December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast


The December 2022 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast is here and the recommended Gemstones for healing and auspicious activations to do. Remember that when incorporating gemstones into your Feng Shui routine, Root Energy is key. Root Energy comes from the source of your gemstone and determines how powerful the stone will be. You want to make sure that this energy is positive to get the most out of your gemstone’s abilities.

An Assurance of Positive Root Energy

At The Mala Tree Crystal Shop, we pride ourselves on our more than 10 years of experience in the industry. We make sure to imbue each of our gemstones with only positive energy so you can succeed and achieve abundance!



The monthly forecast for December are encouraging because it is a good time for financial luck, fame, and success, but be careful this month as we see obstacles, injuries, and illness in the overall chart. The male middle child or middle-aged men are especially afflicted by this.

There is also a tendency for money loss, so it is important to be mindful of your financial investments this month. Businesses can experience setbacks, and those who are looking for new jobs should take extra caution. Conflicts and disputes can also arise, so it is important to be mindful of how we communicate. Separations and relationship troubles are very likely. Gossips, legal issues, and injuries are also likely to appear especially to the oldest son in the family, so it is important to be careful in the decisions we make.

Our general advice to male firstborn and middle children and middle-aged men is to travel away from home as much as possible this month.

Women in managerial positions will be lucky this month. December 2022 is also encouraging for intelligence and talent. If these two will be properly utilized, there will be quick monetary gains. 

Keep your health crystals close though as we see illness in the overall chart. When it comes to mental health, you should focus on this come December 2022 as depression, stress, and weak health are seen on the chart. Children, the elderly, and pregnant women should pay extra attention to their health. Fire-type diseases like those involving the heart, the blood, the head, and the eyes are prone to this month’s forecast. 

This month, it is advised not to give in to our impulsiveness. One should be careful of whom one associates with in order to protect themselves from any malicious energy. 

Overall, December 2022 is an auspicious month for increased wealth luck. Take this period as an opportunity to manifest your wishes and dreams. Be patient, trust the process and make use of the lucky stars that are at play by using healing crystals and gemstones that we recommend in the monthly forecast for the 12 animal signs. Good luck! 

Here is a look at how the month of December will impact each of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs:


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,2020)


In the last lunar month of 2022, you will feel overworked and stressed. We suggest you open the communication lines and discuss your feelings with your significant other and other family members. This way, they can understand what you are going through. You need to focus on your mental health this month and talking about it openly will greatly benefit you. As soon as you start feeling low, walk away from your desk and do other activities that bring you joy. 


It is important to take care of yourself this December and do something that you really enjoy. Think about the things that make you feel happy, relaxed, and fulfilled. Make sure to include them in your schedule throughout the day. December should be a time for reflection and self-improvement so don’t forget to take care of your mental health.


We recommend wearing an Amethyst or Brow Chakra Hamsa Bracelet this month. Keeping a piece of Aquamarine on you at all times will also be beneficial. This will help you stay grounded and connected with the energies around you. Additionally, we suggest placing an Apatite slab on your desk to improve communication. This will help you vent your feelings in a healthy way.

Your December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends lighting a Blessed Om Incense every day for attaining serenity during the month. Try decorating your home with an Ojo de Dios of Good Health so that it will be filled with positive energy. For a deeper connection to the divine, clear your spaces with a Hand-hammered 7 Metals Singing Bowl . Its calming sound can bring you inner peace and harmony.

For good Feng Shui, keep your bedroom clean and tidy – this is where you should rest after a long day. Place a Selenite Plate / Slab and an Amethyst Tree of Life Pendulum on your bedside table. Keep it close to you while you sleep. This will help in calming your mind and give you a good night’s sleep. Additionally, try using some relaxing scented candles around the house to create a peaceful atmosphere.

Wear shades of blue and purple throughout the month as they are associated with good fortune and positive energy. Try carrying a Big Om Silver Pendant with you at all times so that it can bring strength and courage when faced with obstacles.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)


You will be busy juggling tasks this month, but this will be due to the many opportunities that will come your way. In the workplace, you need to up the ante for you to score that promotion you have always wanted. Your finances will remain solid and steady. Single ones may meet interesting people, we recommend you spend more time to know the person you are dating, and if you feel it is right, do not hesitate. 


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends that you do not let your opportunities slip away. Take advantage of the chances you get. Make sure to finish all your tasks or projects before December ends, so that you can enjoy the holidays with your loved ones. It is also important to maintain a good relationship with your coworkers and superiors in order to secure a promotion.


We suggest you wear an Auralite 23 Bracelet with you at all times to boost confidence. Meditate using Howlite & Clear Quartz Guru Bespangled 108 Mala, or Labradorite Wrist Mala to assist you with your work and for protection against negative energies. Place an Amethyst cluster in the center of your office desk to keep up motivation and increase productivity. To further boost your luck, hang an Ojo de Dios of Good Health in the center of the room. This will help you stay energized and focused and achieve your goals.

Also, place a Selenite Generator inside your work area to keep negative energies at bay. Wear some Lapis Lazuli Jewelry to keep away any negative energy and for protection. Keep a piece of Green Aventurine Plate / Slab on your work table to amplify the energy of success. Ring a Brass Tibetan Dorje Bell and light some Yin Yang Incense around your house or office to promote balance and increase luck.

For good Feng Shui, it is recommended to surround yourself with positive energy. Keep all negative thoughts and emotions at bay. Tumbled stones near your office desk or bedside table will help you stay focused and productive. A Clear Quartz Money Tree should also be placed in the hallway or entrance of your home to keep negative energy away. Remember December 2022 is a great month for new beginnings so make sure to take advantage of it!

Wearing the colors green, yellow, and brown throughout the month will attract growth and luck, so wearing them can help you manifest a prosperous December. Additionally, try wearing a 9-Eye Dzi Silver Pendant to maximize luck and personal power. With these December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast tips and solutions, you will be able to bring balance, harmony, and prosperity into your life.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)


Your charisma is up to the roof this mont. It will help you land projects and other offers from reputable organizations. This month, it is important that you expand your social network. This will be your key to an abundant supply of clients and profit from new sources. Your finances will be great and there is a possibility of a salary increase. Close relatives may come to you for financial assistance (in any form), but be careful because the money you lend may not find its way back to you. Love luck is high and those who are seeing others regularly may finally make their relationships official.  


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast encourages tigers to make sure their finances are in check and that they can trust the people around them. Investigate before you lend money out. Do not overspend your budget, or else you will find yourself in financial trouble. Socializing with influential people may open up new opportunities for you, but make sure that you do not overextend yourself.


We suggest wearing the Iolite Bracelet to boost your luck and improve your career prospects. It is also good to meditate with a Howlite Mala or Clear Quartz Mala, because this will help to calm and soothe the mind. You can also meditate with a Seven Chakra Wrist Mala for health.

For good Feng Shui, place a Citrine Gem Tree and a Lapis Lazuli Crystal Point near your door to attract more wealth and good luck. Hang a Soulthread Geometric Seven Chakra in the northwest of your home to attract more business opportunities. Wear some Traditional Om Silver Jewelry to activate wellness and abundance luck. Lastly, burn some Rose scented Incense around the house for protection and prosperity. You can hang an Ojo de Dios of Good Health in the entrance of your house or office to guard against any sickness, malicious energies or bad luck.

Another December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast Tip: December is the month of harmony and compassion, so remember to be kind and generous to those around you. Be careful of any financial speculation or gambling as this may bring in unexpected losses. Spend quality time with your family and friends – they are your real wealth!

Wear the colors blue, purple, and violet to attract wealth luck. December 2022 is a great month for new beginnings, so make sure to take advantage of it! These colors will promote good luck and fortune for the tiger sign, so make sure to wear them often.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


The luck you enjoyed last month may still carry through this month. Your wealth luck is rising and a big fat paycheck from your generous boss awaits you at the end of the month. In the workplace, there will be some opportunities for you to lead new projects and teams, if it feels right, accept the challenge but be careful with whom you spend your time in the office, a backstabber may be out for blood to steal these opportunities from you. Though money luck will be steady, do not invest your money elsewhere. This is not a good time to start a business too. Be conservative with your resources. See your friends more often and keep your social calendar busy.


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast reminds Rabbits to stay alert and trust their instincts when it comes to business opportunities. This is a great time for new beginnings, but make sure not to take any risks that may put your finances in jeopardy. Keep your eyes open for suspicious characters at the workplace, and do not let anyone take advantage of your generosity. Lastly, make sure to wear the colors orange, pink, and red as often as you can to attract more wealth luck.


Wearing a Red Jasper Wrist Mala will help you become more aware of the people around you and their intentions. Use a Mala made from Orange Aventurine and Cinnabar to attract more wealth and financial opportunities. We also suggest placing a Rose Quartz Gem Tree in the south of your house to attract romantic luck. Wear some Sodalite Jewelry for protection and good fortune. Finally, hang an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction near the entrance of your house for blessings and luck.

For good Feng Shui, place a Fluorite Slab / Plate in the east corner of your home to attract more money luck, and wear a Red Jasper Horseshoe Silver Pendant for a steady flow of wealth energy. To welcome good fortune, burn some Pine Incense around the house to bring in protection and success.

