand market share through effective advertising strategies is recommended. A Citrine Bracelet is a powerful ally in manifesting wealth and happiness, so never leave your home without it.

Love & Relationships: Chinese zodiac predictions indicate a challenging romantic outlook for Horses in September 2023. Singles might initiate new relationships early in the month, but as time progresses, these connections might culminate in heartbreak. Married Horses should be wary of potential conflicts, even arising from trivial matters. Addressing issues in the marriage and collaborative efforts toward improving intimacy is crucial. While challenges in love persist, favorable luck in other aspects provides some consolation. To enhance romance and love, place a Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz on your nightstand.

Health: September’s lunar phase presents health challenges for Horse individuals, stemming from the influence of Tai Sui. Vigilance is necessary to mitigate potential negative impacts on well-being. Incorporating regular physical exercise into routines can enhance resilience and counteract the adverse effects. Hang the Ojo de Dios of Good Health near your bed or in your dining room for good Feng Shui and place a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere in your living room for healing.

The Hungry Ghost Month is coming to an end on September 14, 2023! Don’t miss out on The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet. This powerful accessory is specially designed to provide complete protection and abundance during this unpredictable period. Whether your luck rating is high or low, wearing this bracelet is a must for your safety and blessings.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Money: The overall fortune for Sheep individuals in September is slightly less favorable compared to the previous month, yet it remains reasonably stable. You need to watch where your money goes and be wiser with your purchases. Attract wealth and abundance with a Peridot Bracelet, especially during this month.

Career: In the workplace, they’ll experience manageable situations with limited opportunities for significant growth. Office workers, in particular, face vulnerability to job transfer crises. A sudden shift in company values might lead to difficulties in adaptation. Seeking timely assistance when faced with unfamiliar situations is recommended to prevent the accumulation of confusion and subsequent work-related pressures. Meditate and always carry the Sodalite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to help you with focus, wisdom, and communication during a challenging time in the workplace.

Love & Relationships: September presents relationship challenges for Sheep individuals. Singles might find it challenging to transition from their single status, facing potential rejections upon confession. A smooth period lies ahead. However, challenges emerge within the realm of love. While singles might encounter potential partners, they might not develop deep connections with them, resulting in remaining single. To help you navigate a rough time, place a Rose Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your nightstand. Those in relationships could face rejected marriage proposals due to their partner’s hesitation. Married life might lean towards simplicity, prompting efforts to infuse spontaneity and excitement into the relationship. To enhance this life’s aspect, hand an Ojo de Dios of Love on your bedroom door.

Health: The general fortune for Sheep individuals born in the Year of the Sheep during September 2023 is moderate. Prioritizing mental health is advised this month and health considerations spotlight the importance of eye care. Engaging in activities like hiking or short trips with partners can help release pressure and improve overall well-being by fostering relaxation and exposure to fresh air. Place a few pieces of Selenite Sticks near your bed for healing and remember to always cleanse your homes with Seven Chakras Incense Sticks each morning.

Unleash the power of The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet before September 14, 2023! This extraordinary bracelet is packed with powerful stones and symbols that provide complete protection during the Hungry Ghost Month. Embrace abundance and blessings as you shield yourself from the unpredictable actions of the hungry ghosts. Don’t miss out on this essential accessory, regardless of your luck rating this September.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Money: September 2023 holds various twists and turns for Monkey individuals. Earning a sufficient income to cover daily needs is anticipated. To enjoy stable finances, you may need to work twice as hard as before. You need to be more prudent with your money and you are advised not to lend money or join money-earning schemes that sound too good to be true. Always carry a Prehnite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to ensure a good flow of wealth energy for you this month.

Career: Office workers are likely to experience increased busyness, accompanied by challenges and obstacles. Career prospects remain stagnant, potentially leading to conflicts with colleagues and rumors circulating behind your back. Maintaining a composed demeanor and focusing on your own tasks in a grounded manner is advisable. Diligence in your efforts will lead to income stabilization. Those engaged in business might encounter conflicts with partners, leading to the cessation of cooperation on a less-than-happy note. For good Feng Shui, a Jade Bracelet is a good amulet to help you with office politics and financial issues.

Love & Relationships: Leisure moments at home with partners and engagement in personal hobbies provide relaxation. Handling disagreements with partners through effective communication and a harmonious atmosphere prevails. The potential for irritability and impatience in daily life requires careful consideration to avoid disrupting family harmony. To subdue aggressive energies at home, place a Garnet Crystal Point/Generator/Wand inside your living room and make sure you cleansed your homes, especially the bedrooms with Palo Santo Incense Sticks each morning.

Health:  Amid workloads and life pressures, minor health issues might arise too, including sleeplessness and minor illnesses. These health concerns should be managed with care. Caution against accidents during outdoor activities is recommended. Considered a “The Great Healer” in the crystal world, place a Selenite Round Charging Plate in your dining room or bedroom to enhance your well-being.

The Hungry Ghost Month will come to a close on September 14, 2023. To ensure your safety and prosperity during this time, I highly recommend acquiring The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet. This marvelous piece contains all the necessary stones and symbols to safeguard you and bestow upon you an abundance of blessings. No matter your luck rating this September, don’t take any chances. Protect yourself from the unpredictable actions of the hungry ghosts by wearing this must-have bracelet.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Money: Rooster individuals will have a challenging outlook in the lunar calendar’s eighth month of 2023. Financial prudence is essential during this period. Moderation in spending is advised to prevent excessive extravagance and potential financial strains, including the risk of bankruptcy. Protect your finances and attract additional wealth when you can by wearing a Citrine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace at all times. This will help you with your outlook in life while at the same time providing you auspicious energies when financial resources seem to be scarce.

Career: September presents mixed prospects for Rooster individuals, especially females. Conflicts with colleagues could lead to work-related challenges and decreased income. Intimate relationships might suffer due to picky behaviors. Maintaining mental and physical well-being amid these challenges could prove difficult. Males, on the other hand, might experience a more favorable fortune, displaying resilience to external factors. Business-oriented Roosters might encounter influential supporters, leading to increased project opportunities and the exploration of new markets. To foster cooperation and to attract opportunities, wear an Angelite Bracelet.

Love & Relationships: For those born in the Year of the Rooster, September marks a dark period, particularly for females. Women are advised to carry a Moonstone Wrist Mala. Romantic relationships might be strained due to partners’ exhaustion with their picky tendencies. Managing mental and physical well-being amidst these pressures could pose challenges. Male Roosters are likely to fare better, displaying resilience to external influences.

Health: Rooster individuals might encounter health issues, particularly related to their intestines. Given the summer’s high temperatures, caution in consuming excessively cold or spicy foods is advised. Health-conscious practices, such as a balanced diet, will be beneficial in maintaining well-being during this period. As a health enhancer, wear the Divine Om Silver Pendant, and remember to chant it whenever you feel weighed down by stress. Place an Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz inside your bedrooms to maintain a stress-free environment at home.

Wrap up the Hungry Ghost Month with The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet! This incredible bracelet is not only a symbol of complete protection, but it will also attract abundance and blessings into your life. Don’t take any chances with unpredictable ghosts and misfortune– make sure to wear this bracelet throughout September.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Money: September presents an aura of protection and good luck for Dog individuals. Positive energies serve as a shield against misfortune, elevating various aspects of their lives. With diligence and exemplary performance in the workplace, promotions or salary increases may come. Financial gains stemming from previous investments will manifest. Be careful with those who will approach you for loans though, involvement in shared finances or lending substantial sums is discouraged, as retrieving borrowed funds could prove challenging.

Career: In the eighth month of 2023, Dog individuals should exercise caution as career fortunes are average. Prudent handling of contract documents is imperative to avoid falling victim to deceit, which could lead to financial losses for the company. A Gold Tiger’s Eye Classic Japa Mala Necklace is your perfect weapon against those with dishonest intentions and against bullies. Exercising patience and a composed approach is vital to address and overcome the hurdles. But, when asked by their superiors, they should share what is on their minds. Their ideas and advice could possibly gain recognition, positioning them as stars in the workplace. Acceptance of their proposals translates to higher income and acknowledgment from superiors. Win that pitch and present your ideas with clarity, make sure you have a Lapis Lazuli Plate/Slab on your work desk.

