August 2023 Horoscope for the 12 Zodiacs

Get ready for a month filled with excitement, passion, and a touch of enchantment! August 2023 has some surprises in store for us, including a wave of nostalgia that will have us reminiscing about our love lives and relationships over the past eight years. During Venus retrograde, expect to encounter karmic connections, twin flames, and even that special someone who slipped through your fingers. But that’s not all – Mercury retrograde is also in full swing, slowing down our plans and prompting us to reconnect with people and situations from our past. Take this opportunity to dig deep and discover what truly makes you happy. And if you’re longing to rekindle a lost connection, this month is your chance. Prepare to feel your hearts and souls align like never before.

The horoscope for August 2023 is a promising one, as astrological energies align to bring a sense of freshness and opportunity in multiple aspects of life. This includes dynamic career prospects that may present themselves during this time, providing individuals with a chance to advance professionally and achieve their ambitions. The cosmic influences also extend to matters of the heart, encouraging deeper emotional connections in love and relationships. This month invites us to embrace challenges, step out of our comfort zones, and be receptive to new experiences that can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

August is a time to be proactive and follow our passions, as the universe supports us in exploring untapped potential and discovering our own strengths. It’s a period of inspiration, where we can draw on our inner reserves of determination and creativity to pursue our goals with enthusiasm. This positive energy encourages us to approach life with an open mind and a willingness to learn from every opportunity that comes our way.

Throughout the month, it’s essential to stay attuned to the cosmic energies and be mindful of the opportunities that may arise. By being receptive to change and being willing to adapt to new circumstances, we can make the most of the astrological alignments in August. This is a time for personal evolution, a chance to grow and expand in ways we might not have envisioned before.

August 2023 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast


The month brings auspicious vibes to some animal signs, but others may face threats to safety, property, and relationships. There is a potential for misfortune, robbery, and quarrels. It is essential to protect yourself and your belongings during this time.

First and foremost, ensure that your home and business have appropriate security measures in place. Lock all doors and windows, install a security system, and keep valuables out of sight. Don’t leave anything valuable in your car, and park in well-lit areas.

Furthermore, be cautious and mindful of your surroundings, especially when out in public. Stay alert, aware, and avoid walking alone, especially in poorly lit and less traveled areas.

In addition to taking safety precautions, consider protecting yourself spiritually. Practice good Feng Shui by regularly cleansing your home of negative energy, such as by burning sage or using crystals. Consider wearing amulets or carrying protective charms to ward off negative energy. Wearing the EVIL GHOST, BLACK MAGIC & CURSE Protection Bracelet will be very very very helpful this August and September because of the Ghost Month. Protect your house, place of business, or work area by hanging the Ojo de Dios. To boost protection, you can meditate using a Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala and chant the Hanuman Mantra (Om Hum Hanumate Namaha) to drive away ghosts and evil spirits and energies. A Hanuman pendant is also a good protector during the Hungry Ghost Month.

The Hungry Ghost Month will start on August 16, 2023. During the Hungry Ghost Month, everyone should remain cautious and vigilant as the risk of danger is high. Good forecasts for some signs should not lead to complacency. During Ghost Month, it is essential to take precautions. Avoid going out at night when spirits are believed to be most active and stay away from haunted places like cemeteries and abandoned buildings. To counter the negative effects of Ghost Month, people offer food on their altars, install crystals, and burn incense as offerings to appease spirits and ward off bad luck.

It is essential to be cautious and mindful of their surroundings. Additional tips for staying safe during Ghost Month include trusting your intuition, avoiding potentially haunted and dark places, carrying protective stones or amulets, meditating or praying for protection, and surrounding yourself with positive people and energy. These practices can help create a sense of security during this time.

While this may sound daunting, remember that the energies of the universe are constantly changing. With mindfulness and care, you can protect yourself from the negative influences of August and welcome more positive, prosperous energy into your life. Stay vigilant, stay protected, and stay positive.

Below are the monthly Feng Shui Forecast for each of the 12 animal signs:


Luck Rating:  1 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


As you make progress in various aspects of your life, it’s crucial to take a different approach this month. Maintain a low profile and strive to remain unnoticed as much as possible. There’s a significant threat to your safety, including the risk of robbery and loss throughout August. To counter these challenges, ensure you carry your protection crystals at all times. Use the Violence and Burglary Protection Bracelet to shield yourself from negative energies.

Be cautious and don’t trust anyone, whether they are friends or foes. It’s essential not to share sensitive information with others. Someone might attempt to gain your trust, so stay vigilant and be wary of such individuals.

To enhance your meditation practice and navigate this challenging month more smoothly, consider using the Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace—an excellent tool for your spiritual journey.

In a highly competitive workplace, you might find yourself facing a silent war initiated by aggressive colleagues. Our strong recommendation is to avoid the temptation to retaliate and instead maintain a composed demeanor. Refrain from providing them with any additional ammunition to discuss you negatively. Focus solely on your tasks, complete them independently, and minimize interaction with your coworkers for the time being. To safeguard yourself from excessive hostility, consider placing several pieces of Howlite Tumbled Stones or a Howlite Slab / Plate in your workspace. Additionally, wearing a Lord Ganesha Intricate Silver Pendant consistently is believed to ward off negativity and assist you in accomplishing your tasks with ease.

If you’re involved in business, be aware of the substantial risk of potential losses and the presence of conflicts among your staff. To navigate this situation, it’s crucial to maintain a neutral stance and exercise extra patience. Despite the challenges, there will be opportunities to generate income, but they will require double the effort to secure victories. To attract wealth prospects and improve your financial situation, consider placing an Aventurine Crystal Point / Generator / Wand in your workspace. This crystal can aid in drawing positive opportunities and enhancing your overall financial outlook.

Be cautious as there is a significant risk of betrayal, and it’s crucial to take the time to thoroughly assess the situation before taking any action. Your judgment might not be as sharp this month, so exercise caution and avoid reacting impulsively. To aid in making sound judgment calls, consider placing an Ojo de Dios of Wisdom in your space. This treasured object can provide guidance and clarity during uncertain times. For the security of your home, it’s not advisable to embark on out-of-town trips at this time. Instead, prioritize staying at home whenever possible. Ensure your home’s safety by consistently locking your doors and keeping integral lights on during the night. To remove negative energies and promote positivity, burn Palo Santo Incense Sticks every morning for the next month. This ritual can help cleanse your surroundings and create a more harmonious atmosphere.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


August is not looking good for you. You will face a string of unfortunate events, betrayals, and violence. To protect yourself, shield yourself with protection stones and be low-key. This is not a good time to socialize or open up to others, even your friends, family, or colleagues. Some people may seem concerned about your well-being, but do not let your guard down. Always take things with a grain of salt.

We suggest wearing and meditating with an All High-Quality Citrine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to bring happiness and good vibrations during this difficult month. This will also help you address certain money issues. Your cash flow will also be affected, so you are advised to spend wisely. There might be a major expense looming on the horizon, so be prepared. It is also a good idea to wear the Money Loss Protection Bracelet to help secure your wealth from threats of robbery. Finally, wear a Hanuman Silver Pendant to have an ally against the negative energies of August.

In the workplace, you will have several enemies who will try to pull you down. Your temper will be short and will flare even with a slight provocation. It is important to be diplomatic as much as you can and do not take sides. Be neutral and hold your tongue when faced with aggression. Do not bite more than you can chew and try to focus on your responsibilities. Placing a Clear Quartz Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk will help clear negative winds and promote well-being.

Businesspersons must be vigilant and watch their cash flow for there will be unexpected expenses this month. It is important to save up and be conservative so you will have enough funds to cover for your emergency. Hanging an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction at the main entrance of your place of business will bring you wealth opportunities.

Singles are advised to preoccupy themselves with other productive things. This will help you avoid feeling lonely and restless. Placing a Rose Quartz Plate / Slab on your nightstand will help you find peace and serenity during those nights when you feel most alone. Couples should learn to take things lightly and support each other during this trying time. This month may be challenging, but it will also be an opportunity to strengthen your bond. Once you overcome this month, your relationship will be stronger than ever. To eliminate stale energies in your home or office, cleanse your areas with Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks every morning for one month. This will help create a positive and harmonious environment.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


This month, your sign might face a series of unfortunate events. It’s important to be cautious as your health could be affected. Moreover, there’s a risk of losing your hard-earned savings and the possibility of experiencing the passing of a loved one. Additionally, a relationship may come to an end. The outlook doesn’t appear favorable for your sign. To safeguard your well-being, mind, finances, and loved ones, it is essential to take necessary precautions. Consider carrying the Health Protection Bracelet and wearing the Root Chakra Hamsa Bracelet for added protection. Avoid engaging in high-risk activities and be cautious about taking long trips, particularly if you are driving. Practicing meditation can be beneficial during this challenging time. Wearing the Seven Chakra Agate Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace may aid you in addressing major health issues. Stay vigilant and take measures to care for yourself and those close to you.

In the office, there will be some exciting opportunities for promotion and new projects coming your way; however, it might not be the best time to take them. Your plate is still full from last month’s tasks and responsibilities that require your attention. It’s important to address these existing commitments first before considering new challenges. Thankfully, your bosses are understanding of the situation and will support you.

Given the potential for feeling overwhelmed, remember to take moments to destress and strategize effectively. Approach your tasks diligently and maintain a harmonious relationship with your colleagues. Teamwork and cooperation will be valuable during this period. To help manage stress, consider placing a Yooperlite Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your desk. Additionally, you can put some Aventurine Tumbled Stones in your drawers to safeguard the wealth you generate from your hard work. By balancing your workload and maintaining a positive work environment, you’ll be better equipped to navigate these opportunities and challenges effectively.