Wearing the colors orange, pink, and red will bring strong wealth luck in December 2022. The Rabbit sign should use these colors to their advantage, as they will bring positive energy and good fortune!


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


You will enjoy a calmer December as your work and personal affairs will finally find balance. Steady is your buzzword for this month – your job will not require you to perform difficult tasks nor will you handle new projects. This can be either good or bad depending on how you will see it. If you feel stagnant and unproductive at times, talk to your colleagues and see how you can assist them with other tasks, and challenge yourself to do more so you will feel accomplished. Your wealth luck rating is good to average, but be careful with your spending habits and be more conservative. At home, spend more time with your loved ones and pay more attention to the health of your family members, especially the more senior ones. 


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast encourages dragons to focus on balance and steadiness. Do not take any big risks that might disrupt the peace of your life. Relationships with family and friends will be positive, so make sure to take some time out of your busy schedule to appreciate them. Keep an eye on your spending, especially when it comes to investments. At work, take on small projects and tasks that will help you hone your skills.


Meditating using an Aventurine Mala will help you gain abundance, clarity, and focus. Use an Aventurine Tree of Life Pendulum for meditation or channeling good energy. You may also keep it close or hang It will also answer some of your important questions this month if you will program it. We suggest wearing Gold Rutilated crystal or the Three-Dimensional Ganesh Silver Pendant to strengthen your career luck and hang an Ojo de Dios of Wealth in the east corner of your house for prosperity energy.

If you want an increase in wealth luck, consider wearing some Citrine Wrist MalaBig Black Jade, or use a Crystal Singing Bowl in the west corner of your house to keep the good chi flowing.

For good Feng Shui, place a Citrine Generator / Tower near the entrance of your house to welcome positive energy. Place a Selenite Rectangular Plate with Seven Chakra Symbols in the north of your home to improve family luck and career opportunities, and burn some Kama Sutra Incense around the house to bring in blessings, romance, and good fortune.

Wearing the colors yellow, green, and gold will bring strong money luck during December 2022. Avoid dark and dull shades, and instead opt for brighter hues that the dragon sign can use to their advantage!


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


You will need to take care of your mind, body, and spirit health this month. Though your health luck looks okay, you are advised to see medical professionals and meditation gurus as soon as you feel something is not quite right with you. There will be some pressures in the workplace, but your diligence and hard work will help you sail through these stressful periods. Be careful with your reports and perform your duties well and your work will be rewarded. Your relationship with your coworkers will be smooth-sailing and you will enjoy their company more. Those who have been dating for while may finally consider marriage. If you feel the time is right, go for it.


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Snakes encourages the sign to take care of mind, body, and spirit health this month. This is the time to be patient and take note of small changes. December 2022 may not be your best month but don’t let it get you down. Spend more time with your family and friends, as this will help maintain balance in your life. Work hard but also take time out of your busy schedule to relax and rejuvenate.


We strongly recommend that you wear a Life Path Bracelet or Auralite 23 Bracelet and carry a Gold Rutilated Wrist Mala to protect against negative energies. A Hanuman Silver Pendant or a Dragon Victory Bracelet can also be worn for well-rounded protection and auspicious energies. Meditating using the Mala of the Sacred Seeds will help bring clarity to decision-making and provide emotional balance.

For good Feng Shui, you should hang an Ojo de Dios of Good Health near the entrance of your house for protection, health, and prosperity luck. Place a Clear Quartz Generator in the north of your home to improve family luck and career opportunities. Feng Shui Metal Incense is perfect for bringing balance and harmony into your home while placing a Citrine Gem Tree on Rose Quartz in the west corner of your house will bring wealth and love luck.

To boost good luck and fortune, opt for the colors yellow, gold, and orange when selecting your December wardrobe. Avoid dark and dull shades as these will not bring the desired luck that December has in store for you.


Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


We advise you to be more careful with how you do business in the workplace. Check your reports before you hand them over to your supervisors, be more diplomatic in all your communications, and stay low-key for now. A simple mistake may cost you your job. During stressful situations, be kind to yourself and allow yourself some extravagances – but do not go beyond the budget. Your significant other and immediate family will be your support system. Spend more time with them this month. 


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Horses encourages the sign to stay low-key in December and focus on ensuring that tasks are done correctly. December will be a tough month, but don’t let it get you down! This is the time to be patient and take note of small changes. Spend more time with your family and friends, as this will help maintain balance in your life. Work hard but also take time out of your busy schedule to relax and rejuvenate.


We strongly recommend that you wear a Moss Agate Bracelet and carry a Malachite Cube stone to protect against negative energies. A Lord Ganesha Intricate Silver Pendant or a Rudraksha with Buddha Head bracelet can also be worn for protection. Meditating using a high-quality Petrified Wood Japa Mala will help bring clarity, and groundedness, and provide emotional balance.

For good Feng Shui, you should hang a SoulThread Small Circle Seven Chakra near the entrance of your house for protection and prosperity luck. Place a Citrine Gem Tree or Citrine Money Tree in the north of your home to improve family luck and career opportunities. Feng Shui Water Incense is perfect for bringing balance and harmony into your home while placing a Lepidolite Crystal Point / Wand in the west corner of your house will bring wealth and luck.

To boost good luck and fortune, opt for the colors yellow, brown, and blue when selecting your December wardrobe. Wearing these colors will not only bring good luck but also provide an extra boost of confidence. Try to focus on yourself and make sure that you find positive energy sources.


Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


It looks like you will be ending 2022 with a bang! Your stars will bring you several feats, especially in the workplace. You will finish your tasks on time and your goals will be met. You will encounter some setbacks but trust that you will be able to overcome these challenges. If you have been thinking of setting up a side business in the past couple of months, this is the perfect time to do it. Couples will enjoy a period of romance and tranquility. Single ones will have better chances of finding love as long as they are willing to make the first moves. Health luck is okay, but we advise you to start a healthier meal plan and a consistent cardio routine.


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Sheep suggests that this is a great month to make some big moves and secure your future. Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way, whether it’s in business or romance. Make sure that you stay focused on your goals despite the setbacks, as this will help you succeed. Couples should put aside their differences and work on strengthening their bond, while singles should have the courage to make the first move when it comes to romance. Lastly, keep your health in check and start establishing healthier habits this December.


We recommend wearing a Rainbow Fluorite Bracelet or Rainbow Fluorite Wrist mala and carrying an Amethyst Raw Stone to attract luck into your life. A Tibetan 9-Eye Dzi Bead Silver Pendant can be worn to ward off bad luck. Meditating with Fancy Jasper Japa Mala will bring balance into your life and alleviate stress.

To bring good Feng Shui into the home, hang an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction in the east corner of your house for improved health luck. Place a Lapis Lazuli Plate / Slab in the south to increase wealth luck and prosperity. Burning a Feng Shui Water Incense stick daily will not only clear any negative energy but also bring good fortune into your home. Lastly, having a Grossularite / Grossular Garnet or a Selenite Spiral Wand will aid in times when you feel down and when too much negativity fills your aura.

Be sure to stay focused on your goals, use crystals and Feng Shui tips to bring luck into your life, and you will surely have a prosperous month. Your December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast is looking bright for you, Sheep! Be brave and take the opportunities that come your way. Make sure to use these Feng Shui solutions and crystals for luck and protection.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


You have a busy month ahead of you. Your workload will double up and you will need to exert a lot of effort to meet your deadlines. But do not worry, because your hard work will be rewarded exponentially. The more heart you put into your tasks, the higher the return. To stay on top of your game, condition your mind and body by eating healthier and through regular exercise. Your health should be a priority. Singles have a high chance of finding romantic relationships and couples will enjoy peace and stability in their relationships. Romance may lack but it can be easily remedied by spending more time with each other – date nights and quick weekend getaway trips are encouraged. 


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Monkey suggests that this is the perfect time to seek rewards. The harder you work, the more it will pay off. To stay on top of your game, practice healthy lifestyle habits and maintain close relationships with those around you. Singles should not be afraid to make the first move when it comes to relationships as this will increase their chances of finding love. Lastly, couples should remember that communication is key and by making time for each other, they can strengthen their bond and enjoy a peaceful December.


We recommend wearing an African Turquoise Bracelet and carrying a Citrine Crystal Point to attract luck into your life. A Tree of Life Silver Pendant or Clear Quartz Silver Ring or Bracelet can be worn to ward off bad luck. Meditating with an Apatite with Blue Aventurine Guru Bead Japa Mala will bring balance into your life, and fulfillment, and can alleviate stress.

To bring good Feng Shui into the home, hang an Ojo de Dios of Good Health in the east corner of your house for improved health luck. Place an Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz in the south to increase wealth luck and prosperity. Wearing a Multicolor Tourmaline Wrist Mala will not only clear any negative energy but also bring good fortune into your home. Lastly, having an Amethyst Tree of Life Pendulum with you or placed in the northeast corner of your house will aid in financial opportunities and during stressful events.

Light a Lemongrass Incense to diffuse any negative energy and enhance positive vibrations, and keep the December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast in mind when making important decisions.