Love & Relationships: Dog individuals are positioned for an improved relationship dynamic. After months of busyness, they will finally have the opportunity to spend quality time with family members, cultivating stronger bonds and enhancing their overall well-being. Love prospects are favorable, potentially leading singles to discover soulmates and embark on official relationships. To enhance romance, place a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks on your nightstand.

Health: While health may not be uniformly excellent, it won’t entail serious physical ailments. You may still need to watch out for some minor setbacks though for there is a possible threat to your personal safety. Avoid traveling late at night and do not drink excessively. Wear the Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet and always cleanse your spaces with Sandalwood Incense Sticks before sunset.

The Hungry Ghost Month ends soon, on September 14, 2023. Don’t miss out on The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet! It’s equipped with powerful stones and symbols to shield you from any harm during this period and bring you abundance and blessings. No matter your luck rating this September, wearing this bracelet is essential to safeguard yourself against the unpredictable actions of the hungry ghosts.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Money: September 2023 brings forth positive fortunes for individuals born in the Year of the Boar. Business endeavors are projected to excel, potentially leading to financial gains and promotions. However, maintaining a low profile is crucial to mitigate potential jealousy among colleagues. Strategic investments and portfolio management are recommended for sound financial stability. Boars are advised to seize business travel opportunities and diligently fulfill assigned tasks, potentially leading to salary increases. Make sure you seal your luck by carrying and wearing the Carnelian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace at all times.

Career: During the first few weeks of this month, Boars will grapple with significant workplace pressure, often without corresponding rewards for their efforts, inducing feelings of despondency. Despite these challenges, persisting with hard work and fostering improved working capabilities will contribute to future development. You will thrive and overcome such challenges, just make sure you wear the Dragon Stone / Dragon Blood Jasper Bracelet.

Love: Single Boars are set to experience favorable luck in their encounters, enhancing their love prospects. The auspicious circumstances also heighten the likelihood of meeting an ideal partner during travels. The blessings of family and friends bless Boars in love, nurturing their relationships and even paving the way for wedding arrangements this year. To enjoy this period of bliss and romance, place a Rose Quartz Money Tree inside your bedroom or living room.  

Health: While health concerns exist, most are minor ailments like colds and coughs. Vigilance against minor illnesses, weather changes, and accidents is recommended. Stress from the workplace and external affairs may also bring your spirits down, so make sure you turn your home into a sanctuary of peace and harmony. Place a Howlite Plate/Slab and an Amethyst Orb/ Sphere inside hour living room and cleanse your spaces with Raj Incense Sticks each morning.

The Hungry Ghost Month is finally coming to an end on September 14, 2023. But don’t let your guard down just yet. Take a look at The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Ghost Month Protection Bracelet – guaranteed to shield you from any lurking spirits and bring you abundant blessings. Don’t rely solely on your luck rating this September, because the actions of these hungry ghosts are totally unpredictable. Don’t miss out on this essential accessory!

June 2023 Feng Shui Forecast


In the month of June, as the fifth lunar month of 2023 unfolds, a powerful energy of renewal and revitalization fills the air. This month presents an opportunity to shake off the stale remnants of the past and begin anew.

For some of the animal signs, this month is especially significant, as it provides a chance to recover the losses that they may have encountered in the previous months. This is a time of bouncing back, of regaining one’s footing after a tumultuous period.

But it is not just a time of recovery. It is also a time of change, of transformation, as we approach the midpoint of the year. The goals and targets that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year need to be revisited, reevaluated, and adjusted so that we may manifest our dreams and desires.

This requires a deep and profound level of introspection, a willingness to delve into the hidden corners of our souls and identify what needs to be released and what needs to be embraced. It requires an openness to the unknown, and a willingness to explore new horizons and forge new paths.

So, embrace the mysteries of June, dear reader. Allow yourself to be swept up in the currents of change and renewal. For in this month, great things can be achieved, and new beginnings can be born.

It’s time to celebrate positive transformation this June! Harness the powerful energy of gemstones and mala meditation. Let’s make this month one for the books!

Discover what’s in store for your Feng Shui animal sign with our detailed forecast below:


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


June looks promising for the rat-born due to the presence of auspicious energies. Opportunities abound and there will be tons of prospects for wealth-building. The choices are endless and you may exhaust yourself, so we advise you to assess the most viable ones and select these. To help you make a sound decision, meditate using the Blue Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Do not bite more than you can chew and focus on the ones you think you will enjoy doing most.

In the workplace, you will have some opportunities to showcase your skills and managerial prowess. Do not hold back for this could be your ticket to the promotion you have been eyeing for the longest time. However, we advise that you also take care of your health and manage stress well for your well-being may suffer. Businessmen should keep their eyes on the prize and seize the luck they have this month by laying their plans for expansion and development.

This their gift of gab and charms, single Rats will not have difficulties meeting new suitors and admirers. At home, couples will enjoy a period of bliss and romance. Cleanse your bedroom and living rooms with Lily Incense Sticks to promote love and harmonious energies.

We recommend wearing a Dalmatian Stone Bracelet or displaying a piece of Citrine and Amethyst  Gem Tree on Quartz on your work desk at all times. This will help you double your luck and bring more wealth and energy as you build your security nest for the future. Additionally, we suggest wearing the Big Om Silver Pendant to improve communication and help you soothe your body, and to protect you from external stressors.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


You will have your share of ups and downs this month. You will enjoy monetary gains; however, you too will have to endure some losses and the chances of betrayals and backstabbing will be twice as high. We suggest wearing a Betrayal and Backstabbing Protection Bracelet to shield you from people with ill wishes and intentions. It is also good to meditate using a Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace, the protective energy of this stone is believed to be the most powerful one. Do not invest, avoid partnerships and collaborations, and try to be conservative with your expenses. Try to lay low and limit your exposure to new people.

In the workplace, stress will kick in for you will have the unwanted attention of your colleagues and superiors. Do not engage in gossip and do not share personal information and concerns with officemates, they may use this information against you. Be careful and avoid the spotlight, you do not need the attention this month. Cleanse your work areas and desks and get rid of bad vibrations by displaying a Selenite Tower. Businesspersons should pay more attention to their records and books and are advised to step away from possible collaborations and new ventures. Be more hands-on and always double-check your cash flow. There is a possibility of theft and betrayal within the organization, so do not let your guard down and trust no one. Place a Lapis Lazuli Plate / Slab near your desk to prevent dishonest people from lying to you and help you clear your mind especially when you review your books.

Singles must avoid meeting new people for there is a risk of being taken advantage of. If you have been going out with some for some time now, take your time and do not take the relationship to the next level yet. This is not a good time. Couples will have better times though as they will find comfort in their partners.

The threat of robbery and loss is high, keep your valuables safe and make sure to secure your property at all times. Do not leave your homes at night and avoid staying late. Do not travel alone, the risk is too high. To assist you during difficult times, wear the Ganesh Square Pendant. This powerful image will remove all obstacles and will serve as a potent protection amulet.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


The risk of loss, violence, and betrayal is twice as high this month. You also run the risk of being misunderstood this month, so you are advised to be more diplomatic and calmer when you deal with others. Cash flow will be greatly affected so you should watch where your money goes and avoid investments.  Always wear the Violence and Burglary Protection Bracelet at all times and mediate using the Black Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace while you chant the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra to invoke the guidance and protection of the Divine Lotus / Mother of Mercy.

Unless you have to, avoid gout out at night and always secure your homes, offices, and vehicles. The risk of violence and burglary is high so be more careful. Switch up your routine so your movements will not be predictable. Someone may be keeping an eye on your movement, so be more diligent. Hang the Ojo de Dios of Protection on your main door to keep bad energies and evil spirits at bay.

