Mala Meditation for Clarity and Focus in the New Year

As the new year begins, most of us are looking for ways to renew ourselves, set goals, and prioritize what matters most in our lives. One powerful and transformative practice that can help you achieve these goals is mala meditation. Mala meditation is a form of mindfulness meditation that uses a string of beads to count the number of mantras or affirmations that you repeat. This ancient practice has been used for centuries by yogis, Buddhists, and other spiritual seekers to enhance clarity, focus, and peace of mind. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of mala meditation and offer some tips on how you can start incorporating this practice into your daily routine. The Mala Tree offers a unique collection of gemstone and seed mala necklaces, meticulously crafted to support and enhance your meditation practice.

Benefits of Mala Meditation

Mala meditation can offer many benefits for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Some of the most significant benefits of mala meditation include the following:

Increased Clarity: Mala meditation can help you clear your mind of distractions and focus on what’s truly important. By repeating a mantra or affirmation, you can train your mind to focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or future.
Reduced Stress: Mala meditation can help you reduce stress and anxiety by calming your nervous system and promoting relaxation. This practice is particularly useful when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.
Inner Peace: Mala meditation can help you cultivate a sense of inner peace and contentment. By focusing on positive affirmations, you can train your mind to be more grateful and appreciative of the present moment.
Spiritual Growth: Mala meditation has been used for centuries as a spiritual practice to deepen one’s connection to the divine or higher power. By repeating a sacred mantra, you can cultivate a sense of reverence and awe for the world around you.

How to Incorporate Mala Meditation into Your Daily Routine

If you’re interested in incorporating mala meditation into your daily routine, here are some simple steps you can follow:

Choose Your Mala: The first step is to choose a mala that resonates with you. Malas come in many different styles, materials, and colors, so choose one that feels comfortable and meaningful to you.
Choose Your Mantra: The next step is to choose a mantra or affirmation that you want to repeat during your meditation. Some popular mantras include “Om,” “So Hum,” and “Sat Nam.” Choose a mantra that feels inspiring and uplifting to you.
Find a Quiet Place: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed during your meditation. You can sit on a cushion, a chair, or even lay down if you prefer.
Start Counting: Hold your mala in your right hand and start counting each bead as you repeat your mantra or affirmation. When you reach the end of the mala, you can either start over or simply pause and reflect on your practice.
Practice Daily: Try to practice mala meditation daily, ideally at the same time each day. This will help you establish a consistent practice and reap the full benefits of this powerful practice.

Tips for a Successful Mala Meditation Practice

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your mala meditation practice:

Choose a Time for Your Practice: Choose a time of day that works for you, whether it’s first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or at bedtime.
Create a Sacred Space: Create a sacred space for your meditation practice, whether it’s a corner of your bedroom, a special room in your house, or a quiet park outside.
Focus on Your Breath: As you repeat your mantra, focus on your breath and the sensation of the mala beads in your hand.
Pay Attention to Your Thoughts: Notice when your mind wanders and gently bring your attention back to your mantra.
Be Patient: Mala meditation is a practice, so be patient with yourself and don’t force yourself to achieve a certain outcome. Instead, focus on the process and enjoy the journey.

Mala meditation is a powerful and transformative practice that can help you cultivate clarity, focus, and peace of mind in the new year. By incorporating this ancient practice into your daily routine, you can reduce stress, deepen your spiritual connection, and enhance your overall well-being. So if you’re looking for a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals and stay focused in the new year, give mala meditation a try and experience the transformational power of this powerful practice for yourself.

Ready to elevate your meditation practice? Discover the power of gemstone and seed mala necklaces from The Mala Tree. Each piece is designed to support your journey towards mindfulness and tranquility. Don’t wait, start enhancing your mala meditation practice today! Visit now.

Picking Your People: How to Choose Your Tribe

The people you surround yourself with have a big impact on your life. They can shape how you see the world, how you think about yourself, and even how successful you are. So it’s important to choose your tribe carefully. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you pick the people who will be part of your inner circle.

  1. Think about what kind of person you want to be.
    The people you associate with have a big influence on the person you become. If you want to be someone who is kind, successful, and driven, then surround yourself with people who embody those qualities. On the other hand, if you find yourself constantly around people who are negative, gossipy, and lazy, it will be harder for you to live up to your own potential. So think about the kind of person you want to be and look for friends who will help you become that person.
  2. Consider shared values and interests.
    It’s important to find friends who share your core values and interests. This doesn’t mean that you have to agree on everything—in fact, it’s healthy to have friends with different perspectives so that you can learn from each other. But if you value honesty, loyalty, and hard work, it will be easier to connect with people who feel the same way. And if you share interests like music, sports, or books, it can be fun to explore those things together.
  3. Look for positive energy.
    The people you spend time with should make you feel good about yourself—not bad. If someone regularly puts you down or makes you feel like you’re not good enough, they’re not worthy of your Friendship. Life is too short to waste time on negative people. So look for friends who radiate positive energy and make you feel good about yourself. These are the people who will lift you up when you’re down and help you reach your potential.