What colors to wear and surround yourself with? December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast suggests wearing light colors like white, pink and green to attract prosperous energy. You can also decorate your home in these colors to bring luck into the house. Be sure to stay in your lane, use crystals and Feng Shui tips to bring luck into your life, and you will surely have a prosperous December. As December is a month of happiness and joy, surround yourself with items that make you smile – photos of happy memories, vibrant paintings or joyful music.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


Your stars look good this month and you will find yourself accomplishing a lot of tasks and surrounded by a solid support system, especially in the workplace. When others offer you their assistance, do not think twice and accept it. You will be able to do more and do well with teammates. There will be some distractions, which will affect your performance, so you have to be more focused. Going out often with friends and family will greatly improve your mental health. Singles shouldn’t turn down dates and are encouraged to entertain suitors, the right one may come along this month. Health is generally okay, but some issues may arise, especially skin disorders. 


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Rooster suggests that this is the time for you to be active and open-minded. Take advantage of your current luck and make bold decisions, both in your career and personal life. Work on maintaining a positive attitude during stressful times as it will help you to stay in control of your emotions. Additionally, make time for self-care and hang out with the people who bring out the best in you.


We recommend wearing the Star of David Silver Pendant and carrying an Aventurine Crystal Point /Generator to attract luck into your life. A Life Path Bracelet or a Moonstone Wrist Mala can be worn to ward off bad luck and boost kindness and support form others. Meditating with Gold Rutilated Quartz Japa Mala will bring balance into your life and invite more abundance and opportunities.

To bring good Feng Shui into the home, hang an Ojo de Dios of Wealth in the north corner of your house for improved wealth and health luck. Place a Citrine Cluster with Stand in the west to increase wealth luck and prosperity. Lastly, having a Citrine and Amethyst Gem Tree on Quartz in the southeast corner of your house will bring tranquility and aid in financial opportunities.

Light a Feng Shui Water Incense to attract positive energy and dispel negative vibrations. Follow through with your plans and take the necessary steps toward achieving your desired goals. With a positive mindset and by utilizing December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, you will be able to reach all your goals this month.

Wearing colors associated with money such as green and gold will attract the right kind of energy. Wear them at important events or meetings to ensure your success. December is a good month for you to stay focused on your goals and use December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast to your advantage. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself both physically and mentally; it will go a long way in helping you reach your December goals.


Luck Rating: 1 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


You will encounter some setbacks, especially in the workplace this December. Colleagues will give you a hard time and tempers will be high. You will feel overwhelmed with your tasks and it will be very difficult for you to finish them on time. To accomplish these duties, take a step back and do quick meditation exercises. Money luck is not also looking good, so be more conservative with your spending. Couples are advised to be more patient with each other and single ones must not rush getting into relationships.  


The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Dog suggests that December is the time to stay focused on your goals and keep your positive attitude in check. Avoid getting involved in conflicts, focus on yourself, and develop self-control. Keep a harmonious relationship with colleagues or find ways to get their support. With regard to money luck, be more vigilant in your spending and stay away from risky investments.


December 2022 is a challenging month for the Dog, but with the right solutions and advice you can make it through without any problems. We advise that you wear a Black Obsidian Pi Yao with Money Balls or the Laughing Buddha Silver Pendant to increase your courage and self-control. Meditating with a Bloodstone Jade Wulou Guru 108 Japa Mala will help bring good luck and health luck.

For good Feng Shui, having Amazonite Plate / Slab in the Southeast corner will improve your money luck. Hang the Ojo de Dios of Good Health near the doorway of your house to ward off bad energy and bring in some positive vibes and display and sound the Tibetan Singing Bowl with Mantra in your home for a prosperous December. Keep away from any risky investments and focus your energy on positive things.

Light a Dragon’s Blood incense to boost auspicious energies in your home and practice positive affirmations to maintain a positive mindset throughout December. Using a singing bowl to close the day is a great way to keep stress at bay. Spend time with your family and friends this December, as it will be beneficial for you emotionally.

Wearing the colors blue, green, and black will help you stay in tune with your inner self. This alignment will help you to stay focused on your December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast. Wearing the colors gold and yellow will also bring good luck and prosperity.

The December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for Dog is a reminder that December could be an interesting month full of surprises. With the right attitude, patience, and perseverance you can make this month a prosperous one. So don’t let the challenges stop you from achieving your December 2022 goals.


Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


You will feel accomplished in the workplace and this will be evident during the first part of the month. Fortunately for you, you will be blessed with a mentor who will walk you through the ropes of your industry. This guru will help you with your professional and personal affairs, heed his or her advice and be open to suggestions. While your income luck will be steady it will not double but you will have enough to keep you sailing through December. Do not place your money elsewhere, investing is not a good idea at this time. Health is not also looking good, as soon as you feel something is amiss, go see your doctor immediately. Couples will have more time for romance and singles may go out on dates but must not rush things to avoid future heartaches. 


Crystals will be beneficial for the Boar in December. Wearing a Rose Quartz Wrist Mala, and Red Carnelian Bracelet can help boost your intuition and manifest good luck. Meditating using a Madagascar Rose Quartz Moonstone and Aquamarine with Pink Tourmaline Japa Mala is also beneficial to attract love energies and good luck in December. Wear an Auralite 23 bracelet or the Star of David Silver pendant for extra support with money luck.

For good Feng Shui, put an Ojo de Dios of Wealth in the Northwest or entrance of your home. Place a Selenite Spiral Wand and a Citrine Orb / Sphere in the center of your house for protection and space clearing. Hang a SoulThread Synergy Seven Chakra near the doorway of your house to ward off bad energy.

Lastly, place and use a Seven Metals Singing Bowl each day until New Year’s for space clearing and protection from harm.

Don’t forget to light the California White Sage incense at least once every three days as you meditate or state your affirmations. December is your chance to focus on achieving your goals and manifesting abundance, and it pays to be enveloped by auspicious smoke.

Wearing colors like gold, brown and purple can boost your luck as well as they will create a field of positive energy around you. Go to places like the beach, parks, or even the mountain and appreciate nature’s beauty. Doing so will bring out the best in December 2022 for you.

The December 2022 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast is here and the recommended gemstones for healing and auspicious activations to do. Remember that when incorporating gemstones into your Feng Shui routine, Root Energy is key. Root Energy comes from the source of your gemstone and determines how powerful the stone will be. You want to make sure that this energy is positive to get the most out of your gemstone’s abilities.

An Assurance of Positive Root Energy

At The Mala Tree Crystal Shop, we pride ourselves on our more than 10 years of experience in the industry. We make sure to imbue each of our gemstones with only positive energy so you can succeed and achieve abundance!

Click here or the image below to find out how the month of December will impact each of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs:

November 2022 Horoscope for the 12 Zodiacs

The November 2022 Horoscope is promising. Major changes and impressive transformations are in the works for some zodiac signs. Events are moving at light speed, and some signs will see a succession of events and upheavals unforeseen.

Some signs are luckier, but It’s important to stay optimistic and keep your eye on the prize. This month, we’re going to be a little more careful and review our objectives. We’re getting closer to what’s important to us, and we’ll be successful with patience and bravery. The most auspicious dates are those from November 14th through November 21st, and the best crystals to maximize the auspiciousness for any space are Labradorite, Citrine, and Tiger’s Eye.

The climate is usually mild, communication goes well most of the time, and family life is mostly satisfying. The cold weather is coming soon though, and hearts are starting to warm up.

This month, the water and earth signs will be happy because Jupiter is back in Pisces. It’s a good time for these signs to get in touch with their intuition and imagination, as they’ll be able to manifest their dreams with ease. If you’re one of these signs, make sure to take advantage of this positive energy!

The Message of November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

The Message of the Stars in November 2022

People who didn’t take advantage of their opportunities before, this month’s the month for you! You’ll finally have the guts to ask questions and figure out what you need to do. Some people will have what they need. They might feel worried about Jupiter leaving Aries, but they shouldn’t be. Everything will be okay. This month, people will still be motivated by the planet Mars. This period provides people with an opportunity to finish work that was started under more favorable conditions.

This is not the time to be impulsive but to think things through before taking action. A lot can be accomplished if you just take your time and don’t try to do too much at once.

Aries November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Aries November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Aries

From November 13th until November 16th, your family is the most important thing to you. The stars give you a chance to take care of things that need to be done, and you will be able to make good decisions. You should not hesitate to use your ideas to achieve what you want. Wear Sunstone to empower yourself more.

Even though it’s cold outside, the feeling is warmth internally, hearts are opening up, long-term projects are coming to fruition, and you feel confident. The good news is that this momentary luck will give you a push forward. If you have children, they will become even more special to you than before. And finally, your loved ones can count on you now more than ever. Encourage kindness in your relationship by meditating on a Howlite.

The financial sector is still doing well this month. If you have to close a deal or sign a contract, you will find it easy to do. Your lifestyle will not change.

Aries: Love in General November 2022

Venus is offering you the chance to have a beautiful relationship. This is a good time for it. You are more motivated than ever, but if you have doubts, forget about them and take stock.

Aries: In a relationship November 2022

You and your partner are working well together and things are going smoothly. From November 16th onward, you will work well on joint projects. You will be motivated and satisfied with the results. The two of you will enjoy life’s simple pleasures together.