Businesspeople are advised to adopt a more measured approach in their endeavors. They might find themselves preoccupied and facing various distractions. Learning effective strategizing techniques will be crucial in navigating through challenging situations. If necessary, delegation of tasks to trusted employees and advisers can prove beneficial. To safeguard against distractions and bolster decision-making skills, consider placing a Gold Tiger’s Eye Plate/Slab on your desk. This crystal can provide focus and clarity, aiding in maintaining a clear and productive mindset amidst potential disruptions.

Couples may face some challenging moments in their relationships, and tempers could be a bit unpredictable. To maintain harmony, it’s essential to recognize the signs of small arguments and be willing to step away to prevent the situation from escalating. Placing a Red Jasper Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your bedside table can help soothe intense emotions and promote a calmer atmosphere. In terms of romance luck, singles are advised to focus on personal growth and self-improvement during this period. Honing their skills and investing in themselves will be beneficial in the long run. Moreover, it is recommended to burn Feng Shui Earth Incense Sticks by the main door every morning for one month. This practice can help subdue the negative effects of the Hungry Ghost Month, ensuring a more balanced and positive energy flow within the home.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Your sign is experiencing a continuous winning streak, with prosperous energies shining upon you. To further enhance your journey towards wealth and success, consider wearing the Crown Chakra Hamsa Bracelet. This will help clear the path for more exciting opportunities and fruitful partnerships. Now is an excellent time to secure your future by building a strong financial foundation that will lead to lasting financial freedom. To aid you in this endeavor and to sharpen your business acumen and wealth-making skills, a Red Tiger’s Eye with Meditating Buddha Guru Bespangled 108 Japa Mala Necklace can be of great assistance. Additionally, this powerful crystal necklace will act as a protective shield, warding off any envious glances or negative energies that may come your way.

You may experience increased pressure at your workplace as various individuals expect more from you. It’s important to find a balance and navigate through the systems in your office efficiently. By doing so, you can manage expectations and deliver effectively. To attract more opportunities and potentially earn a promotion, consider placing a Citrine Gem Tree on Quartz on your desk. This combination of crystals can help create an environment that fosters growth, success, and positive energy, paving the way for further career advancements.

Merchants are in for a prosperous time with numerous expansion opportunities ahead. Your mind will be brimming with ideas, and it’s crucial to strategize effectively to turn these ideas into successful ventures. However, remember the importance of focus and thoughtful editing to stay on track and avoid spreading yourself too thin. Keep in mind that your zealous nature might affect your team, leading to stress and fatigue. Be mindful of their well-being and find a balance in your leadership approach. To enhance your focus and keep negative energies at bay, consider placing a Tiger’s Eye Crystal Point/Generator/Wand at the center of your office. This powerful crystal can help sharpen your concentration and promote a harmonious atmosphere for productive work.

In matters of love, your charisma will be captivating, attracting the admiration of potential suitors. Couples, too, can look forward to brighter days ahead, cherishing their time spent together even more. To enhance positive energy within your home, consider placing several pieces of Clear Quartz Tumbled Stones at the center of your living space and near the nightstands in the bedrooms. This practice promotes good health and a harmonious atmosphere. To further ensure good Feng Shui, burn some Feng Shui Earth Incense Sticks near your main door. This will help ward off any negative energies, creating a protective barrier for your home and maintaining a positive flow of energy. Embrace these practices to cultivate love, well-being, and positive energies in your living space.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Get ready for a month filled with positive and victorious energies! Your health will experience a revitalizing boost, increasing vitality and motivation to achieve more. Embrace this auspicious period and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way to bounce back stronger than ever. Significant changes await both in your personal and professional life, presenting exciting new prospects. To enhance your luck and attract success, we highly recommend wearing a Gold Rutilated Quartz Bracelet. This will aid you in securing favorable deals and potential promotions. For a smooth journey towards financial gains, consider wearing the Star of David Silver Pendant. This powerful symbol will help you navigate through obstacles, ensuring a month free from hindrances as you progress toward prosperity.  

Prepare for a remarkable time in your professional life! Among those employed, your exceptional skills and expertise will be the talk of your industry. Your reputation will spread, and the prospect of a well-deserved promotion might be on the horizon. Management may even extend an enticing offer that could be hard to resist. To attract even more offers and wealth opportunities, consider carrying a Rose Quartz Pendulum with you to guide you and help you answer questions about which decisions to make. This crystal will not only enhance your charisma but also elevate your image, making you an even more attractive prospect for other organizations. If you wish to explore these options while still staying with your current organization, we advise you to have open discussions with your employers. Learn the art of negotiation and consider their offer carefully. Should you decide to stay, show them why they made a wise decision by proving your worth. With a busy month ahead, it’s crucial to find moments of clarity and stress management. Meditating with a Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace can aid in achieving a clear and focused mind. Additionally, it will help you manage your health and well-being during this hectic period.

For those in business, trust your instincts and dare to think outside the box to enhance sales and revenue. Despite moments of doubt, always remember your capabilities. Banish uncertainties and strive for productivity. To fortify your courage and self-confidence in decision-making, consider placing an Aquamarine Gemstones on your desk. This crystal will empower you, providing the strength to face challenges with assurance. Embrace your creativity and self-assurance, and let these qualities guide you toward achieving remarkable success in your business endeavors. Trust in yourself, and the path to growth and prosperity will unfold.  

Singles are in for an exciting time in the dating world, with plenty of options to explore. Fun times await them on their dates; however, it’s crucial to keep things light and be mindful of their sense of humor, as jokes can sometimes be misinterpreted. For couples, relief is on the horizon. The tension felt over the past couple of months will subside, and better days lie ahead. They can look forward to more relaxed and enjoyable moments with each other. To promote positive energy flow in your home, consider cleansing it with Sandalwood Incense Sticks. This practice can help remove energy blockages and create a harmonious atmosphere for both singles and couples.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


Prepare yourself for an upcoming period of auspiciousness, filled with numerous victorious moments. This month provides an excellent opportunity to clear any obstacles in your path, paving the way for a more secure and prosperous future. Additionally, there’s a possibility of experiencing a significant win in a game of chance. However, remember that sitting back and relying solely on luck won’t lead to success. It’s essential to work diligently towards your goals and desires. To maximize the positive energies this month, make sure to wear powerful manifestation crystals like an Apatite Bracelet. Moreover, placing a Labradorite Palm Stone near your front entrance and touching it before leaving the house can attract abundance and good luck into your life. Stay humble and low-key to avoid any negative attention from jealous coworkers. To ensure constant protection, consider wearing and meditating with the Zen-Style Amazonite with Aventurine Buddha of Happiness Guru Mala.

Get ready for a smooth and successful time in the workplace, where you’ll meet and even exceed your organization’s expectations. Your winning streak will persist as long as you remain proactive and open to bringing innovative, out-of-the-box ideas to the table. To boost your creativity and ensure personal protection, consider carrying several pieces of Carnelian Tumbled Stones with you wherever you go. This powerful crystal will inspire your imagination and keep you grounded, safeguarding your energy and well-being. Embrace this positive energy, and let your innovative ideas and proactive approach lead you to continued success in your professional endeavors.

For those involved in business, the path to expanding your enterprise will be smoother, and you can expect improved sales compared to previous months. Embrace a bold and daring mindset as innovative ideas will be the key to your success. To further enhance your financial luck, consider wearing the Tibetan 9-Eye Dzi Silver Pendant. This powerful talisman will attract prosperity and positive energies, supporting your endeavors in the business world. Embrace this opportune time to implement fresh ideas and take your business to new heights.

Good romance luck! If you’re interested in someone, express your feelings for a better chance at a relationship. Hang an Ojo de Dios of Love in your bedroom and meditate on its center crystal to manifest love. Couples, place a Rose Quartz Crystal Point/Generator/Wand near your bedside to enhance your relationship. Burn Lily Incense Sticks near main entrances for peace and harmony. Perform this daily ritual during the Hungry Ghost Month for one month.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Enjoy a lucky period with clear paths and no obstacles hindering your goals. Expand your network to meet influential individuals for your career or finances. To attract the right people, wear the Green Aventurine Bracelet and Higher Heart Chakra Hamsa Bracelet. The Fluorite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will bring opportunities and clarity while protecting you from negativity. Meditate with it nightly for manifested luck.

In the workplace, breeze through situations, showcasing your value to bosses and colleagues. A promotion is possible—secure it by placing an Apatite Plate/Slab on your desk and a Selenite Tower for blocking negativity. For business, expand and launch products boldly. Attract investors with ease. Wear the Laughing Buddha Silver Pendant for positive chi and protection from naysayers.

In relationships, enjoy peace and harmony. However, there will be temptations. Prevent third-party interference by placing an Amethyst Cluster inside your bedroom or an Amethyst gemstone at the foot of your bed. Burn Pine Incense Sticks daily near the main entrance of your home and office for one month to maintain good chi flow.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


In August, your sign is blessed with prosperous and victorious energies, attracting wealth and abundant opportunities. Don’t let this luck go to waste; invest in enterprises with high returns. Wear a Peridot Bracelet to attract viable and lucrative opportunities.

For protection against envy, wear a Kyanite gemstone. Meditate with a Tibetan Blue Aventurine Om Japa Mala Necklace to invite unlimited wealth and peaceful vibrations during this busy and fulfilling period. Embrace these enhancements to maximize positive energies and achieve success in all your endeavors.

In the workplace, be prepared for potential promotion offers or opportunities from other companies trying to recruit you. Take your time to consider each offer carefully. Meditating with a Gold Tiger’s Eye Pendulum can aid in making sound decisions.

For business owners, this is the perfect time to expand your enterprise and boost revenue. Explore new markets and untapped potentials. Consider new partnerships and hiring salespersons to help you double your wealth. Embrace these opportunities to take your business to new heights.