The company we keep has a big impact on our lives—so it’s important to choose our tribe carefully. We should surround ourselves with people who make us want to be better versions of ourselves and who share our values and interests. And most importantly, we should look for friends who radiate positive energy. These are the people who will make our lives richer and more fulfilling. So take some time to think about the kind of tribe YOU want to be part of—and then go out and find them!

8 Crystals for Cats for Stress, Anxiety, Sadness, and More

Cats are prone to stress and anxiety, but the good news is that several crystals can help ease these symptoms. Below are eight of the best crystals for cats:

Kimochi - One of The Mala Tree's Beloved Cats
Kimochi – One of The Mala Tree’s favorite cats.
  1. Amethyst is a purple crystal that is known for its calming properties. It can help to soothe the nerves and reduce stress levels. It will help your cat to feel more relaxed and can even be used to help with insomnia.
  2. Quartz is a clear crystal that is known for its ability to amplify energy. It can help to increase the flow of positive energy and reduce negative energy. It will help your cat to feel more balanced and can even be used to help with healing.
  3. Tourmaline is a black crystal that is known for its ability to ground and protect. It can help to shield against negative energy and provide a sense of stability. It will help your cat to feel more secure and can even be used to help with fearfulness.
  4. Obsidian is a black crystal that is known for its ability to absorb negative energy. It can help to protect against negative influences and provide a sense of security. It will help your cat to feel more protected and can even be used to help with grief.
  5. Smokey Quartz is a brown crystal that is known for its ability to transmute negative energy. It can help to Transform negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones. It will help your cat to feel more positive and can even be used to help with depression.
  6. Tiger’s Eye is a brown and yellow crystal that is known for its ability to promote courage and confidence. It can help to give you the strength to face your fears and overcome challenges. It will help your cat to feel more confident and can even be used to help with shyness.
  7. Citrine is a yellow crystal that is commonly associated with happiness, vitality, and joy. It can help to bring joy and positivity into your life. It will help your cat to feel more content and can even be used to help with anxiety.
  8. Rose Quartz is a pink crystal that is known for its ability to promote love and compassion. It can help to open your heart to love and nurture your relationships. It will help your cat to feel more loved and can even be used to help with jealousy.

When choosing crystals for your cat, it is important to consider the specific needs of your pet. Some crystals may be more beneficial for certain issues than others. It is also important to cleanse and charge the crystals regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

Gandy, The Cat
Gandy The Cat is the resident cat in our mala-making headquarters outside Manila.

Gifting a Mala

It can be difficult to know what type of Mala beads will best fit the person you’re buying them for. You might feel like there are too many options, and they all look so beautiful and different!

There is one thing though: it doesn’t matter how fancy or simple a mala necklace’s design is. If it is meant as a gift, then every detail matters in that process. The meaning behind each Mala holds more significance than just aesthetics–depending on the journey of the intended recipient. Where should you begin? It’s really simple.

When you buy a Mala necklace for someone else, there are six things that should come into consideration.


A Mala is like a talisman for the wearer. It captures their intentions and helps them focus on what they want in life, no matter where it may take them or how long that journey might be!

Mala beads assist us in focusing our thoughts on a goal, so make sure you know where this person is currently in their life. What is their current state? What challenges do they face? What problems are they dealing with? 

What are the things they aspire for? What will make them happy? Wearing a mala is meant to record and keep an intention in mind. Wearing a mala is intended to preserve and record your intention.


After you have settled on an intention for the gift, it’s time to consider the physical attributes of the Mala. Some mala beads are strung with 100% gemstones, some with sacred seeds, and some styles have metal embellishments. There is also a variety of tassel colors. 

When it comes to appearance, one of the most crucial aspects to consider is “lifestyle.” Are they athletic? Do they participate in sports? Will they wear it casually or use it exclusively for meditation? Do they frequent the beach or the mountains? Match the Mala with the recipient’s lifestyle.


The final important consideration is your intuition, your gut feeling, and what your heart tells you to give. Go with what feels right at the moment. It is always a good idea to gift from the heart. The best gifts come from a place of love and connection. If you put thought into it and make sure the mala is coming from a good place, the person receiving it will feel that too! Mala beads are not just a piece of jewelry but rather personal amulets, each with its own special meaning. It is important to choose a mala that will resonate with the wearer on many different levels.

When you find the right mala, you’ll know it! There is no doubt about it. It will speak to you.

We hope this guide has been helpful in your search for the perfect mala gift! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us! We would be happy to assist you further.

After you’ve considered all variables, you’ll undoubtedly discover a mala that fits, resonates, and reflects your friend’s interests–something that they will really treasure because you have considered many things when you bought it.

35 Holywood Celebrities and Famous People Who Are Into Healing Crystals and Gemstones

In the last few years, there has been a surge in the popularity of gemstones and crystals. Many people are drawn to their beauty and stunning array of colors. While some people collect these treasures for their aesthetic value, others believe in their power to promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Regardless of the reason, it is clear that gemstones and crystals are having a moment.