Aries: Single November 2022

The beginning of the month is not a good time to date. You don’t feel like you need or want to. You would rather just do your own thing. But things will start to change around November 20th. You might meet someone new and fall in love.

Aries: Career / Finance November 2022

Many people think that when they encounter an obstacle, it’s because they’re unlucky. However, this isn’t always the case! Aries should use this time to reevaluate their progress and come up with new ways to move forward. Additionally, if a money-related project is taking longer than anticipated, try readjusting your expectations—you may find you’re much happier with the outcome. Remove the barriers to financial success this month by wearing Iolite.

Aries: Monthly Advice November 2022

During times of doubt, it is better to step back and view the situation from a distance. Don’t make any rash decisions – take your time. And why not get some input from those who love you?

Taurus November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Taurus November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Taurus

With the month beginning auspiciously, you can leave your uncertainties in the past. You’re determined to see your projects through and live life on your terms. The planets are aligned in a way that encourages Taureans to explore new horizons. Encourage these favorable energies by wearing Peach Moonstone. This is a good time for bonding with family members as important decisions are best made together. Those close to you provide emotional support and stability during this period of growth. You are gaining power this month, but you are not becoming unstable. You are enjoying your relationships and the people you are meeting. At work, projects might be taking longer than usual, but they are still happening. You are using your energy to convince people of your ideas.

Taurus: Love in General November 2022

You are more likely to show your authentic self when you are in small groups, with no facade. The time that you spend one-on-one is incredibly passionate. Around the middle of the month, things start to move faster and you find yourself naturally taking the lead. Make sure your heart chakra is balanced with Bloodstone.

Taurus: In a relationship November 2022

You only need a small sign from your partner to get started It can be a decision about your relationship or running an aspect of your life. You will gain his/her trust. You both help each other out and this month will be full of beautiful moments. Do not ask questions, just go with the flow.

Taurus: Single November 2022

Things start to happen from November 15th. You will be busy and have a lot of new opportunities. You might not know what to do because there is so much going on. But don’t worry, you won’t have time to be bored!

Taurus: Career / Finance November 2022

Jupiter in Pisces brings newfound happiness, but this good fortune can be offset by the planets in Scorpio. Taurus! instead of shunning what’s different, give it a chance. If you’re open and welcoming to others, they will reciprocate with kindness and goodwill–which can only benefit you and your business.

Although you are careful with money normally, this month’s astrological alignments may allow for some more expensive purchases. These opportunities don’t come around often, so as long as you plan your finances should be fine.

Taurus: Monthly Advice November 2022

Dear Taurus, this month is going well for you. According to the stars, there are many opportunities for miracles. Do not wait, enjoy the good astral influences now. Don’t forget to encourage relaxation and proper mental health with Amethyst.

Gemini November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Gemini November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Gemini

This month, the planets are aligned and working in your favor. You may face some unexpected changes, but everything will work itself out in the end. Your family will be closer than ever before. You need to work hard at your job and show that you are motivated. You should try to do better than others. Make sure to amplify your personal power by wearing Clear Quartz. If you do a good job, you will be rewarded at the end of the year. Good communication will help you set high standards for yourself and trust yourself. Financially, you will be stable throughout the month and find a balance.

Gemini: Love in General November 2022

Sometimes it may feel like you are not doing what the people you love want you to do, but this is just an impression. Around November 17, a family decision may change your habits, but your loved ones will approve of the choices you make. You will be in control of the situation and the good vibrations from the stars will help you succeed.

Gemini: In a relationship November 2022

Your partner is someone you can always count on. The both of you have a beautiful understanding; together, you can achieve many life goals. This period is perfect for making long-term plans and commitments. Your relationship is built upon a strong foundation; with each other, you feel at ease and contentment.

Gemini: Single November 2022

If you’re feeling bogged down by work and it’s interfering with your personal life, don’t worry–this is only temporary. Starting around November 22nd, things will start looking up for you and you’ll finally get the recognition you deserve.

Gemini: Career / Finance November 2022

The discord between Jupiter and Mars makes things more difficult. You’ll need to try harder if you want to reach your goals. Money will be tight so buckle down and do what needs to be done. Make sure to be ahead of everybody else at work. Being prepared is the key this month. Empower your inner vision by meditating using Larvikite.

Monthly Advice November 2022

As soon as you can, get rid of the uncertainties that are consuming you. Don’t set any restrictions. Keep going; you are headed in the right direction. Your support system is still your entourage. If required, benefit from the wise counsel of your loved ones.

Cancer November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Cancer November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Cancer

The month begins slow and relaxed, allowing you to focus on your priorities. The first two weeks progress smoothly but the last half of the month will require more attention as things begin to pick up speed. You’ll handle everything calmly and confidently without being harried or overwhelmed by events. On the personal front, some important decisions or announcements are made regarding your love life. At work, an urgent situation is suddenly resolved favorably. Your heart chakra might be affected because of all these and a Fancy Jasper Bracelet might be of help.

You are more likely to acquire new projects if you have a good attitude toward them. You would rather think positively than entertain negative thoughts; you can avoid feeling blue by reacting philosophically to problems. You make friends easily and feel content with your social life. Your family is important to you and this month you will spend more time with them participating in activities together.

Cancer: Love in General November 2022

There is a bright side to your love life. You feel confident and down-to-earth, even if you have some tough choices to make. You always put the people you care about first. If you’ve been going through a tough time recently, this gives you the strength to believe in yourself again. You should be expecting some good news soon!

Cancer: In a relationship November 2022

If you are hoping to be closer to your partner, try focusing on the future instead of small marital difficulties. This will help you get through tough times and make everything better. Additionally, expressing your feelings honestly can help improve your relationship by giving it a much-needed boost.

Cancer: Single November 2022

You’ll be pleasantly surprised if you find someone who was once afraid to engage with you is now interested because people and things change over time. If you’re single in November, don’t worry – love will find you when you least expect it.

Cancer: Career / Finance November 2022

Jupiter’s return to Pisces creates a much better environment. Not only will you find yourself happier, but you will also have the support of planets in Scorpio. With this cosmic help, things become easier; solutions present themselves and people at work or whom you do business with are less likely to stress you out! Wearing Charoite can assist you with this.

You will be given a chance to do something great. You might think about spending a lot of money, but stop and think first. Instead of answering right away, assess everything first. They will help you make the right decision.

Cancer: Monthly Advice November 2022

This month, good things are coming your way. Keep pursuing your dreams and making your desires a priority, and you’ll be just fine. Big changes await you. Face these changes, and make sure that you set your intentions in an Orange Aventurine Mala and always recite your affirmations to make things happen.

Leo November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Leo November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Leo

The month begins well for people who are Lion signs. You will have time and energy to finish any outstanding tasks. The people around you will be supportive and helpful. You will be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to this month. Wear Jet to aid you in accomplishing multiple tasks this month.

Despite the chaos of everyday life, you manage to find time for your loved ones and home towards the end of the month. You may even take on a fun family project together!

Leo: Love in General November 2022

This is the month of romance. If you feel like your partner loves you more than ever, it’s because love is in the air! But be careful not to commit to a relationship that doesn’t look like what you want. If you’re sure of what you want, jump into it.

Leo: In a relationship November 2022

If you’ve experienced some turmoil recently, know that the universe has your back. Go ahead and express how you’re feeling to your loved ones – they trust you. Meditating using colorful gemstones like Mookaite will definitely lift the energies.

Leo: Single November 2022

Avoid false promises if you want to start on a strong and serious note. Again, fortune is on your side. You will receive a well-intentioned visit from an old flame around November 5. Keep an open mind and pay attention to what he or she has to say; it just could please you.

Leo: Career / Finance November 2022

Things may not be going the way you want this month, but don’t give up hope. Instead, use this time to meet new people who could help improve your life. If you find them too carefree, don’t take it too personally. Instead, try to act more like them and see where it takes you. If you feel like you are making friends with the person, tell yourself that it is a good thing. It will make it easier to get what you want. There may be a chance to make more money. But it is up to you to decide if you want to do it or not.

Leo: Monthly Advice November 2022

This month, your family is your pillar of support. If you’re feeling a little stressed, take some time to relax and enjoy their company. Make sure that you always have a Rhodonite this month to draw your loved ones more to you. There’s no better solution than spending time with the people who care about you the most!

Virgo November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Virgo November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Virgo

This November, you will be able to do a lot. You will have the confidence to do things you were not sure of before and you will be able to finish projects that you have been working on. The first week will be especially good and you will be able to make changes that you have been wanting to make.

Achieving your goals requires making some sacrifices. You might have to change some of your habits and give up others for the privacy you need to focus on what’s important. Use a Green Aventurine generator to attract all the opportunities you need this month. The following weeks will see improved family relations as a result of the new dynamic in the home atmosphere. You’ll find yourselves drawn together by a beautiful harmony, and amongst friends, you’ll steer clear from pointless arguments–choosing not to take the lead is more peaceful this way.

Virgo: Love in General November 2022

Passion is waiting for you this month–approach it with a clear head. Your efforts in the past have paid off, so now you can relax. If you’re single, you’re in a good place mentally and emotionally; you’re finally free from your old relationships and ready to move on.

