Tibetan Feng Shui and Mala Prayer Beads

Tibetan Feng Shui is the ancient art and science of creating sacred space. In the West, we often think of Feng Shui as simply the placement of objects in a room to create harmony and balance. But in its truest form, Feng Shui is so much more than that. It is the practice of aligning our energy with the energy of the cosmos so that we may live in harmony with all beings.

Tibetan Feng Shui is based on the belief that everything in our world is connected to energy. This includes our homes, workplaces, and even our belongings. By using Feng Shui principles, we can create harmony and balance in our lives. Feng Shui can also be used to improve our health, wealth, and relationships.

One of the most important aspects of Tibetan feng shui is the use of Tibetan-Style Mala prayer beads. Malas are traditionally made from 108 beads, and they are used as a tool for meditation, helping us to focus our minds and connect with our highest selves. In addition, they are believed to have the power to absorb negative energy and transfer positive vibes, making them a powerful tool for creating good Feng Shui.

The History of Mala Prayer Beads

Mala prayer beads have been used for centuries by Tibetan monks. The mala is used as a tool to help focus the mind during meditation and prayer. The mala is held in the right hand and the thumb is used to rotate each bead clockwise. As each bead is rotated, a mantra is recited. Mantras are sounds or words that are repeated over and over again in order to achieve a certain goal. The Tibetan Mala is different from the Indian Mala. The Tibetan Mala has markers on every 27th bead signifying the change of a life cycle.

Tibetan Style Orange Aventurine Om Mala

The Power of Mala Prayer Beads

Mala prayer beads are believed to have many spiritual and healing powers. They are said to absorb negative energy and transfer positive energy. They are also thought to promote peace, love, and compassion. Malas can be used for protection, healing, and abundance.

Tibetan Style TERAHERTZ Mala with Golden Guru Bead

How to Use Mala Prayer Beads

There are many different ways to use mala prayer beads. You can wear them as a necklace or bracelet, or carry them in your pocket. You can also place them in your home or office as an auspicious decoration.

Tibetan-Style MADAGASCAR ROSE QUARTZ with Gold Mala

How to Use Mala Prayer Beads for Good Feng Shui

There are many ways to use Mala prayer beads for good Feng Shui. Here are just a few:

1. Hang them somewhere high. This will help to attract positive energy into your space.

2. Place them on your Feng Shui altar or sacred space. This will create a focal point for your meditation practice and help you to feel more connected to your spiritual path.

3. Wear them as a bracelet or necklace. This will keep their positive energy close to your body and serve as a reminder to stay mindful throughout the day.

4. Give them as a gift. This is a wonderful way to share their power with people you value.

Tibetan Feng Shui is a powerful practice that can be used to improve your life in many ways. The use of mala prayer beads is just one of the many ways you can benefit from this ancient art. By incorporating them into your life, you can create more harmony, balance, peace, and abundance.

Featured Mantra: “Om Namah Shivaya”

One of the most popular mantras in yoga is “Om Namah Shivaya.” This mantra is often chanted during meditation or as a way to connect with the divine.

What does “Om Namah Shivaya” mean?

“Om” is a sacred sound that is often used at the beginning and end of yoga practices. It is a representation of the infinite universe. “Namah” means “to bow or homage.” “Shivaya” comes from “Shiva,” which is one of the main Hindu deities. Shiva is one of the most important deities in Hinduism and yogic tradition. He is known as the destroyer, but this doesn’t mean that he destroys in a negative way. Rather, he destroys old patterns and ways of being that no longer serve us so that we can make space for new growth. For this reason, chanting Om Namah Shivaya can be a way of asking for Shiva’s help in letting go of what is no longer serving us and making space for something new.

The Deeper Meaning of “Om Namah Shivaya”

This mantra can be translated to mean “I honor the divine within me.” When you chant this mantra, you are honoring your highest self. This can be a powerful way to connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings. This mantra is still widely used today by yoga practitioners and those who seek blessings and protection from harm.

The Benefits of Chanting “Om Namah Shivaya”

When you chant Om Namah Shivaya, you open yourself up to blessings from the Universe. You clear away your egoic mind so that you can connect with your true nature. This true nature is full of love, light, and peace. When you connect with your true nature, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities. All of your Unrealized Potential becomes Realized Potential. All things are possible when we connect with our highest selves. 

A Mala by The Mala Tree made from Rudraksha, a seed that represents the tears of Shiva.

Chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” with a Mala Set with Your Intentions

Om Namah Shivaya is more than just a sound or a set of words. It is a gateway into another realm altogether. When you chant this mantra with intention, you are tapping into something much bigger than yourself. Chanting this mantra with a mala allows you to access divine energy and tap into your potential for greatness.

The next time you find yourself feeling lost or uncertain, try chanting Om Namah Shivaya. This powerful mantra can help you connect with your highest self so that you can access your Unrealized Potential and tap into your greatness. By opening yourself up to divine energy and setting an intention for what you wish to receive, you allow limitless possibilities to unfold in your life! So go ahead and give it a try! See what happens when you chant Om Namah Shivaya with intention. You may be surprised by what unfolds.

Yoga Fashion: 7 Must-Haves

Yoga fashion has come a long way in recent years. Once upon a time, yoga clothes were mostly utilitarian and designed for function over style. But now, there are so many cute and trendy yoga clothes available that it’s easy to find something to suit your personal taste.

Whether you’re looking for yoga pants, a yoga top, a yoga bag, or anything else related to yoga fashion, there are plenty of options to choose from. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get some great yoga clothes.

Here are the fashion must-haves for anyone who is planning to practice Yoga:

1) Yoga pants

Yoga pants are a must-have for any yoga practice. They’re comfortable, they look good, and they’re easy to move in. There are lots of different styles of yoga pants available, so you can choose the ones that best suit your body type and personal style.

2) Yoga top

A yoga top is another essential piece of yoga clothing. It should be comfortable and flattering, and it should help you stay cool during your yoga practice. There are lots of different styles of yoga tops available, so you can find the perfect one to match your yoga pants.

3) Yoga bag

A yoga bag is essential for carrying your yoga mat, yoga props, and anything else you need for your yoga practice. There are lots of different styles of yoga bags available, so you can find the perfect one to match your personal style.

4) Yoga mat

A yoga mat is an important part of any yogi’s practice. It provides a cushioned surface to practice on, and it helps you stay aligned during your yoga poses. There are lots of different styles of yoga mats available, so you can find the perfect one to match your personal style.

5) Yoga props

Yoga props, such as yoga blocks and yoga straps, can be used to help you deepen your yoga poses and achieve better alignment. There are lots of different styles of yoga props available, so you can find the perfect ones to match your personal style.

6) Yoga mala beads

Yoga mala beads are a beautiful and meaningful addition to your yoga wardrobe. They can be worn as a necklace or bracelets, and they have a deep symbolic meaning. Yoga involves meditation, and mala beads can be used as a tool to help you focus on your mantra.

7) Yoga jewelry

Yoga jewelry is the perfect way to accessorize your yoga outfit. It can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, or ring, and it adds a touch of personal style to your yoga look. There are lots of different styles of yoga jewelry available, so you can find the perfect pieces to match your personal style.

Yoga fashion has come a long way in recent years, and there are now lots of stylish and affordable yoga clothes available. So get out there and start shopping for your perfect yoga outfit!

Whether you’re a yoga beginner or a seasoned pro, these seven fashion must-haves will help you look and feel your best during your yoga practice. So get out there and start shopping for your perfect yoga outfit today!

Feng Shui’s Chi and Hinduism’s Prana

Feng Shui and Hinduism are two very different practices. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the placement of objects in a space to create a sense of balance and harmony. Hinduism is a belief system that originated in India and teaches that there is one supreme reality that pervades the universe. Despite their differences, these two practices both believe in the concept of Chi or Prana.

In this blog post, we will discuss the similarities and differences between Chi and Prana. We will also explore how these concepts can be used to create a sense of balance and harmony in your home.

Almost The Same

In Feng Shui, Chi is the life force energy that flows through all living things. This is similar to Prana in Hinduism, which is the life force energy that animates the body and mind. Both Chi and Prana are essential for our well-being and can be harnessed through various Feng Shui and yoga practices. Though the words may be different, the concept is the same. Let’s explore how these two ancient traditions can help us create more harmony and balance in our own lives.

Feng Shui’s Chi

In Feng Shui, Chi is the universal life force energy that flows through all living things. It is believed that a home or office with good Feng Shui has strong and positive Chi energy while home or office with bad Feng Shui has weak and negative Chi energy. There are many ways to improve the Chi energy in your home or office such as using specific colors, placement of furniture, and adding plants. 