What is even more interesting is the number of celebrities who have jumped on the bandwagon and begun publicly sharing their love of crystals.

Madonna recommended her crystal healer to Katy Perry. Scarlett Johannson was spotted several times wearing a lot of gemstones on the red carpet. A few years ago, a naked Lady Gaga got naked embraced a humongous quartz crystal in a video. Willow and Jaden Smith created Orgonite pucks and pyramids. For her app, Kylie Jenner looked into crystal healing. Robin Thicke spent $20,000 on an amethyst stone.

Here are some Hollywood Celebrities, models, and famous people talking about the magic of healing crystals and gemstones:

Adele, Singer

“I was so nervous about my comeback show and I was panicking. I was out of practice and I was busy being a Mum. But it was one of the best shows I’ve ever done and I had these bloody crystals in my hand … Then the Grammys came and I lost my fucking crystals! I had a gig two or three days before them and I think I left them at this venue. It turned out to be the worst, most disastrous performance that I have ever done. Well, apart from one really early on when I was doing a gig in Angel and I got so drunk I fell off my chair. But I got some new crystals now and everything’s been going well.” —The Sun, March 2016

Andrew Keegan, Actor

On water crystals used at a Sunday service:

“We’re very, very aware of the shift that’s happening in the mind and the heart, and everybody is on that love agenda. We’re very much scientifically, spiritually, and emotionally aware of how it works, meaning that there’s power in the crystals, there’s power in our hearts, there’s an alignment, there’s a resonance … and it transfers through water.” —Vice, August 2014

Andy Warhol, American Visual Artist

“I’m starting to think that crystals don’t work. Because look what’s happened lately when they’re supposed to be protecting me — my rug has cancer from the moths, I stepped on a beautiful old plastic ring and crushed it, and I was assaulted at the book signing. But I’ve got to believe in something, so I’ll continue with the crystals. Because things could always be worse.” —The Andy Warhol Diaries, November, 1985 entry

Anne Hathaway, Actress

“[Los Angeles] was never really my thing. I’d been out there for 14 years and never really felt anything for it and then we started to make some awesome friendships. Suddenly I realised I was hiking every day. [Laughs] And having a lot of conversations about crystals, which made me really happy. But I’m happiest when I can travel and spend time at home.” —Glamour Magazine UK, October 2015

Bella Hadid, Model

Bella shared on Instagram her huge crystal collection which includes celestite, clear quartz, and selenite.

Bethany Cosentino, Singer

“I’m super into astrology and when I turned 27 I started doing a lot of self-exploration, finding out who I am and that kind of stuff. My mom is really New Age. I carry a pouch of crystals with me everywhere I go. I’m super into that kind of stuff. I hate flying, so I’ll be on a plane and I’ll be that weirdo in the corner with these in my hand. One is for anxiety and depression, one is Moonstone which helps with clarity, this other one. They’re basically all to help center and balance you.” —Vice, July 2015

Brandi Glanville, American TV Personality

“Thank God there’s moon issues because I’ve been very emotional today and I had zero reason why until now! Charge your crystals.” —her Twitter, September 2015

Busy Philipps, Actress

“I’ve been into crystals since I was a child — we’ve been into crystals in Arizona since the dawn of time,” she told Us Weekly. “I wear a lot of them, and I carry a big clear quartz that a friend gave me for good luck when I moved to L.A.” There’s a crystal necklace she always wears.

Crystal Renn, American Plus Size Model

When asked about her biggest indulgence:  “Going to really exotic and strange locations. I absolutely believe that when one goes on vacation, it should be pure decadence … If I were to say a second thing, then really special crystals in different shapes that can’t be found easily. I just found this concave amethyst sphere and the way that it grew and cracked is so beautiful. I’ve been collecting crystals for many, many years for healing purposes and decoration and I think this might be the best I’ve found. I guess since my name is Crystal, I have no choice.” —Harper’s Bazaar, January 2016

David Beckham, Athlete

“We’ve both been into crystals since moving to L.A.” —Daily Star, December 2010

Debra Messing, Will & Grace

“I’ve always felt energy from the precious stones I’ve had the privilege of wearing,” she wrote in  Instagram post, revealing that her stone of choice is Malachite. “It just makes sense to me that everything that comes from the earth would have a certain frequency.”

Father John Misty, Musician

“There’s been, understandably, a not insignificant outcry regarding the alleged ‘theft’ of the rose Quartz crystal from the Echo Park Moon Juice™, pictured above. I am here to claim responsibility, though I do not condone the rhetoric employed in Moon Juice’s post. To claim that ‘something has been “stolen”’ is itself a tacit endorsement of the capitalist values that blended superfoods and locally sourced produce stands, ironically, in direct opposition to.” —his Instagram, July 2016

Heidi Pratt, American TV Personality

“I was not in the right mind frame to make that decision [for plastic surgery]. I was in so much pain. I was literally crying every day … I felt the crystals were helping. Whether it was just metaphorically, or just a placebo effect, [they helped]. Spencer was like, ‘Wow! These crystals are really working’ too. We were just not at a good place at the end of The Hills.” —Vice, February 2016