Virgo: In a relationship November 2022

Your relationship is built on past experiences, you understand how lucky you are to be together, and you have overcome difficulties. The strength of your relationship allows you to make new joint projects. Your partner is gradually revealing more of their feelings.

Virgo: Single November 2022

A clear mind enables you to capitalize on an opportunity. Answers come when you step back and assess your situation objectively. If you choose to stay single, do so because it’s what you want–not out of a sense of obligation. You need time to rebuild before jumping into something new.

Virgo: Career / Finance November 2022

The pressure’s relieved a bit, you can breathe out but not as much as you’d hoped because it’s still not definite. If you take a closer look though, you can do way better than expected… Why is that? Because you’re receiving help from people you hadn’t even considered. And what’s great is they’ll be very useful with the tips they give you. In terms of money matters, you might be inclined to handle your budget carelessly. Use Jade to make sure that the money flow will be consistent.

Virgo: Monthly Advice November 2022

Your love life will continue to blossom if you make the right decisions. If you ever have any doubts or uncertainties, be sure to communicate openly. You have the strength and fortitude to overcome any challenges that come your way. A Carnelian is handy to boost your energy levels, especially during moments when you need some energy boost.

Libra November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Libra November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Libra

From November 16 and beyond, things start to calm down. According to your November 2022 Horoscope, your daily routine gets back to normal, and you find peace and optimism again. Even if you have a few loose ends left to tie up, the atmosphere is much less stressful and more relaxed. You might feel the need to spend time with loved ones or invest in some sports activities.

You need to be more open and willing to try new things. Flow. To assist you in this, an Ocean Jasper might help.

Libra: Love in General November 2022

You’re looking for things to go wrong, and as a result, your relationships are more complicated than they need to be. We love you for who you are – everyone has their own set of faults. Relativizing allows you to live without the fear of failure in your relationships. Go for it!

Libra: In a relationship November 2022

You can be sure that your love will work out. Do not doubt it or worry. Love makes you act. Your partner is trying hard too and you should respond positively to his/her efforts.

Libra: Single November 2022

If you are single, the clouds in your life are dissipating and things will start to change for the better. If you are thinking about starting an affair this month, take it seriously because you have a good chance of success. Time is on your side, so let destiny take its course.

Libra: Career / Finance November 2022

After the initial happiness, the routine will even out again. It may be comforting at first, but it can become tedious as the month progresses. This isn’t to say that your original excitement was unfounded–the opportunities will come back around this month, just in a less dynamic way. You’ll still have a chance to display your skills and abilities, but wearing Red Tiger’s Eye will put you back on track. As for money matters: even though you’re not inclined to focus on finances, you’re quite good at saving when you pay attention to it. Spessartine Garnet will help you with your steady cash flow.

Libra: Monthly Advice November 2022

Do not be discouraged! Take some risks and move forward. It seems that the best solution is to leave resentments in the past. You will see that new opportunities will arise. You just need to be open to change.

Scorpio November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Scorpio November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Scorpio

Indeed, under the auspicious planets, November is your month, dear Scorpio. You are passionate and secretive by nature; if you don’t easily reveal your emotions it’s only because you’re guarded. However, at the beginning of this month, you’ll find yourself moving from a non-demonstrative attitude to one that is more jovial and euphoric. You’ll be exposing your feelings; expressing desires and projects without reservation. In this period, Black Obsidian is your best ally.

This month is all about renewal. It’s time to allow yourself to love and unveil each day a little more. From November 13th, your professional activities will gain momentum— an association, partnership everything seems possible. Even if your socio-professional balance isn’t quite where you want it to be yet, you’re on the right track. A change of activity is possible, but it’s something you’ll have to think twice about before making any decisions.

Scorpio: Love in General November 2022

Your compatibility allows you to feel emotionally free. You don’t have to search for the right person because, when you find them, you’ll know it in an instant. November will bring passionate delights as well as all kinds of resolutions. By trusting your intuition, you’ll gain confidence. You work hard so that everyone around is happy, too. Wear Rose Quartz to attract love energies.

Scorpio: In a relationship November 2022

It is time for a romantic renewal. You and your partner are happy together. Your partner does things to make you happy. You feel like you are in love all over again. But sometimes this can be too much and it can be hard to keep up with.

Scorpio: Single November 2022

Wave goodbye to loneliness- the stars are in your favor this month. You’ll find stability in your love life and be able to take on new projects with ease. Nothing is standing in your way, so make the most of it!

Scorpio: Career / Finance November 2022

The movement of planets has made you more naturally inclined to seek success in your commercial ventures, and this month while you are still under this influence, the results have been less clear. On tough days it may feel like all your effort goes unnoticed. Don’t worry, there’s nothing bad coming your way this month. Maybe use this time as motivation to work even harder. From a financial standpoint, things aren’t looking great for anyone right now. But because of all the extra effort you’ve put in recently, you’re doing better than most people–be proud of yourself! Empower your manifestation luck by wearing or meditating using Apatite.

Scorpio: Monthly Advice November 2022

Now that you’ve put in all this work, don’t let yourself give up now! Enjoy the fruits of your labor and let those closest to you see who you are. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerabilities.

Sagittarius November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Sagittarius November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Sagittarius

According to your November 2022 Horoscope, this month will be full of action! The first week, you’ll be feeling agitated and nervous. all your activities Will exhaust you. You’ll want to escape to a quiet place whenever possible. Using the energies of Unakite will assist you in this period. But don’t worry, the second week will begin to calm down and your anxiety disappears.

Around November 19th, you will have a good opportunity to spend time with your family and relax. This will help you release any pressure you have been feeling.

Sagittarius: Love in General November 2022

If you want to change how you act in specific situations or around certain people, the stars will shield your love. Letting go of resentments lets you move forward; things change and sometimes we need something new. A good stone to use for this is Malachite. Thanks to your allure, you’ll make some great connections–you can define your assets when it comes to seduction!

Sagittarius: In a relationship November 2022

When you pledge your love to your partner, they show faith in return. If gaps start to form between you, it’s crucial that you tackle the issue without bickering. Keep in mind that as a couple, not everything needs to be shared–some mystery is necessary for the bond to stay strong.

Sagittarius: Single November 2022

Presently, you are very selective in your dating life which limits the possibility of meeting new people. You often look for false excuses and seem uninterested in finding love; however, by November 23 things will begin to pick up without you putting any effort into it. A great opportunity comes out of nowhere around this time.

Sagittarius: Career / Finance November 2022

Don’t be surprised if the coworkers near you get angrier than usual. Thankfully, you can take action to change it. by using greater tact while communicating. The typical personality traits of Sagittarius include spontaneity, friendliness, and lightheartedness. However, when issues arise, they have a reputation for being quite frank in their opinions. Unfortunately, that hinders the growth of your company. If you want to have a successful November at work, try to control your thoughts a little bit this month. Seek the help of the beautiful Yellow Gold Tiger’s Eye. It’s time to update your accounts and determine where you might need to reduce costs to save money on the financial aspect of your life.

Sagittarius: Monthly Advice November 2022

Situations cannot improve until you take action. Do not procrastinate; time is of the essence. Be aware that your fears might keep you from progressing. put things into perspective by enjoying every moment. Strengthen your attention span. The more self-aware you are, the calmer your life will be. Knowing yourself leads to success!

Capricorn November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Capricorn November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Capricorn

The month begins on a good note, and you may find yourself making commitments in your personal or professional life from November 3 onward. This signals a new phase in your development, where changes come easily and transformations are necessary for further growth. Though this month may bring some challenges, the stars have some pretty surprises in store for you as well. Let the energies of Blue Calcite assist you this month.

You might be hesitant to trust some people, but you can lower your guard a little bit at a time until you feel comfortable around them. Your family plays a very important role in your daily life – when you need it, you can find refuge with them. They’re always there for you when things get tough and they provide a great source of comfort.

Capricorn: Love in General November 2022

Although you may face some hiccups with your relationships due to trust issues, things are otherwise running smoothly. To have a successful relationship, trust is key; although that’s also where you tend to struggle the most. Although there will be trying times, the overall period looks promising and filled with chances for success if you take advantage of them.

Capricorn: In a relationship November 2022

Moments with your partner are both simple and intense. You two plan for the future and work on projects together that once seemed impossible. A sense of lightness has blown into your relationship; you have no complaints. Every day, your feelings grow stronger

Capricorn: Single November 2022

If you’re looking for a secure relationship, this month is your lucky chance. You will have opportunities come your way, so don’t be afraid to show how you feel. Instead of pretending to be emotionless, let yourself express what’s going on inside.

Capricorn: Career / Finance November 2022

If you are feeling spontaneous lately, it’s because things have been simpler. You’re increasingly surrounded by people who think like you, which makes you more comfortable and likely to succeed. Use Gold Sheen Obsidian to empower you and boost your confidence. If luck comes your way between now and the 22nd, don’t hesitate to seize it! And on the financial front, the austerity of recent months is starting to pay off.