This month, the charm of the single Sheep is strong, attracting suitors from all directions. Meeting new people will be effortless, as your presence will be captivating to others. For couples, harmonious moments and an abundance of love and peace await. To secure this love luck, consider placing a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks on your nightstand. While things look promising, keeping negative energies at bay is essential. Light Green Tea Incense Sticks each morning by your front doors in both homes and offices to create a positive and balanced atmosphere.


Luck Rating:  5 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


August brings abundant auspicious energies, paving the way for securing your financial independence. The favorable luck extends to both your professional and personal life, bringing promising news. Your lively and sunny disposition will attract people to you, providing an opportunity to expand your network with supportive individuals. To maximize this unbelievable luck, wear a Grossular / Grossularite Garnet at all times. Meditate with a Dalmatian Stone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to discern genuine individuals from those who may not have your best interests at heart. Focus your time and resources on those who truly care for your well-being, and avoid dealing with shady characters. Embrace this fortunate time and use it to set the stage for a prosperous future. With the right people by your side, your journey toward financial independence will be even more fulfilling.

In your workplace, you can expect harmonious relationships with both peers and supervisors. Those who perform well will be rewarded with promotions, bonuses, or industry awards. If you feel you deserve extra compensation for your hard work over the past couple of years, don’t hesitate to talk to your bosses and state your case confidently. Use or display a Lapis Lazuli Crystal Point/Generator/Wand when you have this conversation to enhance your communication. To maintain this fortunate situation and protect yourself from envy, wear a Hanuman Silver Pendant. This will help you retain your luck while providing the protection you need from any envious individuals around you. Embrace these practices to make the most of the positive energies in your workplace.

Businesspersons should seize this opportunity to network with potential partners and collaborators. Embrace fresh ideas that can shake up your business and explore new markets boldly. Engage those around you, seek their opinions, and understand your employees’ and market sentiments to see the bigger picture. Your charisma is at an all-time high, and popularity is on your side. To enhance wealth luck, display the Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction to encourage a positive flow of prosperity.

This month, love seekers may discover their special someone, while couples will strengthen their bonds and enjoy more quality time together. To ensure romance luck remains, place a Rose Quartz Plate/Slab near your nightstand. For protection during the Hungry Ghost Month, burn Seven Chakras Incense Sticks each morning for 30 days. Embrace these practices to foster love and harmony in your life. 


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


In the upcoming month, you will confidently breeze through tasks, and your efforts will be duly rewarded. Your charisma is at its peak, making it an opportune time to expand your network and connect with influential individuals who can guide you toward success. To attract the right mentors and helpful associates, consider wearing a Madagascar Rose Quartz with Pink Tourmaline Guru 108 Mala. For increased wealth and a positive outlook, keep a Citrine Bracelet on your arm. This crystal will also help you navigate challenging interactions with uncooperative individuals. Embrace these enhancements to navigate the month with ease and seize valuable opportunities along the way.

In the workplace, spice up your daily activities with creativity and fresh approaches. Breaking away from routine can combat monotony and boost productivity. Don’t hold back from sharing your innovative ideas in the boardroom; your supervisors will value and appreciate them.  

For businesspeople, it’s crucial to market not only your products but also yourself. Embrace self-promotion to build valuable business connections and potential partnerships. To gain support from the universe, wear the Victorian Om Silver Pendant. Take a proactive approach by being hands-on and visible. Initiate communication with clients, suppliers, and partners to make a lasting impact.

For positive Feng Shui at home, hang an Ojo de Dios of Health in your bedrooms to protect against illnesses and enhance daily activities. Place a Selenite Tower in your living room to increase good vibrations, luck, and prosperity. Singles will enjoy socializing with friends and receive many admirers’ invitations. Carry Lapis Lazuli Tumbled Stones to attract the right people. Couples will experience peace and harmony, but it’s best to minimize going out with friends without their partners to avoid third-party interference. For protection during the Hungry Ghost Month, burn a Dragon’s Blood Incense Stick each morning outside your main door.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


This month, your short fuse and high-stress levels may create difficulties for you. You’ll find yourself easily provoked and feeling the need to defend yourself from others, even when unprovoked conflicts arise. To navigate these challenges, practice diplomacy and learn to walk away from escalating situations. Carrying a peace stone like a Blue Lace Agate Bracelet and wearing a People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet will help maintain a sense of calm and protection. Be cautious with your words, as they may be used against you. To further ward off obstacles and ill intentions, wear the Ganesh Square Pendant as an extra amulet. Embrace these practices to manage stress and avoid unnecessary conflicts during this period.

Maintaining decorum and reacting diplomatically will lead you to a quieter and less stressful month. Expect challenges at work, but respond politely and professionally to any disagreements or conflicts. To promote peace and harmony in the workplace, place an Eldarite/Kambaba Jasper Crystal Point/Generator/Wand on your desk to dissolve aggression. During tough times, meditate with a Bloodstone Jade Wulou Guru 108 Japa Mala Necklace for courage and emotional support. Enhance the peaceful atmosphere with a Howlite Plate/Slab near your work area, emitting calming vibrations. Embrace these practices to navigate work challenges with grace and create a more serene environment.

Prepare for challenges with authorities and irate clients that may test your patience. Ensure all your documents, permits, and licenses are up to date to avoid complications. When signing documents, carefully review the fine print and avoid hasty decisions. Businessmen must stay vigilant and composed to navigate these situations effectively.

Couples will need patience as they may face several arguments. Listen to your partner and avoid challenging them; walk away if discussions escalate. For singles, it’s better to focus on self-improvement than seeking love now. To counter the ill effects of the Hungry Ghost Month, burn Lemongrass Incense Sticks outside your home by the main door. Embrace these practices to foster a harmonious environment and personal growth during this period.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


This month may bring arguments, misfortunes, and disappointments, but your resilience and survival instincts will guide you through this challenging period. When petty squabbles arise, it’s best to walk away and refrain from engaging in heated discussions. Be cautious as these arguments could escalate to potential lawsuits. To protect yourself and enhance your communication skills, wear a Kyanite Bracelet. For a peaceful mindset, meditate with the Howlite and Clear Quartz Bespangled 108 Mala. Clear Quartz will amplify the effects of your other crystals while also cleansing negative energies in your surroundings. Embrace these practices to navigate the difficulties and maintain a sense of inner peace.

In the workplace, it’s essential not to voice your discontentment and disagreements openly. Practice self-control and courtesy when dealing with others, as they may use your words against you. Stay low-key and avoid attracting unwanted attention, as every move may be scrutinized. To protect yourself and manage stress, display a Clear Quartz Orb/Sphere on your work desk. Carry a Carnelian Palm Stone in your bag daily and hold it during moments of doubt, anger, or stress for assistance during challenging times. For effective communication, wear the Throat Chakra Hamsa Bracelet to convey your feelings in a diplomatic and clear manner. It’s a valuable aid for this month. Embrace these practices to navigate the workplace smoothly and maintain a positive environment.

Businessmen are strongly advised to avoid signing contracts and postponing major deals and meetings this month. The risk of facing lawsuits due to negligence, technicalities, and delays in goods and services delivery is elevated. Maintain composure during stressful situations and avoid offending others to prevent potential lawsuits. To shield your business from negativity and filter out bad energy, hang an Ojo de Dios of Protection in your establishment. Embrace these precautions to safeguard your business during this critical period.

Relationships may face strain, and small misunderstandings can escalate into potential heartbreaks. Exercise caution and think before speaking harshly. Singles are encouraged to prioritize their professional lives over dating for now. To improve Feng Shui, place a Selenite Tower for added luck. Burning Palo Santo Incense Sticks daily by the main door each morning will block negative energies from entering your home. Embrace these practices to foster a more balanced and positive environment.

Discovering the Magic of Feng Shui for Outdoor Spaces

In an increasingly indoor world, spending time outdoors has become a precious commodity. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that your outdoor space is as welcoming and peaceful as possible. One great way to achieve this is through the ancient practice of Feng Shui. Feng Shui offers guidelines on how to harmoniously arrange outdoor spaces, creating a more balanced, vibrant, and positive atmosphere. In this blog post, we’re going to take a deep dive into the magic of Feng Shui for outdoor spaces and how you can create your little haven of Zen.

  • Embrace the Five Elements. The five elements of Feng Shui (water, wood, fire, metal, and earth) also apply to outdoor spaces. To achieve a harmonious space, incorporate as many of the elements as possible. Water elements such as fountains or ponds offer a sense of calmness and serenity. Metal elements such as a metal bench, statue or bell can create a sense of clarity and focus. Wood elements like garden beds or trees promote growth, vitality, and longevity. Fire elements like candles or lights can create a warm and engaging environment. Ensure that each element is in harmony with the others and you’ll achieve an overall balanced and calming space.
  • Use Shapes and Forms. In Feng Shui, you can use shapes and forms to create a more harmonious outdoor space. Round shapes, for instance, represent harmony and balance, while square shapes represent stability and order. Use different shapes for different areas of your outdoor space to create a sense of rhythm and movement. Circular garden beds, water features with curved lines, and rounded benches are just a few ways to incorporate round shapes into your space.
  • Focus on Outdoor Lighting. Lighting can make all the difference in creating a truly magical outdoor space. The right lighting can add a warm glow, create drama, or highlight a significant area. Use lighting techniques such as uplighting or downlighting your trees, plants, or sculptures to create interest and ambiance. Make sure your lighting scheme is complemented by the elements of Feng Shui, and any light fixtures you choose are in harmony with their surroundings.
  • Illusion and Perception. Make use of Feng Shui’s principle of illusion and perception to create an environment that will appeal to the senses. Choose outdoor furnishings and decor with interesting textures, patterns, and colors that draw attention. Sounds such as chirping birds, flowing water, and rustling leaves create a sense of tranquility and peace. Ensure that all the elements in your outdoor space have a clear purpose and that they work together to create an inviting, positive space.
  • Refresh and Renew. Outdoor spaces require care and attention to remain harmonious and positive. Every season, do a clean-up, clear clutter, and repair any fixtures or furnishings that are damaged. Replace any plants that are past their prime and add new accents and decor as desired. By maintaining your outdoor space, you ensure that it stays fresh and vibrant, promoting positivity and good energy.

