Guide to Proper Crystal Storage and Placement

Knowing how to store healing gemstones and crystals properly is a sign of a caring, responsible and knowledgeable crystal user. This goes for whether you’re going out for your daily routine, traveling overseas, or even leaving them in your space or altar. Proper storage is also important if you want to let your crystals hibernate and protect them from outside energies as well. This knowledge is also useful when you find that a crystal’s energy is too much for you and you want to limit contact. This article will guide you to the proper storage of crystals whether at home or when traveling.

Packing and Storing your Crystals

  1. Cleanse your crystals. You must repel any negative energy before storing them away from the rest of the world.
  2. Sort your crystals. For organization, you need to arrange them by categories. Some example categories are by chakras, colors, or according to intentions they are responsive to.
  3. Draping your crystals. You need a material that would insulate your crystals from outside energies when storing them. Silk pouches are advisable. However, organic and handwoven fabrics work best for a resting crystal.
  4. Using the right storage. When traveling not only outside energies affect your healing gemstones and crystals. The bumpy ride can also bring physical damage to them. Using a wooden box with several compartments is the best option. Make sure the box is fit firmly with all the gemstones inside safe from shaking. There are great options provided in crystal shops. So make sure to pay a visit before leaving town with your crystals

Sharing Your Home with Crystals

Healing gemstones and crystals are just too beautiful to just hide away from sight. But still, risks of bumping them over or even theft are there. You can drape them with fabric or use wood and glass casings for safety. But the thing is when they are insulated by these materials, they hibernate and stop releasing vibration. You have to keep the storage open for them to function.

Moreover, given that each type of crystal vibrates with specific intentions, each can serve in different parts of your home or workplace according to each space’s function. Listed below are some crystals that could go well in a type of space and how to store — or display — them properly.


Immerse the flowers and herbs in your garden with the energy for growth. Green or yellow crystals that resonate with intentions for growth should do the trick. Examples of these are green aventurine, moss agate, or green jade.


It is entirely safe to place crystals beside foodstuff. So put some in your pantry or maybe accent your kitchen table with one. It is recommended that crystals that are attuned to cleansing and good health be placed in the kitchen. Selenite and apatite are your best pick.

Living Room

The living room is a place where you accommodate visitors. As such, different energies pass through and stay — even the negative ones. Keep the good vibes and filter out the negative with negativity-absorbing crystals. Create a happy atmosphere in this social area with angel aura quartz, amazonite, and citrine.


The bedroom is the most sacred space in one’s home. It is the site where your most personal healing gemstones and crystals reside when you take them off to sleep. As such, it is important to keep this room well-organized. A neat and orderly room resonates with positive energy. When storing multiple crystals here, it is important to keep in mind the guidelines listed above.

We hope you found this article helpful in your understanding of how to properly store and use crystals for healing. Remember that each crystal has its own unique vibration and properties, so it is important to select the right one for the right space. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create an energetically harmonious home or workplace using the power of crystals!

Self-Affirmation and the Power of Healing Gemstones and Crystals

There is so much power in positive words. It is a fuel that creates, sustains, and nourishes. On the other hand, negative words weaken and destroy. This is true when talking about love for others or the self. Whether you’re just starting your day or entering a new phase in life, what you say to yourself has a significant impact on the unfolding of things thereafter.

Putting yourself down can be a bad habit but being good to yourself through self-affirmation is a practice that you can develop. It is a ritual that can help unify your mind, body, and soul. With the help of healing gemstones and crystals, positivity toward the self can be amplified. This practice can help not just as an everyday ritual but also every time you feel that you’re surrounded by bad vibes. Below are three easy steps to boost your positivity through self-affirming words.

  1. Among the healing gemstones and crystals, pick the one connected with your intention. Hold it as you enunciate your intentions aloud. The crystal will hold your intent and will stay with you throughout the day.
  2. Breathe in deep and let the air out slowly. Release any tension your body has before saying self-affirming words. Do it three times.
  3. Afterward, speak the words aloud three times. Three represents the mind, body, and spirit. It is also the beginning, the middle, and the end.