Capricorn: Monthly Advice November 2022

When you’re in love, being serious is an advantage because it demonstrates your emotions. Give people the opportunity to get to know the real you. If someone likes you, don’t try to hide your feelings. Meditating using a Beryl Mala will unleash love energies that have been wanting to come out and embrace you for quite some time now.

Aquarius November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Aquarius November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

The emotions on the 10th of November are so strong that they might make you do things you normally wouldn’t do. You might feel like a pressure cooker, ready to explode, but try to remember to stay calm and collected. Doing a sport could help you release your anger and fatigue. Prehnite will help you cool your head and convert negative energy into positive.

Around November 21, your astral sky clears and you feel more energetic. You might see opportunities to seize. At work, old projects come back and you have a chance to show what you can do.

Aquarius: Love in General November 2022

Now that the disagreements are over, it’s time to start fresh. Use Sodalite to make sure that your communications are all loaded with positivity and tact. You’re lucky because things are going to go well for you. The people who love you will show it and this will make you look good to other people. You can be confident that your feelings are getting stronger. This is a happy time, so enjoy it!

Aquarius: In a relationship November 2022

You will forget how tired you are when you are busy with things you love. Your partner will notice how hard you are working to make the relationship fair. The stars are in favor of new projects for couples. If you need some time to think, take a break and do something by yourself.

Aquarius: Single November 2022

The good news is that if you’re currently single, the planets are in your favor according to your November 2022 Horoscope. This means that it’s a good time to focus on your future and not dwell too much on your past. It’s important to remember that mistakes are meant to teach us lessons, not hold us back. With this new-found confidence, use it to take advantage of opportunities as they come!

Aquarius: Career / Finance November 2022

Talking to strangers can help you achieve your goals, but be wary of people who might not follow through on their promises. You’re good with money and this will continue to serve you well in the future. Use your enthusiasm at work to push yourself further. For career luck this month, wear Mahogany Obsidian.

Aquarius: Monthly Advice November 2022

Success doesn’t come by chance – it’s the result of positive thinking and hard work. To prepare for success, get rid of any negativity in your life and start looking for opportunities. With the right mindset, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Pisces November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.
Pisces November 2022 Forecast and gemstone recommendations.

November 2022 Horoscope: Pisces

The first week is always tough as you try to get back into the swing of things, but by November 15th you’ll be recharged and motivated with fresh ideas. Currently, planetary influences are giving your projects a boost. You’re full of energy and feeling good–that’s great news! However, your love life may not be going as smoothly. Take advantage of the energy and make sure it translate to wealth by wearing a Moss Agate Bracelet. You’ll do whatever it takes for the one you love, but it seems like they’re always just out of reach. At work, you enjoy challenges and thrive under pressure. This is especially true around November 17th when you’ll finally have the opportunity to start your business venture. Your talents will be recognized and rewarded–you can feel proud of yourself for all that you’ve accomplished!

Pisces: Love in General November 2022

Your love life is full of potential, and the stars are providing you with guidance about your sentimental future. You’re feeling more tolerant and comfortable in your current situation, so things are looking up for you. Passion is waiting for you, so why not believe in your dreams? The planets are influencing you positively, so now is a great time to take advantage of that.

Pisces: In a relationship November 2022

By spending time with your spouse, you can work through any discord to maintain a healthy relationship. Planning moments or small weekends away together help keep the spark alive. You may even want to prepare a surprise for them – just be sure it is something they will appreciate.

Pisces: Single November 2022

If you don’t have love in your life, it can feel like you’re waiting forever. But the wait is worth it when you find someone who makes you feel special and important. Your chances of finding love are high around November 17. In the meantime, try to stay positive and show yourself in a good light.

Pisces: Career / Finance November 2022

Jupiter’s return to Pisces should bring you some good luck. You’ll feel happier and more comfortable in your pursuits. This newfound happiness shouldn’t make you complacent, though; use this time to deploy all of your talents successfully. Maximize your career luck energies by seeking the help of Garnet. If somebody tries to stand in your way, be patient and things will eventually work themselves out. On the financial side of things, if you’re expecting a sum of money that’s taking longer than expected, don’t worry too much about it.

Pisces: Monthly Advice November 2022

Pisces, based on your November 2022 Horoscope, don’t worry about the beginning of the month. You’re in good shape to meet new people or finalize a professional or personal project. Focus on your future and your ambitions. You’re in a great position to achieve your goals. Pour in more happiness by wearing or meditating using a Red Jasper Mala.

November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the 12 Animal Signs

The November 2022 Monthly Feng Shui Forecast is out. Along with it are the recommended healing gemstones and auspicious activations to do. Remember that when it comes to gemstones and Feng Shui cures and enhancers, Root Energy is key. Root Energy is the energy that you will inherit from the source of your gemstones and Feng Shui items. It’s important to make sure that this energy is as potent and positive as possible, in order to maximize the efficacy of your gemstones.

At The Mala Tree Crystal Shop, we have more than 10 strong years of experience in the industry. We ensure that each of our gemstones is programmed with only the most positive energy. With our high-quality programming, you can be sure that your The Mala Tree product will be imbued with all the power it needs to bring you success and abundance!

Here is a look at how the month of November will impact each of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs:


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Rat.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)


The November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast shows little promise for the Rat individual as it brings some challenges and material and financial loss. We would advise you to be careful with your dealings but some opportunities may be worth the try. Assess each proposal and then make calculated moves. Your risk may be worth the try. If something bothers you at home or in the workplace, address it immediately so you will be able to make some progress in the personal and professional areas of your life. If your immediate superior drops a hint of a possible promotion or a new project, do not turn it down. It could be the lucky streak you have been waiting for. 


This is a good time to focus on your personal relationships as they will give you the emotional support you need during this difficult period. You can also try and make some amends with someone you have had a falling out with, as this will help reduce stress and negativity in your life. The Rat should also try and focus on his or her health according to its November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, as some health problems may arise if you do not take care of yourself. Try to get enough rest and exercise, and eat healthy foods to boost your immunity.


Meditating with a Gold Rutilated Quartz Mala or Yellow Calcite Mala can help you to overcome any difficulties you may face this month. A Solar Plexus Chakra Hamsa Bracelet can also help to empower and strengthen to overcome any challenges.

For feng shui, it would be beneficial to place a Howlite Slabin the Southeast sector of your home or office. It must not be that prominent but just enough to be seen. Placing an Ojo de Dios of Love in the Southwest sector of your home or office can also help to improve your love life. Light a Dragon’s Blood Incense daily if you can, and place it in the East sector of your home or office. The Rat’s November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast tells you to observe your days. If ever there will be a series of not-so-good events, it’s time to use a Tibetan Singing Bowl with Mantra to stop the chain. Chant the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” while ringing the bowl to cleanse your space of negative energy.

Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast also recommends that you wear the colors green and brown this month to attract good luck. These colors will also help to ground you and give you the strength you need to face any challenges that come your way.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Ox.

Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)


This month will lack the inspiration you need and the purpose to move forward with your tasks and projects. According to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, you will have a tremendous amount of self-doubt due to the negative winds that will land on your sign. Be ready and remain unfazed for you will be able to sail through the rough winds this month brings by subduing the situation with the crystals associated with metal. In the love department, always keep the lines of communication open and be more understanding of your partner’s needs. Try not to argue with your significant other. Remain calm, this is not a good time to win in the game of love.


This is not the month to make any major decisions in your life. You will tend to doubt yourself and second-guess every move you make. If you can wait until next month to make any important changes in your life. In the meantime, try to keep a low profile at work and avoid getting involved in office politics. It would also be beneficial to spend more time at home with your loved ones.


Based on your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, it is recommended that you remain calm and achieve some clarity this month, we recommend that you meditate with the Beryl & Moonstone Arowana Mala. This Mala will help to convert the negative energy you are feeling into positive energy. It will also help to boost your confidence and give you the clarity you need to make better decisions. An alternative is a Moonstone Mala or Wrist Mala.

If you are feeling low energy this month, we recommend that you wear a Sacral Chakra Hamsa Bracelet as it will help to increase your energy levels. You should also carry a piece of Sakura Agate Tumbled Stone with you at all times so you can release any self-doubt that you may be feeling. To bring forth happy energies, we recommend that you place an Ojo de Dios of Wisdom in your home or office. A Gold Tiger’s Eye Slab on your work desk, altar, or living room will also help to give you the courage and strength you need to face any challenges that come your way.

Now when it comes to self-doubt, light a Feng Shui Metal Incense daily and place it in the East sector of your home or office. A singing bowl can also help to release any self-doubt that you may be feeling. Say your affirmations before ringing the bowl. The sound of the bowl will help to dissipate any negative energy that may be lingering around you.

For feng shui, it is important to have a strong metal element in your home or office this month. This could be anything from metal sculptures to metal decor, according to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.

We also recommend that you wear the Star of David Pendant and the colors white and blue this month to give you a sense of peace and calm. These colors will also help to boost your confidence. Also, it will give you the strength you need to face any challenges that come your way. The Star of David Pendant will also help to protect you from any negative energy that may be directed your way, and it’s metal so it will also help to increase the metal element which will benefit you.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Tiger.

Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)


Rough times are here for you and your significant other, but go with the flow and try to be more lenient with your partner. According to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, this is not a good time to resolve issues as tempers are quite high. Your self-confidence and natural charisma will bring you closer to people. This can open opportunities for you and your status in the workplace. Be more diplomatic with how you deal with your colleagues and the immediate people you are with. Try to listen to what they are not saying so you will have a better understanding of people and situations. 


To ease their monthly stress, the Tiger should try to remain calm and be more understanding of their partner’s needs. The Tiger should also try to avoid getting involved in office politics and spend more time at home with their loved ones. The Tiger should meditate with black tourmaline to protect him or her from negative energy.


To remain peaceful and level-headed this month, we recommend that you meditate with a Mahogany Obsidian Mala or Malachite Wrist Mala. These crystals will help to soothe your emotions and also give you the clarity you need to see situations for what they are.

To promote diplomacy and tact when it comes to your dealings, we recommend that you use Lapis Lazuli. Wear a bracelet or place a Lapis Lazuli Crystal Point on a prominent area at work and at home. This is a great crystal to have with you when you need to make important decisions.

Wearing a Ganesh Pendant will not only promote self-esteem but also get rid of success blockages.

For feng shui, for overall emotional and mental stress, hang a SoulThread Tribal Seven Chakra and/or Ojo de Dios of Good Health near the door. Boost confidence with the help of a Carnelian Money Tree that you can place in an area that you always see.

Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast also recommends that you wear the colors black and white this month as they will help to ground you and give you a sense of calm. These colors will also help you to boost your confidence so you can tackle any challenges that come your way.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Rabbit.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)


Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast looks good. In the workplace, you will have smoother relationships with your colleague. Projects will be finished without glitches as long as you will yield to the majority. You must practice diplomacy and learn how to win other people’s confidence with softer words and charisma. In the love department, you and your partner will have better days ahead. Singles are encouraged to go out on dates as the chance of finding love is high. 


The Rabbit should take advantage of their good luck in the workplace by being more assertive and taking on more responsibilities. In their personal life, the Rabbit should enjoy quality time with their loved ones. Time with family is also important to relieve stress. 


To help you remain happy and positive this month, your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends that you meditate with a Lapis Lazuli Mala. Wearing an Apatite Bracelet will also help to keep you in a good mood and help you manifest your goals.

For feng shui, place an Amazonite Plate or Slab in an area of your home or office that you spend a lot of time in. This will help to relieve stress and keep you feeling balanced. You can also place a Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz by your bedside to attract more love into your life. This crystal will fill you with hope and happiness. Keep a Tiger’s Eye Wrist Mala to remind you of your personal strength.

The Soulthread Swag Seven Chakra will benefit your health luck and also bring good energy into your space. Want to enhance your relationships? Light a blessed Sandalwood Incense especially when you arrive home from work to bring in good chi. Don’t forget to say your intentions before lighting it.

As the Rabbit is a gentle and sensitive creature, we recommend that you wear the colors pink and green this month, according to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast. They will help to bring you more happiness and love. These colors will also help you to feel more connected to those around you. Wearing a Divine Om Silver Pendant will also help to protect you from negative energy and center you.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Dragon.

Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


You will always feel the need to accomplish greater tasks this month, but we highly suggest that you pay more attention to the details. Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast says that you should enjoy the process instead of fixing your eyes on the end goal. In doing so, you will be able to appreciate the small details and find that some nuggets of wisdom are there for you to learn from. Learn a new hobby, engage in sports activities, and do the things that bring you joy to keep stress at bay. Learn to be at peace with yourself and not depend on others’ company, especially this month. Choose your company well.


According to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, the Dragon needs to focus on their mental and emotional health. The Dragon needs to find time for themselves to relax and unwind. We recommend that you try yoga or meditation to help you find inner peace. It is also important for the Dragon to surround themselves with positive people who will support them.


The Dragon should meditate with the Aventurine Mala this month to help them find inner peace and make sure that luck is always on their side when accomplishing tasks. A Citrine Wrist Mala programmed with intentions in your bag or pocket will also help to increase your motivation levels and bring you good luck. Now, to completely seal your winning energy, it is recommended that you wear a Gold Rutilated Quartz Bracelet.

For feng shui, we recommend that you place a Citrine Gem Tree on Quartz in the East sector of your home or office to help you with your self-esteem and bring good fortune. You can also place a Rose Quartz Slab in the North sector of your work desk to enhance your career luck. It will improve your dealings with officemates and bosses, according to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast. Lighting the blessed Om Incense will also be beneficial for the Dragon as it will help to cleanse the mind and body of negative energy. If you feel the bad vibes are just too strong, ring a Rustic Tibetan Ringing Dorje Bell 108 times to disperse the negative chi.

For support, we recommend that you use clear quartz. It will help you to communicate clearly with those around you. Hang the Ojo de Dios of Protection in your home or office to keep people with bad intentions at bay. A Soulthread Straight Seven Chakra near the window will also be helpful in deflecting negative energy.

Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast suggests that you wear the color blue this month as it will help you to feel more connected to those around you. Blue is a calming color that will also help you to find inner peace.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Snake.

Luck Rating: 2 out of 5

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)


According to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, there is a threat to your safety this month and you are susceptible to accidents and mishaps. Avoid risky activities and if you can, try to refrain from going out too much. There will be some glitches, but do not let these things keep you from moving forward. You will be able to reap the rewards of your hard work in the end if you focus on your capabilities and master them well. Take your time and do not make haste, your time will come, and when it does, you will be able to enjoy it better.


This month, the Snake needs to focus on their safety. We recommend that you avoid risky activities and try to stay indoors as much as possible. If you must go out, be sure to take precautions and be careful of your surroundings. It is also important for the Snake to surround themselves with positive people who will support them. Following the suggestions of your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast will improve your luck.


The Snake should use Rudraksha this month for protection. The Mala of the Sacred Seeds is a powerful Mala that will help to deflect negative energy and keep you safe from harm, especially if you chant “Om Namah Shivaya” while meditating with it. To tap into the energy of luck more, wearing a Life Path Bracelet based on numerology will also be helpful this month.

For support, we recommend that you use Tiger’s Eye and Rose Quartz. Tiger’s Eye will help you to stay grounded and have a clear mind. Rose Quartz will help to open your heart and feel the support of those around you.

In terms of feng shui, we recommend that you place Soulthread Half Lotus Seven Chakra in the East sector of your home or office. This will help you with your self-esteem and bring good fortune. You can also place Mandarin Ducks beside the bed to enhance your love luck.

Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends that you wear the color red this month. This color will help to keep you safe from harm. Red is a powerful color that represents courage and strength. Matching this with a Victorian Om Pendant will ground you and make you benefit from the Om Symbol.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Horse.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

HORSE (1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


Last month’s poor wealth luck comes to an end as you will finally enjoy a period of financial freedom and abundance will be within reach for you. Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast is better: In the workplace, things will run smoothly and a possible promotion is most likely. Your superiors and colleagues will better appreciate you and will value your efforts more. As good things happen to you left and right, remember to acknowledge the important roles your family and loved ones have in your life and do not take them for granted. The single Horse who wishes for a serious relationship may finally have it this month. 


The Horse should meditate with a Red Jasper Mala or a Carnelian Wrist Mala this month to help manifest their desires. For more protection and maximize their money luck, they can wear the Black Obsidian Piyao with Money Balls Bracelet.

For support, we recommend that you use the Rose Quartz Gem Tree on Quartz that should be placed in the Southwest sector of your home or office. This will help to bring more love and blessings from your elders and mentors in life. A Rose Quartz Carved Angel can also do this if you place it near your bed. Carrying a Howlite Tumbled Stone in your pocket will also be helpful as it calms your nerves and helps you to better deal with stress, according to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.

In feng shui, it is important to have a Selenite Plate in an area of your house where the moonlight can shine on it. This will help to bring more lunar energies and blessings into your home. Place your gemstones on and around the Selenite Plate, too, to cleanse and charge them with lunar energies. The Soulthread Outland Fringe Chakra is perfect to display near the front door. Each time you enter the door, be inspired by its chakra colors as the gemstones shower your home with positivity.

We also recommend that you wear the color green this month as it will help you to attract good fortune. Green is also a calming color that will help you to find inner peace and boost abundance. Seal your good luck energies by wearing a Laughing Buddha Silver Pendant. The symbol of the Laughing Buddha is very auspicious as it represents good luck, fortune, and abundance and will address inauspicious energies in your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Sheep.

Luck Rating: 3 out of 5

SHEEP (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast says that you’re just okay. Work and other minor activities should take the backseat this month. Your health must be given utmost priority, nurse yourself well, and as soon as it gets back to normal, you will be able to perform better. Your finances look good but you should not settle, so enhance this area should you wish to gain more. A time well spent with your significant other and your family will have lasting rewards, so spend more time with them. Single ones should pay more attention to themselves.


This month, the Sheep should focus on their health and well-being. Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends that you take some time off from work and other commitments to rest and recuperate. It is also important for the Sheep to spend time with their loved ones. Surrounding yourself with positive people will help you to feel better and recover more quickly.


The Sheep should use the crystal amethyst this month for healing, especially when meditating. The Amethyst Mala is a powerful mala that will help to ease stress and promote relaxation. If you want money to pour in, the Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction should be placed in the Southeast sector of your home or office.