Jenna Dewan, Actress

Jenna Dewan revealed that she has “like 200 crystals” in her home, in an August 2018 YouTube video. She revealed that these crystals make her “stay connected to the Earth, our universe, and just nature in general.” Her favorites are rose quartz, lapis lazuli, and smoky quartz,

Josie Maran, Model

What’s in her bag? “Healing crystal earrings. I enjoy healing stones because they help focus, transfer, and store energy associated with environmental changes before it enters our auras.” —Racked, April 2016

Julianne Hough, Dancing with the Stars

She loves to meditate using gemstones.  “I really do believe in the Earth’s energy,” she recently told MindBodyGreen

. “So I have some really Earthy stones and then I also have some very spiritual ones as well, very light ones. When I practice my meditation, I put a healing stone around my sacral area. I always send my love down there instead of hating it, and being angry and being disconnected [because of my endometriosis].”

Kate Hudson, Actress

What’s on your nightstand?

“A crystal bowl filled with rose-quartz heart crystals that my mom gave me for Mother’s Day one year.” —Marie Claire, June 2013

Katy Perry, Singer

“I don’t stay single for long. I carry a lot of rose quartz, which attracts the male. Maybe I need to calm it down with amethyst.” —Cosmopolitan, July 2014

Kiersey Clemons, Actor

“Two years ago, while walking in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, I saw a street vendor selling crystals. He talked me into getting a rose-quartz necklace, and I carried it around everywhere … One time, I really wanted this huge teal-colored crystal. I didn’t even know what the stone’s properties were, I was just like, That’s beautiful; I bet it does great shit; I want it. I was bidding up to $400! Then a friend came over, and I forgot about bidding and lost. That’s God telling me, ‘You need to calm the fuck down. You don’t need that — you don’t even know what that does.’ … I understand why people believe it’s a placebo effect — there’s no physical evidence that crystals heal you — but, to me, that makes it better. That I can trick myself into thinking I’m healing myself — that makes me feel like I’m a goddess.” —Marie Claire, May 2016

Kim Kardashian, American Media Personality

“I was really inspired by healing crystals when, after my Paris situation, all my friends would come over and they’d bring me healing crystals, and I didn’t really know anything about them,” she reavealed to Ellen DeGeneres in a November 2017 interview. Her perfume KKW Fragrance uses the energy of gemstones and crystals. “It’s about calmness, healing, and good energy,” she says.

Lucy Hale, Actress

“I practice reiki with this woman. I don’t know if you know what reiki is, but it’s like energy work. And so I never in a million years thought I would be that person that would be into all of that stuff, but I completely am. I think it’s amazing and that it truly works. Anyway, she was going to…a crystal fair that they have, and she picked up these gorgeous amethyst stones for my house. Basically, amethyst is the most positive stone there is, so if you put them in your house, they’re supposed to generate good energy. It’s very new for me, and I’m still learning a lot about it.” —People, August 2016

Madelaine Petsch, Riverdale

“I’m very into crystals and meditation, and it’s all about my brain and how my brain is feeling,” she told Us in June 2018.

Marina Abramović, Artist

“I’ve never put crystals in my cleavage, but OK. I have put crystals near my head and asked, ‘You know what time it is?’” —Vice, December 2012

Miranda Kerr, Model

“You may have read in some press articles that when I’m asked what’s in my handbag … I often mention a crystal wand or a Rose Quartz crystal. My crystal wand is incredibly special to me, and is one of my most cherished items. It’s made of Clear Quartz and is studded with Rose Quartz. Clear Quartz is a great stone for gathering, directing and transmitting energy … it can also transform negative energy into positive energy, and Rose Quartz is a wonderful stone to heal and protect the heart, balance emotions, release stress and tension, and encourage love and self-esteem. Crystals can be used in many different methods of healing. In addition to using on a specific area of the body, or on Chakras points to locate blockages to cleanse and heal them, they can also be used in massage. Massaging the body with a crystal helps to release tension from the body, while at the same time the stone’s healing energy is transferred to the body. I hold my crystal during meditation, prayer, deep belly breathing, and use it to infuse my Luxurious Rosehip Body Oil with positive vibrations prior to a massage. I also sleep with it nearby so I’m constantly receiving its special healing energies.” —KORA Organics, February 2015

Minnie Driver, Actress

The actress told Us in June 2018, “I burn palo santo, you know, the sacred wood, I light candles, I have crystals by my bed… completely serene and just tidy, but I have all my books and meaningful photographs. It has that sanctuary quality of all the things I love.”

Naomi Campbell, Model

“I think they bring great energy … You should see how many I travel with.” —People, February 2007

Nia Long, NCIS: Los Angeles

She has a talisman and she shared to Us in May 2016: “I have a very small pink angel, it’s like the size of a quarter but it’s made out of rose quartz. When my grandmother passed away I was taking my youngest son to buy crystals because I had a couple crystals and he thought they were the most amazing things, and so as we were leaving the guy said, ‘Here, keep this with you. It’s a lucky angel.’ And it’s just like my lucky little thing. My grandmother had just passed away and her favorite color was pink so I was like, I wonder if this is a sign that she’s with me or her saying hello, so I just keep that in my wallet.”

