12 Feng Shui Practices Guaranteed To Help You Get Promoted

Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in the same position at work for far too long? Are you eager to move up the corporate ladder? If you’re looking for a little bit of extra help to achieve your goals, then you may want to consider incorporating some Feng Shui practices into your daily routine.

Feng Shui is all about creating harmony and balance in your environment, and this can lead to greater success in all areas of your life – including your career.

Here are 10 Feng Shui practices that can help you get promoted at work:

1. Keep your workspace clean and clutter-free.

A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind. If you want to be seen as a go-getter at work, then it’s important to keep your workspace clean and organized. This sends the message that you’re efficient and capable of handling additional responsibility.

2. Make sure your desk is facing the right direction.

The position of your desk can have a big impact on your career success. For optimal Feng Shui, your desk should be facing the door so that you can see who’s coming and going. This will help you stay alert and aware of opportunities that may come your way.

3. Incorporate the gemstones of prosperity into your workspace.

Feng Shui principles suggest using the gemstones of wealth and prosperity in your workspace to attract success. This includes wearing Garnet, Aventurine, Citrine, Birth Element Piyao Bracelet, and your animal sign’s Victory Gemstone Bracelets.

4. Bring nature into your workspace.

Another way to incorporate the colors of prosperity into your workspace is to bring nature inside. This can be done by adding a few plants or placing a bowl of fruit on your desk. Not only will this add a touch of color, but it will also help purify the air and create more positive energy in your space.

5. Get rid of any negative energy in your workspace.

If you want to create positive and successful energy in your workspace, then it’s important to get rid of any negative energy that may be present. This includes anything that brings you down or makes you feel stressed. If you have any items like this in your space, get rid of them or store them out of sight.

6. Enhance the career area of your home.

Traditionally, it’s in the northwest, but please refer to the annual and monthly Fly Star Feng Shui chart to identify your career area. To enhance this area, you can add a water element like a fountain or an aquarium. You can also incorporate the colors purple and blue, as well as the metal element.

7. Add a “success” symbol to your workspace and office attire.

A popular Feng Shui practice is to add “success” symbols to your workspace. This can be something like a Money Tree or Om symbol or a crystal wand or generator. The idea is that this will represent the heights you’re looking to reach in your career. Wearing a Laughing Buddha silver pendant, Piyao bracelet, and Dzi bracelets will surely boost your chances of getting promoted.

8. Get a wealth-enhancing mala necklace, use it for meditation, and chant a success mantra.

One of the most powerful feng shui practices for career success is to wear a wealth-enhancing mala necklace and chant a success mantra.

There are many different mantras that you can use for this practice, but one of the most popular is: “Om mani Padme hum.” This mantra translates to “hail the jewel in the lotus,” and, when it comes to prosperity, it’s said to be very powerful.

9. Take advantage of the “Feng Shui” days.

Certain days of the week and month are considered to be more auspicious for Feng Shui. These are typically days that are associated with positive energies like prosperity and success. If you have an important meeting or presentation, try to schedule it on one of these days. The Mala Tree‘s Abundance Planner has this information as it lists down the auspicious and inauspicious activities and luck boosters for each of the 365 days of the year.

10. Make sure your name is visible.

If you want to make sure that you’re being seen and heard at work, then it’s important to have your name visible in your office space. This can be done by adding your nameplate to your desk or hanging a sign on the door.

11. Wear the right colors.

The colors you wear can also have an impact on your career success. When choosing what to wear to work, consider colors that represent prosperity and success, such as red, yellow, and green. It is best though to refer to the suggested lucky colors of the year based on your Feng Shui animal sign.

12. Follow the Feng Shui principles of space clearing.

Last but not least, one of the best things you can do for your career is to follow the Feng Shui principles of space clearing. This involves getting rid of any clutter or negative energy in your workspace. When your space is clean and organized, it will help you feel more focused and motivated to achieve your goals.

Following these Feng Shui practices can help you create more positive and successful energy in your workspace. By making a few simple changes, you can attract the success you’re looking for.

Maximize Your Money Flow with Feng Shui Programmed Gemstone Money Trees

Optimize your money flow and create abundance in your life with Feng Shui programmed gemstone money trees. By using the power of intention and natural gemstones, these trees work to attract money, success, and prosperity. Here’s how they work.