A Crystal for Every Intention

There are particular healing gemstones and crystals that suit your intentions. Pick the right one for the effect you want to achieve. Listed below are some of the stones that are attuned to the affirmative states you want to arrive at. Also included are some words or phrases that are attuned to these positive states.

Amethyst for personal growth. Amethyst is a catalyst for spiritual growth and enlightenment. It will help you actualize your fullest potential whatever your goals are.  With its help, speak to yourself that you will become a better person today.

Carnelian for creativity. Carnelian taps into your inner creative spirit. It brings out the child in you that is full of dreams and imagination.

Citrine or Yellow Jasper for happiness. Citrine and yellow jasper emanate sun energy. They are full of happy vibes and positive energy. These stones balance the solar plexus chakra. As such, it greatly boosts belief and willpower.

Pyrite for passion. As the name suggests, pyrite resonates with Fire energy. It is a stone of action, vitality, and will. It is particularly helpful with intentions related to career and ambitions. It encourages and brings an uplifting mood in terms of career.

Clear Quartz for strength. Clear Quartz is an amplifier of energy or intent. As a crystal that is very responsive to whatever energy input it receives, it is great for the unification of your being — mind, body, and soul.

Rose Quartz for self-love. Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. Let it hug you with loving vibrations as you believe in yourself as a person filled with confidence, grace, and beauty.

Unakite for believing in the power of the now. Unakite is a source of personal power and inspiration for leadership. It is a crystal that clears your path from the blockages that came from past experiences. This will help you appreciate what you have at the present.

Whatever journey or challenge you are experiencing right now, with a positive outlook you will see things through. Words have the power to influence reality. Put this fact in your favor. Make it a practice to speak of self-affirmations to bring you growth, love, or healing. Gemstones and crystals will help you send your intentions to the universe.

Five Ways to Make Your Healing Gemstones and Crystals Work

No healing gemstone and crystals can magically turn your life around in an instant. Indeed, they are your companion on the path of happiness and betterment. However, they just don’t work by themselves. You have to work with them — this requires your time and commitment. With your energy entering the process, potentialities abound.

Make the most out of your healing gemstones and crystals. Its positive vibrations will emanate as long as you observe consistency and your energy is focused on your intentions. Listed in this article are five practical steps that will reflect this.

Consistency is key

Wear your crystal for a set number of days. It can be for 10 or 21 days but 40 days is the most recommended period. Bathing and sleeping are the two exemptions to this rule. Never skip not even for a single day. Otherwise, you have to restart the counting of days.

This period strengthens the energy bond between you and your crystal. Consistency is the key. Observing the duration instills in the crystal your intent. It also instills in you positive affirmations, powering your determination and opening yourself to the positivity that the Universe may bring.

Imbue the Crystal with Intention

Setting an intention to your crystals is like assigning a job. As with everything else, things get done when the direction getting there is clear. The same goes for crystals. The purpose you give is the one that it will send to the universe. This gesture reflects on you as it reinforces your determination to achieve your intent. In a sense, your relationship with the crystal is a partnership with a clear goal.

Cleanse Your Crystals Regularly

Your healing gemstones and crystals will pick up energy throughout your day. All the energy that accumulates will eventually dim its vibration making it less effective. It will work well if it’s in a clean state. Cleansing your jewelry can be done in several easy ways. Immersing it in sage or palo santo smoke, exposing it to the sun or moon for four hours, burying it in the soil for 24 hours, or placing it overnight beside quartz or selenite to recharge are some of the ways.

Be Mindful of Your Journey with the Crystal

This means that you should keep track of your journey. Document the life events while healing gemstones and crystals are with you. Use it as a reference for reflecting upon your progress. This includes not only the good times but also the down moments as well. Acknowledge life’s ups and downs. See the negative things as an opportunity opened for you to be better. You can write it down. Or maybe you can do audio or video logs. Use the medium that you are most comfortable with.