Nat Wolff, Actor

“I’ve learned a lot about a lot of things from her [Shailene Woodley]. She convinced Ansel [Elgort] and me not to wear deodorant. She somehow has that magical girl thing where you don’t ever smell bad. She had special crystals that make her smell good. Ansel and I, after two days — it was disgusting. We smelled like wild animals. I soon went back to the deodorant that’s going to give me cancer.” —Elle, April 2015

Nicole Richie, American Media Personality

“I carry them with me and I wear a lot of necklaces,” she told Us in November 2018. “We did fine crystals for House of Harlow, so I do a smoky quartz. It’s for grounding and protection.” Her favorites are: “Rose quartz. I think it’s a beautiful quartz that really works for everyone and citrine, I love.”

Oprah Winfrey, Host

“Bathing is my hobby. I love creating bathing experiences—bath gels, bubbles, crystals, salts, lavender milks…” (

Patrick Swayze, Actor

“I absolutely believe in crystals. They are a major part of my life. I really think I’m on a journey now, spiritually and caree- wise. [While holding a gemstone wand.] This is my magic wand. And this one … tiny, smooth, black, this has positive properties … I have tons of these things. Museum quality. I don’t know if this stuff works. But I tell ya, I believe that things you believe in can come true.” —Philadelphia Inquirer, April 1992

Rosanna Arquette, Sideswiped

She told to Us in June 2018, “I have broken two of them (gemstone water glass bottles) already, but love them.” She has another favorite: “It’s a face mist, I love it, with garnet and Reiki-charged crystals. It’s great to have if you have grumpy travelers around you, since it wards off bad energy!”

Shirley MacLaine, Actress

“The first time someone gave me a natural quartz crystal I laid it in the palm of my hand to examine it. I was fascinated. Not only was it beautiful: it seemed to have dimensions within dimensions, reflections within reflections. I held it up to the sun and allowed myself to sort of go inside it…In a darkened room I placed the crystal given to me at eye level on a high table. Then I lit a candle behind it and sat down next to it. I gazed into the crystal and projected positive and loving thought forms into it. I had the feeling that they reverberated back to me. It was very pleasant. Then I tried negative and angry thought forms. I had the feeling that that is what I got back. I became uncomfortable. I made my choice. For an hour I sat in front of my crystal with the candle behind it and just gazed into it with thoughts that were as pleasant as I could conjure up. It was a wonderful evening. And I slept better than I had in weeks.” —Going Within, 1989

Spencer Pratt, American Media Personality

“I am so addicted to crystals, it’s like a sickness. I’ve spent $500,000 on crystals this year. I checked my bank account last night, and I have $203 left …[On Valentine’s Day] we hung out with our puppies and cuddled with our crystal. It’s supposed to bring love. There’s a whole science to this — I’m not crazy.” —Life and Style, February 2010

Victoria Beckham, Singer (Spice Girls)

“I’m a very spiritual person. I travel with my crystals. I’ve got all different colors. It’s just something that I’m into. I am quite a superstitious person. I don’t walk under a ladder. If I see a magpie, I salute.” —Allure, March 2011

It is interesting to see how Hollywood celebrities and other popular people use crystals and gemstones for personal reasons. Whether it be for protection, grounding, or warding off bad energy, these celebrities believe in the power of crystals. It is also interesting to see the different ways in which they use them. Some wear them as jewelry, while others carry them around with them. Still, others use them for meditative purposes. Whatever the reason, it is clear that crystals and gemstones have a place in Hollywood culture.

The Top 8 Gemstones and Crystals for Detoxification

Are you feeling bogged down and sluggish? If so, it might be time for a detox. When it comes to detoxification, there are a number of factors to consider: diet, lifestyle, environment, and emotions. While all of these aspects are important, today we’re going to focus on the role of crystals and gemstones in detoxification. Each crystal and gemstone has its own unique properties that can support detoxification on physical, emotional, and energetic levels. Here are eight stones that can help you get started!

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Toxins can come from a variety of sources, including environmental pollution, processed foods, and stress. Over time, these toxins can accumulate in the body and can cause a wide range of health problems. Detoxification is essential for maintaining good health and preventing disease.

Here are eight stones and crystals that can help support your detoxification process:

1. Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a blue-green crystal that is said to be helpful in detoxifying the body. It is thought to stimulate the immune system and help the body eliminate toxins. Aquamarine is also said to be helpful in treating respiratory problems, as it is thought to open up the airways and ease congestion.

2. Hematite

Hematite is a black-colored stone that has been used for centuries for its detoxifying properties. Hematite is thought to help cleanse the blood and improve circulation. Additionally, hematite is believed to promote tissue regeneration and help to detoxify the liver and kidneys

3. Garnet

Garnet is a red variety of silicate that is known for its ability to detoxify the lymphatic system. Garnet is said to help improve lymphatic function and aid in the removal of toxins from the body. Additionally, garnet is said to help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

4. Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is a variety of volcanic glass that is known for its ability to detoxify the mind. Obsidian is said to help clear negative thoughts and emotions, and promote mental clarity and focus. Additionally, obsidian is said to help ease anxiety and stress, and promote feelings of peace and calm.