In the workplace, a lot of jealous coworkers will cast evil on you, so be more careful and do not engage in office politics and gossip. Trust no one – this includes your friends and those who seem to be on your side. Walk away from disagreements for you will not win any arguments this month. Finish your tasks alone and avoid the spotlight. Businesspersons must be vigilant and always watch their funds. Scam artists will be out there to get you so be more careful and do not open doors to possible tie-ups, collaborations, and expansion. Once you see signs of irregularities, act on them swiftly and address them with tact and firm resolve. A Howlite Plate / Slab displayed on your work desk will promote peaceful and harmonious vibrations in the office.

At home, someone outside your family may try to shake things up so be prepared. The peace and harmony inside the home may be at risk too so learn to exercise patience and know when to walk away from heated situations. Singles are advised not to meet new suitors and will be better off alone this month. Couples need to be more patient with each other for there will be heated arguments left and right. Keep things light. Ladies are encouraged to wear the Victorian Om Pendant to help bring love and harmony into the relationship.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Your health will spiral down this month for the risk of illness is twice as much this June, your energy levels will be down and you will be susceptible to falling sick, accidents, and injuries. Do not push yourself to the limit and get some rest whenever you can. As soon as you see signs of ailments, visit your doctor and act on it quickly. The elderly should be more careful and wand are advised to watch their diets. We strongly recommend that you wear a Health Protection Bracelet and carry a Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace for good health and protection against stressful energies. The Tibetan 9-Eye Dzi Silver Pendant can also be worn for protection and long life.

In the workplace, manage your time wisely and goals should be set realistically. Your mind, body, and spirit will not be at their peak so you must learn how to pace yourself at work. Those who are in competitive industries must balance their time well for the probability of falling sick is too high and the consequences of overworking may not be worth the risk. Businessmen should stick to what they know and are advised to avoid risky partnerships and investments. Place an Amethyst Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk to assist you during stressful times.

In the love department, couples will have a blissful month filled with love and romance. Singles will have a lot of suitors but are advised to think about things deeply before they enter a relationship. To enhance your love luck, burn Raj Incense Sticks regularly.


Luck Rating:  1 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Your month will be riddled with arguments and heated discussions. If unmanaged, these may turn into lawsuits or violence. As much as possible keep your calm for you will be a temper magnet. From random strangers to old acquaintances, you should practice patience and diplomacy and must learn to walk away as soon as squabbles arise. To help you manage stress and anger, meditate using the Red Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace or wear the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet.

In the workplace, you will encounter hostile situations and colleagues will continue to challenge your ideas and outputs. If you are at fault, learn to ask for forgiveness and try to work on your shortcomings, things will eventually turn around. Superiors must practice tact and are advised to be more understanding of their team members. To help you communicate your sentiments and ideas better, place a Sodalite Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your work desk. You will be able to sail through the rough waters of June if you practice humility and kindness. Send out positivity into the world and you shall receive it as well.

Businessmen should focus on their new ventures and are to focus quietly on their daily operations. They must avoid getting the attention of others and are encouraged to send their best teams to perform tasks for them instead of meeting clients and suppliers personally. Avoid the spotlight. If you encounter complaints, always be tactful and settle things with a calm demeanor. To avoid a lot of disputes from clients and suppliers, place Aquamarine on your desk or by the reception area of your business.

Couples must be more patient with each other. Be more understanding of your partners and always make them your priority. Singles are discouraged from meeting new faces for dating will not lead to promising results this month. Get rid of negative energies by regularly cleansing your homes with Palo Santo Incense Sticks each morning.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


Misunderstandings, which can lead to lawsuits and jail time, and threats against your safety should be taken seriously this month. Your sign has a very strong quarrelsome energy and you must do all that you can to pacify aggressive situations. Minimize your interactions both with familiar faces and strangers for even simple quarrels can lead to major disputes. Wear and meditate often with an Aquamarine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Avoid lawsuits and issues with the law by wearing a Lapis Lazuli Bracelet.

Maintain your cool and always watch your back in the workplace. Double-check your outputs and always play safe when dealing with colleagues. Be diplomatic and tactful. You can dodge the bullets of aggression if you play your cards right- maintain minimal distance from coworkers, and focus on your tasks instead. A Red Jasper Plate / Slab displayed on your desk will keep the aggression at bay. Businesspersons should learn to delegate tasks and allow their staff to lead this month. Avoid unwanted attention and manage your business away from the spotlight. This is also a good time to study your books and update your records, and files to avoid possible fines from authorities. A member of your organization may challenge you, but it would be wise for you to settle instead of bringing things to court – you have a slim chance of winning arguments this June. Get rid of negative vibrations wherever you go by carrying and wearing the Hanuman Silver Pendant.

Singles who want to go out on dates and meet new people will be disappointed for the love luck of the Snake is not so promising this month. Couples must learn to keep their cool and must be more patient with each other. As soon as tempers rise, walk away and say absolutely nothing. Failure to do so may cost you your relationship. Cleanse your dwelling and activate good chi by cleaning your homes using Yin Yang Incense Sticks every morning and at night.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Good luck continues to pour down your sign’s house this June for you will enjoy a great deal of financial stability from your savings and investments and success luck also looks promising. These, however, will not land on your lap like manna from heaven. Luck only comes to those who work for it. Use the auspicious energies you have and make sound investments and profitable schemes which can further add to the stability of your safety net. Luck and success also attract envious eyes, so be more vigilant and try to remain humble. Wear the Green Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to help you score more opportunities. Avoid the evil eye and gossip from people with ill intentions by wearing the Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet.

In the workplace, you will be seen as an indispensable asset and your hard work will be recognized in the firm with a promotion or bonus. There is also the possibility of lucrative offers from other companies, but we advise you to assess this deeply and study your options very carefully. To help you maintain a sound mind and body, place the Mixed Gemstones Money Tree in your office. Businesspersons are encouraged to be bolder so they can expand their reach. The higher the risks, the greater the rewards. To help you be more creative and innovative, place the Carnelian Palm Stone on your work desk.

This month, you are also advised to focus on your family life and your partner. Romantic getaways and more family time will further cement the relationship. Singles who want to be in relationships are in for a treat. To secure a good match, always carry and wear the Mystic Knot Silver Pendant.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


This June, your sign will be blessed with immense opportunities. Brace yourself for some changes, it will take some time for you to adjust, but once you do, you will be able to appreciate the positive energy that has fallen on you. Meditate with a Tourmalinated Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to help clear away blockages while at the same time promoting protective energies wherever you may be. Bring more abundant energy by wearing a Citrine Bracelet.

The shift will also affect the workplace. There is a possibility of an inter-department shuffle, a promotion, or a reassignment. Embrace the situation for it will bring you more opportunities and financial rewards. Those who are in business must step up and bring their ideas to the table for possible product development, expansion, and collaborations. Competition will be fierce, but trust your instincts and you will see your business grow exponentially. To assist you with this transformation and to help you cope with such a fast pace, wear a Smoky Quartz Bracelet.

As you try to navigate the ever-changing demands of your work or business, your personal life may suffer. Find the perfect balance so you can juggle your time at work and home. Singles are not advised to entertain suitors for they will have a hard time dealing with all the adjustments they need to face. Combat negativity and bring in more positive energies by wearing the Double Dorje Silver Pendant. Clear your spaces with Pine Incense Sticks each morning.


Luck Rating:  5 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


You will have to deal with some changes in your life this month, such transformation may cause you some doubts but trust that these will help you move forward. This month, anything you do will yield good results, so use this time wisely to grow your net worth. The auspicious energies of June will allow you to do more so you can expand your horizon, but this is only possible if you are willing to go with the flow. A Fancy Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will help promote protective energies when used as a meditation tool. Bring more health and abundant energy by wearing a Malachite Bracelet.

Some major decisions will have to be made in the workplace. This may include the acceptance of a promotion or a resignation so you can build your career elsewhere. Asses the offers first before you take the plunge. If you plan to start your own business, do so knowing that luck is on your side. To help you maintain a sound mind and body and to assist you with decision-making, place the Clear Quartz Money Tree in your office. Businesspersons are advised to be more adventurous for this is a promising time for expansion, partnerships, and collaborations. Wear your most compatible charm- the Hanuman Silver Pendant to help you grow your assets.