Chi can be both positive and negative. Positive Chi brings happiness, good health, and good fortune, while negative Chi can bring illness, bad luck, and disharmony.

The key to creating good Feng Shui is to create an environment that encourages the flow of positive Chi while discouraging the flow of negative Chi. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most important is to pay attention to the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element has its unique energies that can either contribute to or hinder the flow of Chi. 

For example, too much water element in space can cause stagnation and feelings of being overwhelmed, while too much fire element can cause argumentative behavior and destructive impulses. By creating a space that has a healthy mix of all five elements, we can encourage the flow of positive Chi and create harmony and balance in our lives. 

Hinduism’s Prana

In Hinduism, Prana is the life force energy that animates the body and mind. It is believed that Prana resides in the chakras, which are the seven main energy centers in the body. Prana can be increased through various yoga practices such as breath work, meditation, and asanas (yoga poses). 

Like Chi, Prana can be both positive and negative. Positive Prana brings happiness, good health, and good fortune while negative Prana can bring illness, bad luck, and disharmony. 

Chi and Prana are two concepts that are central to the practices of Feng Shui and Hinduism respectively. These terms refer to the life force energy that pervades the universe

Chi and Prana are both vital life force energies that play an important role in our well-being. Feng Shui’s Chi and Hinduism’s Prana are two ancient concepts with very similar ideas about life force energy. According to both traditions, this energy animates all living things and can either be positive or negative. The key to creating good Feng Shui or encouraging the flow of positive Prana is to create an environment that has a healthy mix of all five elements. By doing so, we can create more harmony and balance in our lives.

Yoga and Meditation: The Inseparable Twins

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. It is a system of physical and mental exercises that are designed to promote health and well-being.

Yoga is based on the belief that the mind and body are connected, and that by practicing yoga, one can achieve a state of harmony between the two. Yoga can be used to improve physical health, mental well-being, and even spiritual enlightenment.


The practice of yoga includes a variety of different techniques, such as breathing exercises, meditation, and postures. Yoga is often practiced with the goal of achieving a state of relaxation and tranquility. However, it can also be used as a form of exercise, and there are many different types of yoga that can be practiced depending on one’s goals and needs.


Yoga has many benefits, both physical and mental. Yoga can help you to be more flexible, have better posture, and have stronger muscles. Yoga can also help to improve circulation, respiratory function, and energy levels. The benefits of yoga aren’t just physical—yoga can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Yoga can also help to improve focus and concentration and to promote a sense of calm and relaxation.


There are many different types of yoga, each with its own unique benefits. Hatha yoga, for example, is a good choice for beginners as it is a relatively gentle form of yoga. Ashtanga yoga, on the other hand, is a more physically demanding form of yoga that is better suited for those who are already physically fit. Another type of Yoga is Bikram Yoga which is also known as “hot yoga” and is practiced in a heated room.

No matter what your fitness level or goals are, there is a type of yoga that is right for you. So why not give it a try? You might just be surprised at what yoga can do for you.

Yoga is not just for adults – it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In fact, yoga can be especially beneficial for children as it helps them to develop flexibility, strength, and coordination.


Yoga and meditation are often used together, as they both promote a sense of peace and relaxation. Meditation can be used to improve focus and concentration, and to promote a sense of calm. Yoga can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

There are many different types of yoga and meditation, so it is important to find a practice that is right for you. If you are new to yoga or meditation, it is recommended to start with a basic class or program. Once you have mastered the basics, you can then move on to more advanced techniques.

Yoga and meditation are both safe and effective ways to improve your health and well-being. So why not give them a try? You might just be surprised at the benefits.

Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, and mental well-being, or achieve a state of spiritual enlightenment, yoga may be the practice for you. There are many different types of yoga to choose from, so it is important to find the one that best suits your needs. Yoga can be an excellent way to improve your overall health and well-being.

Don’t wait any longer! Get on your yoga mat and start practicing today.

Using Gemstone Mala Beads for Japa Meditation

The practice of Japa meditation is an ancient form of meditation that has been used for centuries to help people achieve inner peace and harmony. The word “Japa” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “mantra repetition.” This type of meditation involves the use of a mantra, or sacred sound, which is repeated over and over again. The repetition of the mantra helps to focus the mind and brings about a state of deep relaxation.