5. Malachite

Malachite is a green stone that has long been used for its purported health benefits. Malachite is said to be a powerful detoxifier, helping to remove toxins from the body. It is also believed to promote healing and reduce inflammation.

6. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a dark-colored crystal that is said to be helpful in absorbing negative energy. It is also thought to be helpful in detoxifying the body, as it is believed to help remove toxins and heavy metals. Black tourmaline is also said to be helpful in boosting the immune system and promoting overall health.

7. Fluorite

Fluorite is a green or purple crystal that is known for its ability to detoxify the body. It is said to help purify the blood and remove toxins from the liver. Fluorite is also thought to be helpful in treating infections, as it is said to boost the immune system and fight off bacteria.

8. Jade

Jade is a green variety of jadeite that is known for its ability to detoxify the kidneys. Jade is said to help improve kidney function and aid in the elimination of toxins from the body. Additionally, jade is said to help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

There are many ways to detoxify the body such as a healthy diet, exercise, and stress reduction. However, incorporating crystals and gemstones into your detoxification process can provide additional support. So, if you’re looking for a little extra help on your journey to good health, consider adding some of these stones to your detoxification

Top 6 Gemstones for Memory Retention

Are you looking for a way to improve your memory? If so, any gemstones offer memory retention benefits. Here are six of the most popular options for crystal healers. Each of these stones has been known to help improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration. They can also assist in keeping your mind clear and sharp, especially as you age.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz that has been used for centuries to promote mental clarity and focus. This gemstone is said to help with memory retention by providing calming energy that helps to still the mind.

2. Citrine

Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz that is known as the “success stone.” This gemstone is said to promote creativity, confidence, and mental clarity. Citrine is also thought to be helpful for memory retention by stimulating the mind and promoting concentration.

3. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a pink variety of quartz that is known as the “love stone.” This gemstone is said to promote unconditional love, self-love, and self-esteem. Rose quartz is also thought to be helpful for memory retention by providing emotional support and stability.

4. Tigers Eye

Tigers eye is a brown variety of quartz that is known as the “power stone.” This gemstone is said to promote courage, strength, and willpower. Tigers eye is also thought to be helpful for memory retention by stimulating the mind and promoting concentration.

5. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a blue variety of lapis that has been used for centuries for its beauty and healing properties. Lapis lazuli is said to promote wisdom, truth, and self-awareness. Lapis lazuli is also thought to be helpful for memory retention by stimulating the mind and promoting concentration.

6. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the most common variety of quartz and is known as the “master healer.” Clear quartz is said to amplify energy and thought, as well as aid in concentration and memory retention.

If you’re having trouble retaining information, consider using gemstones as a memory aid. Not only are they helpful for promoting concentration and focus, but certain stones have additional properties that can further support your journey to becoming a memory master. Visit The Mala Tree Crystal Shop and get these 6 gemstones for memory retention. Do you have any tips for improving memory? Share them with us in the comments below!

Top 6 Mantras and Mala Beads for Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, there are several powerful mantras and japa mala beads that can help you achieve your goals.   Sanskrit mantras have been used for centuries to promote physical and mental well-being. Meditation is often paired with the use of Sanskrit mantras to help the practitioner achieve a higher state of consciousness.

Mala beads are often used in mantra meditation. They are a string of 108 beads that are used to keep count of the mantras while meditating. Mala beads can also be worn as a bracelet or necklace.

Here are 6 mantras and mala beads that can help you lose weight:

Sanskrit Mantra #1: ” Om Namo Narayanaya”

This mantra is intended for self-realization and being one with the Divine. It helps to tap into your personal power so that you can make positive changes in your life. This includes changes like losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

The recommended gemstone mala for this mantra is Rose Quartz, which is known as the “love stone.” It helps to open up the heart chakra and promote self-love. When you love yourself, it becomes easier to make healthy choices that are in line with your goals.

To properly recite this mantra, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine sending love to the Universe, imagine it as a ray of light going above and then down and in all directions then finally comes back to you. As you recite the mantra, let the vibration of the words fill your entire being.

Sanskrit Mantra #2: “Om Shakti Om”

Shakti means “power” or “energy.” This mantra is all about tapping into your personal power so that you can make positive changes in your life. It’s about realizing that you have the ability to make changes in your life and achieve your goals.

The recommended gemstone mala for this mantra is Yellow Calcite, which is known as the “wish-granting stone.” It helps to increase motivation and inspire positive change. Yellow Calcite is also said to help with digestion problems and can assist you in your wealth loss journey.

To properly recite this mantra, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Begin by saying “om” out loud, then continue by reciting the rest of the mantra silently to yourself. Repeat this mantra as many times as you like.