Incorporating Feng Shui into your outdoor space requires some effort, but the benefits are worth it. By following these simple guidelines, you can create a harmonious, calming, and beautiful outdoor space that promotes peace and positive energy. Remember, the most important thing is to select what resonates with you and create a space that makes you happy. With Feng Shui, your outdoor space will provide you with a true sense of joy and well-being.

Unleashing the Power of Crystals for Boosting Confidence and Self-Expression

Living in a world that demands perfection in all aspects of life can take its toll on your confidence and self-esteem. You may have noticed that as a result, you tend to hold back on expressing yourself due to fear of judgment or feelings of inadequacy. Crystals are nature’s precious gems that have been used for centuries to help heal and align the mind, body, and spirit. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of crystals and how you can use them to boost your confidence and self-expression.

The power of Citrine
Known as the “stone of abundance,” citrine is a bright yellow crystal that is believed to bring abundance, prosperity, and good fortune. It resonates with the Solar Plexus chakra, which governs self-esteem and personal power. Using citrine can help you access your inner strength and tap into your courage. Place a citrine crystal over your Solar Plexus chakra during meditation or carry it with you to work or events where you’d like to feel more confident.

The beauty of Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is a stunning pale blue crystal that resonates with the Throat chakra, which governs communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your truth. This crystal is ideal if you struggle with expressing yourself authentically or if you feel blocked in your communication. Keep a Blue Lace Agate crystal on your desk, wear it as jewelry, or carry it with you throughout the day to communicate with more confidence and ease.

The magic of Labradorite
Labradorite is a mystical crystal that shimmers with iridescent hues of blue, green and gold. Used for centuries by shamans and healers, Labradorite is believed to help release self-doubt and fears, and awaken intuition. When used during meditation or carried throughout the day, it helps you tap into your inner magic and trust the path you are on. It also helps to balance and align all chakras, making it a great all-around crystal for overall confidence.

The wisdom of Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is a grounding crystal that is often used to release old patterns, negative energy, and self-doubt. It resonates with the Root and Solar Plexus chakras and helps to ground and center your energy, providing you with a sense of security and stability. Use Smoky Quartz during meditation or carry it with you to help you feel more grounded, confident, and focused throughout the day.

The transformation of Amethyst
Amethyst is a gorgeous purple crystal that resonates with the Crown Chakra, which governs spirituality and higher wisdom. Known as the “stone of transformation,” Amethyst is thought to help you connect with your higher self, release negative patterns, and expand your consciousness. Use Amethyst during meditation or wear it as jewelry to tap into your inner wisdom, boost your intuition and tap into your creative powers.

With all these crystals to choose from, you can find the right one that resonates with your energy and needs. Remember, the power of the crystal is not in the crystal itself but within you. Use these gems as tools to access your inner power, wisdom, and creativity. Combine them with other self-care practices like positive affirmations, journaling, and meditation to unlock your full potential and unleash your true self.

July 2023 Feng Shui Forecast


In the ancient art of feng shui, the second half of the year is not merely a continuation of the first, but rather an extraordinary opportunity for renewal and rejuvenation. Just as we traditionally celebrate the beginning of a new year on January 1st, it is equally important to recognize the significance of this mid-year juncture. It serves as a powerful moment for introspection, realignment, and the restructuring of our lives, enabling us to manifest our deepest desires and create the life we truly yearn for.

As we enter July, the celestial movements and alignments of the stars have a profound influence on various animal signs according to the Chinese zodiac. The shifting energies will bring about changes in luck and fortune for different individuals. Those who have enjoyed a fortunate start to the year may experience a shift in their circumstances. It becomes imperative, especially during this period, to prioritize personal safety and well-being as a foundation for continued success.

For some individuals, the challenging period they have encountered in the previous months will gradually dissipate during this transformative phase. However, caution and care must still be exercised to preserve the flow of positive energy. Certain actions and adjustments need to be undertaken to ensure that the auspicious chi, or life force, continues to grace their lives.

This is an opportune time for revisiting our goals and aspirations. We must carefully examine the targets we have set and make necessary adjustments in alignment with the evolving energies of the universe. By attuning ourselves to these cosmic rhythms and understanding the interplay between our intentions and the forces of nature, we can harmonize our actions with the prevailing flow and create favorable conditions for the realization of our dreams.

In essence, the second half of the year serves as a potent catalyst for personal growth and transformation. It beckons us to reassess our paths, realign our energies, and restructure our lives. Embracing this pivotal moment enables us to harness the power of feng shui and tap into the immense potential that resides within ourselves and the world around us. By doing so, we can navigate the currents of change, invite good fortune, and embark on a fulfilling journey toward the life we truly desire.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


This month, your sign will be blessed with abundant energies, showering you with opportunities and prosperity. The celestial alignment brings forth your Midas’ Touch, bestowed upon you by the lucky stars. Wealth and auspicious chances will come your way, and there is even the possibility of a windfall, be it through inheritance, a jackpot prize, or dividends from a wise investment. However, it is crucial to exercise caution, as such good fortune may also attract envy from those around you. To safeguard against negative energies, we highly recommend wearing the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet. Additionally, to enhance your meditation practice and garner support from your family, bosses, and colleagues, the Moonstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace is an excellent tool.

Within the workplace, you will be recognized as a vital member of the team, and your diligent efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded. Your popularity will soar, and colleagues may turn to you for guidance and advice. Embrace these opportunities and extend a helping hand whenever possible, as such kindness will be reciprocated soon. To ensure the continuity of projects and favorable prospects, placing an Aventurine Money Tree on your work desk is highly recommended. Furthermore, we suggest keeping a Lapis Lazuli Slab/Plate inside your drawers, as it is believed to assist you in presenting persuasive pitches and reports. This stone also encourages truthfulness in conversations.

For those engaged in business, this is an opportune time to seize the moment and take calculated risks to expand your enterprise. Networking and collaborating with like-minded individuals will prove highly beneficial to your ventures.

Romantically, both singles and those in relationships will attract admirers due to their magnetic charisma. However, it is important to exercise caution and remain mindful of the impact your charm may have. Within the home, relationships will flourish, and family ties will strengthen. Placing an Amethyst Cluster/Geode inside your bedrooms will promote peace and loyalty within the household. Regularly cleansing your living space with Lemongrass Incense Sticks will also contribute to good health and overall well-being.


Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


Your charms and crystals from last month allowed you to sail through a rough period, the universe beard your plea for it will shower you good graces this July. Your mind and spirit will bounce back to their former self which will further assist you as you accomplish your tasks. Your chart also predicts some windfall in the form of either a win from a game of chance or a promotion. There is also a great chance of you receiving sound advice and guidance from a mentor. We suggest wearing and meditating with a Yellow Calcite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to boost your luck and improve your career prospects. It is also a good idea to wear the Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet because this will help to calm and soothe the mind. Finally, wear a silver pendant of your choice to attract a wealth of energy.

In the workplace, do not be afraid to step out of the box and be more creative. Your bosses and clients will appreciate your bold ideas and you will be rewarded. Be aware though that this luck will only be possible if you attract the right energies.

Businesspersons should create opportunities and are advised to trust their instincts. Money luck is high, so this is a good time to recuperate the losses you encountered in the previous months. An Aventurine Orb / Sphere will bring you clients and opportunities.  

Singles are advised to go out more and are encouraged to spend more time with friends. Be seen and be heard if you want to attract the right suitors. Place a Round Selenite Charging Plate near your bed for health and wellness.  Home and family life will be harmonious and there will be a lot of good times spent with your loved ones. Cleanse your areas with Feng Shui Earth Incense Sticks regularly to eliminate the negative chi stuck in your homes and offices.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


The road to your recovery from last month’s unlucky mishaps clears for your sign will be blessed with celestial energies that bring clarity and opportunities. Obstacles will be cleared so use this time to realign your goals. Be careful though for there will still be some envious people out there to get you. Be protected and always carry the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet. Stick with people who will only provide you with positive vibes and seek guidance from mentors who will help you move forward. Meditate and always wear the Prehnite Classic Japa Mala Necklace to help you score more opportunities and to help you attract the right mentors.

In the office, decision-makers and bosses will only see your potential if you work hard enough. Do your tasks diligently and maintain a harmonious relationship with colleagues. A possibility of promotion is possible, so do not be afraid to voice your opinions and share your ideas when you are inside the boardroom. To help you convey your ideas with confidence, place an Apatite Plate / Slab on your desk.

Businesspeople will have a period of clarity, enabling them to reassess their organization’s real status. Do not be afraid to make drastic changes within the organization. Reward those who have been loyal and diligent and do not be afraid to weed out those who do not deserve their posts. To protect yourself from toxic employees and suppliers, place a Black Tourmaline Orb or Pyramid on your desk.

The chances of single people meeting the right one are high. Sakura Agate Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your bedside table to help you find the right partner. Romance luck is good so couples will have a blissful month. Relationships will be generally good for the Tiger-born this month. It is a good habit to always keep with you the Mystic Knot Silver Pendant to maintain harmony in your relationships.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Victorious energies fill your sign this July and you will enjoy a period of luck and chances to start anew. This is a good time to reevaluate your goals and start your journey toward financial independence. If you have been clamoring for change, this so a good time to do so. Those who wish to change jobs, relocate, or pursue higher education may do so for heaven’s favor the Rabbit this July. Wearing the Rabbit Victory Bracelet will help you become more decisive and driven to meet your goals. Use a Red Carnelian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to attract more wealth and financial opportunities.