Many people find that using crystals and stones can help to enhance the effects of meditation. There are many different types of crystals and gemstones that can be used for Japa meditation. Some of the most popular stones include amethyst, quartz, and black tourmaline.

When choosing a stone for your Japa meditation, it is important to select one that resonates with the energy of the mantra you are using. For example, if you are using the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” you would want to choose a stone that has the energy of compassion. If you are using the mantra “Om Shanti,” you would want to select a stone that has the energy of peace.

Each type of crystal has intentions they are attuned with. Ask The Mala Tree for advice on these properties. When done right, the crystal’s energy property will synchronize with the mantra, making it more effective in turn.

When you are choosing a crystal or gemstone for your Japa meditation, it is important to listen to your intuition. Go with the stone that calls out to you. The one that you are drawn to is the one that will be most effective for you.

If you are new to meditation, it is important to start with a stone that is easy to work with. Quartz crystal is a good choice for beginners. It is a very powerful stone and can be used to help you focus your mind and achieve inner peace.

As you become more experienced with meditation, you can experiment with different types of crystals and gemstones. Each stone has its own unique energy and properties. You may find that some stones work better for you than others.

Once you have selected the right stone, it is important to cleanse it before using it. It is also important to charge the stone with your intention.

After you have cleansed and charged your stone, you are ready to begin your Japa meditation. To do this, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Then, begin to repeat your mantra. Focus on the sound of the mantra and let it fill your mind.

As you continue to repeat your mantra, you may find that your mind begins to wander. When this happens, simply bring your focus back to the mantra. Continue to repeat the mantra until you feel a sense of peace and calm come over you.

Japa meditation is a great way to achieve inner peace and harmony. The use of crystals and gemstones can help to enhance the effects of meditation. If you are looking for a way to relax and find inner peace, Japa meditation may be the perfect solution for you.

The key to successful Japa meditation is to relax and let the mantra do the work. The repetition of the mantra will help to focus your mind and bring about a state of deep relaxation. Do not try to force the mantra. Simply allow it to flow through you and let it work its magic.

The Power of Mantras

Mantras are the powerful Sanskrit or Tibetan words or phrases chanted during Japa meditations or other kinds of yogic practices.

Mantras rise above words of affirmations when it comes to their potency. They are uttered for every bead in a Japa mala bead, and these words resonate with your intention.

Mantras are inseparable from Yoga as one of its earliest aspects. Written in the ancient Vedic scripture of early India, they first came from the visions seen by the Rishis during a deep meditative state. Back then, mantras were chanted as part of religious ceremonies and were often considered secret.

A mantra then is a tool to help control and focus the mind. The vibrations of the words create a frequency that aligns with your intention and helps to open up the subconscious mind.

When you chant a mantra, you are not only speaking the words but also vibrating them through your whole body. The mind, body, and spirit connection is activated and the benefits of chanting mantras are vast.

Benefits of Chanting Mantras

There are many benefits to chanting mantras. The most notable ones include:

1. Calming the mind: When we chant a mantra, we create a certain vibration in our bodies. This vibration helps to quieten the monkey-mind and bring us into a more meditative state. When the mind is calm, we are better able to focus and connect with our true nature.

2. Manifesting our desires: As we stated before, mantras are powerful words that resonate with our intention. When we chant a mantra with focused attention, we are better able to manifest our desires into reality.

3. Connecting with our higher selves: Mantras help to quieten the mind and allow us to connect with our higher selves. When we connect with our higher selves, we are able to access our intuition and guidance.

4. Healing the body: The vibrations created by chanting mantras can help to heal the body on a physical, emotional, and mental level.

5. Boosting self-confidence: When we chant mantras, we are reminded of our innate power and beauty. This boost in self-confidence can help us to tackle life’s challenges with ease.

How to Chant Mantras

Now that you know the benefits of chanting mantras, you might be wondering how to get started.

Here are a few tips:

1. Find a comfortable place to sit or stand. You can close your eyes if you’d like but it’s not necessary.

2. Take a few deep breaths in and out to help you relax and center yourself.

3. Start chanting the mantra slowly at first and then increase the speed as you get comfortable.

4. You can chant out loud or internally, whichever feels more natural to you.

5. Chant for as long as you’d like. A good rule of thumb is to chant for at least 3-5 minutes per day.

Now that you know how to chant mantras, it’s time to choose one!

Our Favorite Mantras

There are many different mantras to choose from, each with their own unique benefits.

Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Om: This is perhaps the most well-known mantra. It is a universal sound that can be used for any intention.

2. Om Namah Shivaya: This mantra is used for protection, self-purification, and to connect with the energy of Shiva.

3. So Hum: This mantra means “I am That” and is used for self-realization and to connect with the divine.

4. Lakshmi Mantra: This mantra is used to attract abundance, prosperity, and good fortune.

5. Ganesh Mantra: This mantra is used to remove obstacles and promote new beginnings.

6. Om Mani Padme Hum: This mantra is used for compassion, and self-love, and is considered as the most powerful mantra in Buddhism.

7. Sarva Mangala Mangalye: This mantra is used for general well-being and to invoke all the auspicious energies.

8. Gayatri Mantra: This mantra is used for wisdom, and knowledge, and bestows the energy of the sun.

9. Medicine Buddha Mantra: This mantra is used for healing.

10. Om Namo Narayani: This mantra is used to humble the ego and bow to the divine.

Now that you know some of our favorite mantras, it’s time to start chanting! Remember to be patient and go at your own pace. Chanting mantras is a personal practice and there is no right or wrong way to do it. The most important thing is that you do it with an open heart and the intention to connect with your Higher Self.

Activating and Energizing Your Mala

A Mala serves both as a meditation tool and a reminder of your intentions. Before wearing your Mala the first time, make sure to set it with an intention or blessing in mind before starting on this spiritual journey.

An Important Word: Intention

An intention is something you want to make happen in your life. These goals can vary and include everything from wanting healthier, more successful habits or the world travel bug! Whatever it may be that’s calling out for attention at this moment, intend on doing so.

Intention Setting Tip: Make sure you create specific intentions for yourself. Set an intention that is universal so it can be used daily. Simple intentions are best especially when starting. Use a mantra that resonates with you. Utilize your mala as much as possible until its presence becomes part of who you are.

Here are the basic steps in activating an intention into your Mala:

1. Find a quiet space when you can be by yourself, or when there is no one around.
2. Close your eyes, and imagine light surrounding the Mala. Imagine that light slowly descending onto your arms and into the Mala.
3. Say your intention out loud. If you don’t like speaking out loud and would prefer to keep it quiet, that’s okay. Visualize your intention, if you like, too.
4. Wear your Mala. Spend some time focusing your energy on this intention through meditation.
5. If you are using a new Mala, bond with it for 40 days by wearing it, keeping it in your pocket, or keeping it close.

Manifesting Your Intentions

Manifestation is defined as the action or process of bringing into existence something that is not present in a concrete form. It’s about intending your dreams and then becoming them. Having a clear intention behind your mala will help you manifest your desires into reality.

Here are the basic steps in manifesting an intention and re-energizing your Mala:

1. After setting your intention in your Mala, you can empower your intention so it will manifest.
2. Fill your thoughts with pictures of yourself achieving your objectives. Offer yourself constant encouragement.
3. Allow yourself to be at ease with all that you are. Get rid of negative self-talk and accept yourself for who you are. Instead of thinking “I can’t,” think “I can.”
4. Create a place in your home that is sacred and peaceful, where you can meditate on the goings-on of life to bring calmness into it.
5. Reflect on your goals.
6. Place the Mala, positive images, and encouraging notes that are important to keep with intentions close at hand. This will be an excellent way for keeping track of all those intentions.
7. Meditating regularly will help keep bad habits at bay by making room for good ones.
8. When you want something, it’s important to match your energy with the kind of thing that will make things happen for you. If we believe in our hearts and minds completely that whatever is desired can be obtained then certainly they’ll come true too. Claim it. If you want abundance, think that you are already abundant. If you want love, feel that you are already loved.
9. To manifest what you want, make sure any unhealthy connections from the past have been removed.
10. Meditation is a time to center yourself and get your thoughts in check. When something negative crops up during one of these sessions, just let it go–allow the present moment to take over instead.

That’s the basics of setting and wearing intentions with your mala! It may seem challenging at first to think about just one intention for the day but once you get good at it, it becomes second nature. After a short time, letting go of attachments and living in the present moment will become less of a chore and more effortlessly done.

© 2021 The Mala Tree. All rights reserved.⁣

Significance of Mala Beads in Yoga

The interconnectedness of yoga, meditation, and mantra chanting is essential to understanding the significance of mala beads. Each practice supports and enhances the others. When all three are combined, they create a powerful tool for self-transformation.