Sanskrit Mantra #3: “Om Shrim Maha Lakshmyai Namah” 

This beautiful mantra is perfect for anyone who desires more abundance in their life—including abundance in the form of good health and healthy body weight. 

The recommended gemstone mala for this mantra is Tigers Eye, which is known as the “power stone.” It helps to increase strength and courage. Tigers Eye is also said to help with digestive issues and promote weight loss.

To properly recite this mantra, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you recite the mantra, visualize your fit self—the self that you know you can be. Repeat this mantra as many times as you like.

Sanskrit Mantra #4: “Om Kleem Krishnaya Namah”

This is a powerful mantra that invokes our inner spiritual energy. It is said to help us connect with our higher selves so that we can make positive changes in our lives. It helps to increase motivation and vitality. Carnelian is This powerful mantra can help you tap into those same energies so that you can love yourself enough to make healthy choices and achieve your goals. 

The recommended gemstone mala for this mantra is Red Jasper, which is known as an “energy stone.” It helps to increase energy and promote vitality. Red Jasper is said to help with weight loss by boosting metabolism.

To properly recite this mantra, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Repeat the mantra out loud or silently to yourself. As you recite the mantra, visualize yourself surrounded by love and light.

Sanskrit Mantra #5: “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” 

This mantra is perfect for anyone who wants focus and be determined to accomplish their goals. This mantra is all about connecting with your personal power and using it to achieve your goals. It’s about understanding that you have the ability to make changes in your life and achieve your dreams.

The recommended gemstone mala for this mantra is Garnet, which is known as the “stone of commitment.” It helps to increase motivation and inspire love and passion. Garnet is also said to help with digestive issues and promote weight loss.

To properly recite this mantra, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Repeat the mantra out loud or silently to yourself. As you recite the mantra, visualize yourself surrounded by love and light. Let the vibration of the words fill your entire being.

Sanskrit Mantra #6: “Om Varunaya Namah”

This mantra is perfect for anyone who is looking to improve their health and well-being. It is a powerful mantra that can help to detoxify the body and promote weight loss by maintaining the water balance in the body. It is also said to help with digestive issues.

The recommended gemstone mala for this mantra is Apatite, which is known as the “stone of Manifestation.” It helps to increase motivation and inspire creativity. Apatite is a highly recommended gemstone for weight loss as it helps to suppress appetite.

To properly recite this mantra, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine all the water in your body dispelling the bad elements that are making you sick or overweight. Repeat the mantra out loud or silently to yourself. As you recite the mantra, visualize an energy field going inside your body and flushing out all the toxins.

These are just a few of the many powerful Sanskrit mantras that can help you on your journey to health and wellness. Choose the mantra that resonates with you the most, and recite it as often as you like. You may be surprised at how quickly you begin to see results.

In addition to Sanskrit mantras, another powerful tool for weight loss is Mala beads. Mala beads are traditionally worn as a necklace or bracelet. They are believed to have a variety of benefits, including promoting tranquility, improving focus, and increasing motivation.

Introduction to Ayurveda, “The Science of Life”

Perhaps you have heard of the term “Ayurveda” before, but not quite sure what it entails. Some know Ayurveda as “the sister science of yoga” which gives you a pretty good idea that it has something to do with ancient Eastern practices and traditions. Originating from India over 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda is a system for total body health and wellness that is still widely practiced today. “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means knowledge, so Ayurveda literally translates to “knowledge of life.” 

Also known as “The Science of Life,” Ayurveda is based on the principle that good health is achieved by balancing the mind, body, and spirit. While there are many different schools of thought within Ayurveda, the basics are relatively simple to understand. In this blog post, we’ll give you a brief overview of Ayurveda and how you can use it to improve your health and well-being.

Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine but a way of life. It offers a holistic approach to health and well-being that includes diet, exercise, meditation, yoga, and massages. This system of medicine also emphasizes preventative care. practitioners believe that it is better to prevent disease than to treat it once it has developed. 

The Three Pillars of Health

Ayurveda teaches that there are three pillars of health: proper diet, positive thinking, and regular exercise. Let’s take a closer look at each of these pillars:

  1. Proper Diet: According to Ayurveda, food is medicine. This means that what you eat has a direct impact on your health and well-being. To achieve optimum health, it is important to eat fresh, whole foods that are nourishing and easily digested. Processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol should be avoided as they can lead to imbalance and disease.
  2. Positive Thinking: Ayurveda teaches that the mind and body are interconnected. This means that your thoughts can have a direct impact on your physical well-being. To maintain balance, it is important to focus on positive thinking and develop a healthy relationship with yourself and others. Regular meditation can help quiet the mind and promote feelings of peace and calm.
  3. Regular Exercise: Exercise is key to maintaining balance in the body. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend moderate exercise such as yoga or walking for 30 minutes each day. strenuous exercise should be avoided as it can lead to physical and mental exhaustion. It is also important to listen to your body and rest when needed. 

What are the Three Doshas? 

With an emphasis on balance and preventative measures, this natural approach to healthcare is based on the belief that we are all made of the same five elements found in nature: earth, water, fire, air, and space. These five elements combine in our bodies to create three different energies or “doshas” known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. 