In the workplace, you are the toast of the town. Your performance and professionalism will be appreciated and rewarded and people within your industry will take note of this and will remember your name. If you wish for a promotion, make this clear to your bosses. Wear some jewelry made of silver for protection and good fortune. Finally, place a Clear Quartz Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk for clarity of thinking, blessings, and luck. Set your intentions and manifest them for you have a higher chance of getting them this month.

Businesspersons will be brimming with fresh ideas and will have several opportunities to expand their businesses. Their business acumen is good and they should be risk-takers. However, they should channel their energies to projects that matter most and must not waste their energies on the mundane.

In the love department, singles will have higher chances of attracting suitable partners while couples will have harmonious relationships. Happier times will be enjoyed by the whole family. For good Feng Shui, place a Citrine Money Tree in the east corner of your home to attract more money luck. Burn some Seven Chakras Incense Sticks around the house for good health.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Dragons, especially those born under the Metal and Earth elements will have to closely monitor their health this month. There is a high risk of falling ill and stress levels will be way off the charts. Your mind, body, and spirit will feel weak and you will find it hard to accomplish even the simplest tasks. This period passes towards the end of the month, but you are encouraged to wear your protection bracelets for several aspects of your life that will be affected by the illness vibrations. We strongly recommend that you wear the Health Protection Bracelet and carry a Malachite Wrist Mala to protect against illness and stress. A Ganesh Silver Pendant can also be worn for protection and as a shield against negativity.

In the workplace, you must learn to manage your time and if you feel burdened by responsibilities, work at a comfortable pace without placing too much stress on yourself. Surround yourself with colleagues who exude positivity. Your friendly attitude will help you saith through some rough times in the office. Meditating using Amethyst Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will help bring clarity to decision-making and provide emotional balance.

Those in business are advised to create lighter environments in their offices. Stress will take a toll on your body and this will also affect your decision-making. If your budgets allow it, hire consultants and part-timers who can assist you and your team during this stressful period. Do not bite more than you can chew and learn to delegate. If you want an increase in protection, consider placing a Black Tourmaline Orb / Sphere or Pyramid near the main entrance of your house to keep the good chi flowing.

Dragons have little to almost zero luck in the love department this July. Your temper will be short due to the stresses you encounter in your professional and personal life, so it is better if you spend your time alone so you can recharge and meditate. Couples will also have some trying times. It is best if you let go of small things and avoid petty arguments for they may blow out of proportion. Cleanse your homes with Yin Yang Incense Sticks to remove negativity.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


You must pay attention to your health this month for you will encounter several setbacks where your physical and mental wellbeing is concerned. You may also encounter some accidents and mishaps which can derail you from performing your tasks and responsibilities. Your ability to focus may impede your work and may cause you to stress. Take things easy and if you can, learn to delegate some tasks. We strongly recommend that you wear a Sudden Death Protection Bracelet and display a Black Tourmaline Orb / Sphere or Pyramid to protect against negative energies.

In the workplace, things will not look rose-y. Your mind and body are weak and you will need to rely on your close friends to assist you so you may finish some tasks. Do not rush things, and remember that it is okay to ask for help when things start to drown you. A Star of David Silver Pendant can also be worn for protection.

You will feel burned out from all the work that you do as you try to bounce back and recuperate some of the losses you’ve had over the past couple of months. Remember that several people rely on you so must learn to be more flexible and be more forgiving of yourself. Do not rush things this month, hold nay projects, and try not to bite more than you can chew. If finances allow it, try to hire consultants who can assist you for the time being. Your health should be your priority. Meditating using an Apatite with Blue Aventurine Guru Bespangled 108 Japa Mala will help bring clarity, security, and protection.

Romance luck is as low as your energy levels. Singles should focus more on their personal growth. Couples will have some challenges and are advised to voice out their opinions as clearly as they can. To avoid confusion, let your partner know that you feel low and must not misconstrue it as a sign of disinterest. For good Feng Shui, you should hang an Ojo de Dios of Protection near the entrance of your house for protection. Place a Selenite Tower in the north of your home to improve family luck. Feng Shui Earth Incense Stick is perfect for bringing balance and harmony into your home, burn these every day for the entire month.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


There is a high threat of betrayal and violence on your sign this July. You are advised to lay low and avoid going out, especially during nighttime. Secure all your valuables and make sure you lock your homes and offices to avoid theft and burglary. Do not make new friends and do not share information with other people – this includes your innermost circle. We recommend wearing the Betrayal and Backstabbing Protection Bracelet and the Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet to block all negative energies that are about to disrupt you this month. A Howlite Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will help to promote peace and harmony. Meditate with it to bring back balance into your life and alleviate stress.

In the workplace, you will encounter colleagues with malicious motives and you will be the subject of gossip. Placing a Red Jasper Plate / Slab near you will help with anger management while a Lapis Lazuli Crystal Point/ Generator / Wand will help you communicate with tact and clarity. Avoid the spotlight and try to work silently. Watch your reports and paperwork though for any minor mistake that may cost you your job or reputation. If you deliver good results and avoid gossip, you will be able to sail through this period unscathed.

Those in business are advised to hold any deals with suppliers, clients, and contractors. This is a good time to realign your organization and do loyalty checks within your ranks. Check and double-check your accounts for anomalies. Do not make any important decisions and try to be more conservative with your cash flow. For focus and sharp mental skills, place several pieces of Tiger’s Eye Tumbled Stones on your desk, drawers, and bag.

Those in relationships will have some challenges. Romantic gestures will greatly help the relationship. Stay at home as much as you can if you want to save the relationship. For those who feel otherwise, think it through, if you feel it is time to move forward, let go and find your growth elsewhere. Singles, you will not have any luck finding your mates. Cleanse your homes and offices by burning Dragon’s Blood Incense Sticks daily to remove hostile energies.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


July promises to be a great period of completion and happiness. Anything that you pursue will bear fruits and you will have no trouble achieving your goals. This is due to the magnified luck your sign carries this month. We recommend wearing a Blue Kyanite Bracelet and carrying a Citrine Wrist Mala to attract and maintain the wealth of luck in your life. A Tree of Life Silver Pendant can be worn to ward off any obstacles so you can score more opportunities. Meditating with an Ocean Jasper Classic 108 Mala with Lucky Arowana Guru Bead Japa Mala Necklace will bring additional auspicious vibrations.

In the workplace, you will finally realize your dream for a much-anticipated promotion or salary increase awaits you.  You are brimming with energy, so use this time to accomplish more tasks, and do not be afraid to take on new projects and responsibilities. Be bold with your ideas, but at the same time remember to acknowledge your workmates for your will. Not be able to finish your projects without their contributions. Be humble and always be gracious, failure to do so may incur the ire of those with jealous eyes. Wear the Black Obsidian Piyao Bracelet to keep the envious people at bay.

Those in business will find themselves busy with new ventures and collaborations. Anything you do now will reap better results to use this period to expand your enterprise. Be more innovative and do not be afraid to step out of your usual practices.

Exciting things await the single ones, this is a good time to go out to meet new people. Relationships established during this month have the chance to turn into something more meaningful and lasting. Couples will be blessed with blissful moments and their homes will have peace and harmony. Light a Raj Incense Sticks daily to diffuse any negative energy and enhance positive vibrations.


Luck Rating:  5 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


You have a busy month ahead of you but with your practical and sensible ways of managing your affairs, you will get things moving. Anything you set your eyes on will be completed with ease. Thanks to the prosperous vibrations your sign enjoys, the sky is your limit. So be bold and daring with your ideas and make this period the perfect time for you to build a more secure future. We recommend wearing a Peridot Bracelet and carrying a Malachite Cube to attract luck into your life. A Big Om Silver Pendant or any silver pendant with an auspicious meaning can be worn to ward off bad luck. Meditating with a Garnet Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will bring balance into your life, and fulfillment, and can alleviate stress.

At work, you will find yourself questioning the efforts you’ve put into your projects and tasks. You have tons of energy and you want to get more things done, you thrive when you are given more tasks and you always perform well when you accomplish more. Your bosses will notice your stellar work and you will be rewarded accordingly. Place several Selenite Sticks on your desk and work drawers for more abundant vibrations.

Businesspersons are encouraged to expand their network and must make efforts to advertise their enterprises to attract more clients and investors. They will enjoy a great deal of popularity and their charisma is at an all-time high. Hang an Aventurine Gemstone Pendulum with Tree of Life Charm in the northeast corner of your house will aid in financial opportunities and during stressful events.

Singles are encouraged to meet new people and entertain suitors. This is the time when you need to let your guard down and listen to what your heart tells you. Couples will have great times ahead and are encouraged to go out on dates and vacations.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


This month, we advise you to take things slow for this will prove to be one of your toughest months for 2023. You will have a lot of obstacles that will derail all your plans and though opportunities may come, they may not be promising. While you have some unlucky vibrations on your sign, your spirit essence is high which will help you sail through the rough waters of July. We recommend wearing the Ganesh Square Silver Pendant and carrying a Black Tourmaline Orb / Sphere in your bag to dispel all negative energies. The Ultimate Protection Bracelet can be worn to ward off bad luck and boost kindness and support from others. Meditating with a Moss Agate Classic 108  Japa Mala Necklace will help bring balance and luck into your life and invite more abundance and opportunities.

In the workplace, you will attract the unwanted attention of your peers and superiors. Step out of the limelight, perform your duties with little to almost no interference from other colleagues, and remain humble. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and allow others to shine. Focus on your tasks, finish them ahead of time, and make sure you check them all before submission.

Businesspeople will encounter several setbacks where suppliers and finances are concerned. Clients will also be erratic and you will find yourself drowned with lots of challenges. Remember to take things easily and that you should not be afraid to ask for your team’s assistance. Cut down on unnecessary expenses and always reevaluate situations before you make big decisions.  This is not a good time to be bold and daring, stock to what you know and you will be okay.