The mala has long been used in the practice of Yoga, and is especially useful for dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation), also called the Sixth and Seventh Limbs of Yoga, respectively.

Mala beads have been used in yoga and meditation for centuries as a way to keep count of mantra repetitions, or as a tool for concentration. Mantras are powerful words or phrases that are repeated during meditation. They can be chanted out loud or internally, and are often used to focus the mind and connect with the Divine. Malas are used to keeping track of mantra repetitions, as well as to assist in concentration.

Yoga and mantra chanting are both ancient practices that help us to connect with our higher selves and achieve a sense of inner peace. The use of mala beads in yoga helps to keep us grounded and focused on our practice. It is believed that the repetition of mantras can help to still the mind and bring about a state of deep meditation.

The use of Mala in practicing Yoga has been around for centuries. It is particularly relevant when it comes to the Sixth and Seventh Limbs of Yoga: dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation).

Holding a counter bead between your fingers brings mindfulness, dharana (single awareness) into a mantra repetition.  The beads help keep your mind clear of distractions, so you can focus on what’s happening in the present moment.  Through practice, dharana lasts for two beads, then three, then the whole Mala.

The mind then becomes still, and a continual flow of concentration is generated. It’s termed dhyana when the attention remains steady and continuous.  This results in a steady, continuous flow of attention known as dhyana.

At this point, dhyana enables the mind to become absolutely quiet and still.

Mala beads are a beautiful and sacred way to connect with the divine energy within us all. They can be used as a reminder to stay present and focused on our practice. By repeating mantras with our mala beads, we create positive vibrations that bring about inner peace and clarity.

If you are looking for a way to deepen your yoga practice, using mala beads may be the perfect addition. Choose a mantra that resonates with you, and see how the power of intention can transform your life.


Wearing a Mala

The Mala is a unique string of beads that can be worn however you want, as long as you treat it with value and respect. It’s first and foremost an instrument for meditation, but it’s also jewelry, and there are many ways to wear one.

Here we will show some tips on how to put on your Mala every day or while meditating:

Wearing a Mala During Meditation

Wearing a mala while meditating is popular among some people. It gives them the feeling of being grounded and anchored after experiencing so much energy during their meditation practice.

You can attune your energy to the mala by wearing it for 40 days. This is an excellent opportunity to break old habits and establish a daily meditation practice. Wearing the Mala as a necklace while practicing meditation can be soothing. It feels good and serves as an extension of your intention

Personal energy can get absorbed into your beads, so you will need to recharge and cleanse the beads from time to time.

Wearing a Mala as a Necklace

The most convenient and comfortable way to wear a mala is around your neck. The beads are not only an easy tool for counting mantras. The Mala can also be quite beautiful and feels natural on the neckline, giving you peace while going about your daily life. 

A high-quality Mala is made of semiprecious gemstones, crystal, and sacred seeds. Each of these materials has its own meaning and powers. Wearing a mala necklace is a good way to use the energy from these materials. Use them for your chakras and to benefit from the metaphysical properties.

You can layer and wear multiple necklaces with your Mala, especially those with healing metal symbolic pendants and crystal pendants. This will help you to work on your personal intentions while

Wearing a Mala as a Bracelet Wrap

There are two types of Mala that can be put on your wrist. One is a wrist Mala that commonly have 27 beads. A Wrist Mala is good for those who want to set an intention for themselves each day as they touch their bracelet throughout the day.

The second option for wearing a mala on the wrist is to wrap your entire 108 mala beads around your wrist a few times very evenly. Keep in mind not to wrap it too firmly as the mala may be damaged. Snugly tuck the tassel under the beads or let it dangle freely, whichever is more comfortable for you.

If you’re practicing yoga, be careful to wear your mala necklace or wrap the mala around your wrist since any sort of physical activity may snag the beads and cause them to weaken or break.

Left Wrist or Right Wrist? 

A draped Mala necklace may be worn on whichever wrist is most convenient for you. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to which wrist is best. It is important not to confuse wearing a mala on one’s wrist with how they are usually worn during mantra meditation.

The most important thing about wearing a mala is that you must be comfortable and in tune with your personal intentions.

Wearing a Mala is like wearing the Universe around your wrist. It should be comfortable and in tune with what you want for yourself, so that it can serve its purpose – helping lead us toward our highest good.

© 2021 The Mala Tree. All rights reserved.⁣