Believe in Yourself and the Stone will Do Its Magic

Believe in yourself.  You are the one who has the power to make positive changes in your life. You are the one who desires your intention to be heard by the universe. The crystal you have is your friend. It will accompany you through your journey. However, on its own, it doesn’t create magic. You have to be committed and determined for the magic to happen.  Do this and your crystal friend will take care of the rest.

The five practical steps we’ve outlined in this article will help you make the most of your healing gemstones and crystals. By being consistent in wearing, cleansing, and imbuing them with intention, you can create a powerful energetic bond that will open up positive potentialities for your life. Remember to be mindful of your journey with these stones, document your progress, and believe in yourself-the magic will follow.

Crystal Basics: Things to Know at the Start of Your Journey with Crystals

You find yourself interested in the world of healing gemstones and crystals. But picking the right one may end up being a complicated task. Going to a crystal store, you’ll find that they all come in different shapes, colors and sizes. Besides that, they all serve different purposes. Without proper guidance, one may end up overwhelmed with all the options.

The power of crystals comes to you. Your crystal will choose you as much as you choose them. Given that, the first and foremost advice in choosing crystals is to simply trust your intuition. Look inside you, that is where the answer lies. Your spirit will naturally draw you to the healing crystals and gemstones it needs.

Choosing the right one will start your journey toward spiritual wellness. This article will guide you to taking care of your crystals, maximizing their positive effects as well as using them to set your intentions.

The Shape Crystals Take

The shape that crystals take matters. Despite the properties of a particular crystal being consistent, your experience with it may vary depending on the shape. Listed below are the usual forms available in crystal stores and how to utilize them.


This shape provides focus and amplification to the stone. It effectively manifests intentions as they continuously emanate your will to the universe even after use. Pointing it in a certain direction will direct its healing energy.

Tumbled Stones

These shapes have varying purposes. Their small smooth shapes make tumble stones portable crystals. Store them in a pouch and in your pocket to bring positive vibes with you.


The pyramid is a sacred shape that beams concentrated energy out into the universe. It helps in the manifestation of intentions. Write down your intentions on a piece of paper and put it underneath a pyramid.


The symmetrical appearance of this shape radiates energy equally in every direction. It will immerse you in brimming yet calm energy. They help bring harmony to meditation by holding two spheres in both hands.


Cube help create calm in your surroundings. It can be set into the four corners of a room to help establish a protective grid. It is also connected to the root chakra.


This shape keeps the stone’s healing properties close to your heart. It provides the spirit with the energy it wants to accept and emanate.


Harmonizers are a pair of cylindrical crystals. They help in meditation by bringing the balance of the body, mind, and soul.


This shape has many points forming on a common matrix. As such, higher energy emanates from it. Having one in your space will surely provide it with the desired energy.

Cleansing Your Crystals

Through time, the energy from your healing stones and crystals will dim. It is important for crystal users to cleanse their crystals from time to time. Listed below are cleansing methods you can do whenever you feel that your stones are not vibrating like they used to be.

  • Immerse the stone with the smoke of sage or palo santo.
  • Leave the crystal out in the light of the sun or moon for 4 hours (NOTE: Some crystals lighten when exposed to heat or the sun.)
  • Bury the stone in the soil for up to 24 hours.
  • Place the stone beside quartz or selenite. These are cleansing crystals that don’t need charging as their energies are constantly amplified and clear. In turn, they are used as charging crystals.

Setting Your Intentions with Crystals

Setting your intentions with the help of healing gemstones and crystals is really just a matter of reflecting within, keeping in touch with your spirit says, and dedicating yourself to it. All it needs is a little time and space for thinking clearly about what you want.

Dedicate just 11 minutes to sit and reflect on your intentions. Hold the crystal in your hand to sync with it. See your intention with your mind’s eye then say it three times when you feel ready. Do this as often as you deem necessary with your crystal. Store it afterward in a visible spot or altar to remind you of your goals.

Those are the basics of healing stones and crystals. Keep in mind to do these well and your crystal will take care of the rest. More information is available in your friendly crystal store, The Mala Tree Crystal Shop.