Singles may find their perfect match. Those who plan to take their relationship further may do so for this is a good time to propose. Clear spaces and dwellings using the Feng Shui Earth Incense during this period of abundance.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


This month, an unseen hand will guide you to make sound decisions. New opportunities will knock at your doorstep, if you feel the timing is right, seize the moment. The challenges and roadblocks you encountered last month will slowly dissolve, enabling you to focus more on your tasks and responsibilities. Wear and meditate often with a Gold Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Avoid stress and other health issues by wearing the Seven Chakra Bracelet.

In the workplace, your superiors may give you extra responsibilities, but look at these tasks as opportunities. You will be in for a treat upon their completion. Your initiative and dedication can land you your dream position, so exert more effort. To help you maintain a sound mind and body, place a Selenite Wand / Generator in your office.

In business, do not fear competition and embrace new ideas so you can take your enterprise to new heights. Be more hands-on and learn to acknowledge your staff when they show exceptional work. To help you be more daring and ground-breaking with your ideas, place several pieces of Aquamarine Tumbled Stones on your work desk, entrances, and cash registers.

In love, couples will have a great month and are advised to take trips and vacations to further cement their relationships. Singles who want to be in relationships need not wait any longer. If you have been eyeing someone in the past few months, take the first move. There is nothing to lose. Burn Om Incense Sticks each night to drive away stale energies in your homes.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


Due to the presence of unlucky energies, you are advised not to do anything drastic this month. Anything you do or say may bring bad outcomes. Your energy levels will also drop, so it would be wise for you to lay low and allow this month to pass before you make big decisions. Always wear the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet at all times and mediate using the Sakura Agate Handmade Brass Piyao 108 Japa Mala Necklace to invoke the guidance and assistance of the Kwan Yin – the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

In the workplace, you will encounter several obstacles. Try to focus on your tasks and tackle each day with positivity no matter how difficult the situation may be. In business, things will be running smoothly as well. This is not a good time to plan for expansion or consider partnerships. Set your eyes on increasing your production than investing your wealth in advertising and new purchases. When things do not go according to plan, be objective and maintain your composure. Wear the Ganesh Silver Pendant to crush all obstacles and negativity during this trying period.

At home, you will find yourself more irritable and you will have difficulties managing your temper. Arguments will transpire, so as soon as disagreements surface, excuse yourself and do not engage with others. Place a Clear Quartz Crystal Point / Generator / Wand to dispel aggressive energies. Singles will have no luck finding their match this month. Burn California White Sage Incense Sticks every morning and night to drive away negative energies.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


For you to sail through June, you need to set your goals straight and realistically and act on them at a reasonable pace. You have average luck this month, so you need to balance your cash flow well for you to be afloat. A positive mindset will also help you get through difficult times. To help you boost your luck, meditate using an Orange Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. 

In the workplace, there will be some obstacles.  Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. Though they will not show you their support, your colleagues will not point their fingers at your mistakes, so keep things light and know that while there will be room for errors, there is also room for improvement. To help you gain support and assistance at work, wear a Labradorite Bracelet. In business, do not act immediately on matters that concern sales, your staff, and suppliers. Assess each situation and do not trust your instinct. To sharpen your instincts, a Citrine Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk will be beneficial. Remember that this is a month of introspection and assessment. To help you make sound decisions, place an Amazonite Slab / Plate in your office.

Couples will have some challenges at home for there will be quarrels left and right. Your mood will be unpredictable and your temper will flare off the charts. Do not try to engage your family members in debates for the result may be catastrophic. Singles will have no luck finding love. To help you combat stress and promote love and harmony at home, burn Kama Sutra Incense Sticks each night for 30 days.

February 2023 Feng Shui Forecast


Prosperity and abundance will be widely felt this month, as the energies of feng shui are running high! This is a great time to start new projects, launch businesses and invest in yourself. Money luck will come from many different sources, so be sure to open your arms wide and welcome it into your life.

The Prosperity Star #8 glides into the central sector and joins forces with the Relationship Star #4 – an auspicious sign of positive times ahead.

This month is the perfect opportunity to gain sage advice and leadership skills, so that you make wise decisions and attract those with influence.

Building strong relationships with key people around you is essential.

It’s also a great time to take on new hobbies and make positive changes in your daily routines. However, be sure to practice caution when it comes to personal finances and investments, as bad decisions could lead to losses.

Overall, February 2023 looks set to be a prosperous and positive month. Utilize the energies of feng shui this month to your advantage, to create abundance in all aspects of your life.

Kindly read your detailed animal sign’s Feng Shui forecast below.

Best of luck!


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


Your sign will be visited by the #4 Peach Blossom Star this month. This is a period filled with lots of love and romance, and you will enjoy a great deal of popularity. Take this time to expand your social network and use it to your advantage by opening the doors to opportunities both in your personal and professional life. Your creativity will run high too, so use this time to pitch out-of-the-box ideas for your efforts will be rewarded. Boost your wealth luck by meditating with a PYRITE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE and by wearing the VICTORIAN OM SILVER PENDANT to secure all the luck you need this month. Be assertive in the workplace and do not hesitate to speak up.

Those who are engaged in business should be actively pursuing clients and are encouraged to join civic groups and other organizations to expand their network. Remember to keep stress at bay by hanging the OJO DE DIOS OF HEALTH inside your bedrooms.

Those who are looking for love are in for a treat because others will find your charisma so magnetic, you will draw in the right suitors.  Get to know them well and do not rush things for you will have plenty of time, you have the homecourt advantage in the game of love this month. Enhance this by wearing a MOONSTONE BRACELET.  This is also a good time to reconnect with family and relatives. To activate these vibrations, display a SELENITE CRESCENT MOON PLATE and burn LILY INCENSE STICKS at least twice a week to fill your homes with love, peace, and harmony. Married couples should be careful though for there is a big threat of third-party interference and due to the Peach Blossom Star to augment this misfortune, always wear the THIRD-PARTY PROTECTION BRACELET.


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


This month, you need to lay low for you have the Illness Star on your sign. You need to watch your diet, avoid stressful activities, and boost your immune system. As soon as you see early signs of sickness, see your doctor immediately. Wear the HEALTH PROTECTION BRACELET as an added shield against illnesses. Things will not turn sour for you due to the #7 Star which, together with the #2 Star, brings the Big Wealth Ho Tu. There is a possibility of windfall luck that can come in many forms such as inheritance, a bonus, or a jackpot prize. Boost your luck further by wearing the bestselling CITRINE BRACELET. There will be offers for you to invest your money in trading or mutual funds, but think this over and do not place your money on these schemes for now. Do not rush and meditate using the TIBETAN YELLOW CALCITE JAPA MALA NECKLACE, this wish-granting stone will assist you during difficult times.

In the workplace, you will have winning streaks but you will also feel the need to do more. Remember that this month, you should be more relaxed and prioritize your health. There will be some people near you who will try to put you down, always be wary of the evil eye and focus more on your tasks so you can do more to meet your organization’s expectations. Wear the THREE-DIMENSIONAL GANESH SILVER PENDANT to eliminate all obstacles that will come to your path. Businessmen should always find time to relax, delegate tasks, and do leisurely activities to keep stress at bay. Lighting DRAGON’S BLOOD INCENSE STICKS every night will help promote a good night’s sleep as it cleanses your home of negative energies.

Couples are advised to take out-of-town trips to create more memories and to further cement their relationships. Singles are encouraged to go out on dates and be honest with how they feel, and then assess if they are ready to commit.


Luck Rating:  3 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


You will welcome the Year of the Rabbit with tons of luck, thanks to the #7 Star which will add to the #2 Star in your sign to form the Great Wealth Ho Tu. This is a very auspicious pairing so you can relax a little and let your guard down for whatever you will do, you will be comfortable finances-wise. But when it comes to decision-making, always be systematic and follow your instincts rather than basing your decisions on other people’s advice. Seal the luck you have this month and claim it by wearing the MOSS AGATE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. However, the #2 Star also signifies that you’re susceptible to illnesses and will have bouts of low energy. Stress will take a toll on your body and you will find it impossible to perform your utmost best. Wear a MALACHITE BRACELET for it is a very potent healing stone and as soon as you see signs of illness, go see a doctor.