To bring good Feng Shui into the home, hang an Ojo de Dios of Protection near the entrance of your house to ward off people with ill intentions and to block off curses. Place a Citrine Crystal Point / Generator / Wand in the leftmost back portion of your home to increase wealth luck and prosperity. Couples will have average love luck. They should focus on the positive side of things and be discouraged to find fault in their partners. When things start to be too dreary, a date or a stroll at a nearby park, or fun activities at home will bring reassurance to the relationship. Singles are advised to focus on their careers for now. Burn Palo Santo Incense Sticks daily to remove the bad chi.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


Love and harmonious energies fill your July, bringing you happiness and merry moments with your partner, your family, and your friends. This is a good time for you to dive into the social scene and expound your network. Your charisma is at an all-time high and people will find you amiable, use this period to build your tribe of allies for you to make career and personal advancement. Crystals will be beneficial for the Boar in July. Wearing a Rose Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace can manifest good luck and better relationships. Meditate with it at least once a day for more auspicious vibrations.

In the workplace, teamwork should be the name of the game. Your creativity, if met with others’ ideas will always produce promising results. During presentations and sales pitches, do not be afraid to speak your mind. This is also a good time to establish stronger connections with your colleagues and the good energy you exude will help your organization to create more favorable projects. An Amazonite Raw Stone is also beneficial to attract good luck and more opportunities.

Businessmen will enjoy a period of commercial success. This is due to the connections you will establish with the movers and shakers of your industry. Make the effort to attend conventions, workshops, or expositions to expand your network. Wear a Three-Dimensional Ganesh Silver Pendant and place an Aventurine Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk for extra support with money luck.

Though tempting, singles are advised to limit their interactions with select suitors. Too many choices may lead to confusion, so it is wiser to pick the ones you feel a strong connection with so you will end up with the right match. Couples will have some challenges though for the charisma of the Dog is too high, eliciting the unwanted attention of others. Avoid temptation and spend more time with your partners instead. Wear a Third Party Protection Bracelet to help you deal with extramarital issues. Burning Kama Sutra Incense Sticks each day will promote love and harmony in the relationship.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


You will see significant improvement in all your relationships and you will get along with everyone. With such luck, your daily dealings with coworkers and family will be filled with harmony and positive vibes. Your success luck also improves and your chances of finishing tasks with flying colors are high. To seal the luck, we advise that you wear the Boar Victory Bracelet or the Victorian Om Silver Pendant to increase your wealth luck and for more guidance from the universe. Meditating with a Moonstone Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will help extra assistance in times of stress and difficulties.

Your charisma is high and you will find it easy for you to ask for favors in the workplace. You are brimming with a lot of ideas, do not be afraid to share them with your colleagues and superiors. Be daring and step out of your comfort zone, your bosses will love you for it.

Those in business should use this period to meet new people. Use your charm to win over prospective investors. Your success will heavily depend on your people skills so sharpen your social charm. There is also a possibility of meeting the right person who will shake things up for your organization, when this happens, seize the opportunity. For good Feng Shui, place a Fynchenite Crystal Point / Generator for additional wealth luck.

Singles will be busy entertaining suitors, but limit yourself to just a few who matter. You will not be able to meet your match if you play the field. Enjoy the dating period, but do I responsibly? Couples will have some issues with third-party interferences, so they should do all that they can to preserve the relationship and are advised to spend more time with their partners. Place a pair of Blessed Mandarin Ducks in the north of your home to improve family luck, and burn some Feng Shui Water Incense Sticks around the house to bring in blessings, romance, and good fortune. Near the entrance of your house, place a  Black Tourmaline Orb / Sphere or Pyramid for protection against negative energy and the evil eye.

Empower Yourself with Affirmations and Crystals

Empowerment is something everyone strives for in life. It’s essential to feel confident and capable of achieving your dreams and goals. One way to cultivate this sense of empowerment is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can change the way you think and feel. You can enhance the power of affirmations by pairing them with crystals that align with your intentions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of affirmations and how to use crystals to amplify them for maximum impact.

What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself repeatedly. The idea is that by doing so, you can positively change your mindset and beliefs. For example, if you constantly tell yourself, “I am not good enough,” you’ll begin to believe it. On the other hand, If you say to yourself, “I am confident and capable,” you’ll start to internalize that belief. Affirmations help you reprogram your brain to think positively and help you develop traits like resilience, confidence, and self-love.

What are the benefits of using Crystals for Affirmations?
Crystals have their unique energy and properties that can help amplify your intentions. When you combine crystals with affirmation, you can harness the healing, protective, and empowering qualities of the stones. The synergy of the two can magnify your affirmations and help inspire positive change.

Some Crystals to use with affirmations:
There are countless varieties of crystals to choose from, but some are more useful than others when it comes to empowering affirmations. Here are a few popular choices:
• Citrine
• Clear Quartz
• Amethyst
• Rose Quartz
• Black Tourmaline

How to use crystals with affirmations
Using crystals with affirmations is a simple process, but it requires intention and consistency. Here are a few recommended steps to follow:
• Start by choosing a crystal that aligns with your intention
• Hold the crystal in your hand and clear your mind
• Repeat your affirmation while holding the crystal in your hand
• Carry the crystal with you or keep it close by throughout the day.
• Repeat this process every day until you start to feel the intended impact

Some Powerful Affirmations
Here are a few affirmations to get you started:
• I am worthy of love and respect
• I am confident and capable of achieving my dreams
• My energy is aligned with my intentions
• I trust the journey, even if I don’t know where it’s taking me
• I am grounded, protected, and centered

In conclusion, affirmations are powerful tools to help you empower yourself and change your life for the better. Adding crystals to affirmations can amplify their impact and help you streamline your intentions. By combining affirmations with crystals, you can tap into the energy of the universe, draw on the unique healing qualities of each crystal, and speed up your manifestation. So, start today and see how these simple practices can help you achieve your desired result.

Experience the healing properties of authentic gemstones from The Mala Tree Crystal Shop or order online at for a transformational journey towards spiritual growth and overall well-being.

Crystal Energy Cleansing for a Fresh Start

It’s not uncommon to feel stuck or overwhelmed in life sometimes. Whether you’re going through a tough time personally or professionally, it’s always helpful to have practical tools at your disposal to help you move forward. One such tool is the ancient practice of energy cleansing through the use of crystals. Crystal energy cleansing has been used for centuries to help clear negative energy and provide a fresh start. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of crystal energy cleansing and some easy ways to incorporate it into your life.

Firstly, let’s discuss the benefits of crystal energy cleansing. Crystals are unique gifts from the earth that have been used since ancient times for healing and spiritual purposes. They possess a natural energy that can help us connect with our own inner energy and the energy of the universe. By using crystals in meditation or as part of your daily routine, you can tap into this energy and help clear any blocks or negative energy you may be experiencing. In turn, this can help you feel more centered, grounded, and empowered to move forward in life.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits, let’s explore some easy ways to incorporate crystal energy cleansing into your life. One way is to carry a crystal with you throughout the day. You can choose a crystal based on its properties or simply go with one you’re drawn to. Quartz crystals, for example, are great for overall energy cleansing and amplification, while amethyst is known for its calming properties. Simply tuck the crystal in your pocket or wear it as a piece of jewelry and let its energy work its magic throughout the day.

Another way to incorporate crystal energy cleansing into your life is through a crystal grid. A crystal grid is a specific pattern of crystals placed in an intentional way for a particular purpose. For example, you might create a crystal grid for abundance or healing. To create a crystal grid, simply choose a pattern and place your crystals in the designated spots. Then, set an intention for what you want to manifest and let the crystal energy work its magic.

A third way to incorporate crystal energy cleansing into your life is through meditation. Simply choose a crystal and hold it in your hand while you meditate. Focus on your breath and let the energy of the crystal help you clear any negative energy or blockages. You can even set an intention before your meditation session, such as releasing any fears or doubts, and let the crystal help you achieve it.

In conclusion, crystal energy cleansing is a powerful tool for anyone looking to clear negative energy and start fresh. By tapping into the energy of crystals, we can connect with our own inner energy and the energy of the universe, helping us to feel more centered, grounded, and empowered. Whether you choose to carry a crystal with you, create a crystal grid, or incorporate crystals into your meditation practice, there’s no wrong way to use these beautiful gifts from the earth. So why not give it a try and see how crystal energy cleansing can help you on your journey towards a fresh start?

Looking for gemstones that work? Look no further than The Mala Tree Crystal Shop. Visit us in person or order online at for a wide selection of natural and ethically sourced crystals, each with unique healing properties. From amethyst to rose quartz, our knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect gemstone to enhance your well-being. Don’t wait, shop now and feel the transformative power of crystal energy.

June 2023 Horoscope for the 12 Zodiacs

This month will be all about self-appreciation and letting go of anything that hinders genuine self-love. From breaking negative thought patterns to challenging false beliefs, it’s time to set boundaries and prioritize yourself. Luckily, the full moon in Sagittarius on June 4 will give you a boost to help you in this process.

As the month progresses, Venus will shift into Leo, bringing a renewed focus on your desires and needs in relationships. Mercury’s move into Gemini on June 11 will support you with fresh social energy.

Saturn will begin a retrograde on June 17, reminding you to focus on what is within your control and not stress over what isn’t. The summer solstice on June 21 kicks off Cancer season, a period where you’ll need to prioritize your emotional well-being. Mercury’s presence in Cancer will encourage self-care plans.

Finally, Neptune’s retrograde on June 30 urges us to reflect on intuition, beliefs, and illusions and how they impact our lives. Stay vigilant for potential misunderstandings. Don’t miss out on what June has in store for you – read your specific star sign’s horoscope for the month.

In the month of June, the stars align to deliver profound messages on a spiritual and emotional level. It is a time of introspection and self-discovery, urging us to delve deeper into our souls and connect with our true selves.