How Feng Shui Programmed Gemstone Trees Work

Feng Shui programmed gemstone money trees are made with a variety of different gemstones that are known to represent different aspects of wealth and abundance. The most common gemstones used in these trees are citrine, rose quartz, carnelian, clear quartz, and amethyst. 

Each gemstone has its own unique vibration and frequency that interacts with the energies around it. When these gemstones are placed in specific spaces, their frequencies activate to create a powerful money-attracting energy field.

The idea behind Feng Shui programmed gemstone trees is that they will help you to attract more wealth, success, and abundance into your life. These trees are placed in strategic positions in your home or office, where they can help to create a powerful money-attracting energy field.

Very Important: It Must Be Feng Shui Programmed & The Root Energy is Positive

It’s important to choose a tree that has been specifically designed for Feng Shui purposes (you can find these at The Mala Tree). In addition, be sure to choose a tree that resonates with you energetically; after all, this is an investment in your wealth and abundance! Be sure to choose a quality tree from a reputable source, and enjoy witnessing your money grow!

Of course, not all gemstone trees are created equal. The root energy of your money tree is important. Root Energy refers to the energy you will inherit from your gemstone source. It affects the efficacy of gemstones, especially those which you intend to use for wealth. At The Mala Tree Crystal Shop, having more than 10 strong years under our belt as an industry leader, we ensure that each of our gemstones is programmed with only the most potent, positive energy. A quality tree will have a positive Root Energy, which will amplify the wealth-attracting properties of the gemstones.

Making Money Trees Work For You

When you purchase a Feng Shui gemstone money tree, you will need to activate it with your intention. First, decide what you would like to manifest—more money, success in your career, or more customers for your business, for example. Once you have decided what you would like to create more of in your life, hold the tree in your hands and state your intention out loud. For example, “I intend for this tree to attract more money into my life.” Be specific about what you would like to manifest and feel confident in your statement. You can also write down your intention on a piece of paper and place it under the tree.

Next, choose the appropriate stone for your intention. There are many different stones that correspond with different energies. For example, if you wish to attract more money, you may choose to use citrine. If you are looking to create more success in your career, carnelian is a good choice for you. Select the stones that resonate with you and place them on or around the tree. You can also wear these stones as jewelry or carry them with you throughout the day to help amplify your energy.

The final step is to care for your tree. Place it in an area of your home or office that corresponds with your intention. For example, if you are looking to attract more wealth into your life, place it in the prosperity corner of your home. With proper care, your Feng Shui programmed gemstone money tree will bring prosperity and abundance into your life for years to come!

How to Use Feng Shui Programmed Gemstone Trees in Your Home or Office 

To use a Feng Shui Programmed money tree in your home or office, simply place it in an area that represents one of the eight areas of life: Wealth, Career, Love & Relationship, Family & Health, Fame & Reputation, Creativity & Children, Knowing & Wisdom, or Helpful People & Travel. 

For example, if you want to attract more wealth into your life, you would place your tree in your Wealth area. If you’re looking for a new job or promotion, you would place your tree in your Career area. 

You can also use more than one tree in each area if you feel it would be beneficial. For example, if you have a large family and want to protect their health as well as increase the overall wealth of the family unit, you could place two Clear Quartz trees in your Family & Health area. 

No matter how many trees you decide to use or where you place them, make sure they are placed in an area where they won’t be disturbed so they can do their work effectively. 

A multi-gemstone money tree being cleansed using a crystal singing bowl.

The most important thing to remember when using Feng Shui programmed gemstone money trees is that they are tools to help you achieve your financial goals but in order to see the best results, be sure to use your money tree in conjunction with other wealth-attracting Feng Shui techniques, such as meditating with a wealth-enhancing Mala like aventurine and pyrite, wearing a Piyao or Pixiu bracelet for your personal Feng Shui, wearing your animal sign’s Victory Bracelet, and exhibiting positive money mindset habits.

Feng Shui Programmed Gemstone Trees are powerful tools that can help manifest your intentions into reality. By following these simple steps, you can harness the power of natural gemstones and create abundance in all areas of your life!