In the workplace, as long as you do your work diligently, you will satisfy your bosses and you will be rewarded well. You must, however, keep a low profile and be silent about the wins you will get in the office for not a lot of people will celebrate with you. You will attract the jealous eyes of some colleagues and you will be the center of gossip and office politics. Do not pay attention to these people and keep on doing what you do best. Charm these people and dissolve their envy by wearing a SAKURA AGATE BRACELET. Businessmen will enjoy a great period; cash flow will be abundant and those who have small start-up businesses will have offers from investors. Assess these offers and try to bargain for independence for this is not a good time for collaborations and equal partnerships. You will perform your utmost best when you man your team.

Singles are advised to focus on themselves first for they will not be in the right disposition to entertain suitors. Those who have partners will find that their significant others will provide the comfort they need during a difficult period – health-wise. Remember to do a space clearing, especially inside your bedrooms by banging a TIBETAN SINGING BOWL WITH MANTRA and burn OM INCENSE STICKS to invite positive energies inside your homes.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


With the #6 Fortune Star under your belt, you will have windfall luck and mentors assisting you. There is an unseen hand guiding you to accomplish more during this period as it removes obstacles along your path. Secure these opportunities and lock your luck by wearing and meditating using a GOLD TIGER’S EYE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. During this time, try to go out and meet new people to expand your network. Welcome the Rabbit this year by removing all hindrances which may cause some challenges, wear the KARMIC DEBT CLEANSING PROTECTION BRACELET to start the year on a clean slate.

In the office, you will enjoy a peaceful month with colleagues and your supervisors will give you the support you need to finish tasks. You will be able to accomplish your goals with excellent results. If a great opportunity comes your way, grab it for it can alter the course of your year. Businessmen will have the chance to meet someone to help guide them with their company’s direction. A GOLD TIGER’S EYE CRYSTAL POINT/ GENERATOR/ WAND prominently displayed on your desk will bring you better opportunities while keeping envious coworkers away. This is also a good time to do collaborations with other creatives for there will be successful results. Work hard, so you can expand your business exponentially. Burn PINE INCENSE STICKS each morning before you start your day to dispel all negative energies which can hamper your performance at work. Keep your body, mind, and spirit aligned by wearing the GOLDEN PRIDE GEMSTONE BRACELET to keep stress away, so you can perform better as you do more.

Last month’s aggressive energies will die down and this is a good time to make amends with your loved ones. Invoke positive and loving energies by wearing a SERAPHINITE SET IN SILVER PENDANT. Singles will have a better chance of finding love, while couples must exert some effort to save the relationship. If they will be able to work past their differences and are willing to start anew, they will be rewarded with happiness, peace, and support. Display a ROSE QUARTZ PLATE / SLAB inside the bedroom to bring some romance luck and to promote love and happiness in the relationship.  


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


The first month of the Rabbit Year will prove to be lucky for you due to the presence of the lucky stars on your sign. This is the best time for you to wear the DRAGON VICTORY BRACELET to help you start your projects and they will see fruition. Be cautious though where money is concerned for there is the possibility of wealth loss. Money will easily come to you, but without proper handling, it will also slip away from you just as quickly. Prevent this from happening by invoking the assistance of the obstacle-breaking Hindu deity Ganesha, by wearing the LORD GANESHA INTRICATE SILVER PENDANT. The #3 Quarrelsome Star is also present, you extend your patience and keep your cool at all times to avoid running the risk of hurting those who are dear to you. As soon as you feel tempers rising, walk away, hold a RED JASPER 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE and meditate. It will do wonders for your mind and spirit.

There is a great robbery threat, be sure to always lock your doors, keep your entrances well-lit and avoid dark and secluded places. Get the assistance of the powerful VIOLENCE AND BURGLARY PROTECTION BRACELET to prevent threats to your safety and security.

In the workplace, you will excel even with minimal effort, just keep performing the same way as you have before and you will surely stay on top of your game. Keep a low profile too for there will be some who will cast an evil eye on you. Place a HOWLITE PLATE / SLAB on your work table to bring peace and harmony to the office. Those who are engaged in business will have exciting times ahead for things will run smoothly. A word of caution though, be extra careful with the people you deal with for there is a threat of robbery and the culprit could be part of your circle. Check your books and be more hands-on during this period. Be diplomatic at all times and be strict with your deadlines. And remember to keep your cool.

Those who are in relationships will experience disagreements that can blow out of proportion if not handled correctly. Be careful with your words and always make the first move to pacify things. Regularly cleanse your spaces with CALIFORNIA WHITE SAGE INCENSE STICKS to remove all the bad juju. Single ones are advised to focus on themselves as this is not a good time to go out and mingle.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


This month, you will have the #3 Quarrelsome Star and the #7 Loss Star in your sign, this looks bad, but together, these stars will yield the lucky Sum-of-Ten combination which will bring completion and success in all your endeavors. Manifest success and completion by mediating using an APATITE WITH BLUE AVENTURINE GURU BESPANGLED 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE. This is a good time to roll out whatever plans you have especially where business and money are concerned. Double your luck and wear your SNAKE VICTORY BRACELET. Always err on the side of caution though for you have the #7 Loss Star, betrayals and robberies are possible so be careful with who you trust, and never leave the house without your VIOLENCE AND BURGLARY PROTECTION BRACELET. Keep your homes and valuables safe and secure at all times and avoid going out at night. Long trips are discouraged due to the Loss Star that carries a significant impact on your sign this month. Better be safe than sorry.

In the workplace, you will enjoy the attention your bosses and superiors will give you and they will appreciate the thing you bring to the drawing board. You will draw some negative reactions from envious colleagues but with luck on your side and your BETRAYAL AND BACKSTABBING PROTECTION BRACELET, you will easily triumph over them. Those engaged in business are advised not to partner with people they have just met and must keep their plans and ideas to themselves. The risk of betrayal is high.

Singles who are looking for serious relationships will be disappointed for love luck is low. Couples must exert some effort to make the relationship work and there will be rough times ahead. Wear the DOUBLE DORJE SILVER PENDANT to help you with your intentions and display the RED JASPER PLATE / SLAB in your living rooms to pacify heated situations.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


This month, you have the Prosperity Star in your sign. The things that you have been working on over the past couple of months will yield good results and you will enjoy the fruits of your labor during this time. Wear and always carry the PYRITE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE WITH LAPIS LAZULI PENDULUM GURU to help bring prosperous energies as you go about your daily tasks. You will also have a clearer idea of how you want to run and execute new projects now, so start the ball rolling and turn those ideas into gold. Advance your luck further by wearing the DOUBLE DORJE SILVER PENDANT to break all obstacles. Your sign also has the Quarrelsome Star, so be extra careful with your temper or you run the risk of hurting people close to you. The calming and positive energies of the LABRADORITE BRACELET will help you keep your cool during these times, so always carry it with you.

In the workplace, trust your instincts because you will be blessed with great foresight this month. Be bold and take some risks with new ideas and do not be afraid to take on new projects. Your success rate at work is high, luck is on your side. Businesspersons will enjoy the support of their teams; they will assist you with your needs at your beck and call. Those in partnerships will have a harder time though for they will always be challenged by their partners, always be level-headed and learn to compromise. Keep a low profile especially when in unfamiliar territories. There is a threat of great harm and robbery on your sign, so better wear the VIOLENCE AND BURGLARY PROTECTION BRACELET.

