Gifting a Mala

It can be difficult to know what type of Mala beads will best fit the person you’re buying them for. You might feel like there are too many options, and they all look so beautiful and different!

There is one thing though: it doesn’t matter how fancy or simple a mala necklace’s design is. If it is meant as a gift, then every detail matters in that process. The meaning behind each Mala holds more significance than just aesthetics–depending on the journey of the intended recipient. Where should you begin? It’s really simple.

When you buy a Mala necklace for someone else, there are six things that should come into consideration.


A Mala is like a talisman for the wearer. It captures their intentions and helps them focus on what they want in life, no matter where it may take them or how long that journey might be!

Mala beads assist us in focusing our thoughts on a goal, so make sure you know where this person is currently in their life. What is their current state? What challenges do they face? What problems are they dealing with? 

What are the things they aspire for? What will make them happy? Wearing a mala is meant to record and keep an intention in mind. Wearing a mala is intended to preserve and record your intention.


After you have settled on an intention for the gift, it’s time to consider the physical attributes of the Mala. Some mala beads are strung with 100% gemstones, some with sacred seeds, and some styles have metal embellishments. There is also a variety of tassel colors. 

When it comes to appearance, one of the most crucial aspects to consider is “lifestyle.” Are they athletic? Do they participate in sports? Will they wear it casually or use it exclusively for meditation? Do they frequent the beach or the mountains? Match the Mala with the recipient’s lifestyle.


The final important consideration is your intuition, your gut feeling, and what your heart tells you to give. Go with what feels right at the moment. It is always a good idea to gift from the heart. The best gifts come from a place of love and connection. If you put thought into it and make sure the mala is coming from a good place, the person receiving it will feel that too! Mala beads are not just a piece of jewelry but rather personal amulets, each with its own special meaning. It is important to choose a mala that will resonate with the wearer on many different levels.

When you find the right mala, you’ll know it! There is no doubt about it. It will speak to you.

We hope this guide has been helpful in your search for the perfect mala gift! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us! We would be happy to assist you further.

After you’ve considered all variables, you’ll undoubtedly discover a mala that fits, resonates, and reflects your friend’s interests–something that they will really treasure because you have considered many things when you bought it.

The 10 Crystals You Need to End a Toxic Relationship

We’ve all been there before… you’re in a relationship that just doesn’t feel right, but you can’t seem to walk away. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a business relationship, we often stay in toxic situations because we’re afraid of what will happen if we end things. But the truth is, ending a toxic relationship is one of the best things you can do for yourself. And we’re here to help.

Why We Stay in Toxic Relationships

There are many reasons why we stay in toxic relationships. Maybe we’re afraid of being alone. Maybe we think this is the best we can do. Or maybe we’ve become so used to the toxicity that it feels normal to us. Whatever the reason, it’s important to recognize when a relationship is no longer serving you. That’s when it’s time to walk away.

How Crystals Can Help

Crystals can be incredibly helpful when you’re trying to end a toxic relationship. Different crystals have different properties, so it’s important to choose the ones that will work best for your particular situation. Below are three of our favorite crystals for ending toxic relationships: 

  1. Black Tourmaline: This crystal is excellent for deflecting negativity and protecting your auric field from outside energy. If you’re surrounded by toxicity, black tourmaline will help create an energetic barrier between you and the toxicity.
  2. Smokey Quartz: Smokey quartz is perfect for helping you release negative emotions like anger, fear, and jealousy. If you find yourself getting caught up in negative emotions around the person or situation you’re trying to walk away from, reach for smokey quartz. It will help clear your mind and emotional body so you can move on more easily. 
  3. Selenite: Selenite is a powerful cleanser and amplifier. It can help cleanse your auric field of any residual negativity and amplify the power of your other crystals. Selenite is also excellent for calling in higher guidance and support from the Universe. So if you’re feeling alone or lost during this process, selenite will help you connect with your higher power.
  4. Citrine. This crystal is known as the “success” stone because it’s thought to promote an optimistic attitude, self-confidence, and success in all endeavors. Citrine is also known for its ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy. That makes it the perfect crystal to use when you’re trying to end a toxic relationship. Citrine can help you release the negativity that’s been holding you back and instead focus on what’s good in your life.
  5. Amethyst. Amethyst is a very powerful crystal with a wide range of benefits. It’s known for its ability to relieve stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and support detoxification. It’s also thought to be helpful in promoting cellular regeneration and helping the body heal from physical trauma. In other words, amethyst can help your body and mind recover from a toxic relationship by restoring balance and harmony.
  6. Rose quartz. Rose quartz is the stone of love, which makes it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to end a toxic relationship and open themselves up to new, healthier relationships in the future. Rose quartz is thought to promote feelings of self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem. It can also help dissociate negative emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, and resentment. If you’re struggling to let go of a toxic relationship because you still have strong feelings for the other person, rose quartz can help dissipate those emotions so that you can move on.
  7. Sunstone: Sunstone is known as the “freedom stone.” It helps you break free from unhealthy relationships and bad habits. If you’re in a toxic relationship, sunstone will help you see things clearly and make the necessary changes to get out. 
  8. Rhodonite: Rhodonite is known as the “healing stone.” It helps heal emotional wounds and promotes self-love. If you’ve been hurt by a toxic relationship, rhodonite will help you heal so that you can move on. 
  9. Onyx: Onyx is a powerful protection stone. It absorbs and transforms negative energy. If you’re trying to protect yourself from a toxic person or situation, onyx can help. This stone is also good for moving on, and it can help you release the past and embrace the future.
  10. Hematite: Hematite is a grounding and protecting stone. It helps you stay centered and focused, even in the midst of chaos. If you’re trying to end a toxic relationship, Hematite can help you stay calm and level-headed. When it comes to mental health, hematite is thought to be helpful in treating anxiety and depression. So if you’re struggling with your mental health as a result of a toxic relationship, this crystal can help.