As we embark on this journey of self-appreciation, the stars encourage us to let go of anything that hinders our path to genuine self-love. This could involve reevaluating our boundaries, releasing negative thought patterns, and challenging false beliefs that have held us back.

In summary, the month of June holds immense spiritual and emotional significance. It beckons us to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, release limiting beliefs, and embrace our authenticity. Through introspection, self-care, and a willingness to surrender to the cosmic flow, we can unlock inner wisdom, connect with our true essence, and navigate our lives with grace and purpose.

June 2023 Feng Shui Forecast


In the month of June, as the fifth lunar month of 2023 unfolds, a powerful energy of renewal and revitalization fills the air. This month presents an opportunity to shake off the stale remnants of the past and begin anew.

For some of the animal signs, this month is especially significant, as it provides a chance to recover the losses that they may have encountered in the previous months. This is a time of bouncing back, of regaining one’s footing after a tumultuous period.

But it is not just a time of recovery. It is also a time of change, of transformation, as we approach the midpoint of the year. The goals and targets that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year need to be revisited, reevaluated, and adjusted so that we may manifest our dreams and desires.

This requires a deep and profound level of introspection, a willingness to delve into the hidden corners of our souls and identify what needs to be released and what needs to be embraced. It requires an openness to the unknown, and a willingness to explore new horizons and forge new paths.

So, embrace the mysteries of June, dear reader. Allow yourself to be swept up in the currents of change and renewal. For in this month, great things can be achieved, and new beginnings can be born.

It’s time to celebrate positive transformation this June! Harness the powerful energy of gemstones and mala meditation. Let’s make this month one for the books!

Discover what’s in store for your Feng Shui animal sign with our detailed forecast below:


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


June looks promising for the rat-born due to the presence of auspicious energies. Opportunities abound and there will be tons of prospects for wealth-building. The choices are endless and you may exhaust yourself, so we advise you to assess the most viable ones and select these. To help you make a sound decision, meditate using the Blue Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Do not bite more than you can chew and focus on the ones you think you will enjoy doing most.

In the workplace, you will have some opportunities to showcase your skills and managerial prowess. Do not hold back for this could be your ticket to the promotion you have been eyeing for the longest time. However, we advise that you also take care of your health and manage stress well for your well-being may suffer. Businessmen should keep their eyes on the prize and seize the luck they have this month by laying their plans for expansion and development.

This their gift of gab and charms, single Rats will not have difficulties meeting new suitors and admirers. At home, couples will enjoy a period of bliss and romance. Cleanse your bedroom and living rooms with Lily Incense Sticks to promote love and harmonious energies.

We recommend wearing a Dalmatian Stone Bracelet or displaying a piece of Citrine and Amethyst  Gem Tree on Quartz on your work desk at all times. This will help you double your luck and bring more wealth and energy as you build your security nest for the future. Additionally, we suggest wearing the Big Om Silver Pendant to improve communication and help you soothe your body, and to protect you from external stressors.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


You will have your share of ups and downs this month. You will enjoy monetary gains; however, you too will have to endure some losses and the chances of betrayals and backstabbing will be twice as high. We suggest wearing a Betrayal and Backstabbing Protection Bracelet to shield you from people with ill wishes and intentions. It is also good to meditate using a Black Tourmaline Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace, the protective energy of this stone is believed to be the most powerful one. Do not invest, avoid partnerships and collaborations, and try to be conservative with your expenses. Try to lay low and limit your exposure to new people.

In the workplace, stress will kick in for you will have the unwanted attention of your colleagues and superiors. Do not engage in gossip and do not share personal information and concerns with officemates, they may use this information against you. Be careful and avoid the spotlight, you do not need the attention this month. Cleanse your work areas and desks and get rid of bad vibrations by displaying a Selenite Tower. Businesspersons should pay more attention to their records and books and are advised to step away from possible collaborations and new ventures. Be more hands-on and always double-check your cash flow. There is a possibility of theft and betrayal within the organization, so do not let your guard down and trust no one. Place a Lapis Lazuli Plate / Slab near your desk to prevent dishonest people from lying to you and help you clear your mind especially when you review your books.

Singles must avoid meeting new people for there is a risk of being taken advantage of. If you have been going out with some for some time now, take your time and do not take the relationship to the next level yet. This is not a good time. Couples will have better times though as they will find comfort in their partners.

The threat of robbery and loss is high, keep your valuables safe and make sure to secure your property at all times. Do not leave your homes at night and avoid staying late. Do not travel alone, the risk is too high. To assist you during difficult times, wear the Ganesh Square Pendant. This powerful image will remove all obstacles and will serve as a potent protection amulet.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


The risk of loss, violence, and betrayal is twice as high this month. You also run the risk of being misunderstood this month, so you are advised to be more diplomatic and calmer when you deal with others. Cash flow will be greatly affected so you should watch where your money goes and avoid investments.  Always wear the Violence and Burglary Protection Bracelet at all times and mediate using the Black Obsidian Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace while you chant the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra to invoke the guidance and protection of the Divine Lotus / Mother of Mercy.

Unless you have to, avoid gout out at night and always secure your homes, offices, and vehicles. The risk of violence and burglary is high so be more careful. Switch up your routine so your movements will not be predictable. Someone may be keeping an eye on your movement, so be more diligent. Hang the Ojo de Dios of Protection on your main door to keep bad energies and evil spirits at bay.

In the workplace, a lot of jealous coworkers will cast evil on you, so be more careful and do not engage in office politics and gossip. Trust no one – this includes your friends and those who seem to be on your side. Walk away from disagreements for you will not win any arguments this month. Finish your tasks alone and avoid the spotlight. Businesspersons must be vigilant and always watch their funds. Scam artists will be out there to get you so be more careful and do not open doors to possible tie-ups, collaborations, and expansion. Once you see signs of irregularities, act on them swiftly and address them with tact and firm resolve. A Howlite Plate / Slab displayed on your work desk will promote peaceful and harmonious vibrations in the office.

At home, someone outside your family may try to shake things up so be prepared. The peace and harmony inside the home may be at risk too so learn to exercise patience and know when to walk away from heated situations. Singles are advised not to meet new suitors and will be better off alone this month. Couples need to be more patient with each other for there will be heated arguments left and right. Keep things light. Ladies are encouraged to wear the Victorian Om Pendant to help bring love and harmony into the relationship.


Luck Rating:  2 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Your health will spiral down this month for the risk of illness is twice as much this June, your energy levels will be down and you will be susceptible to falling sick, accidents, and injuries. Do not push yourself to the limit and get some rest whenever you can. As soon as you see signs of ailments, visit your doctor and act on it quickly. The elderly should be more careful and wand are advised to watch their diets. We strongly recommend that you wear a Health Protection Bracelet and carry a Clear Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace for good health and protection against stressful energies. The Tibetan 9-Eye Dzi Silver Pendant can also be worn for protection and long life.

In the workplace, manage your time wisely and goals should be set realistically. Your mind, body, and spirit will not be at their peak so you must learn how to pace yourself at work. Those who are in competitive industries must balance their time well for the probability of falling sick is too high and the consequences of overworking may not be worth the risk. Businessmen should stick to what they know and are advised to avoid risky partnerships and investments. Place an Amethyst Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk to assist you during stressful times.

In the love department, couples will have a blissful month filled with love and romance. Singles will have a lot of suitors but are advised to think about things deeply before they enter a relationship. To enhance your love luck, burn Raj Incense Sticks regularly.


Luck Rating:  1 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Your month will be riddled with arguments and heated discussions. If unmanaged, these may turn into lawsuits or violence. As much as possible keep your calm for you will be a temper magnet. From random strangers to old acquaintances, you should practice patience and diplomacy and must learn to walk away as soon as squabbles arise. To help you manage stress and anger, meditate using the Red Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace or wear the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet.

In the workplace, you will encounter hostile situations and colleagues will continue to challenge your ideas and outputs. If you are at fault, learn to ask for forgiveness and try to work on your shortcomings, things will eventually turn around. Superiors must practice tact and are advised to be more understanding of their team members. To help you communicate your sentiments and ideas better, place a Sodalite Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your work desk. You will be able to sail through the rough waters of June if you practice humility and kindness. Send out positivity into the world and you shall receive it as well.

Businessmen should focus on their new ventures and are to focus quietly on their daily operations. They must avoid getting the attention of others and are encouraged to send their best teams to perform tasks for them instead of meeting clients and suppliers personally. Avoid the spotlight. If you encounter complaints, always be tactful and settle things with a calm demeanor. To avoid a lot of disputes from clients and suppliers, place Aquamarine on your desk or by the reception area of your business.

Couples must be more patient with each other. Be more understanding of your partners and always make them your priority. Singles are discouraged from meeting new faces for dating will not lead to promising results this month. Get rid of negative energies by regularly cleansing your homes with Palo Santo Incense Sticks each morning.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


Misunderstandings, which can lead to lawsuits and jail time, and threats against your safety should be taken seriously this month. Your sign has a very strong quarrelsome energy and you must do all that you can to pacify aggressive situations. Minimize your interactions both with familiar faces and strangers for even simple quarrels can lead to major disputes. Wear and meditate often with an Aquamarine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Avoid lawsuits and issues with the law by wearing a Lapis Lazuli Bracelet.

Maintain your cool and always watch your back in the workplace. Double-check your outputs and always play safe when dealing with colleagues. Be diplomatic and tactful. You can dodge the bullets of aggression if you play your cards right- maintain minimal distance from coworkers, and focus on your tasks instead. A Red Jasper Plate / Slab displayed on your desk will keep the aggression at bay. Businesspersons should learn to delegate tasks and allow their staff to lead this month. Avoid unwanted attention and manage your business away from the spotlight. This is also a good time to study your books and update your records, and files to avoid possible fines from authorities. A member of your organization may challenge you, but it would be wise for you to settle instead of bringing things to court – you have a slim chance of winning arguments this June. Get rid of negative vibrations wherever you go by carrying and wearing the Hanuman Silver Pendant.