Couples should learn to walk away as soon as petty arguments arise before they go out of proportion. Arguments can cause permanent damage to the relationship, so be careful. Place a ROSE QUARTZ PENDULUM on your nightstand and hold it and meditate with it before you go to sleep. Maintain balance and harmony in your homes by burning YIN YANG INCENSE STICKS every morning. Singles are not advised to go out and meet admirers.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


The start of the year could be a bit of a challenge due to the presence of the dreaded 5 Yellow. During this month, avoid making major decisions, especially in matters that concern your work, finances, and relationships. Long distance travels and social calls are discouraged and do not go out late at night. Wear BOTH the SUDDEN DEATH PROTECTION BRACELET and the TRAVEL AND ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET because the chances of your getting hurt or figuring in a road mishap are very, VERY high. You will also encounter some obstacles and health issues which can cost you your savings, so be very careful and be well. Invite healing vibrations into your life by mediating with a LAPIS LAZULI CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE each night before you go to bed.

In the workplace, things will not go smoothly for you. Focus on your tasks and always make sure you meet your company’s standards. Always double-check your outputs, because this month, when things go wrong, they will go wrong. There will be so many challenges along the way, so always make sure you take care of your mental health. Wear the powerful TIBETAN 9-EYE DZI SILVER PENDANT to bring you luck and assistance during trying times. Businesspeople will find it hard to expand their businesses. The best way to survive the month is to be conservative with your wealth and assets and not sign important contracts in the meantime. Burn FENG SHUI METAL INCENSE STICKS to bring in prosperous energies in your places of commerce.

The Misfortune Star is also under your sign bringing illnesses, and threats of accidents and mishaps. Avoid risky activities and renovations, and do not engage in high-impact sports during this period. Display a BLACK TOURMALINE CLUSTER near the entrances of your homes and inside the center consoles of your vehicles to avoid accidents and to keep violent incidences from occurring.

Those who are in relationships will have average romance luck. Be vocal with your feelings and keep the communications line open so as not to leave your significant other in the dark. 


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


The presence of the Victory Star on your sign brings some positive vibes to you this month, but this is not the time to be reckless and adventurous because you also have the Five Yellow. Be careful with your day-to-day dealings and avoid long-distance travel. Always carry the TRAVEL AND ACCIDENT PROTECTION BRACELET to prevent road mishaps. Parties and night outs are discouraged and maintain a low-key profile at all times. You may encounter some obstacles and your savings could dwindle immensely. Wear the GANESH SILVER PENDANT to break these barriers which may cost you your safety, your job, and your wealth. Watch where your money goes and avoid unnecessary spending. It will be a difficult period, so be mindful of your mental health and meditate using the calming and healing PREHNITE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE at least once a day. The scent of GREEN TEA INCENSE STICKS will also bring rejuvenating vibrations inside your homes.

In the workplace, go where the wind takes you and be patient with the slow pace you will experience. You need to maintain a certain amount of distance for you to focus more on your tasks and you should stay away from gossiping and casual conversations with colleagues. When things go wrong, acknowledge the mistakes and immediately make up for them. Always double-check your outputs. Businesspersons will encounter some setbacks. There will be delays, unsatisfied clients, and troublesome suppliers. All these can cause you financial losses. Be frugal and spend your money wisely.

There is a real threat of accidents, mishaps, and illnesses. Watch your diet, monitor your health, and avoid high-impact activities. Wear the HEALTH PROTECTION BRACELET to prevent you from falling sick and to boost your immune system.

Due to the stresses, you will encounter in your professional life, you will find it difficult to have some quality time with your partner, minor disagreements may ensue so be patient and always find ways to inject humor and positivity at home. Display the SELENITE GENERATOR / TOWER / WAND inside your living rooms and the AMETHYST PLATE / SLAB inside your bedrooms to promote peace, loyalty, and harmony. Singles are discouraged to meet new people and entertain suitors.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


Roosters will welcome the Rabbit Year with a bang as the Victory Star land on their sign. Transformations and major shifts will happen at the start of the year, and major opportunities will knock on your doors which can yield fruitful rewards. Double your wealth by displaying or carrying a CITRINE WRIST MALA OR BRACELET. Your mind will be on a roll making great decisions and you will enjoy the support of your family and peers. Make sure your mind, body, and spirit are in tune and carry and meditate with an AQUAMARINE CLASSIC 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE every night. 

In the workplace, things will run smoothly and you will get a lot of new opportunities to showcase your leadership skills. You may also receive some lucrative offers from other organizations, assess these offers very well however tempting they may be. Increase your chances of getting big offers by placing an AVENTURINE PLATE / SLAB inside your desk’s drawers. If you feel it is time to jump ship, go ahead and prove to them you are deserving of the offer they gave you. Businesspersons will have an excellent time with expansion for they are brimming with new and exciting ideas for their businesses. This is not the time to hold back, do your homework well and you will be rewarded with great returns. Dispel all negative energies by wearing the GANESH SQUARE SILVER PENDANT, especially on days when you have to present new ideas and proposals to investors. Things will be busy, if you need help, ask for it and it will come to you.

Singles will have a high chance of meeting the right partner this month. Couples will have blissful moments together for romance luck is good. Maintain the harmonious energies of the month by placing a CLEAR QUARTZ GENERATOR inside your living rooms and on your dining tables. Make sure the good chi flows smoothly by cleansing your homes with PALO SANTO INCENSE STICKS. You will be rewarded with so many positive things this month and there will be some who will be envious of this luck you are receiving. Shield yourself from these people by wearing the EVIL GHOST, BLACK MAGIC & CURSE PROTECTION BRACELET.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


You will, unfortunately, start the year with the dreaded Five Yellow on your sign. But do not fret just yet for you will also have the Yearly Killings and the Three Killings, this may sound bad but you will also have the #9 Expansion Star, so you will still be blessed with an enormous life force and energy. Make sure you always carry the BLOODSTONE JADE WULOU GURU 108 JAPA MALA NECKLACE with you and meditate with it to help you boost your health and to keep stressful thoughts out of your way. You will find it easy to face each obstacle with courage and determination.  Remember to always take time to rest and keep stress at bay, and burn PINE INCENSE STICKS to drive away unhealthy energies. Do not worry over small things, wear the STRESS PROTECTION BRACELET, and trust that things will fall into place at the right time.

In the workplace, you will it difficult to keep up with the pace and a lot of challenges will be met. Be flexible and learn to adapt to the possible changes you may encounter. There will be tough competition and someone may try to steal your spotlight. Do not get derailed with other things, focus on your tasks and your bosses will take notice. The HANUMAN SILVER PENDANT is a very powerful charm to help you do more and do well. Businesspeople will have some trying times managing their organizations. It will do them good if they seek help from mentors and trusted allies. Learn to delegate some tasks to your staff and focus on more pressing matters. You will get some offers for expansion but study these proposals well, if the risks are too high, it will be better to let them go for now. To receive better opportunities, place an AVENTURINE MONEY TREE on your work desk.

Singles are advised to have fun meeting new people but are to be careful in choosing their partners. Couples must always remember to keep their cool and avoid petty arguments for they may blow up easily. Place an AMETHYST SLAB / PLATE inside the bedroom to bring peace and harmony to your relationships. Be more patient with your loved one and you will have an easy month where love is concerned. A STIBNITE CLUSTER inside the home will promote love and harmony to all those who reside in it.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


Things will be a bit challenging this month for you will need to battle it out with the Five Yellow and the #9 Magnification Star. This combination will bring challenges, bullies, and negative energies. Better be prepared and always cleanse your spaces with RAJ INCENSE STICKS every morning. Spend more time at home doing things you enjoy most with family and friends to keep stress at bay. When things start to weigh you down, meditate or hold a BERYL AND MOONSTONE LUCKY AROWANA BESPANGLED JAPA MALA NECKLACE and feel its positive vibrations drive away the thoughts that dampen your spirit. You need to do all that you can to suppress these bad energies, especially the Five Yellow.

In the workplace, things will be just as tough. Drive these negative forces away by wearing the BETRAYAL AND BACKSTABBING PROTECTION BRACELET. Someone will be out there to demoralize and sabotage you to keep you off your game. Try to address this by showing them how competent you are and give them a little dose of kindness. Getting back at them in a negative way will only vindicate them, so take the high road. Wear a SERAPHINITE SILVER PENDANT to help you cope with these situations. But keep your guard up for there is also the possibility of backstabbing. Businessmen will have a hard time keeping their cash flow steady. This is not the time to close deals, sign contracts, or apply for new loans. Things will backfire and the risk is too high. Place a BLACK TOURMALINE CLUSTER ON a WOOD STAND near the entrances of your workplace (and in your homes) to drive away negativity. Go with the flow, and take a vacation or a few days off to recharge.