For support, we recommend that you use Malachite Wrist Mala. You can use it for quick meditation sessions or as a reminder of your goals and prayers when you keep it near you. Boost the other untapped energies that affect your luck with the use of a Life Path Bracelet.

In feng shui, Lighting the blessed Rose incense this month will help you to feel more loved and appreciated, while a Green Aventurine Money Tree in the most prominent part of your living room will help to attract good luck and fortune. A Fluorite Slab can also be placed in the Southeast sector of your desk to enhance your wealth luck and aid you when you’re multitasking. This will address negative elements in your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.

Wearing the color purple this month will also help you to feel more connected to your spirituality and will promote healing. Match this with a Ganesh Silver Pendant to help you to overcome any obstacles in your path. Silver is also a healing metal that will help you to feel calmer and more balanced.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Monkey.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)


Your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast is above average, you should celebrate. This is the best time for you to let your star shine and showcase what you are made of. Map out your goals for this month, strategize, and then charge – you will be victorious. Set aside all self-doubt and trust that you can conquer the competition with your skills and wit. You may still be recovering from last month’s health issues but things will be brighter for you this November. Single ones should be out more often and are encouraged to use their time to be seen and make the world know that they are ready for love.


According to the November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, the Monkey should focus on their goals and ambitions. Have confidence in your abilities and trust that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. If you are still recovering from last month’s health issues, take things slowly and give yourself time to rest and recuperate. F


This month, the Monkey should meditate using an Apatite Mala. Apatite is a powerful crystal that will help to increase your confidence and self-esteem. A Garnet Wrist Mala can also be worn or brought to receive the blessings of the Medicine Buddha. For those wanting money to flow in, wear a Black Obsidian Piyao Bracelet or meditate using a Citrine Crystal Point to maximize the positive elements in your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.

For support, we recommend that you use an Iolite Bracelet to help you to see the truth in any situation. Lighting the Feng Shui Earth Blessed Incense at least once a week will also help to keep you grounded and connected to the Earth’s energies. The Monkey can also take advantage of the healing properties and sound healing capabilities of a Crystal Singing Bowl or any singing bowl.

In feng shui, it is important to have the Mixed Gemstones Money Tree as it houses different crystals that will help to attract good luck and fortune. A Rose Quartz Slab or Plate can also be placed in the Northwest sector of your home or office to enhance your luck in terms of career as it will help smoothen out any officemate creating obstacles in your path.

Wearing the color yellow this month will also help you to feel more confident and optimistic. Match it with a Ganesh Intricate Silver Pendant to help you overcome any obstacles in your goals, according to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast. Silver is also a metal that will aid in your healing.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Rooster.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


Last month’s weak life force and low spirit may have caused you some setbacks but things will slowly fall into place as you will regain the energy you need for you to recover from an uninspired October. As you set yourself up for success, your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast encourages you to be more sociable and reconnect with friends, and spend more time with your family and pets. In the workplace, you will realize that you have finally found the pace you need to finish tasks and your colleagues will appreciate your efforts more. Find the right balance and remember that there is more to life than just work and money. Feed your soul and find what brings you joy. 


This month, the Rooster should focus on their health and well-being. Create a supportive and positive environment for yourself, and surround yourself with loved ones. Reuniting with friends will also help to boost your mood and energy levels. In the workplace, find a balance between work and play. Make sure to take time for yourself, and do things that make you happy to maximize the auspicious energies according to your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.


This month, we recommend that the Rooster use the Citrine Mala. Citrine will help to increase your energy levels and motivation. During quick meditation sessions, a Gold Tigers Eye Wrist Mala can be used for its ability to give you a quick boost of energy. For those wanting more money to flow in, a Black Obsidian Piyao with Money Balls can be worn. It will also protect you from envy and people with bad intentions. An Aventurine Generator on your desk and an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction in your car or at home or office can also help to increase your luck in terms of finances.

For support, we recommend that you use a Citrine Slab or Plate in the Northwest sector of your home or office. This will help to enhance your luck in terms of your career. The Rooster can also take advantage of the healing benefits of a Soulthread Small Circle Seven Chakra that will not only facilitate healing in your home but will also help to reduce stress and anxiety, according to the Rooster November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.

In feng shui, it is important to have the element of wood in your home or office this month. This could be anything from a plant to a wooden table. Placing a wood element in the East sector of your home or office will help to bring you good luck and success. To ignite love energies, lighting a Kama Sutra Incense in the Southwest sector of your home will also be beneficial.

Wearing the color green this month will also help you to feel more balanced and feel more connected to nature and the earth. Yellow is also a good color to wear this month as it will help to increase your confidence levels. A Ganesh Square Pendant will also help to bring you good luck and fortune.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Dog.

Luck Rating: 4 out of 5

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)


Based on your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, some important life-changing decisions must be made this month, we encourage you to go make them but only after further thought and analysis. This month, luck will favor your sign. Perform your tasks with diligence, care, and gusto and you will be rewarded. With lots of things and decisions that need to be made, remember to perform routine physical and mental health checks.


What the dog needs this month is to focus on analyzing the situation before making any decisions. If a big decision needs to be made, take your time to think it over before committing to anything. This is also a good month to focus on your health. Make sure to eat well, exercise, and get enough rest. Maintain a balanced diet, exercise more, and take some time to rest especially when work starts to overwhelm you.


The November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends that the Dog meditate using the Aventurine Bodhi Mala, as it combines the luckiest gemstone Aventurine and the Bodhi Seed which is known as an auspicious seed. If you want money to come in, you can also meditate using the Pyrite Bracelet or wear your Life Path Bracelet. For support, we recommend hanging the Ojo de Dios of Love so you can benefit from the symbol and the properties of Rose Quartz.

Light the Feng Shui Fire blessed incense in the Northwest sector of your home or office for career luck. A Lapis Lazuli slab in your Feng Shui altar will also be beneficial. For love and relationships, we recommend that you place a Rose Quartz Money Tree in a prominent section of your living room and bedroom. You can also place a Soulthread Tree of Life Double Chakra in the East sector to bring good health luck.

Wearing the color red this month will also help you to feel more confident and courageous. A Hanuman Silver Pendant will also help to bring you courage, strength, and power.


The Mala Tree Crystal Shop's November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast for the Boar.

Luck Rating: 5 out of 5

BOAR (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


This month the Future Prosperity Star visits your sign and while it is here, make the most out of it. Remember that luck favors the brave and the bold. This is not the time for you to hold back. Release all doubts and trust that a great reward awaits you if you truly do your homework. Assess all proposals, project bids, and sales pitches during this auspicious period so you can double your yield. In the love department, practice patience and be more mindful of your actions. Singles must enjoy this time and must not rush things. 


Be more assertive when it comes to work and love this month. Remember that you are lucky, so make the most out of it. When it comes to your career, seize every opportunity that comes your way. In love, take things slow and enjoy the moment. You should also stay patient in love matters and do your homework before making any big decisions


According to the November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast, this month, we recommend that you use a Moss Agate Japa Mala to help you in your spiritual practice or meditation, and attract the abundance you need. If you want to enhance your career prospects, we recommend that you wear a Ruby Bracelet or Aventurine Pendant.

For Feng Shui, your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast recommends a Rose Quartz Crystal Point or Generator in the Southwest sector of your home or office will help to enhance your love and relationship luck. You can also place a Soulthread Crescent Moon and Star of David Crystal Grid in the Northwest sector to attract helpful people into your life. Now, using the Feng Shui Fire Blessed Incense will ignite the personal power of all the members of your household so make sure to light one frequently.

To prevent jealousy, backstabbing, and betrayal, an Ojo de Dios of Protection should be placed in the East sector of your home or office. You can also place a Mixed Gemstone Tree in your office to enhance promotion luck.

Wearing the color green will also help you to feel more grounded and connected to your roots. Wearing a Big Om Pendant will also help you manifest your dreams into reality, and activate the positive elements of your November 2022 Feng Shui Forecast.

November 2022 Feng Shui Overview

Self-doubt, insecurities, the evil eye, and bitterness have no space in November. Family bonds, romantic relationships, and friendships will have stronger connections this month. Spending time with loved ones and with people who matter to us most will be beneficial. The month will also prove to be auspicious for most animal signs as financial rewards will be ripe and ready for picking. Those who belong to organizations and businesses will have better opportunities and promotions are possible. Women will enjoy the month as they will hold power and authority. Crystals associated with metal must be worn to invite wealth and health luck. 

The month of November is a good time to focus on your wealth luck. This is the perfect time to invest in your future and to reap the benefits of your hard work. It is an ideal time to start a new job or business venture. If you have been waiting to make a change in your career, this is the month to do it! You may also find that you come into some unexpected money this month!

The month of November is also a good month to focus on your health and well-being. Crystals associated with metal must be worn to invite wealth and health luck. Although November is a good month for most, it’s always helpful to use crystals and Feng Shui techniques to increase your luck even more. If you’re looking for wealth, health, or relationship luck this month, consider using crystals that are associated with metal. By wearing these crystals, you’ll be sure to enjoy all the benefits that November has in store for you!