How to Use Crystals

There are many different ways to use crystals. You can carry them with you, wear them as jewelry, place them in your home or office, or use them in meditation or energy work. Experiment and find what works best for you.

IMPORTANT: To fully benefit from the metaphysical properties of these stones, be loyal to a particular stone in a specific phase of the detachment or moving on process. If you feel called to use more than one, that’s fine too. The key is to be intentional with your choices and trust your intuition.

When you’re using crystals to end a toxic relationship, it’s important to set your intention. First, identify what you want to achieve. Do you want to release the toxicity? Or do you want to protect yourself from further harm? Once you know your intention, hold the crystal in your hand and visualize your goal. For example, if you’re using amethyst to release the toxicity, imagine the negative energy leaving your body and being replaced by positive, healing energy. If you’re using onyx to protect yourself from further harm, imagine a shield of light surrounding you and keeping you safe.

Ending a toxic relationship is never easy, but it’s always worth it—and it’s often necessary in order to preserve your own mental and emotional well-being. If you’re struggling to let go, crystals can help by promoting positive energy, dissolving negative emotions, and restoring balance and harmony. So if you’re ready to end a toxic relationship once and for all, let those crystals do their work! Trust us—your future self will thank you!

12 Fertility Gemstones

When you’re trying to conceive, every little bit of help can make a difference. Did you know that different gemstones have been associated with fertility for centuries? Here are 12 of the best gemstones to promote fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

1. Moonstone

Moonstone is a type of feldspar that is characterized by its iridescent sheen. The stone is named after its moon-like appearance, as it seems to glow when hit by light. Moonstone has been used for centuries as a talisman for fertility and is said to be especially beneficial for women who are trying to conceive.

2. Garnet

Garnet is a type of silicate that is characterized by its deep red color. The stone gets its name from the Latin word for pomegranate, as it resembles the fruit in both color and shape. Garnet is said to be a powerful aid for fertility, as it is believed to increase the production of hormones that are necessary for conception.

3. Botswana Agate

Botswana agate is said to be a helpful stone for those who are trying to conceive, as it is believed to balance the hormones necessary for conception. The stone is also said to be beneficial for pregnant women, as it is thought to help ease the pains of childbirth.

4. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a type of quartz that gets its name from its pink color. The stone is said to be a symbol of love and is often used in love spells and rituals. Rose quartz is also said to be beneficial for fertility, as it is thought to help balance the hormones necessary for conception.

5. Jet

Jet is a type of coal that is characterized by its glossy black color. The stone gets its name from the Old French word for black, as it was once used as a mourning jewel. Jet is said to be helpful for fertility because it is believed to increase circulation and promote hormone balance.

6. Chrysoprase

Chrysoprase is a gemstone that is said to be beneficial for both men and women who are trying to conceive. The stone is thought to improve reproductive health and is said to be beneficial for fertility because it is believed to improve uterine health and promote ovulation.

7. Turquoise

Turquoise is a type of copper aluminum phosphate that is characterized by its blue-green color. The stone gets its name from the French word for Turkish, as it was first brought to Europe from Turkey. Turquoise is said to be helpful for fertility because it is believed to improve circulation and promote hormone balance.

8. Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a type of metamorphic rock that is characterized by its deep blue color. The stone gets its name from the Latin words lapis, meaning stone, and lazuli, meaning blue. Lapis lazuli has been used since ancient times as an aid for fertility, as it was believed to improve uterine health and promote ovulation

9. Jade

Jade is a gemstone that has been used for centuries to promote fertility and easy childbirth. The stone is said to balance hormones, ease stress, and increase libido, all of which can improve fertility.  Jade is also said to be beneficial for the reproductive system, as it is thought to improve uterine health and increase the chances of conception.

10. Aventurine

Aventurine is a gemstone that has been associated with fertility for centuries. The stone is said to improve reproductive health in both men and women. Aventurine is also said to be beneficial for pregnancy, as it is thought to ease the pains of childbirth.

11. Sodalite

Sodalite is a gemstone that is said to be beneficial for both men and women who are trying to conceive. Sodalite is also said to be beneficial for the reproductive system, as it is thought to improve uterine health and increase the chances of conception. This gemstone assists in the production of hormones necessary for conception, making it an important stone for fertility.

12. Rhodonite

Rhodonite is a gemstone that has been associated with fertility for centuries. Its pink color is said to represent the energy of love, making it a powerful tool for those trying to conceive. Wearing Rhodonite encourages the production of hormones necessary for conception and improves circulation, both of which are important for fertility. This gemstone is also said to be beneficial for pregnancy, as it is thought to ease the pains of childbirth.

IMPORTANT: Focus only on certain crystals above that attract you. Those are the ones you need. Also, read the description above and use only the gemstones as needed in every phase. You don’t want to use all of them at once. Balance is necessary.

If you’re looking to improve your fertility, there are many gemstones that can help. The 12 gemstones we’ve listed in this blog post are all great choices for anyone who wants to increase their chances of conceiving. At The Mala Tree, we have a wide selection of high-quality gemstones that are perfect for anyone looking to improve their fertility. Plus, our team is always available to answer any questions you may have. So what are you waiting for? Shop today and get started on your journey to improving your fertility!