In love, things will be grand and rosy. Singles are advised to focus on themselves instead so they can perform better in the workplace. Couples will have some challenges and are advised to keep things light. Promote a more peaceful environment by placing a RED JASPER PLATE / SLAB inside the living room and displaying a CLEAR QUARTZ GENERATOR WITH STAND in your dining area.

January 2023 Feng Shui Forecast

Welcome to The Mala Tree’s January 2023 Feng Shui Forecast! The Mala Tree is excited to announce that our January 2023 Feng Shui Forecast is now available! It’s time to take a look at the energy of the year ahead and gather some insight on how best to use it.

This forecast is the perfect way to start off the year, offering valuable insight and guidance into how to make the most of the energies present during this month. 

As we start this new year, we bring in exciting energy that can help us manifest our hopes and dreams. January’s auspicious date selection is perfect for activating the positive energies of success and prosperity. This month is a good time for setting goals and taking action towards them.


January 2023 is a month teeming with potential and new possibilities. Although this is the case, the magnifying star 9 joins the Five Yellow in the center, thus creating an atmosphere of caution. The sharp and powerful energy this star brings should be contemplated carefully before we move forward with any projects or decisions.

Although success and achievement lie within our grasp, it is not without its struggles.

While the other sectors are joyfully anticipating advancements, this warning sign is a reminder of our need to be wary and take appropriate safety measures by wearing the appropriate protection.

It is a great time to take inventory of our lives and reflect on how we can make improvements in the coming months because ultimately these decisions will create lasting change in our lives. It’s important to be mindful of the amount of energy and effort put into any task. If we take on too much, it may leave us feeling overwhelmed and out of balance.

A far more optimistic look at the number 9 is that it will become increasingly powerful and favorable. This is a lucky year. Star nine will make everything wonderful. We will have luck in wealth, health, joy, and self-improvement.


Luck Rating:  1 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)

This month, your sign will be visited by the 5 Yellow Affliction Star, and with it will come illnesses, accidents, wealth loss, and some misfortunes. You should wear a Red Jasper Bracelet to protect you during your daily commute.  You are advised to lay low and distance yourself from other people as much as you can. In the workplace maintain professional relationships with colleagues but do not engage in personal matters, even with your closest workmates. Take this time away from chatty breaks to do more. Those in business will meet some challenges so they must prepare themselves mentally for the stress that these obstacles can bring. A good Mala necklace to have this month is the Howlite Classic 108 Japa Mala as it promotes peace and harmony.  Do not make major decisions this month and do not sign contracts, it is best to wait for a more luck period. Your health may take a toll, so do all that you can to destress and spend more time with your loved ones to keep the stressors at bay.  Wear the Health Protection Bracelet to safeguard your well-being. For additional protection, place a Black Tourmaline Stone near your main door.  This will help to bring a sense of security and provide protection from any negative energies. Additionally, you can place an Amethyst Cluster or Generator in your space to help subdue stressful energy. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Protection and pair it with an Ojo de Dios of Good Health in your living rooms or dining rooms as this is believed to ward off negative vibrations.

Those who have partners will find comfort in each other, while single ones are advised not to entertain suitors or pursue anyone this month.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Brace yourself for your temper and patience will be tested this month. Though you will enjoy a great deal of admiration and support from your immediate circle, misunderstandings may arise and escalate due to aggressive behaviors. Always wear the Stress Protection Bracelet to pacify extreme negative situations. Maintain your calm and remember to pick your battles wisely. Failure to do so may lead to legal disputes. To subdue argumentative energies, wear a Selenite Bracelet and pair it with a Carnelian Bracelet to help ease out the aggressive vibrations. In the workplace, manage your expectations and lead your team with patience and understand that not everyone can follow your pace. Managers should lead by example and must do all they can to settle disputes with diplomacy, understanding, and reason.

Your physical and mental health may suffer due to work-related stress. Meditate using a Citrine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to bring out positive energies and chant the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra to help you with your anxiety. Wear the Laughing Buddha Silver Pendant to invite positive energies wherever you will go. As tempers are flaring high, your relationships may take a toll too, place a Citrine and Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz in your living and dining room to bring more loving and harmonious vibrations at home.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

This month, the Quarrelsome Star pays your sign a visit, so manage your temper and do whatever you can to keep your cool at all times. The Annual Prosperity Star lands also on your sign, this, combined with the Quarrelsome Star will produce the powerful Ho Tu which will give your leadership skills a boost, enhancing your crisis management qualities and people relationship competencies.  Your demeanor and anger management need to be controlled for some arguments may lead to permanent breakups and legal issues. It is important that you wear the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet to negate toxic people and situations.  In the workplace, focus more on your tasks and stay away from casual conversations if you can. This is not a good time to engage in gossip and small talk. To subdue the hostile energies, wear a Peach Moonstone Bracelet to promote better work relationships, the loving and peaceful vibrations it will give off will be beneficial. Road rage is also a threat to your personal safety, so place an Amethyst Tumbled Stone inside the glove compartment of your vehicle and always carry a Bloodstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to assist you with difficult situations. Cleanse your spaces often with Sage to keep the good flow of chi and to dispel the negative energies.

To avoid heated arguments that can lead to major disagreements, those in relationships must practice diplomacy and must extend more patience to their loved ones. Singles must avoid going out and must focus on themselves instead.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Your January looks good for the annual and monthly star will combine to form the Sum-of-Ten, bringing you great luck and smooth transitions as we slowly move into the year of the Rabbit. Be cautious though as the Loss Star is also visiting your sign this month. Be diligent and try not to be too adventurous with your personal and professional dealings. Do not sign contracts and close deals during this inauspicious period. There is a HUGE threat of robbery and third-party interference, so do all that you can to ensure a safer month. It is important that you do not leave the house without wearing the Violence & Burglary Protection Bracelet. For a more potent shield against unfortunate events, wear the Ultimate Protection Bracelet to keep people with ill intentions away from your path, and place an Amethyst Orb / Sphere and a Sakura Agate Palm Stone in your bedroom to promote loyalty in the relationship.

Luck is still on your side for the efforts you have given in the workplace will be acknowledged by your superiors. But since there are some negative energies on your sign, you will also gain the unwanted attention of the evil eye.

Single ones are not advised to go out and entertain suitors as this is not a good time to find romance. Those who are in a relationship must keep the communication lines open and always address issues as soon as they surface. You have. A lot of pent-up energy, discuss this with your significant other so they will be able to understand what you are going through. Place a Tiger’s Eye Slab / Plate in your living rooms and work areas if you want to subdue the bad stars in your chart this month. You can also meditate using a Malachite Classic Japa Mala Necklace to help you combat the excessive bad energies of the month. Wear a Carnelian Bracelet for additional protection. Lastly, wear the Three-Dimensional Ganesh Silver Pendant to break the obstacles that will come your way.


Luck Rating:  5 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

You will be blessed with the positive energy that the Prosperity Star will bring to your sign this month. Your health will be good, you will enjoy better relationships with your loved ones and peers, and your wealth will be steady. Use this period to look for feasible projects that can yield a better return on investment and do not waste the opportunity to earn more by sleeping on your luck. This is a good time to meet old friends and reestablish connections with them, they can open opportunities for you as well. In the workplace, step out of your box and pitch in new ideas, your bold and creative ideas will be appreciated by your bosses and colleagues. You have the #8 Star under your belt, so enhance this further by wearing the Orange Aventurine Bracelet to help you with wealth multiplication and for a more stable business. If you want to extend this tremendous luck you are having, go and deal with those born under the Monkey, Snake, and Rat signs. Enjoy their loyalty and undying support by wearing a Jade bracelet. You can use the Feng Shui Metal Incense to attract additional wealth luck. Light the incense and allow it to burn for a few minutes, then waft the smoke over/around your body or near/at significant areas in your home. You can also use feathers or a fan to help spread the aroma throughout your space. Repeat this process regularly whenever you need a boost of positive energy or when looking to draw in luck and fortune. Doing this will help bring balance and harmony to your environment and attract the things you need in life. Keep the ill-wishers at bay so you can enjoy the luck you have by wearing the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet.