8 Crystals for Cats for Stress, Anxiety, Sadness, and More

Cats are prone to stress and anxiety, but the good news is that several crystals can help ease these symptoms. Below are eight of the best crystals for cats:

Kimochi - One of The Mala Tree's Beloved Cats
Kimochi – One of The Mala Tree’s favorite cats.
  1. Amethyst is a purple crystal that is known for its calming properties. It can help to soothe the nerves and reduce stress levels. It will help your cat to feel more relaxed and can even be used to help with insomnia.
  2. Quartz is a clear crystal that is known for its ability to amplify energy. It can help to increase the flow of positive energy and reduce negative energy. It will help your cat to feel more balanced and can even be used to help with healing.
  3. Tourmaline is a black crystal that is known for its ability to ground and protect. It can help to shield against negative energy and provide a sense of stability. It will help your cat to feel more secure and can even be used to help with fearfulness.
  4. Obsidian is a black crystal that is known for its ability to absorb negative energy. It can help to protect against negative influences and provide a sense of security. It will help your cat to feel more protected and can even be used to help with grief.
  5. Smokey Quartz is a brown crystal that is known for its ability to transmute negative energy. It can help to Transform negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones. It will help your cat to feel more positive and can even be used to help with depression.
  6. Tiger’s Eye is a brown and yellow crystal that is known for its ability to promote courage and confidence. It can help to give you the strength to face your fears and overcome challenges. It will help your cat to feel more confident and can even be used to help with shyness.
  7. Citrine is a yellow crystal that is commonly associated with happiness, vitality, and joy. It can help to bring joy and positivity into your life. It will help your cat to feel more content and can even be used to help with anxiety.
  8. Rose Quartz is a pink crystal that is known for its ability to promote love and compassion. It can help to open your heart to love and nurture your relationships. It will help your cat to feel more loved and can even be used to help with jealousy.

When choosing crystals for your cat, it is important to consider the specific needs of your pet. Some crystals may be more beneficial for certain issues than others. It is also important to cleanse and charge the crystals regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

Gandy, The Cat
Gandy The Cat is the resident cat in our mala-making headquarters outside Manila.

Story Time: Feng Shui and the Birth of The Mala Tree

We used to be employees who put in years of hard work. At the end of every year, we’d assess our wins and losses and it felt like nothing has changed. We were both holding managerial positions in very reputable companies. The pay was good, but we always end up in the same spot – feeling lost and unfulfilled.

One day, we were introduced to Feng Shui. It was like a lightbulb went off in our heads! We realized that we had been neglecting our personal spaces and that was why we felt stuck. We decided to take action and make changes in our lives.

We started by decluttering our homes and office space. We let go of things that were no longer serving us and made room for new opportunities. We also began incorporating Feng Shui principles into our daily lives: Every aspect of our lives – from our relationships to our careers, to our health – started improving. We felt like we were finally on the right track!

Eventually, we quit our jobs and opened up a communications business. Hell-bent on improving our lives more, we followed the Feng Shui recommendations. We explored Feng Shui further and discovered its relationship to other disciplines like meditation, spirituality, yoga, crystals, chakras, etc. Before Feng Shui, I was already into Kirtan Music, the yoga of sound, and had used crystal bracelets but I never realized how powerful they are in conjunction with Feng Shui. We took Feng Shui to the next level by exploring meditation and mantra chanting.

It was like magic. Clients came flooding in, we made more money than we ever had before and we were finally able to live our dream life.

A few years later, we decided to take our passion for Feng Shui one step further by opening up a Mala Tree Crystal Shop. We wanted to help others improve their lives the way Feng Shui had helped us. This was a huge step for us, but we knew it was the right thing to do. Fast-forward to 2022 and The Mala Tree Crystal shop is now an industry leader, with a global presence and a team of experts who are passionate about helping people create the life of their dreams.

The majority of the methods we used in harnessing the energy of wealth and abundance have been listed in The Mala Tree’s BESTSELLING Abundance Planner. All the important habits, rituals, mantras, and other important tips on good Feng Shui are there.

The Mala Tree started out when we shared the message of Feng Shui and meditation with friends and family and eventually to the world. After more than a decade, of huge social media likes and follows, The Mala Tree stands stronger than ever, with its message of hope and change.

Today, The Mala Tree is not only a crystal shop but also a one-stop shop for all things related to meditation, Feng Shui, numerology, spirituality, and more. We have evolved into something much bigger than we could have ever imagined and it is all thanks to Feng Shui.

The Mala Tree is a business that was built and strengthened with the help of Feng Shui. After more than a decade, The Mala Tree is still here, spreading the message of positivity and helping people achieve their dreams and goals. That’s why everything we know about Feng Shui, we want to share it with you through our products, services, and blog. We want to help you create your own abundance story. Visit us at www.themalatree.com today and let us help you achieve your goals.