Singles who want to go out on dates and meet new people will be disappointed for the love luck of the Snake is not so promising this month. Couples must learn to keep their cool and must be more patient with each other. As soon as tempers rise, walk away and say absolutely nothing. Failure to do so may cost you your relationship. Cleanse your dwelling and activate good chi by cleaning your homes using Yin Yang Incense Sticks every morning and at night.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Good luck continues to pour down your sign’s house this June for you will enjoy a great deal of financial stability from your savings and investments and success luck also looks promising. These, however, will not land on your lap like manna from heaven. Luck only comes to those who work for it. Use the auspicious energies you have and make sound investments and profitable schemes which can further add to the stability of your safety net. Luck and success also attract envious eyes, so be more vigilant and try to remain humble. Wear the Green Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to help you score more opportunities. Avoid the evil eye and gossip from people with ill intentions by wearing the Bad Reputation and Gossip Protection Bracelet.

In the workplace, you will be seen as an indispensable asset and your hard work will be recognized in the firm with a promotion or bonus. There is also the possibility of lucrative offers from other companies, but we advise you to assess this deeply and study your options very carefully. To help you maintain a sound mind and body, place the Mixed Gemstones Money Tree in your office. Businesspersons are encouraged to be bolder so they can expand their reach. The higher the risks, the greater the rewards. To help you be more creative and innovative, place the Carnelian Palm Stone on your work desk.

This month, you are also advised to focus on your family life and your partner. Romantic getaways and more family time will further cement the relationship. Singles who want to be in relationships are in for a treat. To secure a good match, always carry and wear the Mystic Knot Silver Pendant.


Luck Rating:  4 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


This June, your sign will be blessed with immense opportunities. Brace yourself for some changes, it will take some time for you to adjust, but once you do, you will be able to appreciate the positive energy that has fallen on you. Meditate with a Tourmalinated Quartz Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace to help clear away blockages while at the same time promoting protective energies wherever you may be. Bring more abundant energy by wearing a Citrine Bracelet.

The shift will also affect the workplace. There is a possibility of an inter-department shuffle, a promotion, or a reassignment. Embrace the situation for it will bring you more opportunities and financial rewards. Those who are in business must step up and bring their ideas to the table for possible product development, expansion, and collaborations. Competition will be fierce, but trust your instincts and you will see your business grow exponentially. To assist you with this transformation and to help you cope with such a fast pace, wear a Smoky Quartz Bracelet.

As you try to navigate the ever-changing demands of your work or business, your personal life may suffer. Find the perfect balance so you can juggle your time at work and home. Singles are not advised to entertain suitors for they will have a hard time dealing with all the adjustments they need to face. Combat negativity and bring in more positive energies by wearing the Double Dorje Silver Pendant. Clear your spaces with Pine Incense Sticks each morning.


Luck Rating:  5 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


You will have to deal with some changes in your life this month, such transformation may cause you some doubts but trust that these will help you move forward. This month, anything you do will yield good results, so use this time wisely to grow your net worth. The auspicious energies of June will allow you to do more so you can expand your horizon, but this is only possible if you are willing to go with the flow. A Fancy Jasper Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace will help promote protective energies when used as a meditation tool. Bring more health and abundant energy by wearing a Malachite Bracelet.

Some major decisions will have to be made in the workplace. This may include the acceptance of a promotion or a resignation so you can build your career elsewhere. Asses the offers first before you take the plunge. If you plan to start your own business, do so knowing that luck is on your side. To help you maintain a sound mind and body and to assist you with decision-making, place the Clear Quartz Money Tree in your office. Businesspersons are advised to be more adventurous for this is a promising time for expansion, partnerships, and collaborations. Wear your most compatible charm- the Hanuman Silver Pendant to help you grow your assets.

Singles may find their perfect match. Those who plan to take their relationship further may do so for this is a good time to propose. Clear spaces and dwellings using the Feng Shui Earth Incense during this period of abundance.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


This month, an unseen hand will guide you to make sound decisions. New opportunities will knock at your doorstep, if you feel the timing is right, seize the moment. The challenges and roadblocks you encountered last month will slowly dissolve, enabling you to focus more on your tasks and responsibilities. Wear and meditate often with a Gold Tiger’s Eye Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. Avoid stress and other health issues by wearing the Seven Chakra Bracelet.

In the workplace, your superiors may give you extra responsibilities, but look at these tasks as opportunities. You will be in for a treat upon their completion. Your initiative and dedication can land you your dream position, so exert more effort. To help you maintain a sound mind and body, place a Selenite Wand / Generator in your office.

In business, do not fear competition and embrace new ideas so you can take your enterprise to new heights. Be more hands-on and learn to acknowledge your staff when they show exceptional work. To help you be more daring and ground-breaking with your ideas, place several pieces of Aquamarine Tumbled Stones on your work desk, entrances, and cash registers.

In love, couples will have a great month and are advised to take trips and vacations to further cement their relationships. Singles who want to be in relationships need not wait any longer. If you have been eyeing someone in the past few months, take the first move. There is nothing to lose. Burn Om Incense Sticks each night to drive away stale energies in your homes.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


Due to the presence of unlucky energies, you are advised not to do anything drastic this month. Anything you do or say may bring bad outcomes. Your energy levels will also drop, so it would be wise for you to lay low and allow this month to pass before you make big decisions. Always wear the People with Bad Intentions Protection Bracelet at all times and mediate using the Sakura Agate Handmade Brass Piyao 108 Japa Mala Necklace to invoke the guidance and assistance of the Kwan Yin – the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

In the workplace, you will encounter several obstacles. Try to focus on your tasks and tackle each day with positivity no matter how difficult the situation may be. In business, things will be running smoothly as well. This is not a good time to plan for expansion or consider partnerships. Set your eyes on increasing your production than investing your wealth in advertising and new purchases. When things do not go according to plan, be objective and maintain your composure. Wear the Ganesh Silver Pendant to crush all obstacles and negativity during this trying period.

At home, you will find yourself more irritable and you will have difficulties managing your temper. Arguments will transpire, so as soon as disagreements surface, excuse yourself and do not engage with others. Place a Clear Quartz Crystal Point / Generator / Wand to dispel aggressive energies. Singles will have no luck finding their match this month. Burn California White Sage Incense Sticks every morning and night to drive away negative energies.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


For you to sail through June, you need to set your goals straight and realistically and act on them at a reasonable pace. You have average luck this month, so you need to balance your cash flow well for you to be afloat. A positive mindset will also help you get through difficult times. To help you boost your luck, meditate using an Orange Aventurine Classic 108 Japa Mala Necklace. 

In the workplace, there will be some obstacles.  Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. Though they will not show you their support, your colleagues will not point their fingers at your mistakes, so keep things light and know that while there will be room for errors, there is also room for improvement. To help you gain support and assistance at work, wear a Labradorite Bracelet. In business, do not act immediately on matters that concern sales, your staff, and suppliers. Assess each situation and do not trust your instinct. To sharpen your instincts, a Citrine Crystal Point / Generator / Wand on your desk will be beneficial. Remember that this is a month of introspection and assessment. To help you make sound decisions, place an Amazonite Slab / Plate in your office.

Couples will have some challenges at home for there will be quarrels left and right. Your mood will be unpredictable and your temper will flare off the charts. Do not try to engage your family members in debates for the result may be catastrophic. Singles will have no luck finding love. To help you combat stress and promote love and harmony at home, burn Kama Sutra Incense Sticks each night for 30 days.

Balancing Your Chakras for Harmony

The ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda talks about seven chakras which are energy centers in our body that help regulate our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. These chakras represent different aspects of our life that need to be balanced for us to be in harmony with our surroundings. In this blog, we will discuss some simple yet effective ways to balance your chakras and create harmony within.

Root Chakra – The root chakra located at the base of your spine, is associated with a sense of safety and groundedness. To balance this chakra, you can practice grounding exercises like walking barefoot on the grass, spending time in nature, or doing a grounding meditation with visualization techniques.

Sacral Chakra- This chakra located below your belly button is associated with creativity and sexuality. To balance this chakra, you can engage in creative activities like painting, dancing, or cooking, or practice expressions of sensuality like embracing your sexuality or indulging in more physical forms of touch.

Solar Plexus Chakra- This chakra located above your navel is associated with self-esteem and personal power. To balance this chakra, you can practice breathing exercises, and visualization techniques, or engage in activities that boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Heart Chakra- This chakra located at the center of your chest is associated with love and compassion. To balance this chakra, you can practice acts of kindness, practice mindfulness, or engage in activities that fill your heart with joy like volunteering or spending time with loved ones.

Throat Chakra- This chakra located at the base of your throat is associated with communication and expression. To balance this chakra, you can practice singing, chanting, writing, or expressing yourself more freely in conversations with others.

Third Eye Chakra- This chakra located in the center of your forehead is associated with intuition and insight. To balance this chakra, you can practice meditation, and visualization techniques, or engage in activities that help you tap into your inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra – This chakra located at the top of your head is associated with enlightenment. To balance this chakra, you can practice prayer, engage in spiritual practices like yoga or meditation, or spend more time in nature to connect with the source of creation.

Balancing your chakras can have a profound effect on your overall well-being. By taking simple steps such as practicing meditation, participating in gentler-on-the-body physical activities such as walking, and engaging in activities that make your heart happy, you can find balance and harmony in your life. Remember that these are just a few of the many ways to balance your chakras, so explore and discover what works for you. It is time to find your harmony and move towards a healthier future.

Looking for gemstones that work? Look no further than The Mala Tree Crystal Shop. Our collection of gemstones are carefully selected for their healing and energy properties. Whether you’re looking for balance, protection, or manifestation, we have a gemstone for you. Visit us in-store or order online at Start your journey to better physical, emotional, and spiritual health today.