Couples will enjoy happier days ahead and those who are single have a very high chance of finding love this month Those who have been dating for a while should consider tying the knot as this is a good period to get engaged or move in together.  Enhance this luck further by meditating using a Moonstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

You will enjoy tremendous luck thanks to the Prosperity Star that will land in your sign this month. You will enjoy a great period of abundance and joy. The positive vibrations this star has will spill over to your workplace and you will find that you will overcome each challenge that you will encounter. Wear the Karmic Debt Protection Bracelet to cleanse you of negativity so you can enjoy the luck you are about to receive this month. Make use of this star and activate it by wearing Apatite Bracelet and pair it with a Citrine Bracelet or Ring Set in Silver. Remember that luck such as this does not come often so make use of it and activate it immediately. You are bursting with positivity and people around you will find you easy to work with. If there is a project you have been wanting to start in the previous months, now is the time to do it and the results will be in your favor. Don’t forget to meditate using a Labradorite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace while chanting your favorite mantra to reap its full benefits.

Single snakes who are seeking romance will find it, as long as they are willing to bend the rules they have set for themselves. Couples will have better days and are advised to spend more time with each other. 


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The Peach Blossom Star pays your sign a visit this month. Your charisma is high and you will find it easier to connect with people. Use this period to expand your network to allow more opportunities to come in. Go out and be seen and try to meet new people as much as you can. You have this great advantage so make use of the luck that is coming your way. Place a Citrine Tower / Generator inside your homes and offices to further your luck in closing deals and multiplying your wealth. Those who are engaged in business will enjoy success due to the auspicious combinations your sign will have this month. Carry a Sodalite stone with you all the time because communication and external relations will be your key to setting your 2023 right. To amplify the energy of the month, pair a Lapis Lazuli Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace with a Sunstone Bracelet.

Your charm will attract all the right people and you could potentially meet the right one for you during this auspicious month. Couples will have a great time and their family life will be smooth. Maintain the peace and harmony you are enjoying by playing a combination of Rose Quartz Tumbled Stones and Amethyst Towers / Generators inside our homes.  You will be enjoying such tremendous luck this month; however, this could also attract evil eyes and some foes. Shield yourself from their negativity and ill-wishes by wearing the Evil Ghost, Black Magic & Curse Protection Bracelet.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The presence of the Heaven Star in your sign indicates you will enjoy the last month of the Year of the Tiger with good fortune and assistance from people – especially from the elderly and your bosses. You need to manifest your goals this month for there is a high chance of meeting – even exceeding them. This is a good time to start your plans if you want to expand and grow your business. Be diligent with your work and exert more effort when you are asked to perform specific tasks in the office, your bosses will surely notice. Heed their advice for they will lead you in the right direction. Wear the Blue Kyanite Bracelet to help you make better decisions in the workplace. Activate your Big and Small Auspicious Stars with the use of the Blue Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace while chanting the Ganesh wealth mantra. Those in business should study their books now and see if there is a window for expansion. Your management skill is at its peak this month, so trust your instinct, and if it feels right, be bold and daring. You will be rewarded accordingly. Raw crystals such as a Stibnite Cluster will help you manifest your intentions and raw stones like Blue Calcite can be used to generate wealth and at the same time allow you to keep it so you can enjoy it for a longer time.  

In the home, you will experience a period of peace and harmony. You and your significant other will have more romantic times with each other. Singles have a good chance of meeting a suitable partner this month.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

The presence of the Heaven Star in your sign will bring you positive energies. In the workplace, you will be seen by your colleagues and your superiors as a very valuable member of the team. Step up as soon as you are asked to lead a project and make sure to cover all bases. A promotion, a bonus, or a salary increase is most likely. You will be very busy, but the payoff will be commensurate with the efforts you put out. This is a good time to rebuild old business connections and expand new networks for they will be able to help you with your career. With all these good things happening, you need to take care of your health, especially your immune system. Wear the Fancy Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and chant your favorite mantra to keep stress levels low and a Malachite Bracelet will assist you with your health concerns

Couples will enjoy a period of bliss and peace will rule their households. Single ones have a good chance of meeting a potential partner. For extra love energy, raw crystals like Kunzite and Rose Quartz Tower / Generator / Wand are great tools to meditate with or carry around. You can also keep them near you to enjoy their special benefits.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

The lucky combination of the Ho Tu in your sign brings auspicious vibrations to your house this month. Activate this by wearing an Aquamarine Bracelet to enhance your abundance of luck. You will be busier than usual in the workplace, and with the Illness Star in your sign, you will find yourself easily exhausted and stressed. Be productive and be on top of your game without sacrificing your health by properly designating tasks and prioritizing those that need to be accomplished immediately. You will not be able to enjoy the luck the lucky Ho Tu combination will bring if you do not take care of your health. So be extra careful with it. Wear the Gold Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to combat stress and promote mental and physical wellness. Your finances will be stable and you will have new and exciting projects this month, marketing will play a big role especially if you run your own business. Be wary though of the evil and jealous eye for they are out there to get you. There is a risk of robbery and backstabbing so protect yourself with the Violence and Robbery Protection Bracelet. For Feng Shui, it is advised that you keep a Selenite Plate / Slab and a Black Tourmaline Crystal Point somewhere in your home or workspace.

This is a good time to spend more time at home with your significant other and family. You will enjoy their company more and will keep your stress at bay. Single ones must not rush things, but there is also a chance that someone close to you will declare his or her intentions to you. If you are up to it, give it a try.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

You will end the Year of the Tiger with a bang as the Victory Star lands on your sign this month! This Star together with the Heaven Star and Ho Tu, have aligned to bring you success in all your endeavors and abundant vibrations will overflow. Activate this rare luck by wearing and meditating with an Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and make sure your house has an Amazonite Slab / Plate in your wealth corner. In the workplace, you will make great strides and your supervisors will appreciate all your efforts. Be sure to maintain a pleasant disposition and be initiative because you will be rewarded accordingly. Those in business will be presented with opportunities for partnership which could lead to expansion. Place an Eldarite / Kambaba Jasper Crystal Point / Tower / Wand near the entrance of your space or desk to bring in prosperous energies. An Ojo de Dios of Good Health will also be beneficial if you want to align your luck and physical well-being. Decorating your space with a Soulthread Synergy Seven Chakra is believed to fill your space with positive and balanced energies.

At home, couples will have a more intimate romantic period and singles will enjoy meeting a lot of admirers. You will be receiving a lot of blessings and good energies this month, but be sure to protect yourself and your loved ones from envious individuals by wearing the Betrayal and Backstabbing Protection Bracelet.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

You have the Victory Star and the Heaven Star in your sign this month. This combination produces the powerful Ho Tu combination that will bring inspiration, abundance, success, and creativity to your life. You will not run out of ideas in the workplace and your superiors will notice your performance and they will take note of it. To seal this lucky combination, wear the Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace and meditate with it using your mantra of the year. Pair it with a Multicolor Moonstone Bracelet to promote peace, love, and cooperation in the workplace and at home. New things will come your way this January, so be ready for new and exciting things coming your way. This is also a good time to invest and start new ventures. Listen to your instinct and follow where your heart leads you, for it will surely produce a good yield – luck is on your side.

Couples will be able to bring the fire back into their unions and single ones have a high chance of finding a partner due to the high love luck the Boar has this month. Raw crystals such as a Selenite Square Plate / Slab and tumbled stones like Zebra Jasper can be used to remove negative energies in your homes. A Selenite Wand / Massage Wand with Seven Chakra Symbols is also excellent to meditate with or simply carry with you for an extra boost in your meditation practice. An excellent bracelet to have this month is the Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet to shield you from envious neighbors, officemates, and relatives.