  • Vata dosha governs movement in the body and is associated with the elements of air and space.  Vata energy is light, dry, cold, moving, and irregular. This dosha controls all movement in the mind and body including blood flow, elimination of toxins, nerve impulses, and breathing. Imbalance in Vata can manifest as anxiety, fearfulness, pain, bloating, and constipation. 
  • Pitta dosha governs transformation and metabolism in the body and is associated with the element of fire. Pitta energy is hot, sharp, intense, liquid, and acidic. It controls metabolism in the body including digestion, absorption of nutrients, and body temperature. Imbalance in Pitta can result in indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, ulcers, and inflammations such as arthritis or sinusitis. 
  • Kapha dosha governs structure and stability in the body and is associated with water.  Kapha energy is heavy wet, dense, slow, cold, oily, smooth, soft, and solid. It controls growth in the body- cell regeneration, weight gain/loss, and lubrication. Imbalance can create respiratory problems such as allergies or asthma, congestion, and excess mucous. 

The three doshas are in constant flux – they are always changing and moving. However, there are times when they can become imbalanced. When this happens, it can lead to disease and other health problems. Balance is key! An imbalance in any one of these doshas can lead to problems both physically and mentally. That’s why it’s important to learn about all three doshas and how you can keep them in balance. 

To maintain balance, Ayurvedic practitioners recommend certain lifestyle changes as well as taking specific herbs and dietary supplements. 

Once you know your dosha type, you can start making dietary and lifestyle changes to support a more balanced state. For example- if you are mostly Vata energy ( like me! ) you might want to add more warming spices to your diet and make sure to get enough rest. If you find yourself out of balance in any way, Ayurveda provides easy and natural solutions that can help get you back on track.

Dietary Recommendations 

Ayurvedic dietary recommendations are different for each dosha type. In general, however, Ayurveda recommends eating fresh, organic foods that are cooked with healthy fats such as ghee (clarified butter). Dairy products, such as yogurt and milk, should also be included in the diet as they are thought to be tridoshic – meaning they balance all three doshas. 

 Other dietary recommendations include: 

-Eating breakfast within one hour of waking up 

-Avoiding snacking between meals 

-Eating meals at regular intervals 

-Chewing food thoroughly before swallowing 

Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can go a long way toward promoting balance and good health according to the principles of Ayurveda.  Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that focuses on balancing the mind, body, and spirit. By following the three pillars of proper diet, positive thinking, and regular exercise, you can improve your overall health and well-being. Start incorporating some of these Ayurvedic principles into your life today.

Yoga Fashion: 7 Must-Haves

Yoga fashion has come a long way in recent years. Once upon a time, yoga clothes were mostly utilitarian and designed for function over style. But now, there are so many cute and trendy yoga clothes available that it’s easy to find something to suit your personal taste.

Whether you’re looking for yoga pants, a yoga top, a yoga bag, or anything else related to yoga fashion, there are plenty of options to choose from. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get some great yoga clothes.

Here are the fashion must-haves for anyone who is planning to practice Yoga:

1) Yoga pants

Yoga pants are a must-have for any yoga practice. They’re comfortable, they look good, and they’re easy to move in. There are lots of different styles of yoga pants available, so you can choose the ones that best suit your body type and personal style.

2) Yoga top

A yoga top is another essential piece of yoga clothing. It should be comfortable and flattering, and it should help you stay cool during your yoga practice. There are lots of different styles of yoga tops available, so you can find the perfect one to match your yoga pants.

3) Yoga bag

A yoga bag is essential for carrying your yoga mat, yoga props, and anything else you need for your yoga practice. There are lots of different styles of yoga bags available, so you can find the perfect one to match your personal style.

4) Yoga mat

A yoga mat is an important part of any yogi’s practice. It provides a cushioned surface to practice on, and it helps you stay aligned during your yoga poses. There are lots of different styles of yoga mats available, so you can find the perfect one to match your personal style.

5) Yoga props

Yoga props, such as yoga blocks and yoga straps, can be used to help you deepen your yoga poses and achieve better alignment. There are lots of different styles of yoga props available, so you can find the perfect ones to match your personal style.

6) Yoga mala beads

Yoga mala beads are a beautiful and meaningful addition to your yoga wardrobe. They can be worn as a necklace or bracelets, and they have a deep symbolic meaning. Yoga involves meditation, and mala beads can be used as a tool to help you focus on your mantra.

7) Yoga jewelry

Yoga jewelry is the perfect way to accessorize your yoga outfit. It can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, or ring, and it adds a touch of personal style to your yoga look. There are lots of different styles of yoga jewelry available, so you can find the perfect pieces to match your personal style.

Yoga fashion has come a long way in recent years, and there are now lots of stylish and affordable yoga clothes available. So get out there and start shopping for your perfect yoga outfit!

Whether you’re a yoga beginner or a seasoned pro, these seven fashion must-haves will help you look and feel your best during your yoga practice. So get out there and start shopping for your perfect yoga outfit today!